Tanzanite Star

By Chocobumble

298 11 10

After defeating the old King, and discovery her true identity as the new heir, Amethyst believed her job was... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 2

28 2 0
By Chocobumble

Sucking the end of my stinging finger, I watched as Comet stretched up to the book that had damaged me. Looking closer it appeared to be yet another old, musty book, but that is exactly what we were looking for.

I peered over Comet's shoulder as she casually flicked open the huge cover. Inside was a dusty symbol- obviously the spell that had attacked me. It was so faded and rubbed out in places that it was probably only a small fraction of how powerful it used to be.

"Must be special if they guarded it with this," Honour stated, following the lines with his finger.

I watched, entranced. "What was it supposed to do?"

"I'd imagine death," Comet admitted seriously.

Glancing back down at the book, we turned through the pages, attempting to work out what was so special. It appeared to be just some more spells written by the Mages. They must have been secret spells.

"We should bring it to a Mage; maybe they'll recognise these spells," I suggested.

"Bring what to a Mage?" A voice inquired behind us.

Slamming the book shut, Honour shoved it behind his back in an attempt to conceal it. Turning to face the intruder, I relaxed slightly.

"What you guys doing?" the guest sung cheekily.

Comet scowled, "leave us alone Corset, we don't like you."

I elbowed Comet roughly in the side. I understood that she didn't get on very well with her sister but she didn't have to be so rude about it.

"Now, now sissy," Corset pouted in hurt as she twirled her long, dirty blonde hair around her finger, "I only wanted to check up on you."

"Because you're a nosy b-,"

"COMET," I interrupted, glaring at her angrily.

"Hey Amy, gorgeous wings as always babe," Corset complimented sarcastically.

As Comet's older sister, Corset had grown her wings years ago and still liked to flaunt how perfect they were as well as how talented she was at using them. She especially adored preening and dying them. It was a new craze that people had taken to since the coronation. Angelica's dyed their wings, Mages painted their marks and Terran's drew lines across their faces.  Normally it wasn't completely filled in but instead was dip dyed or patterned.

Personally I hated it. I couldn't imagine marking the perfection I had sought so hard to gain. Corset had died hers yellow, probably a bad attempt to recreate gold, which wasn't too bad, but I had seen some with red die and that had brought back way too bad memories for my liking.

I had also come to notice how much of a flirt Corset was, if there was any chance she could get to steal someone's boyfriend or play with someone heart then she would. 

Therefore, while Corset and Comet looked very similar to each other- both with the same colour hair, eyes and skin tone, they were very different people whom no one could mistake for the other.

"So, you want a Mage? I could ask Pompey to look at it for you, let me just take it to him," Corset attempted to lung around Honour and grasp the book from him.

Using his lightning reflexes, Honour twisted in time to avoid her completely. Sighing, Corset altered her expression from anger to a flirty smile.

"Honour, wasn't it?" Corset whispered seductively, running her polished finger nail across his chest. "You're quite handsome for a Terran, aren't you? Maybe if you gave me the book we could talk about it some more?"

I watched as a trickle of sweat made its way down the side of Honour's head. He was refusing to make eye contact with Corset but he couldn't push her away as both his hands were full of the large book.

Flexing my wing joints, I quickly sliced them across Honour, biting into Corset's hand as I did so.

Hissing at me, Corset clutched her bleeding hand to her chest. "What's so important that you can't just let me peek at it? For wing's sake, you really are all insane."

"We've already told you Corset, we don't like you," I spoke calmly, refusing to move my wing.

Comet smiled at me, "yeah, so just leave already."

"You're not getting away that easily, sissy, Pompey will be hearing about this. I'm sure he and the other rebels would love to know what you've been up to in here."

This was a small problem; I didn't doubt that Corset's new fling would find this suspicious. The other rebels would definitely put a stop to our investigations if we weren't careful.

Racking my brain, I attempted to find something to say that would make her change her mind. Smirking, Corset already knew she had won. Spinning around, she headed briskly towards the door.

"Wait," Honour called after her.

"Yes handsome?" Corset fluttered her eyelashes happily.

"We can't show it to you because it's Griffin's book and he entrusted us to keep it safe."

Corset paused, pondering this new information. I thought Honour had really ruined it now. Corset would be even more eager to look at something so personal to the King.


"What?" Comet yelled in amazement.

Flicking her hair as she turned once more, Corset called back to us over her shoulder as she left, "Personally I don't want to get on the bad side of the new King, plus, he's hot."

By now, Corset had cleverly left the room. I suspected she planned it perfectly so that she would miss Comet's angry response. Lowering my wing, I saw that Corset was indeed already turning red in the face.

"Don't let her get to you Comet," I told her, clutching her body close.

"She's an idiot." Corset's words were muffled but she was still audible through my shoulder.

I nodded in agreement.

"She's, ah, quite beautiful," Honour choked out.

Glaring at him, Honour turned to find two sets of extremely angry eyes.

"But crazy, definitely crazy," he attempted to cover up, wiping his forehead nervously.

I nodded. Although my eyes were no longer the intense purple they used to be, I still felt as though they looked good angry. Unfortunately, I was reminded about the change in colour whenever I used them in my expression or looked at someone else. Both cases were often. Now a dusty brown, I was not unhappy with them, simply nostalgic about what I was missing.

"So, do you think we can bring this to Griffin?" Honour suggested anxiously.

"I think that would be the best course of action," Comet quantified seriously.

I nudged her, impressed, "look at you with your strategic nonsense."

Comet smiled sadly. She hadn't really spoken to Griffin since the coronation and had promised me she wouldn't. Neither Griffin nor I had told her what he had told me at the party, so she was still not too pleased with his actions.

"He should at least know what these vaguely mean," Honour explained, having opened the book once more. "Plus, maybe we can experiment with some of them on him."

Comet grinned mischievously this time. "Oh yes, let's go have some fun."


Oh my gosh, so tired, so busy, so school, much stressed. Can't type, sentence. Love you all, please forgive. Hope you like. Please comment. UGH

Me dead

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