Michael Afton x Reader

By txarie

86.2K 1.3K 4.8K

I have a strong love towards him and thought : hey!!! why not.. write a story?... about hiiimmm -:)) Inspired... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Michael and boobies 😳
Voting ended
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

415 9 4
By txarie

Slow updates!
God the amount of people that were upset over the choices I made in this story is unbelievable! And so, I shall restate my reasons.
1) I'm a victim of emotional abuse and Stockholm syndrome
2) English isn't my first language. Don't be assuming that just because i'm writing about a popular topic amongst underage wattpad writers (kidnapping) and that i'm illiterate means that i'm naive and just hopping onto the hype train.
3) Don't like it? Leave. No need to announce you leaving the story, I frankly could care less. I write this for the people who enjoy it. I don't care what target audience it reaches, whether it be 13 year olds or whatever. I don't take insult to claims saying my audience is immature high schoolers thinking kidnapping is cute. I'm not romanticising anything nor am I saying this behaviour is okay.


Hi! I wrote this fanfiction 2..?? years ago? Or something. I wrote it when I was very young and honestly I fell out of my whole Michael Afton thing, so I just have this as the final part I wrote down last year and never published it,, I am sorry to everyone who was looking forward to more updates and for the story to progress even more, but since I had the plot in my mind YEARS ago, I kind of lost track on what this was supposed to be. Err.. we'll see how it goes. I am not sure.


" That's a raccoon . Raccoons are cute, yeah?"
You attempted to get Norman to smile again. Another fail, as his bored expression stared at the still picture of a raccoon in his colouring book.
You let out a sigh in defeat. Norman kept staring blankly at the paper, his saddened blue eyes hardly ever even blinking.

" Norman, please " you plead trying to get him to co-operate.
" Raccoon .. ", he repeated after you. His timid and shy tone of voice was gentle yet aggravating as you started to get impatient.
He looked scared. And he should be.
As should you.
What ill intent has Michael got in mind?
For the both of you, that is. Michael entrusted you in caring for Norman as though you were his Mother. For long hours during the day Michael would disappear and return at late hours during the night.
And while you were supposed to be watching Norman, the same applied vise versa.
Every time you'd glance at a door or window, you could feel Norman's beady watchful eye staring at your back.
You couldn't help but feel goosebumps whenever you're with Norman.
You find yourself staring into his eyes, comparing his featured to Michael. Norman was youthful and had a lot of potential. Enough positive potential that you were sure he wouldn't turn out to be a twisted kidnapper.

Heck, you were sure you could get up and escape whenever you felt like it.
The only thing stopping you was feeling guilt of abandoning Norman.
He wasn't a baby, he could take care of himself. But the fear of what Michael was capable of scared you. Thinking about the things he could do to Norman out of anger made you hold your breath.

" Do you know what noises they make? ". You attempted to get his participation more often. It always backfired. He was definitely more intelligent than kids his age, yet he never showed it. He was humble, despite you actively engaging with him and insisting he shows a little interest in the simple studies.

" No. I don't. " Norman looked down at his lap.
You knew that whenever he did that little gesture it meant he was about to cry. You place a hand on his back and rub it softly.
You could already feel his body trembling with hushed sobs.

" Why are you crying, Norman? ", you let out a heavy sigh though kept it disguised as a cough to not worsen the boy's little temper.
" I don't know. "
He answers truthfully.
" I just feel stupid "
Norman had always grown up with self-loathing. You were positive that it was not natural for a child to be so negative all the time. You weren't even sure if therapy was available for children his age .. not like you were thinking of sending him anyway.

" I don't think so at all, Norman ", once you said that, he looked up at you with wide glossy eyes.
" You don't? ", Norman asked with a bit of hope. You smiled brightly, ignoring everything that has lead to this point. " Yes, you're perfect. Let's tidy up before Michael gets home now, alright? "

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