Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
🖍🎨 Drawings 🎨🖍
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH47 - Opening Up

288 18 5
By Namifangurl07

Yusuke got slapped in the back of his head by Genkai, who, as always took no crap from the boy.

"What was that for you old hag?!" Yusuke irritatedly cried out as he rubbed the spot which hurts. However, his suffering was far from over because the old lady pulled the ten-year-old figure by the ear. "OUCH! HEY!?"

"Just because you're a small whiny brat, doesn't mean you can be a lazy bump around here." Genkai barked back at her pupil, harshly pulling the boy's ear even more like many mothers would do, whenever their children get into trouble. "Now pull your head out of that sorry ass of yours and wash those dishes."

"Why me?!" Yusuke once again throw his hissy fit as he finally escaped from his master's grasp. 

"Why don't you ask Miyuki to do that?! She is a lot higher than I am at the moment."

"I won't." A new voice replied to his question, making him and Genkai turn to the mentioned person with her Water-bender partner by her side. "And neither will Ruby."

"Hey, what with the outfits?" Yusuke asked as he eyed the normal street clothing on the girls. "Are you two going somewhere?"

[Ruby's outfit. Not my art, all credit goes to Scarlett-Knight on deviant art]

[Miyuki's outfit. Not my art, all credit goes to the original artist]

"We are." Ruby confirmed it as she hugged Miyuki's arm, her smile never leaving her face. "Botan and Keiko invited us for a girls' day out." Without anyone's notice, Kurama just came back from his small walk he had spent in Master Yara's and Genkai's garden.

"Can I come?" The black-haired boy asked in hopes of getting away from the chores Genkai had forced him to do.

"Absolutely not." His sister figure shut him down. "You and the boys stay there. As Ruby said, Keiko will be there and she will no doubt recognize you."

"Awh, but that's not fair." Yusuke ranted on angrily like a spoiled brat.

"Well, I think it's perfectly fair." Genkai corrected the boy before turning to the girls with a small hint of a smile dancing on her facial expression. "Be careful you two, and have fun. You earned it."

"WHAT THE HELL GRANDMA?!" Again, the little black-haired brat exclaimed as his ears couldn't believe it how his sister is getting away scot-free while he is stuck with his two masters and his friends.

"We will." Ruby reassured her master before dragging Miyuki and leave through the giant door. Once the girls were completely out of sight Genkai turned back to her little successor.

"Make sure that everything is clean to the core by the time I get back. And don't you even think about skipping your duties Bonehead!" The Master sternly instructed and with one last warning, she disappearing into the hall. When Yusuke thought he was safe, he began to imitate Genkai's words, impersonating her in the most childish way possible. However, when he looked around the room he was in, his chocolate-brown orbs met with the emerald-green ones. Then his famous Chesire cat-like grin revealed itself on his expression.

"I don't think it's wise." Kurama said to him, knowing full well what his Spirit Detective friend is thinking about.

"Pff, oh just loose up a little Kurama." Yusuke said, still grinning wildly as he walked over and wrapped one arm around the redhead's shoulders. "We will be back within a flash before the crazy grandmas can even blink once. "

"W-we?" Kurama asked with hesitation in his voice.

"Well, duuh." The little Spirit Detective boy nodded his head. "Now let's get dressed and find Three-Eyes." Before the small red-head can even say anything in protest Yusuke yanked him to the guest room.


After like one or two hours of our journey we finally arrived at the location where our girl friends are supposed to be waiting for us.

"Where are they?" Ruby asked in a mumble beside me as she was also looking for Keiko and Botan.

"Yoohooo!" A very familiar high-pitched voice greeted us from a few feet away. I turned to the source and sure enough, it was Botan with Keiko by her side.

"Hello!" Ruby politely greeted them while I just mutely nod my head in acknowledgment.

"Hey, Miyuki!" My best friend greeted me before warping her arms around my small frame. I didn't hug back, but I did give a small pat on the brunette's back, letting her know that I still care.

Even though I just promised myself that I will try to change, I never thought this will be that hard. But I will do my best to change things.

"Who is your friend?" My brunette friend asked me curiously as she pulled away from the embrace.

"Keiko, this is Ruby, my partner at training." I quickly made up a lie since I don't want her to get suspicious.

"Training?" Keiko asked a little surprised.

"In the Boot Camp." I reminded her, earning a small 'oh' from her as she now remembered how my brother and I had been off to Genkai's and Yara's training for sic month. "Ruby, this is my other best friend from my childhood, Keiko Yukimura." I introduced the brunette to Ruby who stretched out her hand for Keiko to shake.

"It's nice to meet you." Keiko cheerfully said with a bright smile on her face.

"Like wise." Ruby replied happily. "Love the outfit."

"Thank you." My brunette friend said sweetly as she placed one hand on her cheek while turning away shyly.

"I hope we will get along, swimmingly." Ruby commented still having that friendly smile on her face.

"Oh, we will." Botan chimed in as she clapped her hands together. "Now let's go and do some shopping." With those words, she grabbed a hold of my wrist and dragged me to the first shop with the other girls not far behind.

Needless to say, this whole girly stuff was everything that I expected it to be. A total nightmare.Well, not immediately, but mostly when we got in the middle. Our time in the café was nice, we got some sweet and hot drinks and all, but then the shopping came.

No, that was not even the worst part of it, don't get me wrong. . .

Not really. . . But. . .

"I refuse to wear something so hideous like that!" I announce it to her as Botan showed me a light blue dress. Well, it didn't look awful. In fact, I thought it was pretty, but I am sure as hell that it won't look good on me. I still have my bandages on and everything.

"Awh, come on Miyuki, just this once? Pretty please" The blunette pleaded like some child wanting to get some candy.

"No." I told her flatly and bored as my arms were crossed over my chest.

"Miyu." Keiko called me a little sternly as she joined to Botan's side. "It won't hurt if you would look a little lady like for a short while." For that, I just huffed and turned my gaze away.

Yeah." Ruby chimed in as she sided with the other two girls, clearly agreeing with them. "It's not the end of the world."

"Hn, maybe not the end of the world, but the end of me." I replied bluntly as I turned my head away and closed my eye. Man, this is ridiculous. Now I really starting to regret coming here.

"Well, maybe to you, but I am sure a certain someone wouldn't mind seeing your true beauty. " Botan egged on as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Excuse me?" I demanded in a not so nice tone. What is this girl even talking about, what 'special someone'?

"Oh, you know who I mean." The blunette said with a cat face. "Charming smile with a high intelligence, dreamy green eyes, and red hair." I can feel my face go pale and probably blue.

"Say what now?" I asked as I tried to stay composed, but the uncomfortable cringe was already creeping on me. What in the fucking world Botan?!?

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Ruby butted in as well as she rose a questioning brow and crossed her arms. However, I see something in her eyes that sent a small amount of chill down my back. In other words, she looked kind of scary. . . I had never seen this side of her before, and it surprised me.

"Just young love." My idiot of an assistant said with a mischievous glint in her eyes as she continued to tease me. "You know, when-."

"Oh, hey Botan look at that dress!" Keiko suddenly cried out as she pointed at another girly dress. "You should try that on. It would definitely look amazing on you."

"Woah! Gorgeous!" The blunette exclaimed happily as she rushed over without any hesitation. Keiko gave me a knowing nod, and in reply, I nodded back.

My smart friend, thank you for saving me. However, now I was left with my other good friend here, for some reason gave me a look that made me feel. . . small. . . and uncomfortable.

"So. . ." Ruby started awkwardly, but from the posture and look on her expression, I can tell that she was trying her hardest not to glare at me.

"So?" I asked her back.

"You and Kurama. . . ." The water-bender continued with a serious tone. "Are you two are. . . a thing?" Again I feel my colors leaving my face, now feeling completely drained, but nonetheless, I remained uncomfortable as hell.

"Of course not." I told her with honesty as best as I could, because I feel my stomach twist in many ways, making me hard to keep myself from the embarrassment I was feeling at the moment and mind you it was really painful.

"Are you sure?" Ruby asked. "I-I mean. . . you look so close and even Botan said it. . ." Her voice trailed down as hesitation took its place on her expression.

"I am." I told her now standing on my ground once more, but my voice was gentle and soft. "Yes, I admit I deeply care about Shuichi, but my love for him is more like the one I have for my brother. " Then I let out a sigh as my eye looked at the very bubbly Botan who was twirling around the dress Keiko had shown to her earlier. "It's only Blabber-mouth having the bad ideas that created her own fairy tale within her fantasy. Probably because of that one day when I was with Shuichi in the park."

"Why were you with him?" Asked Ruby further as suspicion began to sparkle in her coffee-bean orbs. At first, I didn't get it why she is acting like this. I mean I already told her that Shuichi and I were just close friends during training and stuff.

But then slowly but surely, realization hit me. She is falling for my favourite Rosehead and she probably thinks that I sorta betrayed her or some shit. Anyways, I took a deep breath, and then I shook my head a little, reminding myself to stay on the original track of my explanation

"Because of this." I reply pointedly. My eyes turned to Keiko and Botan quickly and seeing that they were too busy, it allowed me to show my dragon-yang mark again.

"Why did you look for him for that?" The Water-Bender girl asked, now her expression softening up a little.

"I had seen a tattoo on Hiei." I began to explain in a low whisper so no one can hear me. "It looked similar to mine, but instead it had a ying-phoenix. So I thought this might be some sort of demon thing, but knowing that I won't get any answer from Hiei, I went to Shuichi instead And he told me anything."

"So, what does that mean?" Ruby was now curious, looking between me and my right wrist that I quickly covered back up.

"He said this is called the mark of destiny." I told her, still whispering since I don't want the Blabber-Mouth to hear it, at all. "It's like the Red Thread of Fate." Ruby's jaw dropped to the floor, but quickly covered it with her hands.

"You mean it like, you and Hiei are. . . Soulmates?" Concluded my partner in crime earning a small nod from me and slowly but surely her statement jogged back the conversation that made me come here in the first place.

"Are you okay?" Ruby asked me, now with concern in her voice.

"Truth be told. . . I'm not. . ." I told her truthfully as I turned my body away from my close friend. "Ever since I've become Spirit Detective, many things within me changed." One hand then went up to my black locks and pushed them away from my left eye. "I reunited with my childhood best friend and met so many new people when I. . . wanted nothing more than to just push away the people around me. . . away from me. . . So in that way, I wouldn't cause any pain or problem. . . " Then I took a deep breath as I try to solve my struggles with the words. "But it all later on changed and well. . . my feelings at times took control over me without me knowing and now. . . I. . . I. . . "

"You what?" Ruby asked as she grabbed me by my shoulders and turned me around. I didn't say anything, nor looked at my friend in the eye, however, I did give a hint by staring at my right wrist. As expected Ruby let out a gasp, meaning she understood.

"Oh my gosh. . ." She breathed out in disbelief because by now, she knew I was never this good with emotions like before. "You're-!" My hand quickly pressed itself onto her lips.

"Please stay quiet about this." I sternly told her. "I don't want anyone to know about this! Not a single soul, you got it?" Ruby said nothing but nodded her head. Slowly I removed my hand from her. "However, I also want to ask a favour from you. . ."

"A favour. . . ?" Ruby asked as she titled her head to the side like a confused puppy. Again, I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the next words that I never thought I would ever say to anyone. . . nor ask for something that is probably so little to many, but so huge for me. . .

"I. . ." I began hesitantly but after taking a huge swallow, to compose myself. "Do you remember the first time when we first met?" I finally started.

"Uhm, yeah. . ." Ruby said with a small nod. "But why-?" I lifted up one finger, cutting her sentence off.

"Please, let me finish . . ." I say to her gently. "After one of my closest friend's death. . . I closed off. . . Turning me into the kind of person who was never good at making new friends. . . " My gaze then lifted itself upwards, making me looking Ruby's eyes deeply. "But when I saw you. . . I felt a connection. . . I didn't know how, but after some time. . . I realized something. . ." Then my good eye lowered itself down. "You reminded me of so much of who I once was. . . A girl, so pure and free. Not to mention strong and brave to openly show her emotions. Share her happiness, joy, and love to others so carefreely. . . " At that, I closed my eye for a short time as I took a brief breath.

"What are you trying to get at Miyuki?" Asked Ruby with a little caution. With all the strength and courage I have left, I once again looked into my friend's eyes deeply.

"I. . . I want to feel again. . ." I told her, my voice suddenly began to tremble. "In the true way, I mean. . . I want to learn how to feel emotions again. . ." I trailed down as now I found myself trembling a little. My eye shut tight as my hand brought themselves up to my chest and clung onto the spot, where my heart is. Again, I felt another heavyweight falling off of me, so much so that it almost made me stumble, but thankfully, Ruby prevented me from the embarrassment when she suddenly hugged me tightly. It didn't startle me since I was too caught up with the chains that began to break within me. . . one by one. . .

Yes. . . I know this sounds utterly weird to ask someone to help me understand the concept of emotions again. . . but. . . After Sanyu's death, I trained myself to mostly disconnect from them because I thought that. . . that would make me stronger and not weak and vulnerable like the little naïve child I was back then. . .

But now. . . I want to understand them again. . . I want to reconnect with my true emotions and. . . find the courage to show them again. . . to the people who I love. . . to tell them how I truly care about them. . .

Even though I know, Hiei wouldn't like it. . . But why should I care about what he thinks anymore. . . His words made it clear to me that he doesn't want this. . . relationship that made us connected in some way. . . That Shadow Lord doesn't want to do anything with it. . .

"I must admit that this request sounds strange but. . ." Ruby answered with warmth in her tone, making me rip away my thoughts of Hiei. "I understand your situation." My friend then pulled away from my embrace. "And I will do my best to help you in any way I can." Then a wide smile stretched upon her face. "I'm so glad that you started opening up. But as your best friend, I am really proud of you as well." I didn't know what to say but nodded my head as my lips twitched upward just a little.

"However, I have two conditions for you." Ruby said with small mischief sparkling in her eyes, and soon the smile on her face turned into a mad grin.

Before I can say what does she want, she lifted up that blue dress, Botan had thrown at her before leaving.

I feel the colour drain out of me as a small drop of sweat rolled down from the side of my head. . . Now I start to regret things. . .

So far I had made some good decisions, but also got too many bad ones at the same time. . . 

And it's official. . . I hate shopping. 

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