RvBvRWBY: A Soldier's Debt

By Ac3Productions

13.8K 207 98

The Reds and Blues are now regarded as heroes by the intergalactic community. But personal loss and too many... More

A New Adventure
Operation: Rosebud Part 1
Operation: Rosebud Part 2
Red vs. Blue vs. White
Converging Interests
Time to Ketchup
Painting the Town Red
The Gray Team
Prom and Circum-dance
The Torchwick Crisis: Part 1
The Torchwick Crisis: Part 2
The Torchwick Crisis: Part 3
The Torchwick Crisis: Part 4
The Next Step
Why Are We Here
RvB 101
Dust Busters
Lend Lease
The Blues and Reds
Meeting The Elders
Mark Temple: Part 1
Mark Temple: Part 2
Mark Temple Part 3
Merk Temple Part 5

Mark Temple Part 4

346 6 0
By Ac3Productions

Chapter 25: Mark Temple Part 4

Remnant, Kingdom of Atlas, Schnee Manor

POV: Jacques Schnee

Premise: The Reds and Blues go up against Jacques Schnee as Atlas is in a state of tension.

"General Ironwood." Jacques said to his rival, as he sat at the head of the table in his dining room. Several more people were there as well, first was a short woman with purple eyeshadow and a black shirt with a wine-red coat over the top, a golden necklace around her neck and matching earrings, finally black pants and a black belt with a golden circular buckle. Next was an older man with black, slicked back, graying hair. He had light blue eyes and wore glasses, and a suit with a gray-blue vest and a dark blue tie. Lastly was a short woman with white hair, wearing a white officer's uniform.

"Councilman Sleet, Councilwoman Camilla, Specialist Cordovin." Ironwood said to them politely as possible, as Clover stood next to him

"Councilwoman Hill would have had a nice ring to it." said Robyn, who was standing in the room as well, "Though I suppose I should just be grateful I got invited to the table."

"Miss Hill, that vigor of yours is precisely why we're grateful to have you with us tonight." Jacques chuckled

Ironwood glared at her, "What's she doing here?"

"What we're all doing here, James, addressing the concerns of our Kingdom and this war you brought us into, which means we have much to discuss." Jacques said to him

Ironwood sighed as he and Clover sat down, "Indeed. I was hoping we could start by-"

"First we shall discuss your position as Headmaster of Atlas Academy, and our military." Camilla cut him off, "We shall be holding a referendum to have you removed from both positions in the coming days. We hope to put Special Operative Caroline Cordovin in place of the military."

"I will be honored and humble if I gain the position." Cordovin said out loud

"And what about the second?" Clover questioned

"We hope to put Ms. Hill here as Headmaster." Sleet replied, gesturing to her

"If I was offered." Robyn announced, "I politely decline, I ran for a seat on the council to represent the people of Mantle."

Camilla looked at her, "If that's what you say Ms. Hill, perhaps something will turn up. Now onto our next topic: these Reds and Blues. You General, have been working with these people without the authorization of the rest of the Council. You even let them take a dust mine right in our kingdom. These 'actions' will not be tolerated one bit."

As Camilla continued speaking, Whitley entered the room quietly and whispered into his father's ear.

"What?" Jacques muttered back quietly, "All transmissions to my men are cut off?"

"All over Mantle father." Whitley replied

Jacques huffed, "Well, tell them to try again. I have plans."

"Yes father." Whitley replied before leaving

Jacques then stared out the nearby window that showed Mantle. He glared at the city in anger.

POV Change: City of Mantle

The City of Mantle was turned into a warzone as Jacques' shadow company clashed with members of the Coalition. So far, the battle was clearly in the Coalition's favor, as they successfully pushed the enemy troops toward the center of the city. Grimm were barely a problem, as many were simply killed while trying to find a way inside the city walls. Thanks to both Simmons and Lopez, the Reds and Blues were successful in jamming all radios that belonged to the shadow company. Thus, they were all confused, and cut off from Atlas.

Red Team, Team JNPR, Doc, and the Lieutenants were pushing their way through Mantle. With the Reds primarily utilizing their 'signature warthog maneuver'.

"Haha! Yes!" Sarge shouted as he fired his shotgun, "Its Red Army!"

"That's right, suck it fellas!" Simmons said, as he manned the machine gun

"Yeah, down with the man!" Grif added from the driver's seat

"But aren't you the man?" Donut questioned him, as he and Doc used their motorcycles

"Shut up and fight Donut!"

As the Reds drove around the city like a bunch of maniacs. Team JNPR and the Lieutenants focus on the street and roof tops. With Jaune and Pyrrha being tactical in giving out orders to their allies. The Lieutenants went from alleyway to alleyway picking out troops that were hiding in order to eavesdrop on them at any moment. Ren was being rather silent, scouting out enemies before taking them out. Nora was loudest...which wasn't surprising to say the least.

"Nora smash!" she shouted as she rammed her weapon into a Space Pirate. Nora then noticed Doc approaching her position on his motorcycle, and she got an idea. She jumped in the air and managed to climb on board. She transformed Maghild into a grenade launcher and began firing at any soldier that came in her view. Doc, under O'Malley's influence, caught on and took out his rocket launcher and began doing pretty much the same thing.

"Taste oblivion!" O'Malley shouted, "Bring on the bloodbath!"

"Man, we are gonna have so many patients later!" Doc added

"Shut up!" O'Malley hissed

Suddenly, several sim-troopers appeared and aimed their weapons at Nora and Doc

"Oh dear." Doc muttered

"The crusade has begun!" a red soldier shouted, "Let all who perished burn in our flagless hell!"

"Not so fast!" Donut shouted as he made his presence known, "The flag is gone!"

"The flag is what!?"

"The flag is gone!" Donut repeated, "And the Blues stole it!"

The red sim-trooper and cronie all looked at their blue counterparts.

"Let the schism begin!"

The sim-troopers then began to attack one another, and completely forgot about Nora, Doc, and Donut. The trio then met up with the rest of the Reds and Team JNPR.

"Alright then, let's get a move." Sarge announced as he turned around. Only to see both the Ace-Ops and Happy Huntresses holding weapons at them.

"Hmm, Ace-Ops and Happy Huntress working together?" Sarge muttered, "Something tells me we're on the same side."

The two teams then lowered their weapons.

"Same here." Harriet replied, "About time you people showed up. We were sitting ducks while Jacques' pets declared martial law."

"Yeah, and the bad part is Atlas doesn't even know about it." Fiona added, "All of the Council and governmental officials are at Schnee Manor for some reason."

"Wait, all of them?" Simmons questioned, "Even Ironwood?"

"Yep." Marrow replied, "We don't know much, but we heard the goons say something about 'eliminating the opposition'. Does that ring a bell to any of you?"

The Reds, Doc, and Team JNPR all looked at one another. Then Doc spoke up.

"Oh no." he muttered

"What?" Sarge asked him

"Jacques is gonna kill them." Doc explained before O'Malley took over, "He'll be the only one left standing. That is the worst bloodbath ever...of all time."

"Then we have to get moving." said Jaune

Simmons then got on the comms, "Tucker? Tucker, we have a problem."

POV Change: Schnee Manor

"Tucker, Jacques is planning to kill every member of the Council until he's the only one left." Simmons warned him, as he was hiding behind cover from several sim-troopers and space pirates.

"I always knew Jacques was willing to play dirty." Tucker replied before stepping out of cover and shot two Space Pirates with his DMR, "This is surprising to say the least. You guys get up here ASAP."

"On it." Simmons replied before getting off comms

Tucker was about to return fire when Ruby came flying out of nowhere and knocked out the rest of the sim-troopers in the hallway. Caboose then smashed three Space Pirates with his bare fists.

"I could've handled it." Tucker said to them

Ruby chuckled as she put Crescent Rose on her shoulder, "But you didn't."

"Come on guys." Carolina shouted from down the hallway, "Jacques' office isn't far from here."

Blue Team, and Team RWBY met up with Carolina who then opened the door to Jacques office. Nobody was inside, but the group did see two things that caught their eyes.

"Weiss' armor." Wash muttered as he walked up to it

"Myrtenaster." Blake added

"Grab them." Carolina instructed them, "Once we find Weiss she'll need them."

Suddenly, the door to the office screeched. Turns out, Whitley was hiding behind the door and ran out of the room.

"Its Whitley!" Kai shouted

"After him!" Wash barked

Whitley ran through the halls of the manor, only to notice a flurry of rose petals catching up to him. Suddenly, Ruby appeared right front causing the young Schnee to turn back around. Only to come face-to-face with Blue Team and Team RWBY.

"Stay right where you are boy." Carolina warned as she aimed her plasma rifles at him

"Don't hurt him!"

The group turned around to see Willow running up to them.

"Willow?" Wash muttered

"We weren't gonna do that." Blake said to her, "We just need to know where Weiss is."

"Her room." Willow replied, "A guard is watching her."

"Mother, how could you?" Whitley said to her, "Work with these people?"

"They are good people Whitley." Willow said to her son, "You and I are just a victim of your father. He is the real enemy."

Tucker then noticed a bruise on Willow's left eye, which just so happened to prove her point.

"Jacques?" Tucker asked her with a knowing looked

Willow rubbed the bruise, "I just happened to disagree with his decision on Weiss."

"Well, you won't have to worry after we get that bastard." Kai assured her

"Go on and hide." said Yang, "Things might get ugly."

"Of course." Willow replied before taking Whitley with her.

POV Change: Jacques Schnee

The fact of the matter is, you've operated with a fair amount of autonomy for the past few years, James." Sleet stated, "But we need now is for you to work with us."

"Sir, I have-"

"No major conflict has occurred on Remnant for over 80 years." Camilla cut him off, "This new conflict, this...War for Remnant, has put a burden on Atlas' people."

"The people support the war effort." Ironwood defended, "They realize the problem of the kingdoms, even I realize it."

Jacques glared at him, "If you realize the problems of the world. Then we should be working together. Be it a bit more open to one another."

"Your independence and control of two seats on the Council is worrying us." Camilla added

Robyn then began to speak when Jacques received a message on his scroll. Curious he looked at it and read the message.

"We lost Mantle."

Sweat began to run down Jacques' forehead, but was pulled back to reality by the others in the room.

"Councilman Schnee." Sleet said to him, "Is everything alright?"

"Uh? Ah, yes sorry." Jacques replied, "An urgent message, I must take this. But please continue the conversation while I'm gone."

"Very well." Camilla said to him

Jacques then left the dining hall, and frowned.

"Alright then." he muttered, "Time to execute the plan."

He tapped a few buttons on his scroll before walking away.

POV Change: Weiss Schnee

Weiss sat on her bed looking out the window. The thought of her friends hung on her mind ever since returning home to Atlas. That thought was further deepened when she heard the sounds of gunfire in the manor. It was then that a lone Space Pirate entered her room. She saw them ever since coming home, but assumed that they were just extra security to keep her where she was.

"What's going on?" she asked him

The soldier then raised his weapon and aimed it at Weiss.

"Earning my paycheck." he replied, but before he could pull the trigger. He was hit in the back by Simmons.

"Ow the back of the head..." he muttered

"Simmons?" Weiss muttered, "What are you doing here?"

"No time, let's move." he said to her as they ran out the door and down the hall. As they ran, Simmons gave her Weiss her armor, which she put on quickly. They then ran into the Reds, Doc, the Ace-Ops, Happy Huntresses, and the Lieutenants.

"You found her." Locus said to them

"Took out the guard before he could kill her." Simmons replied, "We all set?"

"Yep." May replied

"Then let's get these doors open!" Sarge shouted as he cocked his shotgun

POV Change: Dining Hall

"Where is Jacques?" Sleet asked everyone, "He's been gone awhile."

"I agree." Robyn added, "Perhaps Jacques got tired."

"That's enough Ms. Hill." Camilla intervened, "But you are right, where is Councilman Schnee."

Cordovin walked over the grand doors of the dining hall. However when I turned the door knob, it didn't open.

"It's locked." Cordovin said out loud, which everyone heard

Clover took out his scroll and tried to make a call, "I can't call anyone."

Ironwood frowned as he stood, "Somethings not right."

Suddenly out of nowhere, several dark-armored figures decloaked in the room. They all carried rifles and opened fire on the delegates.

"Get down!" Clover shouted as he ducked under the table. Camilla and Sleet did the same, while both Cordovin, Ironwood, and Robyn drew out their weapons to take down several of the mercenaries. Ironwood then charged at a lone soldier and took him down, only to be overpowered by another.

Just as the soldier was about to give the final low. The doors to the dining hall flew open as the Reds and Blues entered the room and quickly took down the soldiers. Joining them were the Ace-Ops, the Happy Huntresses, and RWBY and JNPR. Almost immediately, they went to aid the delegates.

"Ironwood, are you ok?" Wash asked him, as he helped him to his feet

"I'm good." Ironwood replied, "Thanks to you."

"Where's Jacques?" Fiona questioned as she helped Robyn up off the ground

"We don't know." Camilla replied, "He left a few minutes ago, then these guys showed up."

Tucker sneered, "That bastard."

Just then, Locus, who was still on the Prowler, contacted him, "I found him, he's on the roof."

"Quickly!" Carolina shouted, "Before he gets away!"

POV Change: Jacques Schnee

Jacques speed walked across the roof of the manor until a Pelican decloaked in front of him. The doors opened, and revealed two Space Pirates waiting for him.

"We better get moving sir!" one of them shouted, "Our backup facility is up and ready!"

"Good." Jacques replied, "One the rest of your men have dealt with the Council and my family. Atlas will be restored to its former glory."

Before the elder Schnee could enter the craft, two gunshots rang out and the two Space Pirates fell off the Pelican and onto the ground. Jacques turned around to see Tucker, Ruby, and Sarge charging at him. He quickly scrambled to the fallen merc's pistol and blindly fired at the trio, only to miss every shot. Tucker then slashed the pistol out of Jacques' hands with his sword and kicked him to the ground.

Tucker pointed his weapon at Jacques' throat. Weiss, now in her armor, joined the group and glared at her father.

Jacques sneered at her, "You..."

"Jacques Schnee." she said to him, "You're under arrest."

Tucker then deactivated his sword before punching him in the face, knocking him out cold.

POV Change: Dining Hall

Fighting mostly continued for a little while longer. The rest of the shadow company was either arrested or killed. The Atlas Military was sent down to Mantle to help in the cleanup of the city, along with snuffing out any mercenaries that were hiding from the authorities.

In the Schnee Manor, everyone was in the dining hall. Jacques was kept in a chair being watched by the Ace-Ops. Most of the Reds and Blues were keeping an eye out for any other mercenaries or standing around and talking. As for Ironwood and most of the Blue Team...

"I always knew Jacques liked to play dirty." Ironwood muttered, "But this? This is madness."

"Jacques Schnee must be put on trial!" Sleet shouted, "Not just for intervening in the election, but for betraying his own kingdom, and for murder!"

"Those are outrageous accusations!" Jacques shouted, "I only intend to win a seat on the Council!"

"Only!?" Robyn cried, knocking a chair over in the process, "You tried to kill us! Your own family!"

"But Sim-troopers and Space Pirates?" Tucker muttered, "This doesn't make any sense!"

"I think it's time we got more answers." Wash muttered as he walked up to Jacques and leaned in, "You and I both know you couldn't intervene in the election with the resources you have. You got help from someone. Who was it?"

Jacques scoffed, "You think I would be stupid enough to tell you?"

May then punched Jacques in the face, which left a bruise.

"Hmph, a little taste of your own medicine." Wash chuckled darkly, "Willow would be happy. Grif, get over here. Dr. Grey isn't here so you're gonna help me with this interrogation."

Grif looked at him, "The fuck am I gonna do?"

"Remember when you interrogated me in the middle of the desert?" Wash asked him

Grif then walked over, and took a revolver out before putting a lone bullet into it. Wash then held Jacques in place as Grif pointed the weapon at his groin.

"Tell us who helped you or you bust a nut." Grif said to him

"Oh not this again!" Simmons cried

"I'm outta here!" Jaune added

"Ah! This is inhumane!" Jacques cried, while Robyn and the Happy Huntresses were trying not to laugh

"Just tell us who helped you?" said Wash

Finally, Jacques couldn't take it, "Alright! Alright! I'll talk!"

Wash then gestured for Grif to stop, which he did so. Jacques breathed quietly before speaking.

"The man." he began, "He came to me, said that he had bad blood with you people and wanted revenge. He offered me a computer virus that would help swing the vote in my favor. Even a private militia to guard me."

"Guard you?" Carolina questioned, "More like kill anyone who dared oppose you. Even your own family."

Jacques couldn't help but look away.

"You may have been authoritarian and dictatorial over us for all our lives." Weiss began, "But this? This is way too far."

Jacques spat at her, Harriet tried to punch him but Clover stopped her.

"You think I give a damn about you?" Jacques snarled, "You? Your Mother? Winter? Whitley? No! The Schnee Dust Company and the Schnee name belong to me! Your dim-witted grandfather gave it all to me long before you showed up. I hold it all! Not you! Me!"

"I disagree."

Willow suddenly walked into the dining hall. Hey eyes glared at her heartless husband, "My grandfather built this company to help the world. Give everyone something to look up too. When he ran the SDC, everyone saw our logo and felt safe. Now, everyone feels mixed, scared and confused. Because the head of the SDC isn't a Schnee."

Jacques glared at her, "Woman, I am a Schnee!"

"Was a Schnee." Willow retorted, "It's about time I got back into the family business, and filed those divorce papers."

Jacques grit his teeth, "You...you bitch!"

Jacques tried to get out of the chair, only for Elm and Marrow to hold him down.

"As great it is to hear that you've been removed from power." Sarge began as he walked up to Jacques, "It still doesn't answer our question: Who gave you these soldiers? Who helped you rig the election?"

Suddenly, a loud screech filled everyone's ears.

"What the hell was that?" Doc questioned

Sarge took out his shotgun, "We got trouble."

The Reds and Blues readied their weapons. Looking around the hall to make sure nothing pops up from anywhere.

"Ironwood, we need to get the Council out of here." Carolina said to him

"Agreed." he replied

Another screech was heard, this time it was coming from one of the grand doors.

"I got something on the motion trackers." Simmons muttered.

"Same here." Blake added, "Just one ping."

Black smoke began to pour from the cracks in the door. Another screech came from its direction.

"Grimm." Vine muttered, "But how?"

Wash was more hesitant, "I don't think that Grimm guys."

"What makes you say that?" Harriet asked him

"Because we've heard that noise before." Carolina explained, "Long ago. The noise of a friend, a monster, a brute...a meta."

The doors then swung open, almost flying off its hinges as a lone figure entered the room. Low growls came from it as the Meta walked in. His new Grimm-themed armor was in full display.

"Meta?" Pyrrha muttered

"No, that's something else." Donut said to her

"Meta!" Wash said to him, "Is that you!?"

The Meta made a loud screech in response.

"Well...that was informative." Marrow dryly remarked

"He said he wasn't alone." said Locus

"That's correct, partner."

Locus gripped his shotgun in anger upon that second voice. Even Tucker was in the same predicament.

"Don't tell me-"

"Yep, it's him." Wash said

A second figure then joined the Meta. None other than Felix himself. His armor color also matched that of a Grimm.

"Hello partner." Felix said to him, "Long time no see."

Locus aimed his weapon at the phantom merc.

"Felix..." Tucker muttered, "How is possible?"

Robyn was a bit more open about the situation, "Ok! Could someone tell me the hell is going on."

"Robyn, Clover." Tucker said to them, "Get the Council members out of here...Now!"

Ironwood gestured at them to do so, and they quickly escorted them out of the dining hall.

Tucker then set his sights back onto Felix, "How is this possible?"

Felix shrugged, "Bets me...All I know, is that me and Meta here got ourselves a second chance. With our new team as well."

Sarge looked at them, "Your team?"

The sound of a teleportation grenade then went off right behind the Grimm figures. Three individuals then emerged. Cinder, Mercury, and Emerald.

"You!" Yang shouted at them, "You tried to attack Beacon! You helped Jacques!"

"Ahohoho-ho hold your horses Yang." Felix said to her, "That was our boss's plan."

"The boss?" Simmons questioned

The sound of clapping filled their ears as the back door to the dining hall opened.

"Brothers in arms..."

Tucker clenched his sword upon hearing the voice, "Shit."

"We greet you with open arms...and loaded guns." Mark Temple said to them, as he and Blues and Reds all entered the room.

"Uh, am I seeing double?" Jaune muttered

"You aren't the only one." Ren said to him

Doc the spoke up, "How!? You in prison, being sent to Reach for transfer."

"Before answering that excellent question of your DuFresne." Temple began, "I think it's best to have the children leave."

Temple then suddenly disappeared before reappearing right in front of RWBY and JNPR.

"Huh?" Ruby muttered before Temple took out a teleportation grenade and activated it. Sending himself, and both RWBY and JNPR away.

"Ruby!" Caboose shouted

Temple and the Blues and Reds then appeared with the rest of their cabal as the Reds and Blues and Ironwood turned their guns on them all.

"Unfortunately, I can't answer." Temple said about Doc's question

"You bastard!" O'Malley shouted

"But I'll give you a hint." he continued before looking at Grif, "Grif, buddy, I'm so glad you and Yang are getting along. If only Raven knew...Oh! MAybe I'll pay her a visit. After all, I know where she is."

Temple and his posse then disappeared, leaving everyone else in the room.

"Raven..." Jacques muttered, still in his seat, "Yes! He wanted her location! IN exchange for the soldiers, he asked for information on the Branwen Tribe! They've been wreaking havoc on my company!"

Tucker looked at Grif, "Grif?"

The orange soldier was staring down at a teleportation grenade he had on him. He then activated it, teleporting himself to an unknown location.

"Grif!" Sarge cried, "Get your lazy ass back here!"

"We all need therapy." Kai muttered

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