Five Boys, One Girl

By lovingbooksince1234

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There are five. Five Bryant boys. Fighters, bad boys, players. Or is there more to them than meets the eye? B... More

Chapter 1 - The Bryant Brothers
Chapter 2 - Do I want to know?
Chapter 3 - Meeting the Queen of the Barbies
Chapter 4 - Who said chivalry was dead?
Chapter 5 - Looking like his Daddy
Chapter 6 - Judgemental much?
Chapter 7 - One more chance
Chapter 8 - He's back
Chapter 9 - Nicely done brother
Chapter 11 - I love them, wait what?
Chapter 12 - You know she's lying?
Chapter 13 - The supermarket
Chapter 14 - Saved by the bell
Chapter 15 - It's JUST a date
Chapter 16 - He's whipped
Chapter 17 - She's in trouble
Chapter 18 - I owe you an explanation
Chapter 19 - A very angry Rosie
Chapter 20 - A new home

Chapter 10 - Maybe he needs some more pants?

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By lovingbooksince1234

Chapter 10


Will POV

We leave quite soon after Allie told us everything. I knew that Jason brought up bad memories and we all felt that she needed some time alone. The beginning of the ride home is silent until Jason finally speaks.

'I still feel guilty.’ We all look at him and even Chance looks away from the road for a moment,

‘Why?’ I ask and Jason gives me a weird look.

‘Did you see the way she looked when we mentioned him? His death totally destroyed her; I can’t even imagine what it must be like to lose your brother. You could tell how much they loved each other just from the picture. A dead brother is a rough past man.’

‘That’s not why she is guarded.’ We all turn to look at Hunter,

‘There is something else. Her dead brother may be part of it but there is more. Nice going by the way Jason, you’re an ass.’ My youngest brother mutters something under his breath but stays quiet.

‘Why did she have a bruise?’ Chance suddenly asked and we all look at him a little weirdly.

‘What?’ Hayden finally asks and Chance glances at us in the rear view mirror,

‘The bruise? On her stomach. When she hung the picture back up her top lifted slightly and she had a bruise all around her stomach.’ Silence falls over the car,

‘I have no idea, I didn’t see it. It’s not the first time we have seen her with bruises either.’ Hayden finally replies.

‘Maybe she is really clumsy?’ Jason volunteers and we all look at him doubtfully,

‘Look unless we think something seriously wrong is happening then we shouldn’t interfere. We have done enough of that.’ We all agree but I can’t get Chance’s words out of my mind all night.

The following morning we pull into the drive and I start to head up to the front door when it opens and Allie steps out. She gives me a small smile,

‘Hey.’ I say softly, her eyes look tired and I can see dark circles under her eyes. If it’s because of Jason reminding her of her brother I’m going to kill him.

‘Rough night?’ I ask again and she looks at me for a second before nodding.

‘Um yeah, just some nightmares.’ She shivers and without thinking I pull her into my side and wrap an arm around her. She stiffens but my warmth must be appreciated because she soon relaxes. We get into the car and I can see Jason eyeing me up but I ignore him.

When we reach school Rosie is already standing there. She approaches the car as we all pile out but she pauses and takes in her best friends face.

‘What did you assholes do?’ She suddenly snaps and we all look at her, taken aback.

‘She obviously didn’t sleep all of last night, what did you say to make her cry this time?’ I don’t like the way she says, this time, but I ignore that.

‘Nothing but…’ I trail off and look at Jason. Rosie sees and takes a step closer to my younger brother, her glare is icy and he actually looks a little scared.

‘Jason Bryant, so help me god, tell me what you did.’ He gulps and opens his mouth but nothing comes out.

‘Nothing, but, they found out about Danny.’ Allie’s soft voice comes from beside me and all the tension leaks from Rosie’s body.

‘Oh.’ Is all she says.

‘Did the nightmares come back?’ I look at Allie and she is nodding.

‘Let’s go, I wanna have a word.’ Rosie says but her tone is kind and so she pulls Allie away.

We don’t see them again until first lesson when Allie comes and sits down, she looks slightly happier than this morning and her eyes have regained some of their spark. She smiles at us all,

‘Hey, sorry about this morning.’

‘It’s no problem, you okay now honey?’ Hunter asks and she nods. The teacher still hasn’t arrived when the quarterback approaches us; we give him dirty looks which he ignores. He steps in front of Allie’s desk and she looks up at him.

‘Yes?’ She questions and I am proud that she is not affected by the panty dropping smile that seems to work on every other girl.

‘Hi, Allie right?’

‘Yup, glad you finally learnt my name after 3 years in the same class.’ Her tone is sarcastic and I am glad she is getting her fire back. The jock pauses; clearly he wasn’t expecting to be turned down.

‘Is there anything else I can do for you?’ Allie asks when he makes no move to leave,

‘Yes, actually you can. I was wondering if I could have your number.’ Allie starts to choke, having just taken a sip of water and Hunter leans over and pats her on the back. She waves him off and looks incredulously at the idiot in front of her.

‘Yeah, sorry but no.’ He looks astonished and I nearly laugh at his face, nearly.

‘Why?’ his question is genuine this time and Allie gives it some thought before she answers.

‘I don’t like you, not that I particularly know you, but you are just another guy looking to get into my pants. All guys are the same, so piss off because you never stand a chance with me.’ This time I can’t help but laugh and Hunter and Hayden chuckle along with me. The guy looks shocked before he turns red with anger,

‘Whatever bitch, you weren’t worth that bet anyway.’ She goes still but I am already standing up. My chair tipping backwards. Jason is beside me and I can see the twins out of the corner of my eye.

‘What did you just say to her?’ My tone is calm but I direct as much anger into it as possible. I easily tower over this guy and my muscled arms are no match for him. He looks like he has wet himself.

‘Ummm, nothing.’

‘No, you just insulted Allie. Apologise.’ Jason says beside me and he is furious. When the jock says nothing I growl and take a step forward.

‘I’m sorry Allie, I won’t bother you again.’ I grunt and step away and the guy goes pale as he runs away, pussy. I look back at Allie who smiles at me and then at the others.

‘Thanks guys. I almost feel sorry for the guy, maybe I should offer him a spare pair of pants after he wet himself in those.’ That does it, I can’t stop laughing. Hunter and Hayden are also roaring with laughter while Jason has tears running down his face. When we finally calm down I notice that most of the class is staring at us.

‘Turn away now.’ I growl and everyone finds something to do.


Hey guys,

Hoping you still like it. Please feel free to give me some feedback. Thanks. Sorry, I know this chapter was short.

I will start posting who I think the characters should be portrayed by soon.

Thanks, love you guys for taking the time to read my story.

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