We are blood (a boondocks fan...

By ty_Blush

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PLEASE READ BEFORE READING THE STORY Huey and Riley The Freeman brother grew up thinking it was just the two... More

Chapter 1 how it started.
Chapter 2 (how it started)
Chapter 3 be prepared
Chapter 4 so good news? or...
Chapter 5 surprise shawty!
chapter 6 Dinner time
Chapter 7 Little Money angel
Chapter 8 bonding time...Sorta
Chapter 9 Fan girls
Chapter 10 School drama
Chapter 11 New friends new enemies
Chapter 12 Sweet friend
Chapter 13 daddy's issues
Chapter 14 new friends but new Drama
Chapter 15 Sleepover!
Chapter 17 sweet sweet revange
Chapter 18 hiltons sisters
Chapter 19 escape from Ed wunclers mansion
Chapter 20 escape ed wunclers mansion
Chapter 21 selfish decisions
Chapter 22 Back to the past
Chapter 23 trip to Japan
Chapter 24 sneakout
Chapter 25 Sugar rush
Chapter 26 the Dagger
Chapter 27 stowaways
Chapter 28 lost in tokoyo
Chapter 29 "has anyone seen? A wanna be Gangster"
Chapter 30 go in and out
Chapter 31 Hell Ride
Chapter 32 RoadTrip to the Unknown
Chapter 33 Kidnapped to Miyagi
Chapter 34 lies and Jealously
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Family issues
Chapter 37 My Family is insane- Unique freeman
Chapter 38 Reunited?
I need too tell you guys something...
My bff guesses is the name of the characters
Christmas special part 1.
Christmas special part 2.
Chapter 39 New school new Adventures
Chapter 40 Hormones coming to play
Chapter 41 Mercedes Sawyer
Chapter 42 Smokey
Chapter 43 Party timeeee
Chapter 44 her little secret
Chapter 45 Friends do NOT last forever
Memes that remind me of this story
Chapter 46 Cheater
Chapter 47 inlove with the devil
Chapter 48 Clear Rejection
Chapter 49 Reality is a Bitch
Chapter 50 The secret is out
Check out my boondocks bf/gf scenarios
Chapter 52 new Secrets and drama
Chapter 53 hurt by the ones i loved
Chapter 54 Locked up
Chapter 55 Freedom or Not?
Chapter 56 The long Long bus ride
Chapter 57 Josephine's jealousy
Chapter 58 late night Skinny-dipping
Chapter 59 The secrets of Camp BattleFields
Chapter 60 the Micheal and the Freeman
Chapter 61 Break out
Chapter 62 owned by the rich boy
chapter 63 trapped
Next book is out now

Chapter 16 hangover

420 10 11
By ty_Blush


Everyone was asleep knocked the hell out the girls and hiro where sleeping on the couch and the rest of the boys where sleeping well anywhere like seriously Riley is sleeping on the damn coffee table unique and hiro didn't realize it at the but Unique was sleep on Hiro shoulder and caesar was sleeping in the kitchen while Huey was sleep on grandad chair Nofeair was sleep just on the floor


Unique phone went off which woke her up she grabbed her phone and turned the light down she knew it would still wake some of them especially Hiro he was right next to her So she went into the hallway upstairs
Unique:(who the hell is up at this time...)
She looked at who texted her it was a group chat with Jazmine and Cindy and some other people
Unique:(what the...)


Cindy:So we all agree that Unique is the worst girl in the world
Person 1:Agree
Person 2:Yes she such a bitch!
Jazmine:I can't believe i used to be a fan of hers!

Unique heart dropped she was getting cyber bullied
Unique dropped the phone but the texts kept coming


Unique body slowly dropped to the ground she put her hands on her head
Unique:(just block them Unique....)
Everytime she picked up the phone more messages came
Unique:Shut up!
Unique turn the phone off and but it didn't stop the messages it started vibrating more and more then she felt a hand on her shoulder she screamed but then realize it was Hiro he looked tired and concerned
Hiro:Are you okay?
Hiro put out his hand helping her up
Hiro tell me whats wrong
Unique looked down a picked up her phone and gave it to him he looked confused but then he started looking at the text messages
Hiro:Oh my god...we should tell your grandfather
Unique grew a smirk on her face she had a idea
Unique:No lets email it to principle AND her parents hiro Looked at Unique for a quick second she wanted revenge and he was down for it
Hiro:Lets do it
Unique wanted full revenge on Jazmine it was all her fault and she decided to get revenge on cindy by going to her house and showing her parents she looked up Jazmine dad email online because the nigga was a judge when she found the email she started typing
Unique:what should i put?
Hiro:Hmm try to act innocent that will get her in more trouble
Unique:Good idea...
Unique put a screen shot of the message and sent it
Hiro:i wonder how long its gonna take until he see's it
Unique:Will just have to wait
Hiro:Unique look!
Unique turned around to see the lights on at the Dubois house
Unique:Oooh Shit is about to go down

*The Dubois house*

Sarah:Jazmine how could you!?
Jazmine:Im sorry!!
Tom:You changed what happened to you?!
Jazmine:I just wanted revenge!
Sarah:This is your fault tom!
Tom:What? what did i do!?
Sarah:Your selfish and rudeness rubbed on her! You turned are little girl into a monster!
Tom:Did you just call me selfish?!
Sarah:And rude!
Tom:Well then your a bitch!
Sarah:How dare you! Get out my house! We are done!
Tom:Fine by me!
Tom slammed the door to go back his bags
Sarah:And you Jazmine im sending you too therapy and the church
Jazmine:What? Why?
Sarah:Because your FATHER obviously Brought the devil into this house and it gotten into your body!
Tom:Oh please im not her Father!
Tom was holding a bag and ripped up the birth certificate and threw a blood test at sarah face she read the birth certificate tom was 0% related to Jazmine
Tom:You cheater! I should have know i knew those green eyes weren't mine!
Tom:ME TOO! BYE tom slammed the door and left the house driving away

*The freemans*
Unique:.......we just ended a entire marriage...
Hiro:We are officially terrible people....
Unique:Jeez i can just imagine whats gonna happen at the McPhearson houses
Hiro:Your changing your mind on going there?
Unique:hell no i want revenge on this blonde bitch

In the morning

Grandad:What in the hell?
Grandad looked at all the children who where all asleep and placed everywhere he walked in the kitchen and kick Caesar
Grandad:Boy get up!
Grandad:Everyone get up who the fuck allowed you guys to have a sleepover?
Huey stretched his arms and yawned
Huey:You did grandad...
grandad:Oh yeah well what fuck were you all doing you guys look like the white guys on the hangover!
Jo:Has anyone seen Phoenyx?
Grandad:Who the fuck is Phoenyx?
Phonenyx:Ughhh my head hurt
Everybody looked up too see Phoenyx swinging on the chandelier
Grandad:Girl get your ass down from there right now!
Phonenyx let go and without thinking huey caught her
Huey:How did you even get up there?
Phonenyx:i don't know
*Haha*everyone turned around to see Unique and hiro laughing there ass off while looking at Unique phone
Royalty:What ya looking at
Unique:The pictures from last night
Nofeair:let me see everybody walked up to see the pictures and they saw things never expected

Caesar was chugging down a hole bottle of soda and Huey was yelling at him while doing it

The next pic explains how Phoenyx got stuck on the chandelier her and Riley was was jumping on the couches and she I want a little too high

next pic hiro and Unique and was running away one of the neighbors dog because Riley dared them to spray paint their house and got caught

Hiro:well damn that explains why you got that bandaid on your cheek
Unique:Oh shit I didn't even Realize that was there until now
Jo: Jesus Christ what kinda of night did we have
Caesar: seriously its like we got drunk
Grandad:Well i don't give damn all of you clean the house!

Everyone was sweeping and picking up stuff and Grandad look at the window
Grandad:Damn tom broke up with sarah
Unique and hiro froze for a sec before laughing and hysterical
Huey:oh god What did you two do?
~After explaining~
Phonenyx:Holy shi-
Riley:Y'all ended a hole married damnnnnn
Jo:Pff i knew jazmine wasn't toms
Huey:Shit the girl already had a devil in her surprised they just found out
Caesar:Damn huey that cold
Nofeair:but true
Riley:Ayo after we show Cindy parents the text Messages we should spray up Her house
Unique: you could go to jail for that...
Riley:Man I thought you wanted revenge?
Royalty:For real you ended a relationship and had a child go to therapy spraying a house up should be easy
Phoneyx:Thats still A stupid idea my momma would Whoop my ass if i did that
Riley:Unique you in?
Unique:....No thats actually a stupid idea and im not getting involved
Riley:Fine but im getting revenge on her for pickin oh my little sister
Everyone except Riley:BIG sister
Riley:Okay okay sheesh 🙄 😒

Last chapter before i go to sleep night y'all

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