The Black Diamond

By Trial_Writer

2.4K 287 262

She fell into darkness And many thought she was gone... But it was in the darkness that she learned to see... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

25 9 0
By Trial_Writer

Abel regrets in front of the commissioner for not letting Sarah kill Charles. It's all because of him, he knew how was Charles, the one who reacts immaturely for small reasons, can do anything when he is caught with the biggest mistakes of his life. Today Sarah's condition is because of him. But the commissioner explains him that he is not at fault, you were just saving her from the punishment. He says she already got punishment because of me. No, Abel, Sarah would have regretted all her life. She is brave, I know nothing will happen to her. Abel emotionally hugs the commissioner and he too reciprocates to console Abel. His phone rings and he answers after excusing himself from Abel. Then without uttering anything he leaves. A few moments laters, Abel impatiently waits for Sarah outside the I.C.U, when suddenly the doctor comes out and says congratulations, operation successful, the patient is safe. Abel sighs deeply and thanks Jesus then asks the doctor can he meet her, please ! The doctor agrees only for 10 minutes and says but she needs to stay here for 15 days. He nods and run inside. He smiles seeing her alive. She opens her eyes slowly and sees him smiling in front of her. Then she indicates him to sit near her with her hands. He goes and sit on a chair beside her bed asking How are you feeling now ? She says all fit and fine in front of you. He smile. She senses something wrong and jokes to cheer him up saying just now you were smiling at me like a school kid who just got his lollipop. He is about to react when the commissioner enters and says yes Sarah you are indeed true, you know him very well, he is really a kid at times. Sarah I want to record you statement who kidnapped you ? Tell me in brief and removes his phone and opens recorder in it and places it on the beside table. She looks at Abel, who nods and caresses her face with his hand to calm her. She sighs and begins....


I went to my house accompanied with Abel for bringing my documents as I had a job interview. Abel dropped me and left saying he will be back in 5 minutes. I nodded and locked myself in my house and started packing the things fast. Some body ranged the bell, so I thought it may be Abel and opened the door only to see some goons with their masked faces entered my house forcefully. They locked themselves and me inside my house and one among them was trying to faint me using chloroform kerchief. I wanted to get rid off them and struggled and my hands grabbed a vase and I hit him on his head and started to run away. Then suddenly a car arrived in front of me and they pulled me by my hands, while the others came running from my house and helped them. They took me to the factory directly and locked me up.

End of flashback.

The commissioner then stops the recorder. Sarah asks why sir, why do you think Abel acts like a kid ? Why do you think so ? He answers her, because he is in guilt that you are here because of him. She asks what ? And stares at him demanding an answer from him, while he looks at the commissioner demanding an answer from him, for informing Sarah. She asks him to answer her and not to stare at sir. He utters nothing, so the commissioner itself describes the whole matter. She says it's not your fault at all, catching his hand she continues, he was a devil. It's your love that brought me alive, back to you. But,... Sarah don't worry, I have a good news for you too. Abel won't get arrested because we all said that Abel shooted Charles and whatever happened was in self defense, after he shot you. He also attacked the police officers. He interrupts her. She says but this is not true, is it ? Did he really attacked the officers ? The commissioner reply yes, it's true after all he was a criminal. Abel, how did you reach that factory ? We weren't able to trace the number. Abel says after I left the police station in the morning by giving the phone number recalls....

Abel meets with the a man, full of plasters, with his family coming to the police station with his wife and children crying. The man reacts differently seeing Abel and discuss some things with his wife. Then comes near Abel and stops him. Abel asks what happened ? He says my name is David, I am the watchman of the cold storage. I worked for Charles for my child and he drags that child in front of Abel and continues he have Cancer, I want money for his medication. So, I went to him for work and he allotted me the watchman job and I agreed instantly. I was working honestly but he wasn't paying me for my work. I threatened him saying I will go to working union and fight for my right, in so he said he will offer me my Money and also 2 lakhs more, but I need to do something for him. I asked what ? He said I need to increase the temperature more or less whenever he says. I, at first, didn't agreed then the next day I agreed when my child was suffering in his sleep. Later, after knowing that your wife was inside I just couldn't do the task given by him and left from there. He got to know about that after giving money to me, so he bet me like this. All the plasters over me. I wanted reach to you but I didn't know where you stay. So I wanted to reach you out by the help of police, they have kidnapped your wife. Abel says I know, you are late, it's okay you can go. He says I know where's your wife sir. Abel says you go, it's okay, just then he realizes what he heard and asks really ? For confirming. He told the address of the factory, I came running there, I couldn't wait to inform you, so I messaged you after I reached there.

End of flashback.

The commissioner says okay, I will meet you later, guys carry on. While Abel stops him and takes him aside, Sarah looks at him confusingly. He says I want your help sir, please will you ask everyone to not to disturb us for some time, atleast 10 minutes you know because I got 10 minutes, while you came to meet her, so you know..... The commissioner smiles and leave. Abel comes and sits near Sarah and says so ? Sarah asks so ? Abel says what were you saying ? Am I a kid ? She nods positively and says absolutely Yes. Okay, then I need my lollipop, saying he bends down and their lips meet. They taste each other for a long time then she gets shy and turns her head to the other side. While he smiles and turns her head to his side by placing it under the chin. He then winks at her and says you need to rest now from here till 15 days. She makes an shocking expression and says 15 days ? Abel, this is not done, I don't want to stay here. He says don't worry, I will be here with you. Now rest and he leaves.

15 days later.

Sarah gets discharged from the hospital and goes to her home with Abel. Sarah gets shocked seeing her parents there. She gets glad but then all her past memories flash in front of her, so she stops herself. And questions them about what are they doing here ? Why did they come here ? I don't want to see your faces and leave me alone. They together come near hear and caressing her face, they say Sarah ! Listen to us for one time. She yells No ! And she moves back, stay away from me and my life. Just leave me alone. It's better I stay away from you and asks Abel to come along. Abel stays there silent, while observing every moment. Sarah's parents look at Abel helplessly. She runs up in her room and is about to lock it, when Abel enters. She moves away from the door and pick ups her suitcase, and placing it on her bed she says thank God you came, Abel let's leave this place, I am fed up, I can't handle this anymore. Every time a new problem, she walks upto her cupboard and opens it and picks up handful of clothes, he silently stares at her, because of my past my present is suffering but not anymore, I just can't let this happen. And starts dumping all her clothes in her suitcase, I want to leave this place with you and settle somewhere. Even I have a right to live happily, while he comes and stops her hands by catching. She looks at him emotionally and hugs him. He caressing her hairs try to calm her down. She says let's go from here, far very far, such that no one can hurt us. He shushed her down and made her sit on the bed, he too accompanied her. Then holding her hands and asks will you listen to me, what I want to say ? She nods positively. Don't you think even they deserve a second chance to prove themselves, like your life got a second chance to live and lead a happy life ? She looks at him shocked and pulls her hands from his hold and says so they have sent you for their recommendation. Abel says no, I have called them here. She gets shocked and asks what ?

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