Transformers Prime: The Preda...

By andystormer

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Hey, guys! So, I'm finally here with new story. Sorry it took so long. I decided to write something for Hallo... More

The Beginning
Meanwhile on Cybertron
Death Waiting Near the Mine
That Was Weird
The First Night
Good, or Bad Morning?
The Second Night
The Dark Truth
Raf's Great Idea
What's Next?
The Show Must Go On
We Are with You
Miko, Raf and Jack... Again
Help's Come
Back on Cybertron
Let's Start the Show
Breaking the Curse

Back on Earth Again

28 1 0
By andystormer

They continued deep into the cave. Optimus held a flashlight and shone into darkness."It's a big dark hole without something interesting," Predaking said gruffly.He was right. Until they found a broken door. On the wall above there was a Decepticon sign. Optimus dug up the remnants after that. Then they entered a big room with incubators and a computer."This looks like a... laboratory!" wondered Predaking.Walls were full of scratches. There was also a fragmented incubator. Above it was a title "Project Predacon Killer"."This looks suspiciously weird," said Predaking. Arcee stepped back. Her instincts smelled something bad about it."What's wrong?" Optimus asked nervously. She then shook her head.In front of the room blue eyes appeared and was heard a growl. They turned back. It turned out it's that monster which attacked the mine, and thus bit Arcee. Its right wing was still damaged.With a frightened face she backed away terribly. Thought it was dead. Optimus and Predaking looked at her. She lifted her leg where was the injury.Optimus asked: "Have this bitten you?"She nodded her head.Suddenly it ran to them. Arcee came out before them. Wanted to defend them. It stopped at her and didn't attack."How sweet."There was a voice behind it. It was Starscream, a former Decepticon servant of Megatron."It looks you have got your own pet, haven't you?" Starscream said. It seemed he was happy about it.Arcee angrily growled. And prepared for fight. "Starscream? What are you doing here?""This is my beast," he patted the monster.Predaking grabbed his Black Energon sword and touched it. Nothing happened. No burn."... Why didn't it hurt it? It's supposed to be...""No. Do you know why? This is not a Preda-Bot, but a thing created from body and blood of Predacon, but half of its blood is from Autobot."They couldn't believe it. What is really this thing?"This was used to be a killer of Predacons created by Decepticons in the past. We wanted to have all those freakin' beasts dead. But when they'd had it finally done, it turned out it's an uncontrollable monster that when it bites you, you'll become a one, too. It was caused by a mix of Autobot and Predacon blood. This resulted to something like... an infection. So they... froze it and left here. Now we know it as a legend... in a wrong way."All three were carefully listening what he was talking about. Predaking caught anger."I accidentally found this and realized it's true. Using technology, I revived it and made listen to me. This beast will help me to get Cygon under my control. And get rid of you...""But you hate Predacons, don't you?" Predaking spoke angrily to him. "And how have you made it listen to you?...""... Couple gestures."He snapped fingers and it began attacking Arcee. She recovered, caught it and threw it to the wall. Optimus and Predaking began shooting it.Starscream walked to the computer and pressed some buttons to open a bridge! A Space Bridge!Optimus turned at him: "Why are you opening the Space Bridge?" He ran to him, but the beast stopped him by knocking down with its tail. The beast beat her on the wall and walked to them.Predaking Tried to shoot it, but the monster grabbed him and Optimus and led them to bridge. "Goodbye, losers."Predaking got upset: "Wait, no!" It threw them in. Arcee got up and when she realized what it's done to them, she roared at the beast."We still have to get rid of you," Starscream said calmly.She ran against it, but the beast pushed her towards the bridge and fell into it.Starscream closed it. "We should have this."

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