A War With the Royals

By evol_lovebackwards

119 0 0

War is war. Regardless of who's fighting in it. Unless, It's Royalty. More


Empire State Of Mind

24 0 0
By evol_lovebackwards

Before Blood was shed, a contract was made. It was called Fusione delle famiglie or Merger of families. It was a 200 paged agreement stating that the merge would be strictly business. signed by Frances and Archibald, head of both families. It stated that the families would merge through marriage and create an empire.

Time 1857 April 3.

Archibald had been up late, night after night since the second week or March. Writing and discussing things with a mystery man who always would flee before dawn. Guenevere, Archibald's second wife had become suspicious. She would frequently ask questions. "Why do you come to bed in such late hours","Who is that man in the cloak who leaves the same hour every night?" And "What secrets are you harbouring my dearest?"

Archibald had one day made the mistake of leaving his study door open. When the sun came up and Archibald left, Guenevere slipped inside walking slowly to his work table. Finding an agreement with two names on it. Signed by two people,her husband and Frances Theleaux.She lifted the papers to see if her eyes were deceiving her. Worried her children would find her in a state of worried shock. She hurried to the study door and slammed it shut locking herself and the documents inside.

The Grimaldi children had been startled by the loud noise waking only four of the six children.


Frances Theleaux had brought the idea of creating an empire. One that would rule throughout the generations. However, the problem was that it wouldn't be socially acceptable.

We met for several nights discussing documents that would be in the agreement we had arranged to make. Worried that Guenevere would become suspicious,I had him leave at midnight every night before she would awake...


I'm leaving these little parts in  suspense because it's building up for the first chapter.

This isn't the first chapter This is an additional part to the backstory.

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