My Treasure | Jim Hawkins x R...

Par mxrshy_

68.8K 1.8K 303

Jim and you have been best friends since you were toddlers, and as you've grown, your relationship with him h... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Happy Birthday Jim! (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Christmas Special!

Chapter 8

3.7K 101 24
Par mxrshy_

Third Person POV

Jim and Y/N sit on the shrouds of the ship, staring out into the endless night sky. Y/N keeps her arms wrapped around Jim's shoulder for comfort, and he didn't seem to be disliking it. Silver approaches, resting his arm on the railing, a briar pipe in one of his hands. Jim fiddles with a rope, avoiding eye contact with Silver.

"It weren't your fault, you know," Silver says.

Jim lets out a sigh, not replying.

"Why, half the crew would be spinning in that black abyss-" Silver began to say.

Jim scowls, throwing the rope away and jumping down. Y/N climbs down the shrouds to follow after Jim.

"Look, don't you get it?! I screwed up!" he yells. "For two seconds, I thought that maybe I could do something right, and make Y/N proud, but.. UGH! I just..."

"Jim, please-" Y/N says.

She had never seen him this upset, and it pained her to see him in this state. He was usually a laid back person; he never yelled. Of course, there were times where he'd get angry, but never to the point where he'd shout.

He leans on one of the poles, running his fingers through his hair.

"Just forget it.. Forget it," Jim sighs exasperatedly.

Silver grabs Jim's shoulder and spins him around.

"Now you listen to me, James Hawkins," he says. "You too, Y/N L/N."

Jim looks up at Silver reluctantly, tears in his eyes as Y/N stands next to him.

"Yous two have got the makings of greatness in yas, but you gotta take the helm and chart your own course," Silver says reassuringly. "Stick to it, no matter the squalls, and when the time comes you get the chance to really test the cut of your sails, and show what you're made of, well, I hope I'm there, catching some of the light comes off yous that day."

"And Jim, you already do make me proud. Sure, there have been times where I've been disappointed in you, but that doesn't change my overall thought; that you're a great guy," Y/N smiles gently, rubbing her neck. "You're my best friend, and always will be, no matter what," she takes his hand before continuing. "We're both in this together, 'til the very end."

Jim sniffs, blushing slightly. He rests his head on Silver's round stomach, his hand still in Y/N's. Silver widens his eyes, and looks around for a bit. Jim cries softly, as Silver pats him on the back. Y/N hugs both of them, specifically Jim.

"There, there," Silver coos. "Lads, it's alright Jimbo, Y/N. It's all right."

He hugs Jim tightly, before clearing his throat.

"Now, Jim and Y/N, I- Uh-, I best be getting about my watch, and yous best be getting some shut-eye," Silver says.

He frowns slightly, watching as Jim and Y/N stroll toward the staircase. Jim comes to halt right before the stairs, glancing back at Silver with a smile on his face. Y/N was already on one of the first steps, but notices that Jim wasn't following. She looks back, realizing that Jim was looking at Silver. She too, glances at Silver with a smile. Silver smiles, waving awkwardly. Jim looks back and jumps down the stairs one by one, Silver frowning once again. Morph flies around Silver with a grin.

"Getting in too deep here, Morphy," Silver sighs. "Next thing ya know, they'll be saying I've gone soft."

Morph rubs his face against Silver's, chittering. Silver chuckles, rubbing his neck and walking off. Scroop stands on top of the beam above Silver, frowning.


They were already at the end of the staircase, before Jim suddenly stops again and looks over at Y/N.

"Hey... Y/N, can I tell you something?" he asks. "I've been meaning to get this off my chest for a while now."

She yawns, "Do you want to tell me tomorrow? I'm pretty tired right now, and I don't wanna doze off in the middle of what you're telling me."

"Oh, yeah that's fine," Jim lies, his heart tightening.

"Thanks, see you in the morning!" she smiles, patting his shoulder and walking off.

Jim watches her climb into her hammock, and then facepalms himself. Ugh, I'll never be able to tell her at this point...


The crewmates snore loudly, as Y/N tosses and turns in her hammock. She sits up and rubs her head, yawning.

"Ugh, so loud..." she grumbles, getting up and stretching.

She looks over at Jim, chuckling to herself when she sees that Mr. Zoff is sleeping over him, farting loudly as he snores. Jim falls off his hammock with a grunt, groaning in annoyance as he grabs his shoes and places them on.

"Hard time sleeping?" Y/N chuckles.

"Shut up," Jim scoffs, smiling slightly.

He goes to grab his other shoe, Y/N gasping when it moves away.

"Morph!" she laughs.

Morph, still in shoe form, runs away, disappearing behind a bunch of boxes and chests.

"Morph...?" Jim rubs his face, still looking exhausted.

He groans, getting up and tucking in his shirt. Y/N puts on her jacket, and follows Jim.

"Morph, knock it off. It's too early for this," Jim sighs.

Morph hits Y/N, causing her to tumble over and fall onto Jim.

"OW! Hey! Morph-!" Y/N and Jim shout in unison.

Morph sticks out his tongue and blows raspberries. He turns back to his usual self, laughing maniacally. Jim gets up, holding out his hand as Y/N takes it gingerly. Morph picks up Jim's other shoe, and flies away with it.

"Hey! Come back here!" Jim shouts.

Morph mimics Jim, not listening to him. Y/N suddenly pats down her pockets, noticing that her bracelet wasn't on her. Her face becomes terrified, given that the bracelet was given to her from Jim on her 12th birthday, and it was one of her most prized possessions. Without it, she probably wouldn't be able to function. She glares up at Morph, seeing it poking out from Jim's shoe. She mutters in disgust, before getting up.

"Morph!" she yells. "Give me back that bracelet!"

Morph begins to fly all over the place, causing Jim and Y/N to run around, trying to grab their belongings. They run out of the sleeping quarters, Morph still holding onto their things. Jim jumps, grabbing his shoe and Y/N's bracelet. Y/N trips, falling beside Jim as Morph flies into a gap. Morph flies back out, Jim sighing with a smile. Y/N strokes Morph, giggling.

"You're a pain in the a-" Y/N begins to say.

Jim eyes her, saying, "Don't you dare finish that sentence."

"Oh c'mon, you say that all the time! Why am I not allowed to say it?"

Jim ruffles her hair, smiling.

"No reason, I just don't want you becoming a rebel like me."

"Aww, so you do care!"

Jim huffs, a blush appearing on his face. Y/N punches his shoulder with a grin, noticing that Morph turns into a pufferfish looking thing. He deflates, spitting water at Jim and Y/N.

"That's it, you little squid!" Jim yells.

"Argh-! Come here you-" Y/N moans.

They sit up, reaching to grab Morph. He disappears into the sun-roof (A/N: I don't know what it is, jdskd).

"'You little squid, you little squid'," Morph parrots.

A smaller version of Jim and Y/N's face appear in between the gaps, jumping up and down as the two teenagers try to grab them. Jim hits his shoe against the gaps, Y/N watching with amusement. Jim stares at the gap a bit more, none of their faces popping up.


They walk down the stairs, Jim placing on his boot and Y/N fiddling with her bracelet. Jim slips, falling down the stairs, making Y/N snort. He grins, pulling her down.

"AHH-!" she cries out.

"Gotcha," Jim smirks.

She hits him in the shoulder once again, getting up and brushing herself off. They glance around the room, searching for Morph. Y/N points toward a barrel, and they both walk over to it, looking inside. Inside is just a bunch of purps, until a pair of eyes glance up. Morph looks away suddenly after seeing the two teenagers. Y/N laughs, Jim leaping in.

"Busted!" he cries.

Y/N falls in, landing with a grunt and rubbing her head. Jim grins, trying to grab Morph, failing as Morph continues to turn into little blobs of pink. Y/N stops, suddenly hearing a voice. She taps Jim on the shoulder, stopping him from stroking Morph. Jim looks up, grabbing Y/N and pulling her closer.

"Look, what we're saying is, we're sick of all this waiting," a shrill voice complains.

"There's only three of them left," a deep voice adds.

"We are wanting to move," another says.

Jim and Y/N peek out the gap in the barrel, to see four crewmates. (A/N: SO, IT TURNS OUT THAT THE CREWMATES ALREADY HAVE NAMES, ACCORDING TO THE DISNEY WIKI, SO I'LL BE USING THEM FROM NOW ON.) Hands stood on the very left, Grewnge next to him. Bird Brain Mary stood next to Grewnge, and behind her was Blinko. Suddenly, a familiar robot hand comes into view.

"We don't move until we got the treasure in hand," a familiar voice growls.

Jim and Y/N glance at each other, their eyes wide.

"I-Is that...?" Y/N whispers.

Jim puts a finger to her lips, gesturing for her to be quiet. He hugs her tightly to him, continuing to watch closely.

"I say we kill 'em all now," Scroop snarls, appearing behind Silver.

Silver grabs Scroop by the mouth, shouting, "I say what's to say!"

Silver grabs Scroop's neck and holds him up, Scroop thrashing around in Silver's grip.

"Disobey my orders again like that stunt you pulled with Mr. Arrow, and so help me, you'll be joining him!"

Silver throws Scroop to the barrel that Y/N and Jim were hiding in, causing the barrel to thrash around viciously. Y/N clings onto Jim, terrified. Jim quickly grabs Morph, keeping his arm wrapped around Y/N.

"Strong talk, but I know otherwise," Scroop snarls.

He reaches in the barrel for a purp, finding that there's none in there. Jim grabs a purp and hands it to Scroop, keeping away from the middle of the barrel. Y/N keeps her knees close to her chest, afraid to even breathe.

"It's that boy and girl," Scroop states.

Silver's eyes widen, as Scroop carries on. The mention of her and Jim makes Y/N listen attentively. What was it about her and Jim that was so interesting?

"Me thinks you have a soft spot for them," he suggests, poking the purp as he says the word 'soft'.

"Yeah," the crew mutters in agreement.

Silver glares at Scroop, and if looks could kill, Scroop would be dead by now.

"Now, mark me, the lot of ya!" Silver growls. "I care about one thing, and one thing only! Flint's trove."

Y/N could feel the tears coming, all her thoughts being crushed. Silver... doesn't care about us? She thinks, hoping that what she was hearing was all a dream. Yet, it felt all too real.

"You think I'd risk it all for the sake of some nose-wiping little whelps?" Silver says.

Y/N looks away from the gap, her shoulders heaving up and down. She clings onto Jim's shirt, feeling herself sink into his arms. It wasn't a dream, was it? What she was witnessing was real.

"What was it now?" Scroop pretends to recall.

He holds his hands together, acting sweet and heartwarming.

"'Oh, yous two got the makings of greatness in ya,'" Scroop challenges.

Silver widens his eyes, turning around in a flash.

"Shut your yap!" he demands. "I cozied to those kids to keep them off our scent."

Y/N looks up at Jim, to see that he also couldn't believe what he was hearing. His eyes were wide, and he was looking around in disbelief.

"But I ain't gone soft."

"LAND HO!" a voice suddenly calls out from the deck.

The crewmates cheer loudly, running to the deck. Y/N had unshed tears, Jim still having his eyes wide. He lets go of Morph, breathing heavily.


"There it is!" Onus beams. "Feast eyes and click heels if you got 'em."

The crew members came in one by one to view the magnificent planet, where soon they would discover treasure that could sustain them for a lifetime. A green planet with two rings around it could be seen, otherwise known as Treasure Planet, the planet that young Jim and Y/N wanted nothing more than to see. Bits of rock were scattered around the planet, floating there aimlessly. Silver patted down his pockets, muttering to himself.

"Where the devil's me glass?" he mumbles rhetorically.


Jim and Y/N climb out of the barrel, absolutely speechless. Silver's telescope was resting on a table nearby.

"T-That..." Y/N sighs, chuckling to herself, completely shocked about the whole situation.

Jim couldn't even walk properly. He stumbles over his feet, and steadies himself on the table that Silver's telescope was on.

"Please tell me that this is all a dream," Y/N says, choking back her tears.

How could someone they trusted so much do something like this? Betray them, backstab them, lie to them. It all seemed like a nightmare. Jim rubs his eyes, not replying to Y/N's request. He grabs her hand and heads toward the staircase, until Silver suddenly appears. Their eyes become wide, as they see the man who was about to cause havoc upon the ship.

"Jimbo, Y/N," Silver gasps.

He looks around for a bit with his mouth wide open, before walking in, changing his expression to a smile. Y/N and Jim walk backwards, Silver approaching them.

"Playing games, are we?" Silver asks.

Jim pulls Y/N behind him, replying, "Yeah. Yeah, we're playing games."

"Oh, I see," Silver rubs his chin. "Well, I was never much good at games."

His hands hide behind his back suspiciously, changing into a pistol without Jim our Y/N's knowing. Y/N peaks over Jim's shoulder as she hears a click.

"Always hated to lose," Silver adds.

Y/N reaches for a knife behind her, then places it in Jim's hand.

"Me too!" he suddenly stabs Silver in his robotic leg, grabbing Y/N and dashing off.

They hear Silver cry out in pain, before he falls over. He climbs up the stairs with a frustrated expression, then looks around for the two troubled teens using his artificial eye. He spots them running into the captain's quarters, and he bangs his fist against the ground.

"Oh, blast it all!" he cries, struggling to stand up.

He puts his hands to his mouth, making a strange whistling noise. The crewmates look at him, confused.

"Change in plan, lads!" Silver smiles. "We move now!"

Continuer la Lecture

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