As bad as we are now

Por cakeloves18

287 17 9

Everyone has a crack in their hearts there's where the light comes in. Más

Chapter one - last day of summer vacation
Chapter two - first day of school
Chapter three - The break down
Chapter four- Wasted
Chapter five- Cold
Chapter six- relapse
Chapter seven - Field trip
Chapter eight - are we good?
Chapter nine- secrets
Chapter eleven- treason
Chapter twelve - babysitting
Chapter thirteen- action movie
Chapter fourteen- heartburning

Chapter ten - hurt

20 1 1
Por cakeloves18

Hi! sorry it toke a little to update...

This as not many readers :/ but ill keep posting... idk 

Well yeah... i hope who does reads it, enjoys :) ly xx


This week has pass fast enough for me to forget that is almost the end of November and then Christmas breaks are coming and I couldn't be more grateful. I have speak with Calum more this week than all this time I've known him. He still pisses me off but we actually manage to keep a conversation without killing each other.

"hey! you coming with me today?" my brother interrupts my thoughts

"where? " I continue to eat my cereals

"you know..." he opens the fridge and I punch myself mentally... i have no idea what he's talking about

"Lara seriously I don't even know why I tell you stuff..." he puts the orange juice in a glass and I look at him still clueless "the game..." he rolls his eyes

crap "oh, the game... is it today? I was not in a mood to go out ..." I put my hair into a ponytail

"well you better get your mood thing together because you're coming." he hurries to drink his juice

"do I have to? "

he takes a deep breath "I need you to be there... is an important game. please, Lara."

"fine! I'll be there." I've been to almost all his games, he says I'm like his lucky charm, I don't believe on those, it's just a excuse for him to trough at my face how good he's at sports and I don't.

"okay good, I have to get going. I'll see you later." he waves and exist the kitchen like a flash

After a while procrastinating in the house I finally get dress and make my way out.

I see Mali and her parents leave in a big truck and she waves at me making a sign for me to check my phone.

Mali's text: *r u going to the game later?*

I quickly respond to her and she agrees to meet at the entrance of football field.

I hear a noise and something broke next to me, I see that the sound comes from Calum's house and I hurry up to contour the garden. I knock at the door and I enter his house.

"is everything okay?" I whisper loudly so someone could hear me

"I'm fine! what are you doing here?" I see Calum picking up some glasses on the floor

"I heard a noise..." I look at my feet

"so you just ear a noise and you enter people's houses?" he gets up with a plastic bag in his hands, I shrug

"you shouldn't do that, is dangerous."

"I don't see anything dangerous here" I look at him, he has black jeans and a black and white sweatshirt

"yet." he comes closer to me

"I have guns..." what?

"where?" he looks at me top to bottom and my body shakes

"in my mind... I'm smart, sometimes." I lift his head with my hand for him to face me

"I've things to do..."  he steps away "if you don't mind" he opens the door for me to exit

"Why did you drop the glasses?" I make my way to the center of the living room where he has the plastic bag with little pieces of glass in it

I see him rolling his eyes and he closes the door again "butter fingers..." he says

"need help?" I look at maybe ten boxes placed in the empty living room

"no. "

"you're moving fast..." i say again


"you're not in a talking mood I see." maybe Ethan is right about Calum and I'm get way to curious, is probably nothing but you don't know if you don't try, right?

"fine. you can help me, I need to put this boxes in my dad's car..." he grabs one into his arms

"okay no talking then..."

We put almost all boxes in silence inside the car, exchange a couple of looks and i still try to understand in my head why are they moving so fast, i mean in a week they decide to move... its just weird

"so where are you moving?" I follow him and he closes the door

"downtown..." he says and puts the last box in the car

"downtown is quite big."

"to the new buildings, is from my dad company "Hoagland" or something, they have like this huge thing."

"what does your dad do?"

"Lara, I'm really not in the mood to talk today... I've quite a lot of things in my mind."

"fine. I'll talk then..." I say and he smiles, he must think I'm a pain in the ass. well I am

"Last week I've been to this coffee shop on the rose street and it was really nice, staff was really sweet and..."

"I have to go." he interrupts me and enters the car

"maybe you should go there... with me... someday." I say bending into the window, what am I doing?

"right sure" he looks at his phone and starts the car

"Jesus Christ! Calum is it that hard for you to invite me to go have a coffee with you?"

"I don't really like coffee"

"damn, you're pointless." I turn back  "meet me at the coffee shop tomorrow, 5pm  please!" I scream but I don't look back

Sunday... I roll out of bed and I mentally prepare myself for this day, I'm meeting Calum in the coffee shop and I'm not sure why... I do know, I want to know more about him I guess.

I look at the clock and it's almost 4pm, I enter the bathroom and I get myself ready with a hot shower, I put a nice black girly dress that spins around a little when I move my hips, some black tights and well my boots, you never go wrong with boots right?

I'm outside at 5pm, that was close... Yesterday was exhausting, my brother's team, the school team actually, won. again. not a shock anymore.

I feel the cold of the opening door from the coffee shop and I pray that is Calum, it is not.

A old man gets in and Michael quickly rushes to help him choosing his table.

"you sure you don't want anything?" he passes by my table and I nod "okay..." he says

I check my phone and well I don't have Calum's number so I send a text to Mali.

*Do you know where Calum is?*

*no, I'm not home... he's probably going to our old place pick some stuff idk. xx*

*okay thanks! see ya xx*

I look outside and still not sign of Calum, it probably makes one hour that I'm sit in this chair and it's pissing me off.

Michael sits in front of me where Calum should be " are you waiting for someone?"

"yeah... maybe not anymore." I look down

"it's my birthday today." he says and smiles

"Happy birthday!" i say to him and I manage to crack a smile

"thanks! I know we not like friends but I'm having a little party in my flat if you want to show..."

"yeah... I guess."

"it's not a big thing it's just my closes friends, I don't even have a cake. and tomorrow I have to work so... "

"sure. I'll be there..."

"cool... wait." he takes the pen and the little block from his pocket and starts writing, he slices the paper with a address and his phone number " I live down town... be careful on the streets. don't wear high heels "

"okay. I'm not wearing... is it that bad?"

"no, four dead people top's..." he smiles "I'm joking... just call me when you get there, yeah?" he says between giggles and I nod

"so? you're not drinking anything?" he says after a couple of silent seconds

"no... I have to go somewhere actually.  how old are you?" I ask and I get up

he smiles "way to old... I'm 21. " he says an I laugh he doesn't behave like a 21 years old boy he acts so grown up and he works full time in here i think....

 "okay then. I'll see you later birthday boy." I say and he smiles at me

I quickly call Mali and apparently Calum is at their new house, that little beast... how dare he? maybe he really doesn't like me. or worse, maybe he hates me and he has a secret plan to kill me. I guess who's going to do the first killing move today? that's right, me.

I rang at his new door and I'm not even sure this is the right one, Mali has terrible skills to explain stuff .

The door opens, and I see a young female standing in front of me with Calum's "Green Day" t-shirt and some sweatpants , I swallow hard my throat just got close by a huge mental punch.

"is a ... is Calum here?" I ask to the freaking bikini model standing in front of me, are you kidding me!? she's gorgeous and so tall. oh I'm more pissed now than never, I feel a reject and totally inferior to this girl.

"yeah..." she smirks "Calum?" she screams at the door "just a second." she tells me and disappears inside the house, I can see that a few boxes are still unpacked and TV is working and she is in front of me again

"Calum... is not. here." the words didn't want to come out of her mouth

"right." I look confused at her, I mean okay I accept that he doesn't want to see me but he will have to explain himself, coward. I'm ready to leave then.

"he's in the office." she whispers and points at a hall

I thank her mentally and I enter the house. I stop at the door she showed me and I take a deep breath before I explode in his face.

I open the door and I see a man at the mirror washing his hands... it's a bathroom

"oh my, I'm so sorry." I say and quickly close the door

"oh... next door." the girl says giggling and sits on the couch

"right thanks"

I open the next door and there he is, the little handsome coward.

He is sat on a big comfy office chair face to the window and surrounded by the shelves with books, lots of them. He turns around. I can tell by his face that he thinks I'm stupid by being here. well, I am being stupid and totally masochist for hurting my feelings because this is only getting started, I should just drop it when I can.

"are you going to say something? or are you just going to sat here looking at me?" I say and I gesture at him

he gets up "shit." he pulls his hair back "you shouldn't be here"

" I shouldn't be here?" my voice gets a little louder than I expect

"is everything alright?" a soft voice asks behind me but I don't move

"everything is fine, mom." he looks at his mom and looks back at me "not here... c'mon." I feel his warm hand grabbing mine and he leads me to the front door, I can feel all the six eyes looking at us.

He closes the door and keeps walking through the big hallway made of glass where you can see almost all the city, I feel his pace getting faster and faster and I'm going to win a medal because this feels like we're running a marathon.

I don't know why can he just talk to me right now, no one is here or no one was in the hallways either.

 I let go of his hand, I didn't want to but I did.

I stop and look around, we're standing almost at the entrance of the building I don't even remember getting downstairs, my mind is all messed up. Calum stops too and turns around.

"why?" I ask him

"why what?" he bites his lip

"oh don't bullshit me!" I say to him and I'm really trying to hold my anger inside

"look. I thought a lot about it and you probably better without my company. so I didn't go." he looks down

"well yeah the two hours I've wait in that bloody coffee shop showed me that, Calum." I lift my hands

"you should go. " he doesn't look at me

"you know. I thought, I was going to come here and you were just apologize and stuff." I pass my hand trough my hair "guess I was wrong again about you." I turn around to leave but this is not going to end and I turn around again to face him

"I just wanted to know you better! and maybe a date or something" I say

"a date?" he smiles

"yes a freaking date! the one you ask twenty questions about each other while we eat and then you offer me a flower or a cute teddy bear and I get all melted inside about it, but hell no, you choose to stay home just because. fine. " I turn back and I start walking

"I didn't know it meant it so much to you!" he says and follows me

"you're wrong, again."  I stop and turn to him " maybe I do like to hang out with you, maybe I don't. but at least you knew if you just showed up."

"I'm sorry okay? I just have a lot of things in my mind and I just can't..." he stops talking realizing he wasn't suppose to say it

"is it her?"

"what?" he asks confused

"the girl in your apartment, do you like her... that's it?" I almost want to run away right now

"my cousin?" he smiles

"your... right." of course, why not. it had to be...

"Lara. I just need you to stay away from me from a while." he stares into my eyes

"w-what?" he can't be serious , I just feel like I've been slapped right in the face

"I don't want or need you in my life right now, I have enough problems..." he says, he is serious...

"I'm a problem to you?" my body shakes, don't cry, just don't cry.

"no, I don't mean it that way. fuck! " he screams "why are you doing this to me?" he passes his hand trough his hair

"do what? I just wanted a coffee with you, that's all..." I wanted more than a coffee everyone knows that

"I can't be with you or go out with you, I can't involve you in it, my life is already messed up, I don't want your life messed up too." he comes closer to me and grabs my hand with both of his hands and plays with my fingers, just because he's nervous, why he's doing this?

"are you like a vampire or stuff?" I honestly ask, is not that I believe on that but he's scaring me

he smiles but keeps his concern face and nods "no, I'm totally human, unfortunately. "

"then what is your problem, that you can't hang out with me?" I adjust my bag on my shoulder

"I can't tell you. just please, I need time to solve it..." he looks at me with lost puppy eyes but I'm done with him

I let go of his hand "okay well... maybe I don't want to wait infinite times so I guess I'll have to move on then." I say

"move on?" he looks scared

"yes, let's start now." I turn around, this is bullshit, why am I worried with a guy that doesn't want anything with me, not even talking. what is wrong with me?

"where are you going?"

"away! just like you wished! "

"Lara..." I hear him say but I keep walking. I'm done with him right now. How does he dare? I just gave my heart to him and he rejects me like it was the easy thing in the all world for him.

I decide to go to Michael's party, since I need a drink or drinks. I asked a man in a suit where it was Michael's address and he pointed me the directions.

I remember he told me he didn't have a cake for his birthday so I stopped in a bakery and buy him a small box with four cupcakes and some candles, they didn't have a proper cake, what bakery doesn't have cakes? 

I look at the address and at the street address and it seems like is the one, it's getting dark and I hear male laughs behind me, I call Michael.

he picks up "hello?"

"hi! it's Lara... I'm here, I guess." I look around

"oh hello! okay well it's the number 39, second floor. come up, it's open..."

"okay, yeah. see you then." I hang up and start walking to number 39. it's a nice white building with a few balconies and it's not very high

I enter the building and I press the elevator button, doors open and I get in. I press number 2 and wait for the doors to close but they don't. "are you even serious?" I whisper to myself

"elevator is broken!" I hear a female voice on the other side of the elevator and I get out.

"thanks. It should have a sign or something." I smile at the beautiful tall girl whit long hair standing next to the stairs

"we don't have signs around here, too much work and money... Michael's party?" she asks looking at the box in my hands

"yeah..." I lift the cupcakes in a affirmation

"c'mon " she smiles and gestures to the stairs

"I'm Megan, by the way." she smiles at me

"Lara. " we start to climb the stairs

"are you a friend of Michael? I don't think I ever saw you..."

"well not really... I'm just , I guess I'm his friend." are we? I think we are or he wouldn't invite me right?

"I see. well I'm his classmate in college. anatomy to be exact.  " he studies anatomy? only crap he looks such a "I don't care about the world" person.

"he's in college?" I ask

"yeah... he didn't tell you?"

"no. I just saw him twice so..." I say and she opens the door wider

"well, he must like you then... he's not a lot of friends guy, you know." she stops at the entrance

"me either." I pass my hand trough my hair

"well I have to go to the bathroom but I'll see you in a bit " she says and turns around


I enter the kitchen right in front of me and there's no one in it so I light the candles and put on top of two cupcakes, one cupcake number 2 and the other number 1

"hey you!" Michael says behind me

"Hi! Happy birthday again." I show him the cupcakes

"thank you! oh my God, you bought me cupcakes?" he looks surprise and super happy

"yeah! " I smile at him, he looks so sweet

"thank you. you're the best" he hugs me

we let go of the hug "oh stop, I'm not..." i look down

"what's wrong?" he asks

"I just had a crappy day... it will be fine." i hand him the two cupcakes with the candles in the top

he blows the candles "want to talk about it?" he asks

"well your lift is broke..." i smile at him

"you had a crappy day because you had to climb stairs?"

"yes..." I laugh " okay maybe I was left behind by a guy, and it hurts more than it should. "

"maybe it didn't have to be, today or forever... life surprises you " he says and sits on the top of the counter, why does everyone says that? life and her surprises... I hate surprises

"big surprise then, for a moment I did believe he just forgot, we were having a few good moments the past week, I don't get it." I say

"good things don't last for long..." he says and takes a bite from the cupcake

"why you say that?" I ask

" I had a bad relationship, I refused to see that we were not for each other, still don't sometimes... when I'm drunk you know? it's a little embarrassing" he says and I nod "I gave her my heart and she didn't. it was amazing for me though. sometimes. "

"she hit you hard and deep I see..." I say and take a bite from the other cupcake

"I still don't talk to my parents because of her, so I could say that yes, she hit me harder than a rock"  he mocks the situation

"that's why you work at the shop?"

"yeah... I need money to pay this." he looks around the small kitchen

"and college?" I ask

"scholarship... "

"oh whoa! smart guy han?"

"yeah... " he blushes "oh my, see? good stuff don't last forever..." he looks at the empty paper from the cupcake

"you still have two more. I bought it in case. " I say and hand him other cupcake from the box

"this... is... amazing..." Michael says while he devours the cupcake, talking with his mouth full and I smile.

"glad you liked it." I say

"come meet my friends..." he jumps from the counter and starts walking, I follow him.

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❝they all think you❜re bad ass.❞