Book 1: New Revelations

By CherryNoddles

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"Mom? Dad? Y-You're..." Hearing their daughter's voice, Marinette and Adrien's heads snapped up in shock, una... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Happy Birthday!!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Merry Christmas!!!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 30

107 3 0
By CherryNoddles

Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 30 of Book 1: New Revelations! You know, I originally planned to release this Chapter a lot earlier, but AN ABSOLUTE IDIOT, that idiot being me, accidentally deleted the first 3000 words of this Chapter. So you can thank her for that. I'm also very angry. :) Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

"Carmen." I stated, keeping my guard up. Carmen is dangerous. Unbelievably so. There's no telling what she would do to me in order to appease her anger.

"Hello, dear Emma. Pleased to see you again. But it's not Carmen, darling. That part of me has long since passed away. I am the Queen of Hearts! As your Queen, you should very well remember my name." Carmen smiled maliciously, landing on the ground. "Mind telling me what you're doing here? I thought you had long since returned to the Agreste Mansion. I was going to look for you there. But my instincts told me that you'd be here. Guess they were right, weren't they?" 

The only sounds that could be heard were the ruffling of Carmen's dress. Though now that I take a closer look at it, Hawkmoth surely exceeded all expectations with this outfit. Honestly, it looked beautiful. It looked like something straight out of Mom's sketchbook. Even GG's. It might be a little over the top for a modern teenager, though. Even the way Carmen speaks is different!

Damn it... How am I going to get out of this mess? If only I'd been faster... I wouldn't even be caught in this mess in the first place... Emma, snap out of it. This is no time to dwell on what you should've done... I need to lead Carmen away from here as soon as possible. Lexi is way too close for comfort. If Carmen finds her, there's no way Lexi can fight back. Or even run, seeing as I tied her up. If Lexi gets caught, it would be all my fault.

I'm pretty sure I have a good chance of escaping, given my background and my secret alias. But I have no idea what Carmen's powers are. I'll be walking straight to my death if I tried anything now. The last thing Paris needs is an incapacitated Ladybug. Before I even try anything, I'll have to at least collect some information on Carmen... Even if I don't manage to escape, it'll help Chat Noir and Ladybug defeat Carmen later on...Though it doesn't seem as if Chat Noir would be here for quite a while...

My eyes widened slightly as I realized something. Something that could potentially put the whole of Paris into danger.

Hold on... What if Chat Noir went to find Emma and Lexi in order to hide them from Carmen?! He wouldn't know that I already hid Lexi! Chat Noir would be led on a wild goose chase all over Paris! Just how much time would he waste doing that?! By the time Chat Noir gets here, who knows what Carmen would've done?! Ladybug can't help this time, either! Damn it! This really is the worst case scenario!


You can't lose control of yourself, Emma.

Calm down.

I took a shaky breath, trying to calm my nerves. But Carmen's presence isn't making it any easier.

Chat Noir knows Ladybug well enough. He probably thinks that Ladybug would've went to secure Emma and Lexi's safety the moment she found out about the akuma. He probably thinks that it's useless trying to find Ladybug and help her. The best thing that he could do to help as of now was to stall Carmen until Ladybug got here. At least, I hope that's what he's thinking...


All of a sudden, I couldn't breathe. The oxygen left my lungs as I felt myself being lifted off of the floor. "I don't like being ignored. I hope you understand that, darling. I really do. For your sake." Carmen seethed, her grip only tightening around my neck. Damn it... At this rate, I'm going to lose consciousness... There's no way I can defend myself in that state! I'll be even more of a burden to Chat Noir! This is bad. Really bad! Really... Really bad...

I felt my consciousness slowly fade away. Just as I was about to black out, Carmen released her hand, dropping me to the ground with a heavy thud. I gasped for breath as my vision returned to me. "You don't know how much I want to kill you right now, Emma. But Hawkmoth would prefer it if I kept you alive. For now, at least. Thank your lucky stars, darling." Carmen turned away from me, dusting her hands off.


Why would he want to keep me alive...? 

What value does he see in me...?

Future victim?

Key component in some elaborate plan?

That doesn't make sense!

The fact that Hawkmoth's benevolence was what's keeping me breathing as of now made my blood boil in an unimaginably furious way. Damn it... I can't believe I was saved by Hawkmoth... Well, at least I'm alive. That's all that's important.

Though I wasn't sure if I was fully convinced of that fact.

"First things first, I need to make sure you don't try to escape. We can't have that, can we, Emma dear? I'm sure you understand." Carmen drawled, walking over with two pieces of rope. One was used to gag me. The other was used to tie my hands in front of me. Ironically, it was exactly how I tied Lexi up. Must be karma... Though I did it in Lexi's best interest... Carmen has no goodwill when it comes to me... At least, not in the state that she is...

I struggled against my bonds, attempting to loosen the bonds, even by a little bit. But it was absolutely useless. Unless someone else helps untie me, the chances of escape are slim. Extremely slim. Carmen sure knows how to tie someone up... It's a little suspicious, but not at all important right now... There's no way I can escape unless my hands, at least, are free...

"Servants! Line up!" Carmen ordered, satisfied with how I was tied up, apparently. A whole row of people filed in front either side of the school courtyard, taking their places in an orderly fashion. What?! What are all these people doing here?! Why aren't they running away?! Are they complete idiots?! Run! Save yourselves!



Something isn't quite right...

I glanced around the courtyard, scrutinizing each and every face. Something wasn't quite right. First of all, the assortment of people were far too varied. Most looked like they were working men and women. Some were young children and students. Others were the elderly. It seems that everyone could be under the influence of Carmen's power, whatever it is. There didn't seem to be any exceptions. For another, their faces lacked any emotion. Their movements were too stiff to be human. They didn't act like how humans would usually behave in these kind of situations. They were acting like robots... It's almost as if they had their very life sucked out of them...

"What did you do to them?" I spat out, somehow managing to release the gag from my mouth. Though I doubt being able to use my mouth would help me much when I try to escape. Hawkmoth definitely wouldn't allow Carmen to be talked into releasing me. That's for sure. He might've spared my life. But Hawkmoth knows the value of me being a hostage. He managed to evade the police and Ladybug and Chat Noir all this time. Surely he's smart enough to realize that fact.

"Ah. I see you've noticed. Well, I suppose there's no point keeping you in the dark."  Carmen knelt down in front of me, lifting my head up to face hers. "With my wand, I can take the emotions of anyone I point it at, leaving them as ghosts of their former selves. See, these people can't think any other way once that happens. They don't have a choice but to obey me. It's awfully convenient, don't you think? That's actually how I found you, Emma."

Mind control, huh...? That's an extremely dangerous power... If Chat Noir is trapped under Carmen's spell, it would be the end of Paris. There would be no one to stop Carmen if she decides to go on a rampage... Hawkmoth would surely start suspecting that something's wrong if Ladybug doesn't show up after that... He'll figure out that Ladybug was among the people that Carmen had turned into her puppets. It won't be long before Hawkmoth discovers that I'm Ladybug. I have to warn Chat Noir. But how? I have no way of contacting him! What am I going to do...? Chat Noir might be walking straight into a trap if he comes here...

"Basically, you're stealing their very soul to fuel your wand, is that right?" I asked, struggling to free my face from Carmen's strong grip. I didn't want to look at Carmen any longer than I had to. What Carmen's doing is absolutely sickening. I can't stand it.

"Stealing's a strong word, don't you think? At any rate, I can assure you that their emotions are being put to good use. Using their emotions, I can fire powerful blasts at anyone I wish. How everything works is actually quite simple. All you need to do is understand." Carmen smirked, dropping my head roughly. 

"Of course, these people's emotions vary as time passes by. Most of the emotions I've gathered are fear. Not that I can blame any of them. But the most powerful emotion would be love. I am the Queen of Hearts, after all. Ah. How I wish to take the love right out of their bodies, watching them as they turn to emotionless slaves!" Carmen laughed, raising her head to the sky.

A shiver travelled down my spine, chilling me to the bone. Something wasn't quite right with Carmen. It was almost as if Carmen had gone insane with power. I have to stop her right away... Before she does something she regrets...

"Carmen! Turn them back to normal! Please!" I called out, gaining Carmen's attention. Maybe this wasn't the best idea. But if I could reduce the number of puppets Carmen had under her control, it would definitely help Chat Noir when he finally comes. 

"Oh? Asking a favor from the Queen of Hearts? How charming. But as much as I like seeing you beg, Emma, I'm afraid I can't comply to your request. Believe me. It's not because I don't want to. Even I'm not sure how to turn these people back. I suppose the only way would be to free me from Hawkmoth's akuma. Though that's not going to happen any time soon. Don't you worry, Emma." Carmen drawled, a small smirk on her face. Carmen was clearly enjoying every minute of her infinite power. Carmen is going to lose control of herself if this continues any longer.

"At any rate, Ladybug and Chat Noir sure are taking quite a long time to get here. I had thought they would rush to the scene at once when they heard that the oldest child of the previous Ladybug and Chat Noir had been captured. It is strange... " Carmen commented, tapping her chin thoughtfully. Part of that was my fault. But Carmen had a good point. Where was Chat Noir? It's been quite a while since the first shout. Everyone across Paris should have been able to hear it. No matter where they were. Where's Chat Noir? He had better get here quickly... Though I'm still worried about Carmen's power affecting him...

"Well, it doesn't matter. Regardless of when they will arrive, we should get started on the trap I'm planning to create for Ladybug and Chat Noir. Immediately. You're going to love it, Emma. Absolutely." Carmen turned to me, a malicious smile on her face. Somehow, I had a feeling I wasn't going to like Carmen's plan at all. Not one bit of it.

"Is everything ready?" Carmen called out, facing her servants. One stepped forward and replied with a formal bow, "Yes, Your Highness. Everything has been prepared as you have ordered." A few others stepped out of the line, carrying a wooden box. It looked like it could barely fit me. It would be a miracle if it did. 

"Perfect. Kindly help Emma into that box." Carmen ordered, turning away from me once again. It took a while for Carmen's words to sink in. When they finally did, my jaw dropped in shock and I started struggling even more than I already was.

"Hold on! Are you crazy?! This is insane! Carmen! Look at me! Look at the size of that box! Do you really think that'll fit me?! Seriously?! Carmen!" I called out, furiously trying to free my hands. Damn it... Carmen's surprising good at tying people up... Makes me wonder...


Hold on!

That's totally not important right now!

"That's precisely the point, dear Emma." Carmen turned towards me again, a triumphant smirk on her face. "Did you know? Keeping someone in a small box was a form of torture or punishment. Honestly, you should've seen this coming the moment you decided to defy me." Who could've this coming?! How was I supposed to know that you would lose your marbles after I stopped you from punching Lexi?! Though I completely understand your desire to do so... I really do...

"Don't worry. You definitely wouldn't die from this. Probably... Maybe... Hopefully... " 

Carmen knew exactly what effect her words had on me. I could see the pleasure that she took from this entire situation in her eyes. As I struggled desperately, a group of Carmen's servants lifted me up and dumped me in the box, wordlessly heeding their Queen's orders. Damn it... I knew Carmen's servants were going to be a pain sooner or later... And since they aren't doing this of their own free will, I can't try to talk some sense into them... I can't exactly beat them senseless either... Not that I could, in this form...

"Well. I'll see you later, Emma. Try not to suffer too much while you're locked in here." Carmen drawled, chuckling deviously. And with that, the lid was placed onto the box, locking me inside, encased in partial darkness. 

"Emma! Are you alright?!" Tikki flew out of my purse, coming to a stop in front of me. Tikki seemed as if she was on the verge of tears. Her voice was unnaturally frantic. I didn't think that Tikki would be one to freak out so much. Though considering the situation I'm in, any sane person would be extremely worried. I don't feel much of a difference in myself... Since when did I go off the rails...?

"Emma!" Tikki called out again, jolting me out of my thoughts. Right. This is no time to be thinking about something like that. Tikki is clearly worried about me. I have to come up with some form of answer to calm her nerves.

"Sorry, Tikki. Yeah. I'm completely fine. I just need to think of a way to get out of here before something else happens. Something really bad." I replied, a weak smile on my face. Not that everything that's happened until now wasn't all that bad.

"Are you sure?! Did Carmen hurt you anywhere?! I'll make her pay if she did!" Tikki balled her hands up into fists, fully prepared to phase through the lid of this box and carry out what she said she would. 

As much as I'd like to see Carmen's face if that actually happens, there's no way I actually could let Tikki out of this box. For one thing, I'm pretty sure Tikki can't do much by herself. Sure, she might have lived for over 5000 years and have magical powers. But the reason kwamis need a holder in the first place is to manifest that power and bring it into reality, right? For another, if Hawkmoth sees Tikki, and he most definitely will, there's a chance that he'll put two and two together and find out that I, Emma Agreste, am Ladybug. Who knows what Hawkmoth would make Carmen do after that?! Though Carmen could just take my miraculous. Just like that. I wouldn't be able to resist much. After all, I'm all tied up.

"Tikki, I'm fine. Really. And as much as I'd like to let you do as you please, I can't risk letting Carmen and Hawkmoth see you. Hawkmoth would definitely realize that I'm Ladybug. Paris would be in great danger if Hawkmoth manages to get his hands on my miraculous. I'm really sorry, Tikki." I tried to console Tikki, patting her head comfortingly

"It's alright. I understand. For now, I'll help you untie your bonds! That way, you'll be able to escape!" Tikki called out, quickly flying to my hands. "Thanks. That'll be a great help." I replied, smiling. Times like these were when Tikki's presence was especially helpful.

I peeked through the cracks of the box, trying to get a glimpse of what was happening outside. It seems that Chat Noir still hadn't arrived. What the hell is Chat Noir doing?! He's taking far too long to get here! 

"Tikki. If worst comes to worst, forget about me and bring the Ladybug miraculous to Mom. She would know what to do." Tikki's hands stopped in an instant. She looked into my eyes, completely in shock. "Emma! What are you saying?! There's no way I can abandon you! How would I be able to face Marinette if I did?!" Tikki was on the verge of tears. Again. Great... I feel bad now... But it's necessary...

"Nothing's more important than keeping Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous out of Hawkmoth's control. That way, Paris, not to mention the rest of the world, would still be safe. You know that." Tikki didn't reply. She kept her head down, refusing to meet my eyes. But an understanding had passed between us. Tikki has been dealing with Hawkmoth for way longer than I have. Surely she would understand where I was coming from.

"Tikki. Please. You have to promise me." I tried once again. Before anything else, Tikki's safety came first, along with the safety of the Ladybug miraculous. I had to make sure Tikki understood. No matter how painful it might be.

Tikki hesitated for a moment, before nodding her head. I felt myself relax, overwhelmed with relief. At least Paris would still be able to be saved if Hawkmoth happened to find out that I was Ladybug. Though I'm not sure I would be able to guarantee my own safety after that...

"Great. Thanks Tikki. It means a lot." I patted Tikki's head comfortingly. "You can go back into my purse for now. I'll take care of the rest myself." Tikki lifted her head, her eyes finally meeting mine. "Are you sure? I can help you escape! I'm not that weak!" Tikki called out indignantly, her hands balled up into fists. Tikki's determination almost made me chuckle. Though I held myself back. It wouldn't help the situation at all.

"I'm sure. You've done enough, Tikki. Get some rest. Besides, if Carmen kicks over the box and you flew out, it would be all over for the both of us. We wouldn't want that, would we?" I smiled, trying my best to convince Tikki. After all, my worries are well-founded. 

"Alright... But are you sure? It can't be comfortable in here!" Tikki's eyes were filled with worry. Honestly, I was heartened to see Tikki so worried about me. It was really sweet of her. But Tikki's persistence was dangerous. Both for me and her.

"I'm sure. It will take more than a cramped box to take me down! I'm Ladybug, after all!" I chuckled, somewhat faking the bravado that I was displaying. "Don't worry, Tikki. I'm completely fine."

That should be enough to convince Tikki.


But if that were actually true, I would be in a much easier situation right now.

My hands were starting to cramp up. I could barely find the room to move my legs. Even by a little bit. The tight space was getting to me. I could totally understand why this was used as a torture method. I don't think I would be able to keep this conversation up for much longer. Damn it... This really is the worst case scenario...

Tikki seemed satisfied with my answer. She flew back into my purse, zipping it back up behind her. Thankfully. Great. Tikki's safe. For now. At least the chance of her getting discovered is minimized. Tikki managed to loosen the knot around my hands. If I can just get my hands free, I could fight my way out and escape. Not that my fists would do me much help against mind control. It doesn't matter. Being able to use my hands was way better than not being to protect myself at all. If I could just free my hands...

"Carmen Bourgeois! Stop this right now! Please!" 

My eyes widened in surprise. 

I recognized that voice.

There's no doubt about it...

It's Chat Noir! 

"Just in time." Carmen muttered, lowering her voice to allow only me to hear. No! Not just in time! Why couldn't Chat Noir come just a little later?! It would've been easier for him to rescue me, too! And I still haven't warned him about Carmen's power! This is definitely the worst case scenario!

"Chat Noir. Lovely for you to join me this afternoon. How have you been?" Carmen asked. I nearly laughed at Carmen's display of politeness. It was hilarious. Really. Is that Hawkmoth's doing? If so, I have to thank him. For once, I don't have to listen to Carmen complain about all the things that she doesn't have. When she's one of the luckiest people in Paris. Even the entire world.

"Perfectly fine. Thanks for asking. I'm afraid I have to stop you. Right here, right now." Chat Noir replied, probably getting ready to fight. No! You idiot! What do you think you're doing?! You just got here and you're already engaging in battle?! Do you have a death wish?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?! You don't even know what Carmen's power is! Though attacking first might give you a slight advantage... I'll give you that...

Chat Noir might still be safe, though. From the sound of his voice, it seems like Chat Noir might be on one of the rooftops nearby. Or at the edge of the school courtyard. Maybe he's too far away for Carmen's magic to affect him? The range is pretty wide. I sure hope so... For Chat Noir and Paris' sake...

"Before that, I have two things I'd like to tell you. First of all, I am no longer Carmen Bourgeois. I am the Queen of Hearts! As your Queen, I'd like you to show me a little more respect! You are nothing but a commoner. No commoner could possibly hope to stand up to me!" Carmen dictated. I bit my lip to prevent from bursting out in laughter. I couldn't believe what Carmen just said. Since when was she anyone's Queen? Carmen's way too in over her head. It's almost unbelievable, how someone could be so privileged to grow up to be this pampered.

"Alright, Queen of Hearts. What's the second thing you wanted to tell me?" Chat Noir replied. Kudos to Chat Noir for being able to keep a straight face while saying that. Honestly. It was really impressive. 

"Well, aren't you an impatient one, Chat Noir? I guess I can't dawdle, then. Why don't you say hi to my special guest?" Carmen chuckled. Before I could even register what Carmen had said, the box was forcefully knocked over, causing me to tumble out of it. Well... What do you know? Carmen really did kick the box over... Thank God I managed to hide Tikki in time... That was a really close call...

"... Emma?"

My body tensed as Chat Noir's voice reached my ears. "Hey... Chat Noir... " I replied meekly, a weak smile on my face. I had no idea how I was supposed to react in this kind of situation. Though it wasn't all that surprising. After all, there was no reason for Hawkmoth to keep me alive other than the fact that I would be perfect bait for Ladybug and Chat Noir. Honestly. I should have seen this coming a long time ago.

"Oh? It seems that you're acquainted. That saves me the trouble of introducing the both of you." Carmen drawled, walking over to us. I kept my head down, not meeting Chat Noir or Carmen's eyes. It took all of my willpower not to tackle Carmen to the ground while she didn't expect anything coming. But doing that just might endanger Chat Noir's life. Along with everyone else in Paris. I couldn't risk doing that. Of course, Carmen might just shoot me with her wand and make me her puppet. Or just kill me. I wouldn't be able to transform into Ladybug if that happens. Both are equally as bad for Paris.

"What did you do to Emma? Let her go. Now." Chat Noir growled, holding out his baton. To be honest, I was a little surprised by the look in Chat Noir's eyes. Don't get me wrong. If I saw anyone being held hostage by an akuma, I would do everything in my power and more to rescue them. I'm sure Chat Noir feels the same way. But the utter rage resting deep in Chat Noir's eyes were of a different nature. A more dangerous nature. I don't really understand Chat Noir's reaction. To be honest... It... scared me...

"Oh? Getting feisty, aren't we, Chat Noir? But I wouldn't recommend that. I really don't." In a flash, Carmen whipped out a small knife from her pocket and held it to my throat, lifting my head just a little higher. "It's going to be hard to explain to Mr and Mrs Agreste why their daughter is dead, isn't it? Especially since their the previous Ladybug and Chat Noir. You wouldn't want to let them down, would you?" 

Chat Noir's eyes widened as his movements faltered. After a moment of hesitation, Chat Noir lowered his baton, a display of submissiveness. No! Don't worry about me! I'll be fine! Attack Carmen while you still can! If she's holding this knife to my throat, she won't be able to attack you! In terms or weapons, you have the advantage! Hurry! 

But I couldn't bring myself to say all that. My throat had gone dry. Was I really that scared of death? Though I guess anyone would be. I still had a lot to do before I was ready to die. Besides, Paris still needs Ladybug. I can't die until I've captured Hawkmoth and saved everyone. 

"That's a good Kitty. Aren't you delighted, Emma? Your Knight in shining armor is willing to risk everything for you, his Princess. How sweet." Carmen's eyes hardened. I had a feeling that Chat Noir's reaction wasn't what Carmen wanted at all. 

"Alright then. Chat Noir. Listen to the instructions that I'll give you. Put your baton down and step back. I suggest you listen to what I say. Very closely." Chat Noir hesitated once again, clearly contemplating whether he should do as Carmen says or not. That's it! Don't listen to her! Hurry up and attack! You still have a chance!

Carmen clearly sensed Chat Noir's hesitation. Carmen smirked and pressed the knife further against my neck, drawing blood at the sides. "I don't think you understand the situation, Chat Noir. You don't exactly have any choice in the matter. Well... You still do, technically... But I'm sure you don't want to be the person who carries Emma's dead body to her parents, do you? I don't want to shed any unnecessary blood. The choice is yours, Chat Noir. Choose."


The sound of metal hitting the pavement rang throughout my ears. My eyes widened as I met Chat Noir's resigned eyes. What are you doing?! Pick it back up! Hurry! Before Carmen takes it! Paris needs you right now! Are you really going to sacrifice everyone for me?! Seriously?!

I couldn't find the words to express all that I was thinking. To be honest... Deep inside, a little part of me felt relieved. Relieved that Chat Noir had chosen to let me live instead of attacking Carmen. Though whether it was the right choice, I couldn't say.

Carmen chuckled, taking the knife away from my throat slowly. "Excellent. Isn't this amazing, Emma? I don't think you knew how much Chat Noir cared about you until now, did you? Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful."

Chat Noir's eyes met mine. And I think he understood all that I wanted to tell him. I shook my head slightly, miming picking something off of the floor. Chat Noir understood that I wanted him to pick up his baton. If he was going to do it, this was his best chance. Carmen wouldn't have enough time to react if he attacked her now. She also wouldn't be able to slice my throat quick enough. It was the perfect opportunity.

But Chat Noir shook his head, tearing his gaze away from mine. Clearly, he wasn't going to do anything more than he'd already done. I sighed softly. I had thought that this would be the case. Though I was hoping that Chat Noir would prove me wrong.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Chat Noir. I'll deal with you in just a minute. I request that you wait for just a while. For now, I need to deal with some loose ends." Carmen turned to me, once again holding the knife out to my throat, the look in her eyes suggesting that she had every intention to kill me. 

"Hold on! Why?! I already did as you said! You promised that you wouldn't kill her! Get away from her!" Chat Noir screamed, clearly frantic. I don't blame him. I was in shock too. I could barely move. I couldn't even think about what I should do to get out of that situation. Hold on... Why's this happening...? Am I going to die...?

"Promise? When did I say that? All I said was that I didn't like shedding any unnecessary blood. Unfortunately for Emma, her blood being shed is necessary." Carmen had a crazed smile on her face. She had gone off the rails for good. That's for sure.

"Get away from her!" Chat Noir screamed, running to catch up to Carmen. But it was too late. Chat Noir wouldn't make it in time. This is the end. I'm going to die. I'm sorry I never managed to say a proper goodbye. Mom, Dad, Hugo, Louis. I'll always love you. I'll see you soon. 




Best friend? Cursing to no end? It's definitely got to be...

Hey guys, hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 30 of New Revelations. Honestly, I really hope that I could exclude profanities in my book. But in this case, it was absolutely necessary. I hope you understand. Not that many people would care. But, still. :)

The other chapter of this book should be coming out soon, so be on the lookout for them!

Remember to comment, vote and follow me on Wattpad, and I'll see you guys again soon!



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