A visitor (discontinued)

By GG_coolgirl

1K 143 11

This story has been discontinued. It's a lot of old writing and the plot doesn't make much sense. Beware A d... More

1 - A stormy night
2 - Him
3 - Stupid rain!
4 - Old friend
5 - Goodbye?
6 - Fan sign
7 - Confessing
8 - older sister
9 - Backstage pass
10 - Don't tell everyone
11- Sick
12 - Sick pt2
13 - Birthday
14 - Birthday p2
Tail?! 15
17- the concert
18- concert
19 cuddles!
20- oh no
21 another like me
22- uh-oh
23-more crazy, joyful...
24 - lets watch a movie
25- awwwooooo
27 - but I can still worry
28-oh no
29- answers?
Not an update
30- counting
31- how do we get home?
32- let's go

33- home

1 1 0
By GG_coolgirl

Grace had fallen asleep in the backseat and Yoongi was curled in on himself like he was carsick while Hoseok hurried to get them back to the house, screeching the tires to a halt inside the garage and hearing footsteps from inside the house. Yoongi groaned and looked up. "Are we home?" 

"Ya. Ya we're home." Hoseok open the back door and gently shakes Grace's shoulder gently. "Grace." He gets no response and slightly panics a little before he sees her roll onto her side, "Hey, babe we gotta go inside. We're home now." He says.

"Home?.." she slurs our. "Ya, home." Hoseok confirms. She slowly sits up and looks at him, her eyes seemingly glazed over. He furrows his eyebrows before helping her out of the car and heading inside, hoping the glazed look was just from being asleep. 

Once the door shut behind them her ears perked up and her eyes cleared. Sniffing the air she looks around a bit before settling her gaze back onto Hoseok. "Home." She says with a soft smile. 

Yoongi had gone ahead of them and found everyone else in the living room. "Yoongi," Jimin gasped. "What about him Jimin? We all miss him too and right now is not the tim-" Namjoon stops talking when he sees him. "YOONGI!" He yells as he fought with his crutches to hurry over, quickly helped by Jimin as everyone else also ran over and hugged him. Yoongi let out a tired sob and melted into the hug. He was home, he was alright. Everyone hugged him tighter and whispered comforting words as he calmed down. "No ears?..." Taehyung takes notice. Yoongi blinks a few times before realizing the extra ears on his head were indeed gone. He gasps. "So they did help..." he mutters, turning to find his previous cat tail gone as well.

"What do you mean Yoongi? Where's Grace? Is she ok? Are you ok?.... what happened?" Namjoon asked. 

"Can we sit down and talk about this? And Grace is ok, I'm not sure what happened to her while we where there but I figure she can tell you." Yoongi starts walking towards the living room and waits for Hoseok and Grace to catch up to them. 

Hoseok gently took her hand and smiled, "I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't found you- rather, you and Yoongi found me." He looks up to her eyes and sees then slightly glazed over again. "Grace?"

Slightly shaking her head she blinks and looks back at him. "Hm? Sorry, I guess I spaced out." She awkwardly grins. "Let's get inside and go find everyone." Hoseok nods and walks with her into the house and following the soft chatter towards the living room.

"Grace!" Several people yelled at once and ran towards her, none as fast as LJ. They all spoke at once and her ears twitched as the sounds became overwhelming, slightly grimacing. 

"Guys!" Hoseok calls out when he notices and they all stop talking. She sighs thankfully and goes over to sit by Yoongi who sat tiredly in the corner of the couch. "Sorry Grace... did we overload you?" Jin asked. She nodded. "Just a bit. It's a lot after being alone for awhile..." she smiles softly. Everyone else took a seat on a couch or a chair while Hoseok took the last open spot by Grace on the couch, linking their hands together.

"What happened to you guys?.. how did you make it back?" Jungkook questions. Grace and Yoongi glance at each other, "well, we were kidnapped. You you all know that much." She chuckles. 

"But we both got separated whoever we were taken." Yoongi adds. "I was strapped down in a blank room with a blindfold on, no clue what was going on until some lady came in trying to talk to me."

"Me to," Grace nods, "they said if I would cooperate they would fix things, they told me that Yoongi was never meant to become a hybrid- and that he could be in danger if they didn't reverse the effects..."  

"I'd guess that's what they did. Whatever they gave me was horrible; but I guess it worked since I feel cat free now." He laughed in attempts to lighten the mood. Everyone seemed to at least smile at that. 

Grace nodded, "in exchange for that they made me let them run tests-" Hoseok held her hand tighter, "mostly general medical stuff but made me take some pills at one point that I have no clue what they are. And... well..." she scrunched her eyebrows, "we made it out, I guess. I kinda snapped after waiting and listening to Yoongi in pain... how we made it out is kinda fuzzy though."

"You..." Yoongi thought for a moment, "it's like you went alpha wolf or something, protection mode. Only thing on your mind seems to be getting the two of us out of there. You were pretty cool to be honest." 

Grace smiles a bit and leans back into Hoseok, "must be why I was so tired after we stopped running.  I'm just glad we're home now, being alone like that was scary."

"I bet, but you're home now, we're all here for you." Hoseok comments, kissing her head. Namjoon nodded in agreement and smiled. "We were all worried. It's great to see you all safe." The other members nodded in agreement. 

"Let's agree to never do that again, your next world tour will hopefully be safer." Everyone nods. "Well- anyone up for food? This sad mood needs some cheering up," Jin smiles and stands up, "I'll make a bit of everything. So we all can eat a lot. Especially you two." He points at Yoongi and Grace, who both nod shyly.  

"I'll help." Jungkook speaks up and makes his way into the kitchen after giving Grace and Yoongi a big hug each. Everyone started to shift seats and began chatting, bringing Yoongi into their group hug with smiles while grace stayed cuddled up with Hoseok. 

He stood up and gently tugged  Grace out of the living room and up to his room. She follows silently with a soft smile. After shutting the door he seats her on the bed and places himself next to her, gently grabbing her cheek. "I was so worried," he gently rests his forehead on her's and Grace wraps her arms around him. "I know... I was worried I'd never make it back." She tilts her head and pecks him on the lips, tail starting to wag. "But i'm back, we made it back. I'm ok." He sniffles and pulls her into a tight hug, letting the both of them rest there for a minute, feeling comforted by one another. 


🌟So, 1123 words and some months later, i'm back with a chapter. I dunno who is still reading this but if you are I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will look forward to the next one- whenever that ends up being.

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