Bad In Common

By prinses1010

500K 21.4K 5.7K

"Everyone has a chapter they don't want to read out loud. Mine just so happens to be a book." Allison Bridge... More

Prologue ✔️
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14 ✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16 ✔️
Chapter 17 ✔️
Chapter 18 ✔️
Chapter 19 ✔️
Chapter 20 ✔️
Chapter 21 ✔️
Chapter 22 ✔️
Chapter 23 ✔️
Chapter 24 ✔️
Chapter 25 ✔️
Chapter 26 ✔️
Chapter 27 ✔️
Chapter 28 ✔️
Chapter 29 ✔️
Chapter 30 ✔️
Chapter 31 ✔️
Chapter 32 ✔️
Chapter 33 ✔️
Chapter 34 ✔️
Chapter 35 ✔️
Chapter 36 ✔️
Chapter 37 ✔️
Chapter 38 ✔️
Chapter 39 ✔️
Chapter 40 ✔️
Chapter 41 ✔️
Chapter 43 ✔️
Chapter 44 ✔️
Chapter 45 ✔️
Chapter 46 ✔️
Chapter 47 ✔️
Chapter 48 ✔️
Chapter 49 ✔️
Chapter 50 ✔️
Chapter 51 ✔️
Chapter 52 ✔️
Chapter 53 ✔️
Chapter 54 ✔️
Chapter 55 ✔️
Chapter 56 (Last Chapter) ✔️
Epilogue ✔️

Chapter 42 ✔️

6.2K 282 59
By prinses1010

" What the hell happened in here?!" I cry out as I can literally feel my body cringe from the sight in front of me.

Flower sprinkled over the floor and on top of the counters. A few broken eggs are left in front of the fridge while something is dripping out of the cabinet right next to it. Pots and pans are seen everywhere I look. Right in the middle of all this mess are 5 guys, dressed in what I fear are only aprons, with guilty looks on their faces.

" We're making breakfast." Zac squeeks out as soon as my eyes narrow in on the joint in his hand.

That's why it reeks of weed in here.

They are smoking without me?

" You're making breakfast while smoking a joint?" I ask in disbelief.

All 5 guys' eyes grow twice their size when they swift their attention to the joint in Zac's hand. I swear I can see Jackson gulp from being caught red handed.

" I-"

" We can explain - "

" Please don't tell Kylie-"

" I don't want to sleep outside-"

" It was just one-" they start bickering back and forth. I hold up my hand to silence them.

" At least share." I say rolling my eyes.

I notice the 5 of them relax knowing that I won't go off on them. I'm not that bad am I?

As long as they know they are cleaning up all this mess.

After taking a few pulls from the joint I let the boys be and make my way up to the master bedroom where the girls are getting ready for today. By girls I mean everyone except Gabby.

" So Ally -" Trish speaks up cutting Emily and Samantha off from their chatter.

" What's going on between you and lover boy?" Trish questions.

I was wondering when this question would come around. It's just one of those things which is impossible for me to skip.

" Oh well you know he pays me good -" I stop when I see their horrified expressions. Once I burst out into a fit of laughter they visibly relax.

" God Ally don't do that." Emily laughs punching me on the arm.

" In all fairness, I don't really know what's going on. We're acting like a couple and doing all the things couples do, yet we aren't a couple? It's confusing and now that I'm thinking of it, it's actually bothering me. " I admit.

I haven't thought about Tyler and I basically being in a relationship but at the same time not being in a relationship. Why hasn't he asked me to be his girlfriend?

" Maybe he's just waiting for the right time to ask you? " Samantha shrugs, hoping to make me feel better.

" Honey don't get your hopes up." I hear Gabby's irritating voice from the bedroom door.

She struds in as if she owns the place. Her hand trails along the fabric of a couch nearby before she cringes and focuses her attention back on us.

" Who the hell-"

" Listen you little sneaky bitch- I've only known you for a good 5 minutes and I can barely tolerate you as is. So unless you want to end up with a few broken nails I would suggest you to leave us the fuck alone. You got that?"

We all stare wide eyed at Kylie's bluntness. I've barley heard her speak a full sentence and here she is putting Gabby in her place.

I like this girl.

" Urg - whatever. " Gabby sighs before leaving the room again.

We all sit in silence, trying to register what just happened.

" You're from New Jersey you said?" Emily speaks up.

We all burst out laughing and finish up getting ready for the day.

By the time we were all set for the day the boys weren't near done finishing breakfast. After threatening the boys to clean up we made the smart move to leave the boys, and Gabby, at the house and head out for breakfast. It's the safer option.

" Have any of you visited South Carolina before?" Emily asks as we round the streets.

It's cloudy outside and luckily not raining. Touch wood.

" Nope."

" No."

" Maybe when I was wasted."

" Not sure."

Oh boy.

After what feels like forever we come to a stop in front of a caffe. It's a Sunday today so most places are closed. If I had known we would walk this much I would have suggested we go with my car.

" C-coffee p-please. " I shiver from walking around in the cold.

The waitress gives me a sympathetic look before rushing towards the kitchen to hopefully grab my coffee before I die from frostbite or from a lack of coffee.

" So Kylie. How did you and Jackson meet? " Emily asks all of the sudden. Always the curious one. I'm also curious if I'm being honest.

" He sent me a DM." she answers.

" What a beautifull story." I reply sarcastically, earning a kick from Emily who is sitting in front of me.

" How did you and Tyler meet?" Kylie decides to ask.


Not a romantic story at all.

" Well uhm he threw me with a football." I laugh awkwardly.

" So romantic. " Emily swoons.

We all look at her weirdly before bursting out into a fit of laughter. I forgot what a hopeless romantic she is.

The waitress from earlier returns with our beverages. I don't spare a second before taking a sip from my coffee. It did sting my tongue but I'm more grateful from the new come heat in my body. I'm starting to feel my fingertips again.


" Man I'm full." Trish groans as we step out of the caffe.

I nod in agreement. My eyes spoke for my stomach and it isn't doing me any good.

" My food baby is pregnant with a food baby." Emily comments.

I once again nod in agreement. I do feel like I've just eaten enough food to feed a village.

Before you judge me - I'm not sure when my next meal is going to be. If we leave dinner to the boys then we'll probably all starve.

" Can we stop by at a grocery store?" Samantha asks.

Well I do need to walk off all this food so we might as well take a little trip further into town.

I look at my surroundings and frown. Quick question, where are we?

We start making our way as if we know exactly where we're going. It doesn't take us long to realize that we don't have a clue where we are. By now it has started drizzling and hopefully it doesn't start raining too hard. I spoke too soon as the rain comes pouring down in less than a few minutes.

" Maybe we should call an uber?!" I yell out over the rain.

" Please. I only like being wet when there isn't water involved!" Emily replies.

Oh my God.

Mental images are running through my mind again.

"Too much information Emily. " Trish cringes.

I pull out my phone only to see that it's dead. Seriously? I left it in charge over night and it didn't charge at all. I hate it when that happens.

" My phone is dead!" I yell out over the pouring rain.

We're literally in the middle of no where and there is no shade to hide under from the rain.

" I don't have any signal!" Kylie yells out.

" Neither do I." Samantha and Trish say together.

" I forgot my phone at the house." Emily sighs.

All hope runs out of my body.

It's raining cats and dogs outside.

We are in the middle of no where.

None of us can call an uber.


" We should just keep on walking until we find a shop or something! " Emily suggests.

We all nod in agreement before walking back the way we came from. Hopefully we'll find our way back to the caffe. There should be signal. I hope so.

On our way back to what we hope is the caffe I see someone walking in our direction. As we come closer it looks more as if the figure is walking fast. The closer we get I can see the figure is now running towards us. The person is wearing all black from what I can point out.

Definitely not sketchy. Not.

" Uh guys -" I say as the person comes running in our direction.

I notice the person holding onto something for dear life. Is the person running away from someone? I don't see anyone chasing the person yet the person is running like a mad man.

" Maybe we should -" Emily is cut off when the person comes to a stop in front of us.

The person is a middle aged man from what I can see. I don't get time to register what is happening as he pushes a package into my arms. It's heavier than it looks.

The man looks at me with wide eyes.

" Run."

After the word leaves the guy's mouth he runs off without taking the package with him. What the hell? I'm about to stop him but he's already too far away.

" What just happened? " Samantha wonders out loud.

I would like to know as well.

I look down at the package the guy pushed into to my arms. My eyes grow double their size when I notice what the package consists of. It's wrapped in beidge paper with a white raffia ribbon wrapped around the sides of it.

Please don't tell me it's-

" Oh my God. Is that drugs?" Emily shrieks when her eyes pays closer attention on the package.

I turn the package around and gasp by what I see.

" Why is there a gun attached to it?" Kylie asks nervously.

That's why the package was so heavy.

Before we can question any further the sound of police sirens silence us.


This doesn't look good at all.

None of us get to mutter a word as the police van comes to a stop in front of us. Immediately two police officers jump out of the van. One of the officer's eyes land on the package I'm holding. He reaches for his gun and aims it at me.

" Freeze!" the officer yells.

His partner's eyes notice the package as well as he too reaches for his gun.

" Put your hands in the air. Now!" the second officer yells.

The girls immediately raise their hands. I hear a sniff coming from Emily. I don't know what to do. Should I just put down the package?

Slowly I bend down to put the package down.

" I said freeze! " the first officer yells.

" What the hell do you want me to do?! I can't put my hands in the air with this package in my hands!" I cry out.

Probably not the best thing to say to police officer.

I'm stressed out okay.

"Ma'am is that drugs in your hands?" the second officer asks bluntly.

Sheesh it could have been clothes or something but of course they would assume it's drugs.

Well it is-

" I can explain." I laugh awkwardly.

The first officer lifts his hand up to silence me.

" Put down the package." he instructs.

That is what I wanted to do the first time. Sue me.

I once again bend down to place the package on the ground. Once I stand up to my full length I lift up both my hands in surrender.

The two police officers walk over to reach for the package. They pick it up slowly before the second officer whistles all of the sudden. Immediately a dog jumps out of the van and runs over to the two police officers. The first police officer bends down to let the dog sniff the package. The dog instantly begins to bark. I knew it was drugs but I lowkey hoped this was all just some sick prank.

" You are under arrest for having illegal drugs in your possession. Hands behind your back. All of you!" the second officer yells while the first officer walks over to the van. I hear him say something about backup on the radio in the van.

We're really getting arrested.

" It isn't mine! There was this guy - "

" You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." the second officer says cutting me off.

This seriously can't be happening.

In a matter of a few minutes another van pulls up. Two more police officers hop out of the van and walks towards us.

" What do we have here Phil?" one of the officer asks as his eyes roams over us.

" I caught them with drugs in their possession and a gun which I'm sure they don't have a valid license for." the second officer, who I now know is Phil, answers.

The officer nods his head in understanding. He looks much younger than the other 3 officers. Doesn't mean he doesn't look as intimidating as the rest. Hopefully he'll hear me out.

" Cuff them. " the younger officer orders before the 3 officers walks over to us and starts cuffing us. The younger one walks over to me.

" Hands behind your back." he orders not as harshly as the other officer.

I obey and put my hands behind my back. He gently places the cuffs around my palms and closes it.

" Just do as you are told and there won't be any problems." the officer says to me a little softer so that only I can hear him.

I nod before he slightly pushes me forward and leads me to the van he came with.

I look over at the other girls. They all look terrified except Trish. She's as calm as ever.

Kylie and I get put in the second van while Emily, Trish and Samantha are put in the first van. Before I know it the van comes to a stop and we are put into a cell with a few other people.

" I'll be back in a while to take you in for questioning." the younger officer states before he leaves.

" What the fuck are we going to do?!" Emily freaks out as soon as the officers all left the room.

" I don't know but this looks really bad." Samantha answers.

" We are obligated to make one call right?" Kylie asks.

" Yes." I answer. This isn't my first time being in a prison cell.

" We can call the guys and ask them to come bail us out." Kylie suggests.

" It's not the bail I'm worried about. I'll need to get a lawyer - " I start panicking.

Where the hell am I going to find a lawyer to come save me at this time. I really don't want to spend the night here.

You could call your mom -

There is no way in hell I'm calling my mom. I'd rather stay in this cell then ask her to come help me out.

" I'm sure the guys will figure something out." Emily comments before walking over to the entrance of the cell where an officer is sitting behind his desk, not paying attention to us at all.

" Mister officer?" Emily says nervously.

The officer doesn't pay her any attention as he continues on scrolling on his phone.

" Mister officer?" Emily asks a little louder this time.

" What?!" the police officer snaps.

" I would like to make a call. " Emily announces.

We all cross our fingers hoping that the officer will allow us to make a call.

" No." he deadpans.

" But-"

" No! " he barks.

" I'm sorry Mister Officer but we as sivilians are obligated to one call per person and if you don't allow us to make a call then you are basically denying our civil rights. That won't look good for you would it? " I speak up walking closer to Emily.

The longer I'm in here the higher my chances are of my mom finding out I'm here.

" Fine." the officer sighs before standing up and grabbing his keys.

He walks over to the cell and unlocks it.

" Make it quick. "he orders Emily before allowing her to step out and immediately locking the cell again.

I go sit down next to Kylie and wait for Emily to get back. She better not mess this up.

" So how did you end up here? " Trish asks a girl who is sitting beside her wearing next to nothing.

" I tried to seduce one of the officers after getting caught smoking pot." the girl replies.

Not a big surprise for me.

" What about you hun?" the girl asks Trish.

" Some guy left a package with drugs and a gun in our possession and ran away. The police caught us before we could get rid of it. " Trish shrugs.

" Fuck. " the girl replies.

My thoughts indeed.

" How did you end up here Grandpa?" Trish asks an older guy sitting at the other end of the cell.

Sometimes she is too straightforward for me.

" I got caught stealing spoons. " the guy answers.


" Why spoons?" Trish questions my thought.

" I'm a spoon thief. " the guy smiles. He has most of his front teeth missing so it kind of looks scary.

I've never heard about a spoon thief before.

" How about you? " Trish asks a middle aged lady sitting near the older guy.

" I tried to stab my ex husband. " the lady deadpans.

I'm getting creepy vibes from her. I would be careful if I were the old man.

Emily returns shortly after with a little smile on her face.

" Parker's dad knows a few people here that will help us out. He's just going to talk with his dad and hopefully we'll be free to go." she announces.

I feel a little bit of relief wash over me. Hopefully we can get out without being in too much trouble.


" I'm going to die. I won't be able to say goodbye to my parents or my sister and Tayla and oh God I won't be able to post an Instagram photo ever again! " Emily whines before bursting out into tears.

We've been stuck in this cell for a few hours now. To say Emily is going a little crazy is an understatement. So far I've been taken in three times for questioning and each time I deny that the drugs and gun belong to me. No matter how many times I try and explain what happened, they don't believe me. They did tell me that I'm not obligated to answer any questions seeing as I don't have a lawyer to represent me at the given time but I reassured them that I wasn't hiding anything and that I was not guilty. That didn't get me far.

" Emily calm down. The boys will be here any minute now." Kylie tries to reassure Emily.

It sounds more as if she's trying to reassure herself.

" Will they? Will they really?" Emily continues to sulk.

I never thought that I would be spending time in a prison cell with a stripper, spoon thief and a crazy ex wife in South Carolina. What a way to kick off a great holiday right?

I feel a finger poke me on my right side. Turning to look at who is trying to irritate me I get a fright from seeing the spoon thief sitting right next to me.

" Do you wanna buy some spoons?" the old man asks as he takes out a few spoons.

Is he serious now?

He isn't supposed to have any valuables on him. When we got here they took everything that was in our possession, besides our clothes for obvious reasons.

" Listen here buddy-" I'm cut off from my near explosion as an officer starts unlocking the cell door.

" You, you, you, you and you - you're free to go." the officer announces as he points to the 5 of us.

Wait is he serious?

He looks serious.

Thank God.

I was starting to think that putting all my hope in the boys was a bad idea. Luckily they pulled through somehow.

" We're freeeee!" Emily yells as she basically runs out of the cell.

I get up and wave a quick goodbye to the other cell mates and throw a glare at the old man who was trying to sell spoons to me. I'm all about respecting the elderly but this guy was working on my nerves.

I follow the rest of the girls to the foyer of the police station where all the guys were waiting for us with smug smirks on their faces.

" Don't. " I state with my hand up just as Tyler was about to open his mouth.

I'm grateful that they came to our rescue but I really just want to go home now and sleep for the rest of the day.

To think that bad weather was my biggest worry when coming on this trip.

Could've fooled me.


Woa hectic chapter...

I know that all the rights and prosedures in this chapter isn't a 100% correct but just go with it and don't make a big fuss about it please guys 😅 this is fiction after all :)

Thoughts on the chapter?

Thank you soooo much for 75k!!!!! I'm a proud mom ❤️

Peace out ✌️

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