
By OrnsteinSlayer

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This year begins in a plot future of 2020 As all of you Know Tom Felton decided that to have a Harry Potter R... More

Chapter 1: Harry Potter Reunion
Chapter 2: The Greatest HP Reunion Ever
Chapter 3: Amazing Day Ever
Chapter 4: Dinner At Seven, Char?
Chapter 5: Sweetest Love (Explicit)
Chapter 6: You Slept With- Tom...
Chapter 7: Soulmates And Always
Chapter 9 : Celebration Party
Chapter 10: I think I had Too Much
Chapter 11: I've Always Love You
Chapter 12: Two Red Lines
Chapter 13: You Have To Tell Him
Chapter 14: Were... Having A Child?
Chapter 15: Two Peas In A Pod
Chapter 16: Is it a Secret?
Chapter 17: A Merry Feltson Christmas
Chapter 18: Dinner With The Watsons
Chapter 19: Proposal And Desired Pleasures (Explicit)
Chapter 20: Not Wanting Each Other Apart (Explicit)
Chapter 21: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Chapter 22: Luckiest Day of Their Lives
Chapter 23: Happy Valentines Day
Chapter 24: Valentines Surprises
Chapter 25: The Unexpected
Chapter 26: Telling Everyone (Explicit)
Chapter 27: The Charity Golfing Match
Chapter 28: Adorable Baby Kicks
Chapter 29: Emma's Birthday Gift
Chapter 30: Emma's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 31: Lovely Days Goes On Forever.
Chapter 32: The Greatest Day Of Their Lives
Chapter 33: Getting Fiesty Aren't We?
Chapter 34: Mr & Mrs. Felton
Epilogue: 2 Years Later...

Chapter 8: Venice Beach

965 28 13
By OrnsteinSlayer

Author:Dont play the song yet guys

"Are you really 100% sure that their dating?" James asked. As everyone was in a Video call.

Daniel nodded annoyingly  "Yes, How many times do I have repeat myself. " he drawled annoyingly.

"How can you be so sure, hmm?" Oliver asked Daniel for proof. "I mean Tom, always jokes around you know, he maybe serious but sometimes he jokes, Dan." he said sarcastically.

Dan rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. The Phelps continued not to believed in him.

"Look, I'm telling the truth guys, I swear" he said frustratingly. 

"Look guys, you're making Dan annoyed with your stupid damn repeating questions Phelps" Bonnie butt in the conversation.

"Were just saying, Bon" The Phelps shrugged in unison.

"Emma told me everything about her and Tom. There I have proof you believe in us now?" She asked annoyingly.

The Phelps just looked at them and shook their heads at the camera.

Bonnie sighed and glared at two. If the looks could kill.

"I believe in Bonnie and Dan guys." Louis Butt in too with them. "I mean. come on guys" He shrugged.

"Umm, guys..." Mathew joined in too.

"What!" everyone yelled at Mathew from the camera view.

"Jeez, Don't yell at me. Why is it always me?" He mocked angrily on his line.

"Sorry Matt..." Bonnie quickly apologize. "What is it?" She asked.

"There on Venice beach." Mathew said.

"What?" The Phelps furrowed their brows "Proof" as they glared at Mathew Lewis.

Mathew flip his phone and show the picture of Emma and Tom who was taken by a paparazzi as he showed it in front of everyone in the camera.

"Ohh..." They Phelps said unison. "Sorry..." they frowned with their embarrassment.

"Well you better be." Dan glared at the two.

Bonnie sighed. "Its okay Phelps, You believe with us now?"

The twins sighed and nodded solemnly. "Yes Bon, were very sorry for not believing you, and also you Dan."

"You better be." She pouted.

"Now off with that long arse argument. I wonder what those two lovely couples doing now." Evanna said in a dreamy voice. Acting her character Luna Lovegood.

Everyone laughed.

"I wonder too..." Rupert said.

"Yeah me too..."Louis and Matthew said.

"Yeah... We four..." The Phelps joked. While imagining what Emma and Tom doing right now in Venice.

Author: Play the song guys

Emma and Tom were having a great time as they both walked along the white sandy coast of Venice beach. Willow was having fun playing with the water with her feet as she keeps splashing the water. They laughed continuously while watching Willow doing her splashy plays on the water.

"She always does that does she?" Emma giggled while holding Tom's hand.

"She does" Tom chuckled. "She does likes to play in the water, she never gets old with it."

Emma chuckled. "Really?"

"Mmhumm, She always does. There was one time when she push me off to the pool just by playing with her ball, she just went jump straight over my chess eventually pushing me off towards water." He chuckled while shaking his head in embarrassment.

Emma laughed as she watched Willow in the distance "She must be really crafty, does she?"

"Yep" He answered. "He even knock my bloody camera-stand while I was doing  live on Instagram." He laughed. "I always told her 'she's my dog'."

Emma chuckled as they continued to walk the beautiful sandy white sandy coastal beach.

As they continued to walked. They noticed two children whispering to each other while looking at them while giggling.

Emma and Tom looked at each other and smiled as they slowly approach the kids.

"Hi" Emma wave to the kids as they approached them.

"Hello." they said in unison. "Are you Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy?" They asked cutely.

Emma and Tom laughed at each other. The kids noticed barely recognized them in their Harry Potter looks.

"Yes." Tom answered. "I'am Draco Malfoy and she is Hermione Granger".

The kids giggled at the couple.

"Is there something on our face?" Emma giggled.

The children shook their heads. "Were just wondering how you punch him" the little boy said while pointing at Tom.

"Oh Salazar Slytherin..."  Tom cried in embarrassment.

Emma laughed at Tom as she glance back to the kids "What are your names?" she asked to the children nicely.

"My name is Zale"

"My name is Arlyn"

"We're twins and We love Harry Potter." They said in cutely as they giggled.

That made Emma and Tom laughed.

"Wow. I never thought you guys like Harry Potter hmm?." Tom said as he smirked at the two.

"Our mom and dad used to like harry potter that's why..." Aryln said while smiling at the two.

"Tell me Zale and Aryln, What's your favorite houses in Hogwarts?" Tom asked nicely.

"I've always like Slytherin." Zale beamed.

"I've always like Gryffindor." Aryln beamed.

Emma and Tom chuckled "Your parents?" Emma asked nicely.

Zale and Aryln just looked each other and glance back to them. "To be honest. We don't know" they shrugged.

Emma and Tom chuckled.

"Its okay." Emma smiled at the two.

Just then their parents notice their children and quickly approached them.

"Zale and Aryln I told you not to talk with strangers." Their mom Scolded, as they approached them.

The two just laughed.

"Were not mom, were just talking to Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy" Aryln said while pointing them out.

Their parents glance at the couple.

"Oh. My. god... Your Emma Watson and Tom Felton" They gasped.

Emma and Tom chuckled shyly. 

"It's nice to meet you Ma'am and sir" Tom smiled.

"Your children?" Emma asked.

The mother nodded lightly as she smiled shyly at them. "Yes."

"You have beautiful children" Emma smiled. As she glance at the kids nicely.

"Thank you. You guys are so beautiful and perfect too." She smiled shyly at the couple. "My husband and I are very huge fans of harry potter since the day we met" She said shyly as she looked at his lovely husband.

"Yep. Always." He smiled to her lovely wife.

Emma and Tom were AWE'D by the lovely parents. Their children really loves Harry Potter after all. They smiled.

"Awe. that's very sweet." Emma smiled to their parents.

"Whats Your favorite houses?, Can you tell us?" Tom asked curiously at the parents.

The parents smiled. "I'm a Ravenclaw and My husband is a Slytherin. He's a very huge fan of you Tom, he likes your musics too, he was very inspired by it." Her wife chuckled shyly.

That made Tom, very pleased and gratefully. He chuckled lightly. " Awe, Thank you so much man, I'm very glad you've liked it"

"Its always a pleasure Mr. Felton." He smiled shyly.

Tom giggled. "Just call me Tom, Just Tom."

"Okay. Its always a pleasure Mr- I mean Tom" He giggled shyly.

"Look maybe we should go now." The mother said shyly to couples.

Tom and Emma chuckled lightly. 

"Its okay ma'am, maybe we could have a picture with your children. After all they all like Harry Potter" they offered.

That made the kids beamed. "Mom, Mom, can we? Please?" they beg.

Their mother sighed as she looked at his husband. His husband smiled.

"Okay fine. if you insist my darlings" She smiled to her children.

"YAY!" They said happily.

Emma and Tom laughed as they looked at each other with smiles.

The kids went up to them as they all gathered for a picture as they smiled. They said their 'Thank yous' to Emma and Tom and waved their goodbyes as Emma and Tom, smiled and waved back to say their goodbyes, as the family walked off to the distance together with their children.

"Tom.." Emma said while watching the family walked off to the distance.

"Yes, Char?"

"H-have y-you ever wanted to have kids of your own?" She asked blushed shyly as she looked at Tom with her beautiful eyes.

Tom looked at her by surprised. "Y-yeah of course, maybe one day if we get married we'll have some beautiful children together, Char" He winked.

That made Emma blushed as she looked away.

Tom laughed "What? You don't want to have children with me?" He said in sad expression as he went to hugged her behind.

"What? Of course I want to. I want to have children with you." She blushed even harder.

Tom laughed as he slowly turned her around to face him. "No matter what happens. I'll be always there support you with our child, because I love you more than ever ,Emma." He said as he softly kissed her on the forehead.

That made Emma smiled as tears slowly fell down out of her eyes "Thank you..." She said as she went to hugged him tighter.

"Shhh-Shhh, Don't cry. I promised, I'll never leave you Char, because I always love you more than ever." Tom smiled softly as she wiped off Emma's tears with his thumb.

Emma nodded as she slowly let go off the hug and she was starting to feel better again and smiled softly at Tom.

Tom chuckled "Now off with that, Where the hell is Willow?" he said as while he looked around.

"Willow!!!" he shouted as she saw Willow who was digging at the sand.

Willow glanced up as she heard Tom's calling her name out. She stopped digging as she quickly went after them.

Emma and Tom laughed as Willow finally approached them.

"There you are, Emma and I, were very worried" he said while rubbing her face. "lets go home shall we Em?"

Emma smiled nodded "Yeah, lets go home its getting darker already." as she looked at sunset over the distance.

"D-do you m-mind... if m-maybe we can stay... together at the suite, Char?" he asked shyly.

Emma smiled excitedly and kissed Tom sweetly on the lips "I would love too, Tom"

Tom laughed as he held Emma's hand and the other is Willow, as they went towards the parked SUV.

They all hopped in, as Tom started the engine and drove their way towards Emma's suite.
It was was the most wonderful day they've ever had...

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