Sea of Love (POTC 2)

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Annette, Jack, Elizabeth, and Will team together to save Jack from his doomed fate to serve on the Flying Dut... Más

Chapter 1: The Key
Chapter 2: Stirrings
Chapter 3: Bootstrap Bill's Warning
Chapter 4: Will's Return
Chapter 5: Cannibal Island
Chapter 6: Tia Dalma
Chapter 7: The Flying Dutchman
Chapter 8: Tortuga
Chapter 9: We Have Our Heading
Chapter 11: The Kraken
Check Out Book 3!

Chapter 10: Dead Man's Chest

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Por storiesRrandom

All night and day we sailed, and we had almost everyone scrubbing the decks, even Norrington. It was hard to recognize him without that prestigious white wig.

"Beckett?" Gibbs shouted as we were talking with Elizabeth and Jack by the helm. She was telling us how she found out that Lord Cutler Beckett signed with the East India Trading Company. Beckett was a name that had been coming up recently around the ship, infamous for his desire to kill everyone associated with piracy and rule the Seven Seas. His plan may seem absurd, but it is definitely plausible if he obtains the heart of Davy Jones.

Jack was looking at a paper, and gagged at the name.

"Will was working for Beckett and never said a word," Gibbs said, "Beckett wants the compass. Only one reason for that."

"Of course," Jack said, "he wants the chest."

"He did say something about a chest," Elizabeth agreed.

"We should never have trusted that... terrien," I said.

"If The Company controls the chest, they control the sea," Gibbs said.

"A truly discomforting notion," Jack said, almost sounding detached.

"And bad," Gibbs added, "bad for every mother's son what calls himself a pirate. I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails. Brace the foreyard!" He yelled as he ran off.

"Set up a stern chaser!" I shouted, running down to the main deck to assist with Gibbs. "Haul wind, it's the only thing on our side against the Dutchman!"

Jack and Elizabeth stayed up by the helm, discussing the papers that Elizabeth had in her hands that Jack took and shoved into his coat. I continued to aggressively captain the ship as I noticed Elizabeth walk away, frustrated and leaned against the ships railing. Jack made a muffled scoff, and walked off. I didn't care enough to ask what that was about. Not my business.

However, what I was interested in were those papers that Jack and Elizabeth were fighting over. As Norrington was making his way to talk to Elizabeth, I walked up to the helm where Jack was standing and flat out asked, "what were those papers, Jack?"

"Nothing you need to concern your pretty little head about, love," he stated plainly.

I let out an audible exhale and I drummed my fingers on the wheel as I waited for him to answer. His face twitched as his eyes rolled to me, probably to see if I was still there. I raised my eyebrows and Jack finally said, "you are not going to let this go, are you?"

"No. No, I am not."

Jack sighed, then he turned to me and in a low voice he revealed, "they were letters of marque. All right?"

My eyes widened. "Oh."

"A full pardon in exchange of employment to England. Already signed by King George II himself."

"For who?" I asked.

"For me."

"Are you going to take it?"

Jack shook his head. "I'd rather swing at the gallows than work for the Company again. But, you know who also requires a pardon? Dear William, Miss Ol' Whatsherface, and... you."

The ship creaked as we continued to sail through the Caribbean waters. Jack and I swayed with the ship, but his eyes were still solemnly fixated on me. Barely in a whisper, he said, "and there is only one person on that list where I would have no desire to see their life end with a short drop, and a sudden stop."


He stopped me. "Just, something for you to consider. Those letters will only save one soul, and I'd rather it not be one of them."

"Trim those sheets! Haul wind!" I heard Gibbs' distant voice order.

Jack and I looked at each other for a second more before I turned and jumped back down into the deck. I watched Norrington walk away from Elizabeth, and she took out the compass again, and then immediately looked up at Jack who was still standing at the helm, looking out through a spyglass. I felt a twinge in my chest, but I worked off the anger by pulling the ropes to help trim the sails.


We reached the island in our longboats, with a white sand beach of Isla Cruces greeting us. The history of this island was grisly: every one of the inhabitants were plagued and the priest had to bury them one by one until he went insane and hung himself many years ago.

"Guard the boat, mind the tides," Jack ordered to Pintel and Ragetti. "Don't touch my dirt."

Me, Norrington with a shovel, and Elizabeth followed Jack down the island with Elizabeth looking at the compass. Norrington paused which made me and Elizabeth stop. He looked out toward a nearby an old stone structure and he said, "I didn't expect anybody to be here."

"It's not," Elizabeth said.

"Do you know this place?" Norrington asked.

"Only stories. A church came to the island and brought salvation. And disease... and death. They said the priest had to bury everybody one by one. He went mad and hung himself."

"A better man than the rest of the world," Norrington said. He looked past Elizabeth, which made me follow his gaze.

Jack came up to us and said, "no fraternizing with the help."

He extended his arm out to allow Elizabeth to continue walking. She walked past him, and then Jack looked to me, expecting me to follow.

We all continued to follow Elizabeth down the beach as she looked at the compass. She kept getting turned around, finally looking up at Jack who was admiring the sea before turning his attention toward me. I quickly looked down, feeling myself blush slightly and hoped that he didn't think I was looking at him. Thankfully, my cheeks are more than likely sunburned so that could be my excuse.

"It doesn't work," she said before slumping down in the sand in an irritating pout. "And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most."

Jack scuffed over to her and peered at the compass, watching the needle. "Yes, it does. You're sitting on it."

She looked up at him, "beg pardon?"

"Move." He shooed her away with his hands.

She stumbled back, catching her footing as Jack whistled to Norrington to begin digging under where she was sitting. I stood aside, swinging my arms and twisting my torso to crack my back as we waited.

Jack sat down and began to meditate in the sand while Norrington dug. I inspected my nails, noting one that broke earlier while one of Jack's eyes opened to a squint. He ran his fingers through the soft white sand and looked up at me.

"I have always wanted to know what it would be like to sink in quicksand," he stated. It was a bit random, but I have become immune to Jack's irrational thoughts.

"Perhaps you should try."

"I would want to try it on someone else before me onsie... if I were to give someone some sort of paralyzing drug of some kind and put them on some quicksand and slowly let them sink... that is pretty bloody diabolical."

"Oh, Jack," Elizabeth winced with disgust.

"I think that would work," Jack finished his thought, staring off into the distance.

"There are some things that should just stay in your brain," I stated.

The shovel made a thumping noise when Norrington hit something hard in the ground. It made us all freeze and I shot my head towards the hole in the sand.

Jack's eyes shot opened and he immediately stood up, all of us walked to the hole and peeked inside. We used our hands to collectively brush the sand from the lid and together we pulled it out from the hole: the chest.

Jack used a shovel to break the lock, and quickly opened it. Inside were letters, papers, and scrolls, a pearl necklace, and among other small things. Beneath the papers, was another chest. Jack took it out, and we all pressed our ears to it. Inside, we heard a muffled heartbeat.

"It's real," Elizabeth said in astonishment.

"I can't believe it," I said, "how is this possible?"

Jack said, "there's magic everywhere if you're willing to see it."

Norrington said to Jack, "you were actually telling the truth."

Jack said, "I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised."

"With good reason!" A voice called out. We looked over and it was Will, soaking wet and walking toward us. A weight was lifted off my shoulders. Will was safe, and we can now all go on our separate ways.

"Will!" Elizabeth shouted, running to him and tackling him in a hug. "You're all right! Thank god! I came to find you!"

They shared a kiss, which made Norrington look away, heartbroken. I felt bad for the poor man until I remembered that he has tried to kill me at least twice in the past year so I let my feeling of pity subside.

Jack was just confused, "how did you get here?"

Will tried not to smile, "sea turtles, mate. A pair of them, strapped to my feet."

Jack smiled derisively, "not so easy, is it?"

"But I do owe you thanks, Jack."

"You do?" He knitted his eyebrows together in confusion.

"After you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones..."

"What?!" Elizabeth yelled at Jack aggressively.

"What?" Jack said in a high pitched voice, acting like he was surprised. One thing I've come to learn about Jack is that he will sell out anyone for his own personal gain. I've tried to distance myself from him so I don't suffer that fate of being betrayed by someone I care deeply about.

Will continued, "I was reunited with my father."

Jack looked relieved and extended his arms out as he said, "oh, well... you're welcome, then."

Elizabeth stormed over to Jack, "everything you said to me, every word was a lie!"

Jack nodded scornfully, "pretty much. Time and tide, love."

I heard Will take something out of his pocket and kneeled before the chest. I was confused until I realized he was holding the key. The same key that was drawn on that fabric scrap that Jack had been parading around.

"You have the key?" I asked him.

Will nodded, "stole it from Davy Jones."

"Oi!" Jack shouted, "what are you doing?"

Will revealed, "I'm going to kill Jones."

Jack drew his word and pointed it at Will. "Can't let you do that, William. 'Cause if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?"

Will stopped and sat back on his heels before standing up and putting his knife away in his belt. He said, "put the sword down."

"No, bad call. He loves his sword," I said.

"Now, if you please," Jack said, holding out his hand that was once again wrapped up. I frowned, and realized that the black spot probably came back. "The key."

Will, in turn, took out his sword and pointed it at Jack, making Elizabeth jump back with a gasp. "I keep the promises I make, Jack. I intend to free my father. I hope you're here to see it."

"I can't let you do that either. So sorry," Norrington said, taking out his sword and pointing it to Will.

Jack smiled, "I knew you'd warm up to me eventually." He tried to walk up beside Norrington, but Norrington pointed his sword toward Jack. I drew my sword and pointed it to Norrington while Will also aimed his sword at Norrington. Jack took a step back and took a brief moment before he swung his sword up to Will.

"Lord Beckett desires the content of that chest," Norrington said, "I deliver it, I get my life back."

It now finally made sense why Norrington was so eager to go in this venture with us. Beckett made him a promise too. Beckett really wants this heart for himself, he has recruited at least three pirates to assist him. I guess if you're given a full pardon, you don't really care what happens to anyone else. No pardon, with Beckett controlling the seas, will end every pirates life in bloodshed.

"Ah. The dark side of ambition," Jack said, his sword aimed at Will but he was darting his eyes between him and Norrington in a fleeting fashion.

"Oh, I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption," Norrington said, slashing his sword toward Jack who quickly blocked it.

"Why do you want it?" Will asked me as he pointed his sword to me.

All I knew about the heart, was whoever had it could control the sea. The power of that was too sweet to pass up. Besides, if I get the heart, I won't need to worry about those letters of marque or be running from Beckett for the rest of my life. And I know that if Beckett obtains the heart, my days will be numbered. Or, I could always give the heart to Beckett and receive the pardon for myself. Two very great options. I had to think for a moment, but the best answer I could come up with was, "for Jack, of course."

"Two against one against one," Jack stated with a scornful laugh.

Norrington pointed his sword at me and he said, "you are far too quiet for me to trust you. You're a bloody pirate, you must have another agenda." His eyebrows hunched over his eyes as he glared at me. He didn't seem too pleased with my answer. I couldn't read his face if he believed me or not. Jack certainly did.

All of our swords crossed above our heads and Jack looked at Will and said, "you cannot let him get the chest. Trust me on this."

Norrington gawked at Jack while Will squinted at him in confusion.

"You mistrust me and you will mistrust him. Trust me," Jack reasoned. Then he furrowed his eyebrows together, unsure of what he said made any sense in his own mind.

"He just wants the chest to himself," Norrington hissed.

"Pot. Kettle. Black," Jack stated and Norrington slid his sword out from our bundle and began swinging.

The three of us began sword fighting, running around the beach as Elizabeth tried to follow while yelling, "stop it!"

Will was knocked off his feet and the rest of us continued down the beach. Jack had the key, and I looked back as I ran to see Elizabeth rush to Will's side and he told her to guard the chest.

"No!" I heard her yell over the sounds of the swords clashing together around me. "This is barbaric! This is no way for grown adults to... oh, fine!"

Jack and I against Norrington against Will. We continued fighting as Elizabeth was shouting at us, but none of us were really listening to her. In fact, usually what she says goes in one ear and out the other. I try to listen, but I just can't handle listening to someone who has little idea about what they're talking about.

We continued running in circles around each other, and I accidentally went on auto-pilot and made a whack at Jack.

He quickly blocked it and he looked stunned. With our swords still crossed he said, "I'm on your team, love!"

I tried to apologize to him, but someone behind me slashed his sword right through the arm on my coat, stinging my arm as the sharp blade cut me. It was not as deep as the cut I obtained on my back last year, but it was still painful.

I spun around and saw Will coming at me. "You cockroaches want to play rough? Fine. I'll play rough," I said through my gritted teeth as I began dueling Will.

We kept running, and Jack and Norrington tripped over each other and they landed in the sand. Will ran over Norrington and grabbed the key. I heard Norrington spit out the white sand that got into his mouth from the fall. I was trying to run after him, but I tripped over Jack's legs and rolled in the sand.

Jack tried to whip at his ankles, but couldn't get to him. He said, "bugger," as he stood up and kept running. I shook the white sand out of my hair and started running as fast as I could through the soft sand to catch up with the key. I crouched down and grabbed a handful of sand and shoved it into my pocket.

Going around in a circle, Jack crouched down as Will and Norrington were coming to him from both sides, and he jabbed at Will's stomach. Jack grabbed the key, and started running away with me close behind. We ran through some plants, hoping to lose Norrington and Will.

We approached the dilapidated stone church, on top of a green grass hill. Without time to admire it, Jack slipped through an entrance and began racing up the stairs. I stayed below, watching from above. I saw the remains of the priest who hung himself, and it made me take a step back. Norrington came running in and he stopped to make a swing at me. I fought back, and grabbed the sand in my pocket and threw it in his face. He screamed out and stumbled back to the stairs and tried to rub the sand out of his eyes.

He forced them open, and they were red and severely irritated. He looked manic, but he realized that I didn't have the key. He said, "this isn't over, Ms Levasseur."

"Good, because I rather enjoyed it," I snarked back.

Norrington tan up the stairs and he caught Jack off guard. Jack reacted by kicking him down with his foot and scrambled up the stairs.

Norrington raced to catch up to Jack, slipping on a step while reaching for Jack's ankle, making Jack fall on the stone steps. Crossing swords, Norrington tried to grab the key but Jack hit him with his sword.

Will came running in, grabbing another rope and was launched up as Jack fell down, grabbing the key out of Norrington's hands as he went up, landing on the floor above.

"Did you get it?" I asked once Jack reached the ground beside me.

Jack looked at his hands, "no."

He ran off with me close behind. We reached a wall of rocks which led us to a fallen wooden plank that brought us to the roof where Norrington and Will were dueling.

Jack crept up behind the fencing men while I watched. He was careful about grabbing the key from Norrington's backward extending hand when he was dueling Will, and it quickly got his attention. He slashed at Jack, who jumped back and blocked it with his sword. Norrington hit Jack's sword so hard, it was knocked from his hand and the sword flung to the grass below.

Norrington turned back to Will, "do excuse me while I kill the man who ruined my life."

"Be my guest," Will smiled in both exhaustion and anger.

I took a small step onto the roof, and the shingle I was standing on came loose and caused my foot to slip. I fell to my back with a yelp, and slid off the roof. The shingles were scraping my back, like a hundred cat scratches. When I got to the edge, my timing was ideal as I pushed off my legs and flipped forward in the air, landing on my feet and started running off. I quickly turned back around and saw Jack still up on the roof.

Jack's eyes widened at my exit before turning back to the men. "Let us examine that claim for a moment. Who was it, at the very moment you had a notorious pirate safely behind bars, saw fit to free said pirate, and take your dearly beloved all to hisself? Eh? So whose fault is it, really, that you've ended up a rum-pot deckhand what takes orders from pirates?"

Agitated, Norrington yelled, "enough!"

He brought his sword up and Jack's jaw slacked. He ducked and somersaulted off the roof, jumping into a similar forward flip and landing beside his sword.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Turner, he's right!" I heard Norrington yell while aiming his sword to Will who blocked it with his own, beginning the struggle.

"Still rooting for you, mate!" Jack called out and started running away towards me and put the key around his neck. Once he reached me, he started walking alongside me with a cocky swagger through the graveyard. Unfortunately, he didn't see where he was going and he tripped and fell into an open grave.

I stopped walking when I realized that Jack disappeared. I spun around for a moment trying to find him, because I thought that he might have run off. When I looked down, I saw that Jack was face down in the grave.

"Are you all right?" I asked, trying not to sound patronizing because of his carelessness.

"I'm fine, just help me out," Jack said, putting up his hands. I grabbed them and tried leaning back to yank him up, but I got distracted as I watched Norrington and Will. They were dueling on top of the mill's waterwheel by the stone church, and the axle of the wheel broke off while they were fighting on top, and it came barreling toward us.

"Jack!" I said loudly, trying to get him to look back.

"What?" He asked, oblivious to the wheel. Before he had time to turn around, the wheel rolled over him. I jumped and rolled out of the way, and as the wheel rolled, it picked Jack up with it. He was stuck, and I could see his feet kicking in the air as it turned. I grabbed my sword, and started running after it.

I was unable to see what was going on inside the wheel, and it was going very fast. I ran after it, dodging plants and fallen tree branches until I saw Jack fall sideways out of the wheel and not get back up.

"Jack!" I yelled, running up to him. "Come on, walk it off."

His eyes shot open and he said, "the key! It's in the wheel!"

I offered him my hand to help him get up, and we began our run after the wheel once again.

"I thought it was around your neck!" I said as we were running.

"Gravity is not my friend, love. You can thank bloody Isaac Newton for that," he called back.

"I really don't think gravity is his fault," I said. I was surprised that he knew who Sir Isaac Newton was in the first place.

We finally caught up to the wheel, and it was Jack's duty to grab the key. He ran back inside the wheel, as I stayed out. My heart was continuously pounding out of my chest from running. Will fell inside, and I heard more sounds of swords. Pretty soon, Norrington was hanging off the edge and swung inside too.

Jack climbed to the top of the wheel, grabbing at a frond of a palm tree and yelled, "Annie, here!" And he tossed me the key. The key had lost its string, so I caught it and put it in my coat pocket.

The wheel kept rolling from under Jack, with Norrington and Will trapped inside the wheel, screaming together as it rolled down hill. The branch that Jack was hanging onto snapped, but Jack landed on his feet with a few coconuts landing at his feet. He put his sword back in its scabbard and he was about to say something to me, but something in the distance caught his attention. I followed his gaze, and noticed one of the Jones's men running off with the chest.

He grabbed one of the coconuts that had fallen from the palm tree and ordered, "duck." Without question, I immediately complied. I crouched to the ground as Jack chucked the coconut over my head at the pirate. I twisted my neck to see the flying coconut hit the pirate in the head. My head twitched as I imagined being in his position. The pirate's body fell over after knocking his head clean off, and Jack and I walked up together to grab the chest.

"Follow my voice, follow my voice," the head called out from the ground. His body stood up, trying to feel his way around his area. "To the left... no, turn around. Go to the right."

I had my eyes cheerfully on Jack as the reality of us finally obtaining the heart had washed over me. My urge to take the heart for myself was substantial, since I had the key. I knew that this trickery would cause distrust and cynicism between us, but there are some risks worth taking.

"Where's the key?" Jack asked. He didn't give me a chance to do anything before he stepped up to me and reached his hand into my pocket, his eyes not leaving mine.

"I could have gotten that for you," I hissed.

He pulled the key out and continued to keep his eyes locked with mine. "Good girl. Now you don't have to."

Jack squatted down to the chest while a thump occurred behind him. I looked over and the body had fallen.

The head said disappointedly, "no, that's a tree."

"Oh, shut it!" Jack said. He looked up at me and said, "if you please..."

I walked to the head, who began thanking me for taking him to his body. Instead, I drop kicked him and his head went flying with a scream, landing in an unknown area with his body still lost.

I walked back to Jack, who had already entered the key. Square security bolts suddenly protruded out of the chest. He turned it and opened the lid, the only thing inside was a giant heart of Davy Jones. The beating of the pink muscle was enough to make my blood run cold. Jack reached inside, and took it out and held it delicately in his hands.

"The heart," I said. My pirate greed overcome me as I hopped to my feet and pointed my sword at Jack. He glanced up at me with his eyes and I said, "I think I will take this."

"Why do you want it?" He sneered as he slowly rose to his feet but never took his eyes off me.

"Annette Levasseur, Ruler of the Seven Seas. It has a nice ring to it," I said, twitching my sword toward Jack's wrist. The sharped point of my sword skillfully nicked his wrist, and he tossed the heart in the air with a yelp. I snatched the heart before Jack could grab it, and I felt it beat rhythmically in my hand.

"Not funny— give it back."

"This feels good, I think I'll keep it," I said, brandishing my sword at Jack. The heart pulsed in my hand, and I tightened my grip on it.

"Do you have a problem with those things on the side of your head?!" Jack asked, referring to my ears. "Give it back."

"The feeling of pure risk..."

"That should be in the con column, darling."

"It's thrilling," I said with widening eyes, "quid pro quo?"

"Yes... squid pro ruoe," Jack's eye twitched and he made a face as he attempted to pronounce it correctly.

"I can't help but think that you are out to get me," I squinted at him.

"Believe you me, if I were out to get you, you'd be pickling in a jar on my shelf by now," he snapped back.

"Think of someone other than you for once," I said.

"If I have to choose between everyone else and me, me wins every time," he hissed.

Jack drew his dagger and pointed it at my throat. He stepped forward, his face of stone. I felt his fingers wrap around my hand that gripped my sword and he steadily guided my hand down to my side. I felt the thick fabric that was wrapped around his hand to hide the black rot press into my knuckles as he stepped forward, our eyes not leaving each other.

"You're French, just give up," he joked. Then he completed his joke by grunting like a stereotypical French man, "hunh-hunh!"

"I don't make that sound," I hissed.

Jack tenderly rested the top of the blade under my chin, and encouraged with the tip of his dagger that I lift my head up. I took his suggestion, lifting my chin up slightly to look up at him. Staring into his eyes made my stomach flutter and my heart beat arrhythmically. I slowly brought my hand up to the blade and pressed it deeper in my skin and delicately slid it across my throat. The cut wasn't that deep, but it made me bleed just a little, just enough to show him that I wasn't afraid.

Jack looked at me with wide eyes and I said through my teeth, "if you're going to threaten me with a knife, you might as well cut me a little."

I bent my elbow and jabbed it in his throat, which forced him to stumble back and let me go. He coughed and quickly replaced his dagger with his sword and he pointed it at me. He swung first, and I blocked it with my blade. Our swords clashed rhythmically, and I kept a tight grip on the heart in my other hand.

Jack tried to jab my arm, but I pulled it back just in time and fought back. His managed to flick his sword on my butt, which made me yelp with surprise at the sharp pain.

"Not funny, Jack," I said through my gritted teeth and kept fighting. I tried to slide my blade to his leg but he jumped out of the way just in time. Then, he hit my butt again with a strong flick of his sword which made me angrier.

"If you weren't trying to stab me right now, I'd be tempted to kiss you. You're so endearing when you're mad," he grinned.

Then, Jack performed a move I have never seen him do before, so I have no idea how he learned it. He hit my blade and caused my arm to snap back. He wrapped his arm around me like a snake, and pinned my arm behind my back. He pulled me into him fiercely, and I stopped. I could hear our swords sliding together behind my back. My shoulders were twitching against his chest as I tried but could not get out of his strong grasp.

"Are you done? Or did you not learn from your spankings?" He asked.

"I didn't know you had that in you, Jack," I said breathlessly.

"I'm full of surprises."

I exhaled sharply at him, our tension was building significantly as his face slowly inched closer to mine. The familiar smell of rum lingered on his breath that danced around my lips. My chest cramped as it begged to move, but I couldn't breathe. There was a fire burning in my blood that started in my stomach, and exploded to my fingers. His eyes dropped to my mouth, and his face was full of desire and hunger. That was until he looked past me and his face dropped.

I looked over my shoulder and saw that Jones's henchmen were running toward us, yelling. Jack released me from his hold and snatched the heart from my hand while I was distracted before he shoved it into his waist coat. He dropped to the chest, closed the lid and he ran off.

I stumbled back as the monsters were getting closer and closer before I finally turned around and sprinted through the jungle to catch up with Jack.

We didn't stop running until we reached the empty longboat that was still waiting for us at the beach.

"Jar of dirt!" Jack shouted, grabbing it from the boat. He opened it and dumped some of the dirt into the boat and stuck the heart inside, covering it up with the dirt again.

"I can take that," I offered.

Jack glared at me. "Absolutely not. You tried to steal it for your own personal gain."

I stammered before I said, "the point is moot now."

"Still no."

I marched off but heard yelling behind me. I turned back and saw a henchman coming up behind Jack. I called out his name, and he turned just in time to dodge the sword and grab an ore to fight him off. I stumbled back and landed on my bum in the water, and I grabbed my sword just in time for a sword to come down at me. I blocked it, and pushed the pirate off as I stood up and continued dueling.

Elizabeth, Ragetti, and Pintel were fighting off more henchmen, holding the empty chest. The wheel came barreling out of the jungle towards them, with Will and Norrington still inside. The wheel finally stopped in the water and toppled over, with Will and Norrington dizzily rolling out and attempting to walk off, only to fall into the water over and over.

As Jack was busy with the henchman, Norrington ran to the long boat and grabbed the booklet of letters of marque, and he noticed the dirt that littered the floor. I tried to walk over to him to see what he was doing, but I was promptly distracted by one of Davy's men who was coming after me, claws and all. When I looked back at him, he had run off.

Pintel and Ragetti tossed the chest into the boat. They were laughing as they tried to run off with the longboat, but Will and I came together to stop them by pointing our swords at them. Swordless, Pintel and Ragetti laughed uneasily at us and grabbed whatever weapon they could; which was an oar and a fishing net.

Will looked down at the chest, grabbed it and noticed that the key was inside. I spun around when I heard someone running up to us and had to stop myself from slashing my sword when I saw it was Jack. His eyes were intent on Will, and unsympathetically smacked him over the head with an oar, which made him fall unconscious into the boat.

"Cruel, Jack," I said.

Elizabeth ran to his aid and Jack shouted, "leave him lie! Unless you plan on using him to hit something with."

The six of us became surrounded by the crew of Davy Jones, and Elizabeth said grimly, "we're not getting out of this."

"Not with the chest," Norrington said, "into the boat." He reached into the boat and grabbed the chest.

"You're mad!" Elizabeth yelled.

"Don't wait for me," he said and ran off, with the sea-crew following him.

"Norrington!" I shouted, but he kept running. Why would he sacrifice himself to save us? He really does not like us enough to do something so heroic, so something didn't feel right about this.

Jack didn't seem to have this thought. He said, "I say we respect his final wish."

"Aye!" Everyone agreed and we ran off to the ship.

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