Fitting In Is A Trend


199 14 0

She once loved nature the way the flowers grew, but once her world changed the flowers ceases to, too. He has... Еще

Do not call me Charlotte.
Las Vegas
Eye Contact and Silence.
Gossip and Sobs
Some Lies and Some Bad News

Plan A

17 2 0

"What must you lay upon us now, Lydia?" Trent asked sitting down on the fountain with his back facing us. He splashed the water flowing in the stone tub, not really listening to what Lydia had to say. We watched him in confusion.

"What the hell are you doing Trent?" she asked

What the hell Trent, I wondered too.

We all watched as he slowly stepped into the fountain FULL OF WATER.

"Damn, it's cold" I heard him gasp.

He tipped toed over to the spout of the fountain that shot out water. He carefully bent over to retrieve something and pulled it out, his hands wet.

"It's a 20 dollar bill!" he yelled doing a silly dance, careful to not fall.

"Oh my gosh Trent, no one cares, can you be ruder?" Lydia growled.

"I can so," he replied trudging towards us.

"Ugh!" Lydia screamed in distress and she walked off.

"Wait" I began, "Is it not that important?"

Isabelle watched as Lydia click-clacked away with her high heels. She shook her head in disappointment. Or was it in annoyance who knows, she looked upset though.

"I'll just share what Levon told us..." she spoke.

She explained how Levon saw Megan and Mackenzie photoshopping a picture of my face onto a naked body in the computer lab. How they were planning to do a sexting scandal of me so I can drop out of the competition or just completely ruin my life. Their motive isn't really certain, but it is indeed fucked up. As she explained Trent blew on his newly found 20 dollar bill like a little kid blowing bubbles.

"... and she was gonna send it to everyone she knew, but before she could Levon unplugged the computers from the outlet. They cursed him out and stormed off. He's hacking into the system to try to delete the photo and replace it with her face-"

"wait, this is too much," I inturrupted.

"I agree. We shouldn't start this "war" with them yet," Trent agreed as he walked over to where Isabelle and I were standing. I didn't even know he was listening. " I think we should lay low for now. They can't know who's on Charlie team, they'll attack us all..." he explained.

Wait, what? So it's a game now. I stopped considering whether or not I should ask questions, and just decided assuming things would be much better. I assume that Isabelle, Trent, Levon and Lydia had talked about this "plan" without me happening to be there, so maybe that's why I don't understand this "plan". I also assume that this "game" is to try to ruin Megan's life. As well as Mackenzies and Angeline's. I'm so down for that. Another assumption is that this "meet at The Eternal Fountain" was a meeting to discuss our sinister plans to help me win the pageant or break into someplace because we are wearing all black. Can there be another reason? I think not.

"You get it Char?" Trent asked me nudging my arm.

"Huh?" I must've zoned out.

Before Isabelle and Trent could sigh, someone's phone started to ring. The loud sound started a throbbing in my head. Yay, another headache.

Isabelle reached into her sweat pants pocket and took out her phone. She swiped on the screen and put the phone to her ear. "It's Levon" she whispered.

Trent and I watched as she politely walked away, nodding and furrowing her eyebrows in confusion or concern. I'm not good at reading people. I will get better soon.

"So, what do you have against Megan and her companions," I asked Trent who was already staring at me when my gaze went on to him.

"Why'd you ask that?"

"It's just that she's such a bitch to me, and I'm doing this to settle the bullshit between us, but you guys," I say pointing to Isabelle on the phone," You guys, are helping me. Why? What did she do to you guys, or do you have an unknown hate for her too?" I asked.

Trent smiled at the sunset whilst shaking his head, his curls swishing away.

"I don't know Char." he said, "She's done a little bit of horrible-ness to all of us " he smiled.

"I don't get how you can smile and say that at the same time. What kind of "horrible-ness" she do to you?" I wanted to know. More liked needed too. The image of Aliz's explanation of how Trent started sobbing in an alleyway flashed in my mind. My mind which had a headache.

"You'll find out soon enough," he said averting his attention back to me, and with that Isabelle walked back over to us.

"So, I've told Levon to not send the fake nudes to everyone at school, how we should lay low and just come off all clueless and naive, and once we've got everything set up, we'll strike" she confided in total excitement.

"Wait, what's going to be set up?" I asked forgetting my plan to just assume everything.

"Damn Charlie, were you not listening to our talk earlier?" Trent laughed.

Isabelle gave me a smirk. What am I getting myself into?



"I was just kidding around,"

"That's the thing, you always kid around Tre! Grow up..."

"I would like to announce that I am "grown up", and that I am grown with a 20 dollar bill in my pocket."

"Yeah, a nearly destroyed-soaked 20 dollar bill! That could've waited, am I not important?"

"Are you kidding? No one can wait when money's involved!"

"Seriously, gosh- curiosity killed the cat..."

"What cat? What does a cat gotta do with all of this, Why are so many cats dying all of a sudden?!"

"You are so stupid!"

Lydia and Trent argued outside the computer lab while me, Isabelle and Levon discussed the plan for tonight. Levon charmingly answered my questions without a sigh or a disappointed shake of the head. So I shall update:

This is indeed a plan to take Megan down, with "down" meaning: removing her from her throne of popularity, with everyone striving tombe her and all. Yes, dreadful -I know, the majority of the girls that go here acting like mini Megan's. It's literally hell on Earth.

I also was told that afterschool Isabelle, Levon, Trent and Lydia always meet up at the Eternal Fountain to talk, and that they were gonna discuss "Plan A" for bringing Megan down. By the way, "Plan A" equals showing up to Megan's house party and projecting a video of Megan trash talking Angeline. Now, I did not ask how Levon got the footage, but I watched it and it does not seem photoshopped. I've never seen Megan cry before. She always holds this bitch-face and when she doesn't she's with her boyfriend Owen. Owen, I forgot about that dude. On my first day in this school, he gave my a tour of the place. Well, not necessarily, he was supposed to- nevermind I'll just explain it in a flashback ~

It was April something and the sun was out and burning up the place. I walked into the glass building that would now be my new school. The big place looked sort of like a science laboratory building. Windows everywhere. I walked into the main entrance and the air conditioners were on full blast. I could finally breathe. Once my eyes adjusted to the room I see a dude with dirty blonde hair leaning on a cylinder ledge that went all the way up to the ceiling. He scribbled something on a notepad and when the door closed he looked up at me. I was told I would be receiving a free tour of the school by their most trusted student, so I guess that's him.

"You Charlotte McGillian?" he asked me, stuffing his notepad away in his faded jean back pocket. He put his pen behind his ear as he walked towards me, in this "cool boy" way. Sounds cliche but it's how he really walked.

"Yeah, it's Charlie actually and, um I'm a junior transfer- new girl hahaa...from-" I explained moving my hands around for emphasise, but he soon cut me off waving his hand.

"I know, I know, I read your files this morning. I'm Owen Peters, senior at this lovely place" he said, and then, in a whisper "they told me to say that."

I laughed. Nervously. It all seemed surreal to me. I haven't spoken to someone near my age in weeks. The move from New York to here was such a drag. I was just tired I guess.

"I'm gonna be your tour guide this morning" he joked presenting himself with a curtsy, "and it's a pleasure to be guiding you" he winked.


Owen started the tour outside. He pointed out the outside cafeteria spot where a few kids sat to eat. I bet the others were inside the air-conditioned cafe. I wish I was there too.

We walked past the Eternal Fountain which was crowded with students, some splashing their feet in the cool water. Others running around, playing some game. We walked past that to another building that he called the "aberrant after school hang out place". He explained that there were rumors of a girl getting killed here but as we passed it, it was just packed with stoners. Some greeted Owen with complicated handshakes and this one dude offered me a blunt. I politely said no thank you and me and Owen walked off.

"Don't do drugs," Owen said to me, but his voice was so low when he said it, that I thought he was talking to himself.

We made it to the performance auditorium which was a long walk. This school is like a campus! He told me there's an auditorium for performances, one for school meetings (which was located in the main building), and one for graduations. We walked inside the performance auditorium and it was dimly lit, due to the fact that the only lights that were on were the lights onstage. We sat way in the back where it was very dark.

"Why are we here?" I asked confused as hell. I realized we only toured the outside of the school and that I don't even know where my first class is located! " Are we taking a break?"

"This is where I come to relax," he said sitting back in the reclining cushioned auditorium chair. " I wanted to get out of the school, don't mind me" he huffed gazing at the ceiling which was so far away.

The thought of him being the schools most trusted student ringed in my mind.I smell bullshit.

"Are you gonna finish the tour or...?"

"I have something to confess," he said looking at me. The dim atmosphere made his face look like a models or something. His blue eyes froze on my brown ones and I couldn't help but widen them. His stare was freaking me out.

"Nothing scary, haha I promised"' he smiled.

"We just met each other, what's there to confess?" I asked.

"Well, you see, hmm, how should I put this" Owen contemplated. "Well Charlotte, I'm not your tour guide," he said laughing.

"What? Then who ar-are you?" I stuttered.

He laughed. I didn't.

"Who are you? Are you gonna kill me!" my loud-yell echoed through the open space of the auditorium.

"Lower your voice new girl, I'm no killer" he whispered. " I just thought it'll be funny to do this." he laughed again.

I guess my face made him stop laughing because he did.

"Hey, look, I'll return you back to the office and you can get your real tour" he explained. "Just not yet, I'm waiting for someone."

"So you used me to meet up with someone?"

"Yeah, clever I know," he said walking to the exit and peering out the door."Where is she?" he mumbled to himself.

Wow, I thought. What an asshole.

He sat back down next to me and continued staring at the ceiling.

Bull, I thought. I got up and headed towards the exit but before I could open the door Owen grabbed my arm.

"Stop McGillian, I need you."

Our eyes lock, and I swear it was like a scene from a movie. The door I was about to leave out of opens and a beautiful girl with long straight brown hair and exquisite cheekbones stands in the doorway. She's carrying a white expensive bag on her arm, like how the stereotypical girly girl would carry a shopping bag. She's wearing almost no makeup and she has a green jumpsuit on with heels. Her jaw drops at the sight of Owen touching me.

"What is this?"

She speaks.

Owen lets go of me and consoles the girl. Not really introducing us.

"She's our ticket out of here..." I heard him say.

"You don't have to touch the ticket" she replied, and it had me thinking,

You actually do have to touch the ticket. You do buy the ticket don't yah. Wait, I'm no ticket!

"I'm Charlie, Hi. Didn't mean to come in physical contact with your friend. I get it, no touching lower class men" I blabbed. Tried to liven up the awkward situation. Failure.

She stared at me. Bitch face staring. The kind that makes you wish you didn'y exist. Or the kind that looks like she hates your guts. That kind.

"Owen isn't just a friend, he's my boyfriend," she staggered. She walked towards me with every word, like an evil villain. "...and no one puts their basic bitch hands on my boyfriend." she explained.

Wow, basic? Never been called that one before.

"Hun, chill out. Charlie is cool. Before we leave I gotta drop her off at the office." Owen interrupted.

"This Charlie has legs, she can walk herself to the office. We're late anyway."

"Where are you guys heading?" I asked innocently. I just wanted to be nosey.

"Nowhere" the girl said.

"Las Vegas," Owen replied.

They answered at the same time. Owens girlfriend gave him a deadly glare.

"Look Charlie, you've been a real help, but we've gotta run now."

"Quit talking to me like I'm a child," I said playfully.

"Quit talking to her altogether" his girlfriend snapped.

"What up your ass?" I asked her.

I guess my sudden change in attitude shocked them. They both stared at me with wide confused eyes.

"Something you'll never have." she replied suddenly grabbing Owen towards her.

Whoa, there Sherlock, I thought. I regretted my previous question.

"Ummm..." was Owens reply.

I couldn't grasp the fact that this was my first day in high school after months and it's already hectic.

"And with that," I rushed,"I'm gonna go."

I grabbed my book bag, swung it over my shoulder and walked out the door.

"Damnit Megan" I heard Owen say, "I wasn't even touching her."

The door closed before I could hear her reply. I walked back to the main office, alone.

If you ask me, that first day rocked.


Levon talked some more about "Plan A" and how we were gonna complete it tonight. Megan's house isn't far from the school but since we're all wearing black, walking the streets like that wouldn't look safe for others sake, so Isabelle said we'd take Lydia's van. Just then, we three realized we didn't hear Trent or Lydia yelling in the halls, so my lovely self-volunteers to try to find them. I did need to use the restroom anyways.

I walk out of the computer lab and the halls are dead silent. I check the hall clock and it reads 5:48 PM. I peep up and down the halls. I'm so good at finding people.

I hear something, a giggle. Okay, this is getting super creepy. Even though, I'm into scary movies I really don't want to be in one. Get it?

I turn down a hall and I see something just turn the other corner. I silently walk down the hall to where that mysterious thing turned down to and I ninja creep over the edge of the wall to look down the other hall.I see... Lydia?

Oh. Okay, I can finally breathe. Didn't realize I was holding my breathe.

It's a pretty dim hallway, the school is closed so the lights down there aren't on, but why is she down there by herself? She's swaying and giggling her hair moving side to side.Is she okay? I was about to call her name but then I see something, a hand around her waist. Is she hugging herself-wait? Another hand runs through her long hair. Who's hand is that? There's no one there.

Oh shit.

I move to get a better look. I squint my eyes so hard I get a headache. I see something and it's him. It's Trent and Lydia in the shadows. Their black clothing not helping me make out where they stand, but it's them, and great, they are not only hugging, they're kissing.

What is this I'm feeling all of a sudden. Betrayal, jealously? Why? I never would've had Trent even if my horoscope briefly describe how I would. Or am just thrilled with excitement.

I don't know what to do or feel. I just know that Lydia has a boyfriend named Gavin that's currently in college who's coming to visit summer break, and I know something he doesn't.

I turn around and walk back to the lab.

"Didn't find them, but call their cells they must be around here somewhere,"I told Levon and Isabelle.

It's gonna be a long night. Gosh.

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