Young Justice x Bionic M Read...

By Shadow_star_awesome

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By Shadow_star_awesome

Characters: Bionic/(Y/N) (L/N), Robin/Dick Grayson, Kid Flash/Wally West, Aqualad/Kaldur'ahm, Superboy/Conner Kent, Miss Martian/M'gann M'orzz/Megan Morse, Artemis, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Sphere, and Queen Bee, Psimon.

(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name

You are in a shed where you see a girl with blonde hair in a Green Arrow outfit. But she was unconscious and you didn't know her. Then, she woke up and was confused. Then you confronted the girl.

Bionic: Hey, hey, hey.

Artemis: Augh! 'stands up'

Bionic: Relax. I'm not gonna hurt you.

Artemis: Who are you?

Bionic: I should be asking you that.

Then, there was a blinking light on your wrist and then you tapped it. Then, Kiara appeared.

Kiara: I can answer that for you.

Bionic: Whoa! Who are you?

Kiara: (Y/N). It's me, Kiara.

Artemis: Who?

Kiara: It seems you both have amnesia.

Bionic: Well...Kiara can you tell us what's going?

Artemis: Or what we're doing here?

Kiara: Pulling that up now.

Kiara is showing you and Artemis a screen of the recording of Batman giving the mission details.

Batman: The Watchtower picked up an immense power surge in the Bialyan desert. Spectral analysis reveal elements non-terrestrial in origin. Find out what happened at that sight and what landed there. Bialya is a rouge state. Ruled by Queen Bee. And not a member of the League's UN charter. All communicates are subjected to be intercepted. Maintain radio silence at all time. You'll land in Qurac, on Bialya's border. Two clicks from the hot zone.

Kiara: That is the mission.

Artemis: Was there anyone else with us?

Kiara: Yes. Your other teammates. Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Superboy, and Miss Martian. You are all on the same team doing covert missions for the Justice League.

Bionic: Alright, that explains it.

Kiara: Should I mention the relationship between you two?

Artemis: Yes.

Kiara: You two are a couple.

Bionic/Artemis: We are?

Kiara: Yes.

Bionic: How do we not remember this?

Kiara: I think it is logical to find the rest of the team.

Artemis: Yeah, it is.

Kiara: I'm tracking them now.

Kiara pulled up the map area and it showed 5 red dots. The red dots were the coordinates of the others.

Bionic: Found the team.

Artemis: Alright. Let's get started.

Bionic: I know you can survive in this dessert Artemis, but I'm a regular guy in a cool exo-suit.

Kiara: Not true. You have super powers.

Bionic: Superpowers? What are they?

Kiara: Super strength, super speed, super intelligence, heat vision, freeze breath, and photon blasts.

Artemis: Freeze breath sounds good for being in a desert.

Bionic: Agreed. We'll find the team in no time. 'crouching' Get on my back, Artemis.

Artemis: Right.

Artemis gets on your back and you super speed to one of the red dots on your map. Then you see a red dot closing in on your location. Then, you stopped and put Artemis down. Then, you two are near a part of the desert with rocks.

Artemis: What's wrong?

Bionic: Look out!

You got yourself and Artemis out of the way from a little implosion. Then, you saw the person responsible for the little implosion.

Bionic: What the heck!?

Superboy: Argh!

Superboy tries to hit you but you dodged his every attack. Then, you punched him and he was on the ground. Then, you went to check on him.

Bionic: Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you-

Superboy then got up and hit you into one of the rocks. Then you were down. Then, Superboy was heading for Artemis. She back flipped and was shooting explosive arrows at Superboy but, he wasn't slowing down. Superboy tried to attack her but she dodged then an explosion hit Superboy. Then, Superboy went to attack tanks that made the explosion. Then, you went to Artemis.

Artemis: Whose side is he on?

Kiara: That was Superboy.

Bionic: So he's on ours. He must have the mind wipe, too.

Then, jets are incoming and then you heard a girl's voice and Artemis shot an arrow but missed.

Miss Martian: Don't worry. I'm on my way.

Artemis: 'turns to you' Did you hear a girl talking in your head?

Bionic: Yeah, and it was weird.

Then, Miss Martian used her telekinesis to crash the jets. Then, she flew down to you and Artemis.

Bionic: Who are you?

Miss Martian: (Y/N). Artemis. It's me M'gann. Miss--

Bionic: Martian. First, Superboy and now you.

Miss Martian: You saw Superboy?

Artemis: Yeah, and he attacked us because he didn't know who we were.

Miss Martian: He did? But, we're friends. I made the team cookies.

Bionic: Sweet of you. Have you found anyone else?

Miss Martian: No.

Bionic: Alright, we'll use my trackers to find the rest of the team.

Miss Martian: Okay, lead the way. We have to help Robin, Kid Flash, and Superboy.

Bionic: You forgot Aqualad.

You picked up Artemis and pulled up the tracker. Then, you super speed to two red dots on the map with Miss Martian flying behind you. Day turned into night then you heard gunfire and you saw Robin and Kid Flash in his stealth suit ambushed by some Bialyan guards with a weird convoy. You help by knocking out one guy. Miss Martian used her telekinesis to push back three guys. Then, Artemis wrapped up a stray. Then, you and the girls talked to Kid Flash and Robin.

Kid Flash: Thanks for the help. Like the new look J'onn. But it doesn't scream Manhaunter.

Miss Martian: You know my Uncle J'onn? 'slaps head' Hello Megan, of course you do. You're Kid Flash. Wally and you're Robin.

Kid Flash: Hold up. Martian Manhunter is your uncle? Is that how you know my name?

Artemis: Your name is really, Wally?

Kid Flash: Awww 'looks down'

Robin: Let's hogtie these creeps and compare notes first.

You explained to everyone about you all being a team and you're all on a mission together but, you guys were missing Aqualad and Superboy.

Robin: So, we're a team?

Bionic: Yeah. Us, Aqualad, and Superboy.

Kid Flash: Then, that piece of clothe with the 'S' on it is his.

Robin takes out black clothe piece with an 'S' and Miss Martian takes the piece.

Miss Martian: Yes. That's Superboy's.

Artemis: Bionic and I saw him. He attacked us because of the memory lost.

Robin: I remember Batman ordering radio silence. Our team must work for him.

Bionic: No, we work under Justice League terms.

Artemis: We need our memories back.

Bionic: And, we need to get Aqualad.

Then, Miss Martian brings you all into her mind and you see little flashes of memories.

Miss Martian: I brought you into my mind to share with you what I remember so far. But, I need your help. Together with our broken memories can form a whole. If you open your minds to mine.

Artemis: You wanna pop through our private thoughts?

Miss Martian: I have no wish to intrude. But--

Robin: You need to hack our minds to find what happened to us. Got it. Go!

Kid Flash: My brain's all yours. Try not to let it's brilliance overwhelm you.

Robin: Or, underwhelm you. Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed.

Bionic: Artemis. We can trust her.

You and Artemis hold hands. Then, she looked at Miss Martian.

Artemis: Last six months only and only what you need.

Then Miss Martian started to link all your minds to start the memory recover.

Batman: The Watchtower picked up an immense power surge in the Bialyan desert. Spectral analysis reveal elements non-terrestrial in origin. Find out what happened at that sight and what landed there. Bialya is a rouge state. Ruled by Queen Bee. And not a member of the League's UN charter. All communicates are subjected to be intercepted. Maintain radio silence at all time. You'll land in Qurac, on Bialya's border. Two clicks from the hot zone.

Robin is holding binoculars for a lookout in the desert. Superboy is bringing down the convoy.

Robin: All clear.

Artemis: The Bialyans control the site now.

Aqualad: Set up here.

Robin: We'll be up and running in no time.

Kid Flash: Jackpot! The site's lousing with zeta beam radiation.

Bionic: Zeta beam radiation in the desert. That means the zeta beam was the power surge the Watchtower detected.

Robin: And there's non-terrestrial trace element in the tent.

Miss Martian: I'll check it out in camouflage mode.

Aqualad: Good idea. Go!

Superboy: Be careful.

Aqualad: And, maintain telepathic contact.

Miss Martian: I will Aqualad.

Then, you all were back to your minds with your memories. But before you were back in your memories you saw an image a big white martian. It was cool yet it felt so familiar. Like you were looking at someone's past. Then, you were back in your mind.

Bionic: Whoa!

Kid Flash: I know, right? Seeing each other's memories.

Robin: What happened next?

Miss Martian: I don't know. That's the last thing I...We remember.

Kid Flash: We landed 24 hours ago. If Kaldur's been roaming around the desert for that long. Well, that's not very good for a guy with gills.

Bionic: He's not that far. We'll get to him in no time. He's not moving either.

Robin: Let's move!

You lead the team to Aqualad. You carried Artemis and Kid Flash carried Robin while Miss Martian was flying behind you all. You super speed and you close in on him.

Bionic: Aqualad's right in front of us.

You see Aqualad and stop running. Then, everyone stood around Aqualad while Miss Martian tries to comfort him. Then, Aqualad was speaking Atlantean.

Miss Martian: I can't restore his memories in this condition.

Robin: He needs immediate rehydration.

Bionic: I'm on it. Miss Martian, I'm gonna need your help.

You use your freeze breath to create a giant block of ice then, Miss Martian used her telekinesis to lift the block of ice and put it over Aqualad. Then, you used your heat vision to melt the ice and water was pouring on Aqualad and he woke up.

Aqualad: 'gasp' What is going on?

Bionic: Glad, you're okay.

Aqualad: Who are you?

Bionic: A friend and she is going to help you.

Miss Martian: I need you to calm down and let me help you.

Aqualad: Okay!

Miss Martian goes into Aqualad's thoughts and restore his memory in no time.

Miss Martian: Do you remember everything Aqualad?

Aqualad: Yes. Where's Superboy?

Miss Martian: Agh! 'holds her head' Superboy's in pain. I have to go.

She flies off to find Superboy.

Artemis: M'gann wait.

Bionic: I'll follow her. You guys get back to the ship.

Aqualad: Right.

Artemis: Be careful, (Y/N).

Bionic: I always am Artemis.

You use your super speed to keep up with Miss Martian. Then, you guys were back at the tent. Then, Miss Martian goes into the tent in camouflage mode. You took out the guards outside of the tent quietly. Then, you heard Superboy's screaming. Then, it stopped. You enter the tent and you see a guy with pale white skin with red lines on his face looking at something or someone. Then, you knocked out the scientists then, you freed the round giant metal ball and Superboy.

Bionic: You good Superboy?

Superboy: What's going on with him?

Bionic: I don't know. Kiara, who is that?

Kiara: That is Psimon. He is Queen Bee's advisor. He also has strong telepathy.

Bionic: So he caused us to have the memory wipe. So, while he's distracted. Let's knock him out.

Superboy: With pleasure.

Superboy tries to punch Psimon but he was protected by a force field. Then, Superboy was flung back by the force field.

Superboy: That didn't work. What do we do?

Bionic: Let's help out Miss Martian with the psyche battle they're having.

Superboy: How do we get in?

Bionic: I don't know. Let's try touching Miss Martian and see what happens.

You both touch Miss Martian and you guys enter the psyche battle between Miss Martian and Psimon.

Miss Martian: You're both here.

Psimon: 'laughs' You sound so relieved. Are those two boys here supposed to save your mind?

Bionic: Miss Martian, restore Superboy's mind.

Miss Martian cups her hands on Superboy's head and she restores all his memories. Then, Superboy looks at you like he knows.

Superboy: Miss Martian and Bionic, I remember.

Psimon: It still won't save you all.

Psimon blasts a dark beam from his mind and Miss Martians puts a green force field around all three of you. But, Miss Martian was feeling weak.

Miss Martian: He's too strong.

Superboy: You're strong and I'm stubborn. 'takes Miss Martian's hand'

Bionic: Let's beat him together. 'holds Miss Martian's shoulder'

Miss Martian: Get out...of my head!

The three of you throw a green beam at Psimon and he screams in pain as he feels the blast. Then, you came back to the real world and the tent was gone. Then, you see Superboy holding Miss Martian and about to kiss her but was interrupted by the sphere. Then, it made a beeping sound.

Superboy: Can I keep it?

Bionic: You've earned it. Let's get to the Bio-ship and the others.

Miss Martian: Right.

Miss Martian uses her telepathy to carry Superboy, while you used your super speed and sphere was rolling behind you.

Miss Martian: Hey everybody. Bionic and I got Superboy, he's back to normal and we're on our way.

Kid Flash: Oh man. I didn't get a souvenir for the mission.

Bionic: We got that covered.

You, Superboy, Miss Martian and Sphere head back to the ship and you all headed back home.

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