By viviannehillary

210 29 0

Blood,gore brutal war. The strength in evil as it grows its roots holding in the core of the kingdom. Days of... More



34 2 0
By viviannehillary

Thank you for supporting the series. Thank you for reading book four.

Olivia's room.

Thecla sleeps soundly looking so peaceful as her best friend paces back and forth waiting for her to open her eyes. The way she did not want to be dragged into all this but look at her now. "You better pray to your Maker she comes back alive." Olivia threatens worried about her friend. It was evident she could barely destroy the bitch as she was already dead but who said there are zero points for trying. "I know you are afraid Olivia but it was her choice to make ........ You may not understand it like we do, Thecla is not going to need your help anymore than she needs mine. Everything she has to do now is up to her. Alone." "I understand...." "Do you? Sometimes when you hear, see and touch death you become death. That's the fate of wailing woman. They appear to warn others of their time so they can not spend in misery, so they can embrace it. So that their loved ones can let them go in peace unlike them who were consumed by sorrow even in their death." "Thecla cannot end up like that." Olivia mumbles walking closer to the sleeping strawberry blonde looking o so peaceful. "Your friend is stronger than me. As long as she has people around her willing to bring her back when it takes over she will never fall in the hands that I have fallen in to." Zenela explains watching as the sleeping doppelganger eyelids fold in discomfort, she must be deep in now.

They were both so quiet letting silence fill the room waiting patiently when sudden ringing sound spooks the hell out of Olivia's spirit. She looks around seeing flashing lights coming from a familiar device, it was Thecla's phone, perfect timing again, Olivia takes it only to see the one person she she wished not to talk to, Jestrine. "Oh! For the love of the Maker, what now!" Her complaints fall on the ears of the spirit in the room making the blonde walk over seeing the demanding device wanting to be answered. "Who is it?" "Another one of your own genetics. Your generation is giving me the stress of a life time." "Stop being such a baby. Give me the phone." She requests stretching out her left hand. This action gets Olivia both confused and annoyed. Seriously it's no time for jokes the situation was already acidic as it is and there is no way she can lie for Thecla again for the millionth time. "What for?" "Sometimes when I concentrate right I can do things you can't imagine and am not supposed to." "I seriously... at this point the asylum is not going to need metal restraints to take me in. I'll walk their myself." The blonde stretches out her hand letting Zenela take it. She watches as the so called spirit tap on to the call button like she knows what she is doing. Mordernization has taken a turn for things yet here is a what 2, 3 century fossil doing it like it was born in to her system.

"Thecla! Finally, where are you?"
"Am at Olivia's place don't worry am safe. We are having a sleep over."
"That's okay as long as you stay safe. I just wanted you to know I'll be gone tomorrow night. We are preparing somethings for the uniting ceremony since the full moon is rising soon. I think it's better if you stay over at Olivia's for now okay. A little sleep over." Jestrine explains. "Sure mom take care I love you." "I love you too." Zenela smirks at Olivia as she hangs up handing over the phone. "Your generation must have been a curse to one of my ancestors am a hundred percent sure." Zenela laughs at this getting a sudden memory from a past that should have been long forgotten. "Your ancestor was one of my best friends. There is a lot you don't know, a lot your father has not told you." The statement sends chills down Olivia's spine. The woman is supposed to be a wailing spirit and a part of limbo whatever, that is still digesting in her brain. So why is she acting like the Luna knowing each and every wolf in her world. "My father how do you know?!" "He hides from the truth cause reality is too painful. Soon you shall need to sit and have that conversation with him." She had promised herself not to go looking for that coward no matter how hard the world bends for her to suffer so why is Zenela so sure they shall have a " conversation " at some point in the near future. "Debate all you want little one but blood is still blood evil, good you share one common ground and you shall talk again for the sake of your future."

Olivia rolls her eyes at the ancestor in front of her deep inside praying she would fall down and die again but the woman proved over and over she is here to stay. "I would prefer if you got comfortable this will take some time."Zenela advices taking a seat next to Thecla as well wondering how far the spirits are going to take Thecla in search for this truth they need.

After getting sucked into the abyss of darkness by the tree she appears in what seems to be the inside of a castle. It was dark and cold she could barely comprehend which room she was in. With her bare feet she takes a step towards the door in front of her. The old mahogany floor creaking with every step she takes, the zone spells scary and dark, nothing, just a quiet peaceful silence sending her in utter and complete fear not knowing what to wait for. In the next step she takes follows a sharp sound forcing her to fall upon the sudden scare. The loud creak of a door opening is followed by loud thundering footsteps. Could it be one no no two, two people. Their breathing laboured as if they were running for quite sometime, their heartbeats exhilarating abnormally even for their kind. Who were they?

"RAMCIEL!RAMCIEL! GET UP THEY ARE COMING!!!" Devon calls out as the two run across the hallway going through Thecla as if she was a spirit just like Zenela."You can't run from me. I am your worst nightmare." A demonic like voice booms the room sending shivers right through Thecla's spine. The young pup closes her eyes her hands on her head trying to concentrate in finding where the voice was coming from only to be distracted by another group of two rushing in also confused as she was. "He is everywhere." Vivica shouts running away from the sound she could barely comprehend.

"Where the hell are you hiding, too afraid to face us." Finn complains his eyes darting left, right and center still standing at the center of the room he is in. He was tired of running, his bloody body filled with scratches and bite marks . Thecla walks up to him analyzing his state in shock who is doing this to them? She questions herself. "I am going to kill you all." The voice booms again making her fall to the ground again while holding her ears, shielding them from the loud scary tone, her eyes closed this is too much all she wants to do is wake up but as she opens her eyes all she sees in front of her is trees lots of trees. This was crazy, she could barely get a hold of where she was the first time and here again the tree has taken her to yet another nightmare. She was now standing at the Alpha's Black forest, barefoot on the cold ground barely feeling the icy painful touch crawling up her skin. "You have been a bad boy king Xander. Time for your punishment." Again him, the voice behind the fear, this time it had a face. A black wolf with two blue eyes stands next to her looking at a particular direction facing his enemy another black wolf but with red bloody eyes. Could it be? Yes it's him the bloodhound in the flesh.

"You should have stayed at home Xander for the show cause I am about to turn your world upside down. All of you have dug your own graves." "I didn't come here to have a chat beast." Growls the black wolf next to her as it jumps to attack a dark smoke appears out of nowhere. Not this again. Thecla was already getting tired of all this movement. The three were carried back to what seemed to be a palace. She wasn't sure if it was the same one or a completely different one where the rest of the group is. "Your friends are not gonna make it and you better stop fighting back because it's useless and pitiful." "Why the hell are you doing this?"
"Stop asking questions, the time for talk is under the table. Fight to live." The two wolves jump at each other with Thecla right in the middle of them unseen but as they are about to jump through her she disappears appearing in another room at the palace.

At a distance from her stands Pesidees behind her Jestrine, both of them tense, scared, beaten and tired as if waiting for the next attack. "Where is he?" "I don't know." Jestrine answers worry laced in her voice. "I am right here." With that they both plus Thecla disappear in a thick dark smoke appearing in a dinning room. All this movement was taking a toll on her as she leans on the wall behind her trying to hold back the nausea forming in her mouth while wiping tears from her eyes trying to see clearly from the foggy vision.

"Welcome my gentle guests I believe you are both hungry don't worry your doom will be served in a silver platter." In front of them appears two literal silver platters. It was obvious it was not going to be a subtle dinner. "Please be good guests and choose what you'd like to eat or better how you'd like to die." "Enough playing around show yourself." "I don't feel like it. Stop spoiling your dinner." Jestrine stares at the silver platters trembling knowing they both won't get out alive even with their stubborn effort. She doesn't waste a second and opens the second platter only to reveal roasted beef. This is not that bad, The sight relieves her thanking the Maker it's not a weapon of some sort. "Good choice Jestrine."

Suddenly Jestrine's body begins to over heat, her body temperature over three hundred degrees as her skin melts alongside her muscles and lastly bones turn to dust marking the end of the bravest leader in her mind. Watching all this take place with an inability to stretch out her hand and help brought tears to her eyes. Even so she could not stop her self from opening her mouth and calling out. "MOM!!" Thecla calls out unfortunately unheard as her astroplane state cannot allow it. Tears brimming around her eyes fall down but she needs to remain strong to fulfil her destiny in being the one to unmask this lunatic for who he really is. Pesidees terrified but bold stares at the only platter unopened. Like a puppet he opens it only to find a glass of water. He could almost tell what will happen to him but even so he had to keep his pride alive. "What joke is this? For an evil villain you are an idiot." "Am I Pesidees?" Without wasting time he suddenly feels thick liquid taking the place of the air in his lungs. He was drowning not of water but of blood, his blood. It was making him cough trying to clear his airway only to continuously fail. Thecla watches as Pesidees struggles to breath writhing in pain trying claw his lungs out. "No no no please stop stop this." Thecla shouts despite the fact that he may never hear her. "Pesidees, I've always loved your arrogance, always fighting with Ramciel acting like you both are better than the other. Both of you bicker a lot but you are so similar a few differences here and there but you still fought like cats and dogs. Now no one will ever know whose better cause you are dead." He mocks while laughing evilly staring coldly at the lifeless body of once a great leader of the Omega's covered in his own blood. Thecla lets out a tear full sliding down her cheeks watching in pain.

Once again smoke covers her as she appears in a new part of the castle. It looked like a ball room, she walks in the middle spotting Vivica and Finn standing at the door closing it with great difficulty. "OPEN THIS DOOR!!YOU CAN'T HIDE FROM ME!! I AM OMNISCIENT, I AM OMNIPOTENT AND I AM OMNIPRESENT!!" "What the fuck is it doing?" Vivica whisper shouts to Finn wanting an answer to all this madness. "Killing us slowly. It knows we are stronger in numbers. Separating us is the best way of getting rid of us. Divide and conquer." Just as he finished the sentence the knocking and barging stops releasing them from the tiring . "Where the hell did it go?" Vivica inquires letting go of the door but before Finn could talk a hook comes out of nowhere and grabs Finn by the neck. The strawberry blonde watches alongside a very shocked Vivica as the man is pulled up by his neck to the ceiling blood cascading down his flesh and part of the hook connected to the middle part of the open vocal cords. Muffled voices and gurgling blood noises were the last to be heard as they watched his body abruptly stop shaking. "Are you enjoying the show?" The monster asks giving Thecla a notion the belief he was talking more to her more than the actually visible Vivica.

"Am right here." As gruesome as the scene was Vivica slowly snaps out of it. This was not the time to play weak. She needed to do something. She proceeds to wiping the away the blood of her fellow comrade from her face and hands continuously as it continues dropping from the hook and shoe to her still body, her eyes darting left and right trying to spot the horror hidden in an unknown part of the room. "Am here." The voice echoes even louder only this time instead of coming from all directions as always it comes from a single part of the room underneath. Vivica quickly starts pounding the ground determined to catch the monster. It was time to get rid of it. Once the floor of wood breaks open Vivica jumps inside her eyes glowing setting it to night vision. She was determined to do it alone if she has to for everyone's sake. In just a few minutes she will .... she will... SPLOTCH!! KRACK!! What was that? Thecla asks herself as her ears are filled with a grotesque sound of bones breaking and thick blood squishing around the muscles and what seemed to be a metallic structure. As if pulled by strings she finds her feet moving towards the open hole. Once at there she stretches her neck letting her face land on the ugliest sights she has ever seen. The shock sends her body moving backwards tripping falling on to the blood covered mahogany floor her pupils moving in fast pace manner in all direction like an epileptic victim. Underneath in hollow formed by vivica's fist was her body impaled on several sharp spikes around her thighs, arms, abdomen, chest and a large one through her forehead. Her eyes still open wide staring back at the little girl as if still alive yearning to be saved. Blood oozes out of her body and lips. Painful and disturbing scene which Thecla had to endure and as much as she wanted to grab the bloodhound by the neck she could not. After the heavy horrific scene the smoke carries her again to another room,another loss, another victim. She wanted to leave. She was tired. At this point she had to watch her mother die in the most gruesome way possible, the elders it was too much yet she had to keep on going reminding herself this is all for the answer. "I need to find the answer."

In this room, there is a lot of artifacts aligned. Pictures of all the alpha kings and queens including Xander and cassandra. "Devon WATCH OUT!!" She hears a familiar voice, the last of the elders calling out. She turns her head to where the voices wer coming from seeing the owner of the voice, Ramciel. He was running towards his friend in order to save him from the Maker knows what but the warning comes in too late as a huge statue falls on him. Bones cracking and splotching sound. The ugly vomit inducing sound she should be used to hearing yet everytime it echoes it is still fresh to the mind. Blood splashes on both Thecla from the impact. "Devon?!" "Am alive help me out." He struggles to assure him despite the pain rushing through his bones and muscles of his upper and lower body. Ramciel rushes towards him his eyes turning emerald green letting his wolf strength triple, using his energy to lift the huge stone statue.

In the burden of trying to help his comrade a sharp objects pierces through his left shoulder sending a numbing pain rushing through him forcing him to drop the large wolf statue. "Shitt!!!! Ramciel it hurts." Shouts Devon unable to turn his head to see his friend looking around like a mad man trying to find the source of his pain. "He's here." "Get me out. You can't fight him alone." Ramciel nods attempting a second time with the only still working hand, another arrow goes into his right shoulder with the same numbing effect. This forces him to drop the stone carved wolf forcing that squishing sound of stone and bloody muscle to echoes through the room forcing Thecla to close her eyes. It was over for this two just like the others and there is absolutely nothing she can do about it. "Good luck getting out of that. Those arrows are stained with wolfsbane and silver. His body buckles forcing him to fall forward limp. It was only a matter of time before the poison filled his body, he could feel it in his lungs as his breathing fastens and his lungs are unable to expand. He starts coughing, a reaction of the body trying to eject the object preventing his from taking a breath, out yellow dust with silver powder emerges signs the wolfsbane has already spread to his lungs. "I..... CAN'T BREATH." "RAMCIEL!! RAMCIEL!!" Devon's words are unheard as he watches his friend's mouth open blood oozing out covered in a yellow and silver substance. It was clear he was .... dead.

Devon watches in anger as his friend breaths his last anger filling as he screams out in pain. "COME ON DO YOUR WORST!!"his unthought out request is clearly heard as a large spear falls on him passing from the back of his head through his mouth.

"What was that Devon I can't hear you've got a spear in your mouth." The evil one laughs his signature cold laugh Thecla has been hearing left right and center like a plaque set only for her to suffer in, celebrating the death of the elders. They were all gone. He finally did it.

While this is happening in the astroplane back in Olivia's room the two ladies sit side by side watching Thecla's every move. Thecla's body starts shaking as if placed in an electric chair. She continuously shakes her head tears sliding down to Olivia's pillow "They are all dead. He killed them. They are dead." She whispers scaring Olivia but not Zenela. She could tell the girl was moving closer to their main goal."We need wake her up!!" Olivia states trying to shake the sleeping girl awake only to be pushed away by Zenela "No we don't she's close." "Close to what? Dying. You are crazy she needs to get up." She refuses struggling to stand up from the painful wooden ground. "If you wake her up now she'll die. Her soul has gone deeper to places I've never gone. I can't wake her, she'll have to find a way." "Zenela you are a fucking spirit but she is still alive so you better find a way to raise her or I will find a way to sink my claws into your ghostly soul." Olivia threatens angrily glaring at the ancestor. The woman stays quiet watching as Thecla goes even further. The answer that's all that matters at the moment. This sacrifice should not go unfruitful.

in the Alpha's dungeon.
The dungeon that held the great king Alexander when he turned rogue to his death stands Xander chained up bruised and battered next to him Oriela's mother Griselda, the only sounds in there was that of drops of water and the chains shackling as the two pulled not giving up on their escape despite the painful cuts and bruises they got from the chains. The screams they kept hearing while locked up had all stopped. It was evident why "They are all dead." Xander states as Griselda rests her back on the cold stony wall. "It had to come to this eventually. This is funny." "Funny we are about to die what is funny about that." Griselda asks in the same lack of energy tone as xander. "I just didn't think I would end up dying in a place like this." "Now it's up to them, they need to find a way to rescue our packs before he decides to destroy the people." Xander nods in agreement as he also leans back into the wall. There was no need to keep fighting the restraints any more.

"It was the right decision, wasn't it? I mean sending them unprepared into the world." "They are strong...." "How pathetic? You look like two desperate fools waiting for a miracle. I mean your saviour is on the cross how is he going to save you from up there, when he can't save himself. Those children of yours will end up just like you. DEAD!" The evil echoes around the dungeon while it's smokey presence appears it's red eyes looking at the two. "Chaining us up like dogs does not give you power." Xander spits out disgusted by how much the bloodhound has done. He hated how weak he was infront of the monster before them after all the promises this is what he was reduced to."Obviously but it gives me joy right here. In my hallow chest." Griselda rolls her eyes at the disgusting looking creature. Has it not done enough for revenge or whatever motivates it. Once they are dead it will go after their children and there is nothing they can do beyond the grave all she can do is believe in Xander they are strong enough. "You have no shame. Our children will destroy you, your reign it's over before it even starts."

"Griselda I always liked that feministic part of you that only knows how to speak big words and do little actions and my reign has already started may I add this is the continuation. I AM THE BLOODHOUND, YOU ALL BOW BEFORE ME YOUR NEW KING.EVEN IN DEATH YOU ARE BENEATH ME!!!" The black wolf growls staring into the eyes of his enemies wanting to give them a taste of what true fear is like. "One I kill you in the most disturbing way possible I shall tie your bodies at the city square of both kingdoms then throw a party so big everyone will be invited....." "HA! What do you mean by 'everyone will be invited' who will come to this so called party your zombies?" Griselda mocks."Am done talking to you." The black wolf stands from it's sitting turning away towards the door. "Who are you? WHO ANCHORS YOU?!" Xander shouts at the bloody monster. " If you want to know follows me little one. The wolf says it's eyes landing on the strawberry blonde's figure making the girl's hearts skip a beat. Did it know all along?

Without wasting time pondering on that she follows the walking evil to a chamber in the palace. "In this room is where a certain person was born. When that baby was born he brought joy into the lives of many." He narrates a shadow crib appears creaking back and forth as if lulling an actual baby to sleep. "The whole kingdom was overjoyed of a new saviour to replace their queen he grew up righteous, gave all he asked for and once the right time came he got married he was happy." As he continues his narration shadow creatures form making the story vivid for Thecla helping her see what the bloodhound wanted her to know. "As we all know stories like that deserve a happy ending. Not for this little baby. All that he thought he had vanished into thin air, broken promises betrayals and that grew the seedling of hatred and evil to know who the bloodhound is. Can you tell who it is?Well you are standing in his room. My anchor." The monster turns away from the crib it's bright red eyes burning into her white ones. "One brother thought he had nothing the other thought he had everything but the truth is the one who had nothing had everything and the one who had everything had nothing. He was weak I made him strong, he broke, I build him up. I am him and he is me. So who am I wailing spirit?"

Thecla's heartbeats skips a beat as the bloodhound's red eyes stare right back at her. "I don't know." "Of course you do." "No I don't." "Then let it out. Growl. Growl like a wailing spirit." Thecla shakes her head as her throat itches while having the sudden urge to growl. "Let them know my name cause am done hiding in the dark, my time has come and the throne calls out for me. Let them know who I am, Thecla." The shadow holds her neck Chocking her, having her air passage blocked, he wanted her to scream. She could barely breath as the grip tightens she could barely let out a sound of help when something in her pushes her to do what she thought she couldn't and the wailing spirit in her joins her wolf letting out a loud echo of a growl throwing the black smoke off her sending him far to the wall as she falls to the ground her hands quickly clasping her throat trying to soothe it from the deadly grip.

As she regains her strength she walks towards the hole at the wall seeing nothing but a mirror floating, she looks into it seeing not her reflection but that of a person she didn't expect, the one person she couldn't point out as the one.

Olivia's room.
"She's cold to the touch, why isn't she waking up?" Olivia states feeling Thecla's skin. "Wait she is okay," Zenela assures stopping Olivia from trying to yank Thecla awake again. As they stand waiting a sudden loud growl echoes in the room making Olivia and Zenela cover their ears. But not only them, wolves all across the kingdom including the elders at the council, Oden, Oriela and the evil one, Eden. All of them could hear it. Instead of covering his ears like everyone else Eden's eyes turn red, a cold smirk drawing itself across his face with three words to his lips. "Welcome back Thecla."

Once the ear horror of a sound fades Olivia runs toward her still sleeping friend urging her to wake up. "THECLA! THECLA! You have to open your eyes come on." The shaking is stopped by the sudden warmth filling her palm of her radiating from Thecla's once cold arm. She watches as her green eyes flicker open staring at nothing but the purple painted wall. She was back. This time with an answer on her lips.

"The one who wills the bloodhound is the king's son.... Eden." She barely whispers shocking Olivia and Zenela as new chapter to another strange story. "We are crapped up." Olivia breaks the silence slouching on the floor of her room.

The two former couple stare at each other happy in each others arms once again. It was such a good feeling but also terrifying of what is to come.
The risk is too big but they both didn't want to think about that right now. Right now they felt safe. "This is not going to be easy." "I know, I am ready for anything, I'd rather die than lose you again." Oriela glares at him unhappy of the word die in his statement. After everything he has been through she can't have him suffer anymore. With that statement in between them she quickly let's go of his hug letting her blue eyes once again land on his silver with a cute fold of her eyebrows and pout to her soft pink lips. "No! I love you but I am not ready to wail to your dead body. If you die I will hate you for the rest of my miserable life." Oden smiles at her response and hugs her back, the Maker he missed this. Her cute stubborn attitude and the care she always had for him. She was his and he was hers that was evident. "I won't die then." Oriela smiles on his chest as she takes his hand in hers.

They could stay like this forever if it was not for the fact that the bloodhound was still a factor they need to take of. No matter how much they loved each other it was the one thing after the kingdom and Eden that would come back to haunt their happiness. "We need to figure out how to destroy the bloodhound first then all this comes later." Oriela suggests pushing him away before he can give her another kiss. "Yeah yeah yeah bloodhound blah blah blah can you not mention that unbearable agent of destruction at our moment." Complains Oden stealing a quick kiss before she can turn away again, cute. No no she has to be serious, adorable Oden she loved that one, this Oden, this one that distracts her was unnecessary at the moment.
"As long as he is alive...." "Lalalala don't wanna hear it, I am not interested." he says turning away covering his ears like a child making Oriela giggle at his little behaviour. "My Luna, You are a pup in a wolf's body." Oriela childishly comments hitting him with one of her pillows.

He almost pounds her with the same pillow when he stops mid air with a disturbing thought in his head. The reason he came here. He puts the pillow aside fully facing her with his eyes on hers making her pull her head back fearing he may kiss her again. "Promise me you won't merge with my brother." Oriela nods slowly as if contemplating, he knew. This was going to be more difficult than she thought. She understood why Oden requested her not to.

The first answer to her mother was directed by the fact Oden was no longer in her life but now things are different and all she wanted to do now is be with Oden, the person that her heart chose. Even though it breaks her to leave Eden after all that he had done, she knew he would understand. That's how he has been since the begining of her relationship. If they table this conversation they might all come to an agreement. With Oden by her side she is not afraid. "I'll talk to my mom first thing in the morning or not.....someone's coming Go!" Oriela warns upon hearing not one but two sets of foot prints rushing towards her room. She quickly pushes the male towards the window getting a reluctant unmoving Oden. "What? No! I want to meet my mother-in-law." Teases the dark prince going back to her bed being as stubborn as always.
"You'll be calling her mother in law in the grave if you don't go now." Oriela complains pulling him by his left arm from the bed. The footsteps were growing louder and closer making both of her heartbeats accelerate and what was Oden doing giggling, did the situation look favourable to this fool? "Okay fine." The dark prince gets up from her bed not wanting to stress her even more and jumps out the window Knock! Knock! Griselda opens the door walking towards her daughter. "Your husband is here and he wants to go back ...... with you."

Huh! Eden what was happening? She was supposed to meet him on the day of the merge why did he feel the need to come all the way. "Plans have changed Oriela get up we are leaving." Eden unceremoniously makes his way through her bedroom grabbing her hand forcefully. This is new. What did he have in the morning a glass of disrespect with a pinch of attitude adjustment? Cause this was definitely not Eden. "What?! Let me go, Eden stop!! Mom!!" Oriela exclaims pulling her hand out of grasp. "You'll either walk or I'll be forced to carry you."
"What is wrong with you?!" The princess demands stopping both their movement with a bit of her wolf strength getting the male to turn around and face her, his hazel brown eyes sending daggers through her body. It was the first time she saw this, his normal honey brown soothing soft stare it was a sandy stormy brown wanting to consume her whichever way it can. The sand was enough to scare the storm brewing in her own ocean blue covering the water giving her world a taste of the desert. This was enough for her to submit for a second as she turns away from the direct glare before turning back to assert her own dominance. "Move."

Oriela protests not willing to move. "You yes you," okay this was going way out of line even for eden. Why is he so out of character and today of all days. Oriela tries to intervene only to be stopped by Eden's interference "You are my wife do as I say." Eden commands grabbing her hand again and this time adding a lot more strength to the grip getting a wince from the princess forcing Griselda to intervene. "Stop hurting my daughter you bastard." "Omegan queen you need to learn your place. She is my wife!!" He growls back at her loosening his grip on the princess without knowing. "No!" Oriela pulls her hand out of his grip again. "That's it am done." The man angrily growls grabbing the scared Oriela placing her on his shoulders. "Mom!!!" "Eden put my daughter back on the ground." Griselda commands. "She is my wife, you lost every goddamn right over her!! " Eden growls back walking down the stairs. No matter how many times Oriela complained, hit and kicked the angry man, he kept on moving pushing her into the black vehicle by the gate. After what he saw he was not wasting any time. Oriela needed to be his, not out of love no that is over done with. He wanted to make her suffer as much as he has. Enough for her to want death as an escape.

"What is wrong with you?" "Nothing am just trying to keep you from making a decision you might, no, will regret so stop asking for help and let me focus." He growls back facing the poorly lit road his hands back on the wheel at a 3 o'clock to 9 o'clock driving away from the Omegan lands heading towards the Alpha palace. The ride was quiet and calm but also filled with the scent of anger. "I don't want to proceed with this ceremony."
"Darling you don't make the choices here. A yes remains a yes." "What is with the attitude adjustment?" "My brain just hit puberty and guess what I am not giving you any chances to ruin my life as much as you already have." He narrates with anger laced in his voice while getting out of his car. "What do you mean?" Oriela stubbornly stays on her seat not wanting to get back to the life she never chose willingly wanting an answer. "OUT!!" My Maker, this man has a voice. Eden commands pulling Oriela out of the car. "Stop acting like a little brat." "If you stop dragging me like a damn deer I might." "Fine." Eden let's go of her hand unsure of whether the girl agreed or she just wanted a chance to get out of his grip and back to the car.

In the palace.
Once in the palace the alpha prince pushes the princess into her room locking her in. "EDEN STOP THIS MADNESS!!" She shouts as she bangs the wooden door. "I'll let you out tomorrow but for now enjoy your stay. I can't have you ruin the elder's plan. You should be thinking of the kingdom my dear." "EDEN!" She shouts at nothing as the so called male walks away from her door.

"Good Eden the plan goes as expected. Once we destroy the Ora we can do as we please. No more obstacles around us, now the uniting ceremony." A voice echoes in his mind as he walks to his room. The only voice he will be listening to from now hence forth like a mother's lullaby to her sleepy baby.

The elders stand at their respective position and so does the Oracle, Griselda and Xander as Oriela and Eden walk toward a tall stone after, a bowl in between the rocks hallow part filled with water from the river of gateways. "You shall both drink from the bowl once you let your blood fall into it like your wedding ceremony. It will be the second part of the bond." The Oracle instructs. Without further instructions Eden grabs the knife from the being and cut his palm letting his blood fall in and hands it over to Oriela who was reluctant to proceed with this nonsense. "I don't want to do it." She whispers for only him to hear but Eden does not follow up on her request instead he grabs her hand and cuts her palm for her letting her blood flow in the bowl."We don't have time for tantrums this is for the kingdom, Proceed!!" He growls at the Oracle shocking the man. He chants aspell from the great book of power in the wolf's mother language and spread his hand on the bowl turning clear colour of the water to a thick red colour. Eden grabs the bowl drinking from it and passes it over to Oriela to drink. It was finally happening this is, is all takes to rule the world....."STOP DON'T DRINK IT!!!" A familiar voice shouts from a distance trying to make it to her friend but before they could actually do anything the boy grabs Oriela shoving the drink down her throat. He will never let them stop him, not after all he has done.

"I will be seeing all of you later." He shouts his eyes turning bloody red while his body was getting engulfed by thick black smoke dispersing leaving Oriela falling to the ground her hand to her throat watching as her veins were turning coal black poisoned by the bloodhound's blood. She was close to her loved one last time. Fate did what it had to again break them apart as always. Well this was a good life. She was happy even though it was just a minute. Everything around her turns blurry then black.

" The evil one has awakened."

The world is crumbling, the evil one is up and is ready to destroy, the awaited war is now alive and the past is present and the future is also now present. The beginning of the war turned to a reign and everyone is a pawn to a well organized chess game laid out by the very demon the fear. 'ORACLE'.

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