Overturned [COMPLETE]

By pancakewarrior33

11K 346 70

[A UnOrdinary Fanfiction] Everything seems all right at Wellston until somebody new joins in. John, the suppo... More

Quick Author's Note
C H A P T E R # 1 - New Kid
C H A P T E R # 2 - Doctor Darren
C H A P T E R # 4- Miss Perfect
C H A P T E R # 5- Fight
Author N O T E
C H A P T E R # 6 - Medical Bay
C H A P T E R # 7 - Royal Court
G 0 0 G L E F 0 R M
C H A P T ER # 8 - A Minute in Time
C H A P T ER # 9 - Eavesdropping
C H A P T E R # 10 - Drama
C H A P T E R # 11- Hiding
C H A P T E R # 12 - Turf Wars
C H A P T E R # 13 - Train Ride
C H A P T E R # 14 - Change
C H A P T E R # 15 - Past
C H A P T E R# 16- Questions
C H A P T E R # 16.5- Villain
C H A P T E R # 17- Professor
C H A P T E R # 17.5- Another Late Day at the Office
C H A P T E R # 18 - Escape

C H A P T E R # 3 - Stares

673 20 1
By pancakewarrior33

The stares. Reminded me of what they looked at me in that wretched place, the scum- 

"Remember him?" I heard a passerby whisper about me.

"Yeah, totally. He lied about his ability and almost K.O'ed Arlo. Like, he was a ragdoll. I thought only Sera could do that?"

"That's Sera, our lovely, powerful, Queen of Wellston!" I couldn't take it anymore.

"Shut the fuck up about me!" they cowered in fear, waiting for me to continue. Obviously scared that I would attack them, I didn't. Probably Seraphina and Arlo didn't need to prey on these scummy elite-tiers, but I would bet my bones that some random High-Tiers did.

No matter how horrible I was, I assured myself that I would never stoop that low. Making people feel like they were worthless, crippling, it brought back those memories-

Just then, the bell rang, distracting me from my poisonous thoughts. I took a seat next to the blue-haired girl, Elaine. Fucker, the whole lot of them. Always so worried about stupid abilities. As soon as she saw me, she squeaked and put her head down low. Figures. Somebody like that crazy bitch Arlo (who literally just watched me get pummeled by his stupid barrier) probably "educated" her to stay in her place.

By educate I mean intimidate, and by intimidate I mean abusing-your-power-to-a-certain-extent-that-can-crush-basically-any-other-person. Why the hell was this school no different than the others? I thought academics were the rigor here, not bashed brains. Somebody needed to change this.

After classes, I walked back to my house and saw UnOrdinary lying on the table. Usually reading that calmed me down, but today it didn't. Why? In every part of the world, people abused their powers to get what they wanted. It was like this ever since I was born, and it would be like this forever.

That's why UnOrdinary was banned from Wellston, or so I heard. Didn't want their precious students being corrupted by these ugly morals. Or more like, not wanting High-Tiers to run amok with these new visions. Figures. This new school was turning out like my old one, except still slightly better. I hadn't made any enemies yet. But I hadn't made any friends either.

I sighed. I would rather have to get used to this rather than try to argue against it. One God-Tier is like a 1,000 Man Army, it is true, but if all the students and professors at Wellston High ganged up against me, I wouldn't stand a chance. I couldn't copy all the abilities and even the weak ones would get to me eventually.

Why was the world full of trash, garbage, and hate? As I drifted off to sleep, those were my thoughts. Why. The. Hell. Was the world so bad?

Your lovely author: Hey y'all! Sorry this chapter is so short, just wanted to get this up there, yeah. I need to destress from the exam a bit, thanks for reading, lovelies! BTW, more Sera-John action in the next chapter! Stay tuned!

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