Rosabella Black | Daughter of...

By Alexandra_060203

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Rosabella Black is going into her fourth year at Hogwarts, along with her three best friends Ron, Hermione an... More

The Blacks
The Interrogation Of Remus Lupin
Back To The Burrow
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The Portkey
Bagman and Crouch
The Quiditch World Cup
The Dark Mark
Mayhem At The Ministry
Aboard The Hogwarts Express
The Triwizard Tournament
Mad-Eye Moody
The Unforgivable Curses
Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
The Goblet of Fire
The Four Champions
The Hungarian Horntail
The First Task
The House-Elf Liberation Front
The Unexpected Task
The Yule Ball
Rita Skeeter's Scoop
The Second Task
Padfoot Returns
The Madness of Mr Crouch
The Dream
The Third Task
The Parting Of Ways
The Beginning

The Weighing of the Wands

499 14 1
By Alexandra_060203

Rosabella's Point Of View:
Hermione and I woke up and got ready. As we got ready I told her about what happened between Ron and Harry. Hermione looked sad at this. Ron and Harry never fought. Not really.

Hermione and I went down to the Great Hall, with Winter following behind me.

"Harry isn't going to want to be swarmed again by the Gryffindors. " I told Hermione.

"Then I guess we bring breakfast to him." Hermione said.

"Good idea." I said.

We saw Ron in the Great Hall.

"Hey." Ron said, miserably.

"Where's Harry?" I asked, as Hermione and I got napkins and started muttering toast.

"Don't know." Ron snapped.

"What's wrong, Ron? You don't seriously believe Harry put his name in the Goblet?" I said, starting to get angry at Ron's attitude.

"He could of." Ron said simply.

It was obvious on his face that he didn't really believe Harry put his name in.

What has gotten into him?

"Ron, why are you so angry?" I insisted, getting angry at Ron.

"Stuff like this always happens to, Harry. Maybe he actually likes the fame and attention. Did you ever consider that, Ro?" Ron said, angrily.

"Ron, that's ridiculous." Hermione said briskly, buttering toast.

"You know him, Ron! He doesn't enjoy it! Would you enjoy people gawking at your forehead all the time? He's famous because a nutter wanted to kill him! He's famous because his parents died for him! He'd trade all the fame and attention for his parents back! As would I! I would do anything for my mother back and my father to have never gone to Azkaban! I guess I can't expect you to understand! You never lost someone important to you!" I yelled at him.

I grabbed the stack of toast and left the Great Hall. Winter followed me, faithfully.

Hermione wasn't far behind me. She didn't say anything. Hermione was holding her own stack of toast. When we reached portrait hole it opened to reveal Harry. He looked shocked for a moment.

"Hello." Hermione said, smiling sadly.

"We brought these. Want to go for a walk?" I said.

"Good idea." Harry said, gratefully.

We went back towards the Entrance Hall and hurried across the Hall so we weren't noticed. We walked across the lawn. Winter ran around the grounds.
Harry told us what happened after his name came out the Goblet.

"Well, of course I knew you hadn't entered your name. I saw your face. Fiona, Luke and Mike believe you too. The question is, who did put your name in the Goblet?" Hermione said.

"Professor Moody is right. No student could fool the Goblet." I said.

"Or get over Dumbledore's -" Hermione started to say but Harry interrupted her.

"Have you seen, Ron?" Harry said, trying to hide how hurt he felt.

This made me want to yell at Ron more.
My face contorted with rage. I knew Harry was looking at me curiously, but I just kept looking ahead.
Hermione hesitated.

"Erm . . . yes . . . he was at breakfast." Hermione said.

"Does he still think I entered myself?" Harry asked.

"No. He tried to hide it but I saw it clear as day." I said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"Harry, isn't it obvious? He's jealous." I said despairingly.

"Jealous? Jealous of what? He wants to make a part out of himself to the entire school does he?" Harry said incredulously.

"Look, it's always you who gets all the attention, you know it is." Hermione said, patiently.

"We know it's not your fault. We know you dont ask for it." I added, quickly when Harry opened his mouth furiously.

"Well, you know, Ron's has all those brothers to compete against at home. You're his best friend and you're really famous." Hermione said, still patiently.

"He's always shunted to one side whenever people see you and he puts up with it, and never mentions it. I suppose this is just one time too many." I said, looking at Harry with sympathy.

"Great. Really great. Tell him from me I'll swap any time he wants. Tell him from me he's welcome to it. People gawping at my forehead everywhere I go." Harry said bitterly.

"I'm not telling him anything. Tell him yourself, it's the only way to sort this out." Hermione said shortly.

"Besides, Ro practically shouted it at him this morning." Hermione said, disapprovingly.

"Thanks, Ro and I'm not gonna run around after him trying to make him grow up! Maybe he'll believe I'm not enjoying myself once I've got my neck broken or -" Harry yelled.

"Not funny. That's not funny at all." I said anxiously.

"Harry, you know what you've got to do, dont you? As soon as we get back to the castle?" Hermione said.

I had a good idea of what she was on about.

"Yeah, give Ron a good kick up the -" Harry said.

"Write to Sirius. You can kick Ron too, if you want. You've got to tell him what happened. He asked us to keep him posted on everything that's going on at Hogwarts. It's almost as if he expected something to happen." I said reasonably, while Hermione nodded her head in agreement.

"I brought some parchment and a quill out with me -" Hermione said.

"Come off it. He came back to the country just because my scar twinged. He'll probably come bursting right into the castle if I tell him someone's entered me for the Tournament -" Harry said, looking around to make sure we're not overheard.

Hermione and I convinced him to write to my Dad by promising that he'd find out anyway. This Tournament is not going to be kept quiet. Harry reluctantly agreed and we went up to the Owlery. Harry wrote the letter and Hedwig fluttered down onto his shoulder, and held out her leg.

"I can't use you. Ro, could I borrow Soren?" Harry said.

Hedwig gave a very loud hoot and took off so suddenly I was worried her talons had cut Harry. They hadn't. I whistled for Soren and he soared onto my outstretched arm. I passed him to Harry and he tied the letter to his leg and we sent him off.

Harry reached up to stroke Hedwig but she clipped her beak furiously at him and flew out of reach. Harry just can't catch a break.

"First Ron, then you. This isn't my fault." Harry said angrily.

Hermione and I shared an uneasy look.

Harry's situation had not improved the following day. Like the Gryffindors, everyone thought Harry had entered, but unlike the Gryffindors the other houses weren't impressed. The Hufflepuffs had turned remarkably cold with the Gryffindors, we were usually on excellent terms. It was plain that Hufflepuff felt that Harry had stolen their champion's glory. The fact that Hufflepuff rarely got any glory, didn't help the situation. Cedric was one of the few who had given them any.

Ron wasn't talking to Harry. Now in lessons, Harry sat on one end of the table, I sat next to him, Hermione sat on my other side, and Ron sat on the other end of the table. Ron wasn't speaking to me either, actually I made it clear I wasn't in the mood to speak to him. He'd tried to talk to me but I just shot a hex in his direction. I made sure I missed. Still the message got across. Hermione tried to make forced conversation. And though Harry and Ron answered normally, they avoided eye contact.

We then went to Care of Magical Creatures. I knew this lesson was going to be bad. This would be Harry's first time facing the Slytherins since he became champion.

Predictably, Malfoy turned up to Hagrid's cabin with his usual sneer firmly in place.

"Ah, look, boys, it's the champion. Got your autograph books? Better get a signature now, because I doubt he's going go be around much longer. Half the Triwizard champions have died. How long d'you reckon you're going to last, Potter? Ten minutes into the first task's my bet." Malfoy said gleefully.

Crabbe and Goyle guarded sycophantically.

"He'll last a lot longer then you ever would Malfoy." I snapped back, giving Malfoy a threatening glare.

Malfoy couldn't responded because Hagrid had come with crates of Blast Ended Skrewts. To our horror, Hagrid wanted us to walk them so they will release pent up energy and not kill each other.

"Take this thing for a walk? And where exactly are we supposed to fix the leash? Around the sting, the blasting end or the sucker?" Malfoy said in disgust.

"Roun' the middle." Hagrid said, demonstrating.

"Er - yeh might want yer put on yer dragon-hide gloves. Jus' as an extra precaution. Harry, come here an' help me with this big one." Hagrid said.

The lesson was a nightmare as most the class was dragged around like rag dolls. I managed to stay on my feet because anytime the Skrewt looked like it was going to pull me over, Winter growled at it threateningly. She did the same with Hermione. I looked over and saw Ron with Seamus and Dean. They were being dragged around. It looked painful. Hermione gave me a look and I sighed and walked over with Winter and my Skrewt. When we reached them, I gave Winter a nod. She growled at their Skrewts and they soon fell in line.

"Thanks, Ro!" Dean exclaimed gratefully.

I did the same to all the Gryffindors and they all stuck close to me as we walked the Skrewts. I let Winter help the few Slytherins that were actually nice but let Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins get dragged around, along with Pansy and her group of extremely annoying girls.

I could tell that the past few days were Harry's worst. It hadn't been this bad since second year when everyone thought Harry was the heir of Slytherin. Only difference was that Ron had stuck by Harry that time, but this time Ron was against him too. I hexed anyone who tried to insult or make fun of him.

People soon got the message, but I couldn't hex everyone who gave him a dirty look. I'd be hexing most of the school. I tried to cheer Harry up but I knew he missed Ron and there was only so much I could do. Harry would never make the first move in amending things with Ron. Ron was to prideful to make the first move, too. They are like two peas in a pod.

We hadn't had a reply from Dad yet and Hedwig refused to come near Harry. Harry was also struggling on the Summoning Charm and was given extra homework, along with Neville.

"It's really not that difficult, Harry." Hermione said, trying to reassure him.

"You just weren't concentrating properly." I said, softly.

"Wonder why that is? Still, never mind, eh? Double Potions to look forward to this afternoon." Harry said darkly, but he chuckled a little when I groaned dramatically.

Potions was always a horrible experience.

When Harry, Hermione and I arrived outside Snapes class room, we noticed the Slytherins looked awfully cheerful. Harry and I shared a suspicious look. We the saw that all the Slytherins were wearing badges.

They said:

Support Cedric Diggory - The Real Hogwarts Champion!

"Like them, Potter? And this isn't all they do - look!" Malfoy said loudly.

Malfoy pressed the badge and the message changed and was replaced by another.

Potter Stinks!

The Slytherins howled with laughter, each of them pressing their own badges.

"Oh, very funny." Hermione said sarcastically.

"Really witty." I said matching her tone.

Ron was standing against the wall with Dean and Seamus. He wasn't laughing but he wasn't sticking up for Harry either.

"Want one, Rosabella? You can have one too, Granger. I've got loads. Just don't touch my hand. I've just washed it, you see, don't want a Mudblood sliming it up." Malfoy sneered.

Harry's wand was whipped out before I could even blink. Malfoy's was out too. They stared each other down for a minute. People all around us scrambled out of the way.

"Harry!" Hermione said warningly.

At exactly the same time Malfoy and Harry shot spells.

"Furnunculus!" Harry yelled.

"Densaugeo!" Malfoy screamed.

Jets of light shot from both wands, hit each other in mid-air and ricocheted off at angles. Harry's hit Goyle and Malfoy's was going to hit me but Hermione shoved me out the way and it hit her instead.

Goyle bellowed and put his hands to his nose, where great ugly boils were springing up.

Hermione was clutching her mouth and whimpered in panic.

"Hermione!" Ron and I shouted.

Ron hurried forward to see what was wrong. Ron helped me pull Hermione's hand away and we saw that her two front teeth were growing at an alarming rate.

Snape came out and sent Goyle to the hospital wing and just insulted Hermione. Hermione just ran towards the hospital wing in tears.

Harry, Ron and I rounded on Snape at the same time. It was good we were shouting and that the Dungeon had an echo because Snape couldn't hear what we were saying but he had an idea.
He gave the three of us detention and took fifty points from Gryffindor.

I was fuming at the injustice of the whole situation. Ron and Harry were shaking with anger too. For a moment, it felt like everything was back to normal. But then Ron turned and sat with Dean and Seamus instead. Leaving Harry and I at our usual table.

"Antidotes! You should all have prepared your recipes now. I want you to brew them carefully, and then we will be selecting someone on whom to test one . . ." Snape said, eyes wondering between Harry and I.

I could tell he was finding it hard to chose between us. He hated Harry because Harry looked exactly like James and he hated me because of the bad joke my father played that involved uncle Remus. It probably didn't help that I was one of the few, if the only student, that insulted and humiliated Snape in front of the whole class, by pointing out his constant failure to get the Defence Against the Dark Arts job.

There was then a knock on the Dungeon door. It was Colin Creevy. He edged into the room and beamed at Harry, as he walked up to Snape's desk.

"Yes?" Snape said curtly.

"Please, sir, I'm supposed to take Harry Potter upstairs." Colin said, enthusiastically.

Snape stared down his hooked nose at Colin, and Colin's smile quickly disappeared from his eager face.

"Potter has another hour of potions to complete. He will come upstairs when class is finished." Snape said coldly.
Colin went pink.

"Sir - sir, Mr Bagman wants him. All the champions have got to go, I think they want to take photographs." Colin stammered.

I glanced at Ron, he was determinedly staring at the ceiling. This is just going to make things worse.

"Very well, very well. Potter, leave your things here, I want you back down here later to test your antidote." Snape snapped.

"Please, sir - he's got to take his things with him. All the champions -" Colin squeaked.

"Very well! Potter - take your bag and get out of my sight!" Snape shouted.

Harry swung his bag over his shoulder and rushed out the room.

"Now it's time to test your antidotes. Black! You'll drink the poison. " Snape said, leering over me with a phial of black liquid.

"You're deluded if you think I'm drinking anything you give me." I said coolly, as if I was barely paying attention.

"You will do as I say!" Snape snapped, outstretching his hand that held the poison.

"I'm sure Professor Dumbledore would love to hear all about you forcing a student to drink poison! I bet Rita Skeeter would love to do an article on your twisted teaching methods!" I snapped back.

The Gryffindors all grinned at me and gave me thumbs up while the Slytherins all glowered at me. Winter, hearing my tone, stepped out from under the table and growled lowly in warning.

"If you so desperately want to see if our Antidotes work, why dont you drink the poison?" I said, grinning.

Snape looked like he could murder me right then and there. I could see his hands twitching as he tried to control them.

"A weeks detention, Black! Twenty points from Gryffindor!" Snape said.

We tested our Antidotes on a volunteer student from Slytherin. Snape was there with the correct Antidote incase ours didn't work. Much to Snapes displeasure, mine was the best out of all of them.

After the lesson, Snape told Ron and me that our detention would start tomorrow night and to come to the Dungeons.

"Rosabella, that was impressive the way you stood up to Snape. The way you always stand up to Snape." Ron said formally.

I gave him a wierd look.

"Rosabella? You haven't called me Rosabella since the first time I met you when I came with Jason and Jacob to the Burrow, when we were what? Ten?" I said, softly.

I wanted to make up with Ron. He's my friend too. And if I'm on good terms with him like Hermione is, then Hermione and I can work together to get him and Harry on good terms again.

"Well, you were pretty angry with me. I thought you didn't want much to do with me." Ron said, hesitantly.

"We had a fight, Ron. That doesn't mean we aren't friends anymore. It would take you practically murdering me for me to stop being friends with you." I said, sincerely.

"Thanks, Ro." Ron said, smiling genuinely.

"I'm sorry for some of the stuff I said. It was harsh. But Harry didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire." I said, earnestly.

"But why would someone put his name in? What do they have to gain?" Ron asked.

"Voldemorts not dead, Ron. He's weak but he's not dead. Harry had to fight Voldemort in our first and second year. We all believed my father was a madman after Harry. All these things have something in common. Voldemorts supporters. You were there at the World Cup. Not all of them went to Azkaban. Some of them believe that killing Harry is the way for Voldemort to regain his powers. Entering Harry in the Tournament is a great way to kill him and make it look like an accident. Only a very powerful Confundus Charm could hoodwink the Goblet of Fire into forgetting only three schools compete. This isn't Harry's fault and he's hating every minute of it. Harry didn't ask for any of this. The whole school is against him, apart from most the Gryffindors. But the hardest part of it for him . . . is that you're against him m, too." I said, desperately trying to get Ron to understand.

He didn't respond at first. I could practically see him mulling my words over.

"I'll . . . I'll think about it." Ron finally said.

I sighed.

"Can you pass on the detention information to Harry? I want to go see Hermione. You go ahead and have dinner." I said, tiredly to Ron.

"I'll come with you." Ron said.

I hesitated and bit my lip.

"Ron, I don't think she'll want you to be there. The spell messed with her appreance in quite a bad way. I'm the only one who's seen her at her worst times of the day. I'm the one who helps her with her hair in the morning. It's a girl thing. Sorry." I said, uneasy.

"Oh, gotcha. Give her my best will you?" Ron said, sincerely.

I smiled and nodded.

"Ron, I want you to make up with Harry at the first opportunity. But don't make amends with him if your still upset about this. Then if something happens again we'll just end up right back here. When you talk to him about this, do it when you're ready. You'll find that Harry wouldn't find it too hard to forgive. You both miss each other. So when you both swallow your pride and realise your friendship is more important, talk it out. Harry's ready now, so when you're ready talk to him." I said as I hugged Ron goodbye and went to the Hospital Wing.

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