Healing Hale | Scott McCall

By enchantingherondale

281K 5.6K 1.1K

Brooklyn 'Brooke' Hale had fled the small town of Beacon Hills six years ago when she thought she lost all of... More

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5.1K 125 23
By enchantingherondale

✺ 𝓑𝓸𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓭 ✺

Brooke was back at school again, sat in the library, when the familiar sound of emitters rung through her ears.

Ever since the night at the hospital the nogitsune had taken over Stiles, who had gone missing. The nogitsune was also the one who he caused the whole disaster at the hospital and probably planned to wreak more havoc while controlling their friend.

Also, Isaac was being treated in the hospital were he was healing very slowly. Brooke felt guilty every time she thought about him since she wasn't able to help him as, apparently, the doctors would 'notice his sudden recovery'. She hated it.

And after all of that, the remaining teenagers had still been forced into school, much to Brooklyn's dismay.

She stood up from her seat, packed up her things and left the library in search of the sound. It led her to the basement where she saw Scott and the twins.

They all looked just as confused as her. Why would there be an emitter in a high school basement? They walked around a corner and got their answer.

Stood a few metres ahead of the group was the one and only Stiles Stilinski. Or the nogitsune. Who knows as this point?

The teenage boy turned around holding his hands up in defence. "Okay, I know what you guys are thinking, but it's me." he stated, "I swear to God, it's me."

The two twins rushed straight at Stiles, their claws and fangs out. One lifted him up by his throat making him drop the emitter which fell to the ground with a clang.

"Wait, stop." the Alpha shouted as one twin flung the other off of the Stilinski boy and into some lockers. Brooke ran to his side keeping him back and away from the commotion.

Stiles dropped to the floor and the twin turned to roar at Scott who had come up behind him. The Alpha roared straight back at him making both betas calm down.

Stiles had stood back up and was looking between his best friend and the twin before they both turned to him cautiously. "It's me, Scott. I swear it's me." he said quietly staring at his best friend. "I don't know where I've been the last two days or what I've been doing, but this is me. I promise."

"You know what happened at the hospital?" the twin Brooklyn stood next to asked.

"I know more than that." Stiles answered. He walked past Scott and opened up a duffel bag on the floor. "You see this?" he questioned holding up a folded blueprint, "It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring."

He began to unfold it, showing the whole thing to the boys and Brooke. "You see all these markings in red? That's my handwriting." They all took a closer look seeing how he labelled different areas and how the plan would work.

"I know I did this." Stiles continued, "I caused the accident. And everything in this bag, it's all stuff that could be part of something bigger." The bag contained rope, duck tape, tools and other concerning items.

Brooke's eyebrows drew together as she glanced at the boy sadly. A twin held up a large mechanical knife, "What the hell have you been up to?"

"I think something worse." Stiles confessed. Scott had his eyes trained on his best friend looking very sad. "A lot worse."

They moved around a table to pull everything out from the duffel bag. Stiles paced around watching the other four.

"What the hell were you doing? Building a Terminator?" a twin asked pulling out nuts and bolts.

"Thank you for that." Stiles said sarcastically.

"Guys this is a map." Scott stated holding the now unfolded paper in his hands and placing it flat on the table.

"Isn't that the cross country trail?" one twin asked as his hand ran along the paper.

"That's the Tate car. Where Malia Tate's family died." Scott said.

"You mean that's where her father put the steel-jawed traps." Stiles added. Brooke was as confused as ever. Who the hell was Malia? And what did she and her family have to do with anything?

The boys all shared a look which they expected Brook to catch on to. It wasn't a good look.

This wasn't going to be fun.

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

Brooke ended up piled in Stiles' jeep with him and Aiden as they drove hastily to where the map told them. The vehicle drove through the woods before Stiles swerved to the side of the dirt road.

Coach, who was previously sat on a boulder, jumped to his feet at the site of the supposedly missing boy calling his name. "Stilinski... whoa." he exclaimed.

"Coach, listen close." the teenage boy told him, the poor teacher looked so frazzled. Stiles explained the situation so quickly even Brooklyn was left not really knowing what was going on.

She, Aiden, Stiles and Coach took a shortcut and caught up to Scott and Kira in no time. "Stop, stop, stop! Everyone, stop!" the Stilinski boy shouted making everyone stumble to a halt.

The rest of the cross country team had reached them by now as Stiles looked to the floor. His eyes scanned over the ground as his hand brushed leaves away hastily.

Finding the end of a chain he gripped it in one hand and began to pull on it with the other. Everyone watched in suspense as more and more chain appeared from under the autumnal leaves.

However, Coach began to clap slowly when the other side had nothing on it. "Congratulations, Stilinski. You found a length of chain."

Poor Stiles looked so devastated. "Can somebody now please tell me what the hell's going on?"

"Hey, Coach!" Scott screamed as the teacher took a step forward only to trip a tripwire. Before anyone could blink an arrow was fired and lodged in the teacher's stomach.

Coach stood calmly for a few moment as everyone else let out shocked gasps and covered their mouths. After a few seconds he muttered, "Oh, crap." and fell towards the ground.

He lay on his back as the group of students rushed forwards to help. His white jumper stained more and more red as the amount of blood he was losing grew.

It didn't take long before he began screaming. The words "Get it out of me." repeated over and over in their faces as he squirmed around uncontrollably.

Without thinking, Brooke placed her hands on his chest to get him to stay still but she quickly retracted her hands when her eyes began to glow purple.

Luckily, Scott had blocked the track team, who had  moved to the side in one big group, from seeing the girl's healing abilities by placing his body in between them.

She shuffled to the other side of the screaming coach, next to Scott, and made sure not to touch him anymore. "Thank you." she whispered to the Alpha receiving a nod and a half-smile in reply.

Stiles had his hands applying pressure to the man's wound to try and stop the blood flow. "Coach, you're not going to die." he told his teacher after the man began screaming it.

"It will hurt less if you stop moving, Coach." one of the twins told the frantic adult. Though, he didn't listen and still carried on with his movements and shouting. "Stay still, Coach. An ambulance is coming."

The twin then began shouting to the team to get back and give the man some room. Scott made sure they were far enough away before grabbing Coach's hand.

Black veins appeared on his hands and went under the sleeves of his jumper as he took the injured man's pain away.

Brooke looked at the Alpha concerned as he grunted and whimpered in pain himself. He loosened his grip as there was no longer any pain to take away since Coach was now unconscious.

"I think he just passed out." a twin stated looking up at Brooke, Stiles and Scott. The Hale girl looked sympathetically at the Stilinski boy as he looked at his shaky, blood covered hands.

"I could of killed him." Stiles stated breathlessly, his eyes glossing over. "I could have killed him, right? What if it was his head or his throat?"

"But it wasn't." Scott told him strongly, willing his best friend to understand. "And he's going to be all right."

"I think I just heard and ambulance coming." the twin said.

Stiles looked up at the sound of both ambulance and police sirens, "And my dad."

❃ ❃ ❃ ❃ ❃

Brooklyn stood by Stiles' jeep next to Scott. The paramedics had loaded Coach into the back of the van and were beginning to drive away.

She watched as Stiles talked to his dad by the police vehicle before they grasped tightly to one another in a hug.

"Scott, Brooke, you better look at this." Ethan said. The two shared a look before heading over to the boot of the jeep where the twin was located.

He was looking through a suspicious bag he found in the back of the jeep. Scott and Brooke looked inside before the Alpha picked up a roll of wrapping paper.

"This is the same wrapping paper we used for Coach's birthday present." Scott told them. Stiles had proudly told Brooke about how they took the nails out of everything in coaches office and wrapped them in a box so that when he sat down everything collapsed around him.

She thought it was brilliant.

"Wasn't that William Barrow's thing?" The twin asked. William Barrow, Brooke had learnt was a criminal who set of a bomb to kill children with 'glowing eyes', aka werewolves.

"A bomb made from nails and bolts all wrapped in a birthday present?" the Beta continued to say, "Where did it go off?"

Scott turned to look and Stiles and the Sheriff before turning back to Brooke and Ethan with wide eyes.

"On a school bus."

✄ ✄ ✄ ✄ ✄

While Scott and the other headed to the high school to check out the possible bomb on a school bus that was currently terrorising the school, Brooklyn was arriving at the police station since her father had managed to get himself arrested.

She walked in to find all the officers running around everywhere and shouting. She looked around confused before she spotted Derek and Argent through a window so she went towards them in hope of a explanation.

A deputy was hurriedly undoing the handcuffs that held them to a bench which made Brooklyn even more confused. What the hell was happening here?

The Hale girl had just walked through the door to the room they were being kept in when her dad shouted her name in panic.

His eyes were wide and he was looked like he was distraught she was here, which could only mean he knew what was happening. And it was bad.

"Get down!" he shouted, trying to get to his daughter in time but even with werewolf speed he knew he wasn't going to make it, so he covered Argent instead.

Not even a second later a bomb had gone off. Broken glass, pieces of wood and even nails flew everywhere as Brooke was knocked off her feet and onto the floor.

The door was completely knocked of its hinges and it slammed straight into the Hale girl's side. Sprawled on the floor winded, Brooke felt all the debris that flew past her cut her skin and bruise her.

Her ears were ringing as the last of the bomb's explosion settled down. She slowly regained her hearing only to hear people crying out in pain.

Then the pain hit her. Her side was throbbing from the whack it had received and the small cuts she'd revived from the debris stung.

But worst off all, her right arm was giving her immense pain and when she looked at it she realised why. A massive shard of glass protruded out from the skin and lots of blood was gushing out.

However, the pain wasn't the worst when the thought crossed her mind that she was very lucky to still be alive.

She lay there on her back whimpering, a few tears escaping her eyes. But she couldn't give into the pain, she had to suppress the purple her eyes were begging to glow, and it was taking a lot of concentration.

Seconds later she heard the sheriff calling for an ambulance urgently and Scott and Stiles rushing into the station.

Stiles ran for a dying officer and Scott went to do the same until he saw Brooklyn laying of the floor, hurt. He kneeled down next to the girl scanning over her injuries, concern written clearly in his eyes.

"Scott," she whimpered out, for the first time in a long time allowing herself to be vulnerable in front of someone, "it hurts."

"I know. I know." he whispered soothingly to the injured girl. He ripped of a part of his shirt, taking out the shard off glass from the girl's skin before tying the fabric tightly around her arm to try and slow down the blood flow.

Brooke stared at the boy as he helped her, she'd forgotten what it was truly like to have people their to help when she'd gone without it for six years.

He gave her a small smile before taking her hand in his and relieving her off some pain. Relief washed through her body whilst Scott's tensed up.

He was surprised by how much pain the small girl could take, most grown men would be screaming out while she lay there calmly.

Brooklyn slipped her hand away before too long, knowing what happens when you go too far. The pain was still very much there but Scott had made it more tolerable.

"Thank you." she told him sincerely. He gave her a small smile back while he brushed the hair from her forehead. He was still very worried for her and because of that, he knew from them on he would do everything in his power to stop her from being hurt again.

Brooke's dad soon came slowly over, no matter how badly injured, desperate to see his daughter. He slumped down next to her shakily pulling her head into his lap.

He looked for any lethal injuries on her body and even though she was badly hurt, she wouldn't leave him and that made him slightly happier.

He saw the handiwork Scott had done on her arm and he turned to the boy who'd taken a couple steps back to give the family enough room. "Thank you so much." he told the boy gratefully.

Brooke took a glance at her father looking at Scott and saw nothing but respect in his green eyes.

The Hale girl felt her eyes getting more and more heavy and being too drained to fight it, she fell into the darkness.

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