Protection, Love, and Polka-D...

By H0LOdm

455 15 5

Fumetsu Raibaru is the strongest student in Akademi. She quit the Martial Arts Club to pursue new hobby.. at... More


Second Year, First Day

223 8 4
By H0LOdm

Osana and I have known each other for a whole year now. It's wonderful to be friends with her.. and Yamada-san.

She's been in love with Yamada-san for a long time now, and I'm pretty sure he likes her, too.

Well, as long as she's happy.. but she treats him pretty harshly.

She's yelling at Yamada-senpai for being.. 5 minutes late. I roll my eyes, but I can't help but smile.

"Uhm.. Osana? Don't you think you were a bit.. harsh?" I timidly ask her.

"Agh.. I know. I feel so bad about it.. but.. I didn't do it on purpose! It just.. happened. Every time I think he's about to realize how I feel about him, I get afraid he'll reject me. It makes me feel so scared, and I start saying stuff to make him think I DON'T like him! Why do I have to be this way..? Why can't I just be honest with him..?"

It pains me, knowing that she will never accept my own feelings, but it pains me even more to see her upset like this..

"Hey.. don't beat yourself up over it, Osana. It'll be okay! Everything is going to work out just fine..!"

Ugh, that sounded.. so pathetic.

"..I sure hope so.."

The two of us quietly walked over to our lockers, but I remembered something and broke the silence.

"Hey.. you said you'd bring him a bento, right?"

"Ah, I almost forgot.. come on, let's get it ready!"

The classroom was empty, other than two other people leaving their bookbags. Osana worriedly looks at me.

"R-Raibaru.. Is this a bad idea? Maybe I shouldn't do this.. what if he doesn't like it?"

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll love it!"

"I sure hope so! I just.. I just wanna make him happy.."

"You will! C'mon, let's go hang out!"

I feel pretty bad, insisting that he'll love it.. without any other support. Maybe I'm not the right person for Osana.. oh well. Not all crushes are meant to be..

"Wanna sit by the plaza tree?"

"Sure! It's pretty close to where Taro-kun stays, anyway."

Yamada-san, Yamada-san..

Hmm.. out of curiosity..

"Hey, Osana! Tell me more about the boy you like. What made you fall for him?"

I sound so jealous right now, don't I..? It's not like I'm actually gonna live up to her standards..

"It's funny, actually.. he's not my type at all. I just.. slowly developed feelings for him overtime.. I didn't even realize it was happening!"

Yamada-senpai, you lucky guy..

"So, what IS your type, then? You mentioned that you like guys with tans, but what else do you like to see in a guy?"

Ugh, now I just sound nosy..

"Well, I think it's kinda hot when a guy has a ponytail! I think peo- boys with glasses are SUPER cute. Oh, and if a guy has piercings.. ahh, I'd just MELT!" Osana swooned. "U-Uh.. don't get me wrong; looks aren't everything! F-For example, I can't get along with someone if they're dumb as a rock; so really, the most important thing is intelligence~! Oh, and he has to like cats. If he's a dog person.. we're completely incompatible!"

I.. see. Weird, isn't Yamada-senpai a dog person? Well, I guess it's not hard to fall in love with your childhood friend..

Oh, Aishi-san is coming over here. Wonder what she wants?

"Hey, Najimi-chan~! Need any help with anything~?"

I'm not gonna lie. That voice was sickeningly sugar-coated for some reason. Osana acknowledges it, too, but accepts anyway.

"Now that you mention it, yeah. There IS something I really need help with.. I lost my phone charm, it's in the shape of a cat." Osana explained. To be honest, I thought that thing was locket tight to her phone. Guess I was wrong! "I know that I lost it somewhere in the hedge maze, but I don't wanna go back in there; it's scary! I'm worried I'll get lost and be stuck in there for hours.. I feel bad for asking, but would you be willing to go into the hedge maze and get my phone charm for me?"

"Yes, I'm going to get your phone charm back." Aishi-san bowed and left the plaza, ignoring Osana's relieved thanks. Aishi responded pretty serious-looking, for some reason.

"Anyway, Raibaru, uhh.. do you think that red-headed guy over there is acting a little.. weird..?"

"That guy over there?" I look over to see Konagawa-san, who looked like he was pretending to look away. "I guess so, but I can't really judge him. A lot of kids here are weird, haha!"

"I guess so.. I just feel a little watched sometimes, that's all."

That got my attention. Does Osana feel unsafe around him..? No, I'm definitely overthinking.

"But.. I'm glad I can rely on you to keep me safe, Rai-chan.."

I... oh my god.. I feel my face turning red.. did she just..?!

"O-Oh, uh.. thanks, O-Osana-chan!"

Uuu.. that was.. embarrassing.

Anyway, we started heading for the roof to catch some better breeze. Near the staircase, Osana's phone started ringing. I stayed by the wall to wait for her.

"Ugh, I told you to stop calling me, you creep!"

Hold on.. what..?

I need to listen to this.. what if Osana's being harassed?

"How many times do I have to say it? I'm NOT interested! If you don't stop bothering me, I'm gonna call the cops and- Wait.. what..? Are you serious?"

Oh my god.. is she being.. blackmailed? No, n-no.. this can't be right!

I continue to listen. It's nosy, but.. I think I need to.

"Okay. Okay, fine! I won't call the police." Osana continued. "L-Look, this is a bad time for me. We'll talk about this later. Just.. don't do anything rash, okay..?"

Osana hangs up and mutters something dreadfully.

"Um.. Osana? Is everything okay?" I ask her.

"Well.. no, but.. I'm.. not sure if I should say anything yet. I need some time to think." Osana mumbles to me. "I.. I might be ready to talk about it when classes are done for the day. Somewhere.. private. Maybe the rooftop? B-Behind the air vents?"

At this point, my stomach is sick from worry. "Okay. I'll wait until you're ready to talk." I respond. "..Would you like to take a stroll around the school to take your mind off of it? You still haven't joined a club yet.. Maybe we can check out the clubrooms!"

"Y-Yeah.. yeah! That sounds nice; sure, let's do it!"

The two of us looked around for a while. I'm not gonna lie, it'd be really boring if I wasn't with Osana-chan. For some reason, I thought it'd be funny to consider the delinquents as a club.

Aishi-san ran up to us again, Osana's phone charm in her hand. "Najimi-san~! I found it!"

Osana's beautiful eyes lit up. "Oh my gosh, you actually found it! Wow, that's amazing; thank you so much!"

It's a fleeting feeling, seeing her smile like this. I love- oh..!

"Anyway, we better head to class, Osana!"

"Ah- you're right. Let's go, then."

Class time feels way longer than it actually is.. and on the first day, too. Nothing bad is happening, but I'm pretty sure I've missed all the introductions, all because I'm just.. worrying about Osana.

I'm really worried about her.. and I'd hate it if she were to be harmed. If that happened.. On second thought, I'd rather not think about it.

Anyway, the lunch bell should ring.. any minute now.

It's 12:57. Can time just go faster for once? I just want to eat already. Maybe my favorite lunch would help me get my mind off of things..

Who am I kidding? No matter what, I can't stop thinking about it. It's stressing me out to no end.. Osana could be in serious danger, and I'd do NOTHING!

It's 12:58. Thank goodness, lunch time is near. Osana, Yamada-san, and I will just be eating lunch on the roof, no worries. No worries, no worries, no worries..

Is Osana passing me a note? Oh, she is. I hastily grab it and unfold the sticky note.

Remember to meet me on the rooftop at 3:30..
Please. It's important.

Of course it is, Osana. For all I know, your LIFE could be on the line! I just.. hope not.

Fucking hell, what time IS-

"Okay, everyone! It's time for your lunch, so go ahead and do your business.. but remember the club policies!"

Ah, thank god. It's 1PM. Everyone groaned because of the club policies, clubs need to eat together now.

Now that I think about it, it's a GOOD thing that Osana and I are clubless, hehe.

"Okay, Osana.. It's time.. you can do this! Come with me, Rai-chan."

"Sure thing, Osana.. but why? Isn't it your 'private conversation' or something..?"

"W-Well.. just between you and me, you.. you give me courage, Rai-chan." Osana hid her face. "B-But it's not like.. it's much help a-anyway, baka!"

I.. oh my god! As I follow Osana to the roof, my cheeks turn even more red than Toriyasu-senpai's hair.. she said I give her courage!!!!!!

B-But.. it's not like she likes me.. o-or.. or anything..

Osana and Yamada-senpai are chatting away at their little bench, and.. I'm just.. watching in the corner. At least she's happy, though.. right..?

Anyway.. what's happening over there now..?

"It's a bento, stupid!"

"You made me lunch?"

"D-Don't get the wrong idea! I-I didn't make it for YOU! I just.. made too much food this morning, so you can have the extras!"

"Oh, cool. Thanks a lot!"

"J-Just.. shut up and eat it!"

The three of us sit down, perfectly simultaneously, somehow.

I can't help but worry about Osana.

I also can't help but beat myself up over the fact that I'm never gonna be with her.

I can't help but be annoyed at how boring Yamada is.. and..


I can't help but be so.. stupid and greedy.

They're talking again..

"That's right; you SHOULD be grateful! But don't expect me to keep giving you free food! Um.. U-Unless you.. WANT to eat my cooking every day..."

"Huh? What was that?"

"I-I didn't.. I-I-I didn't say anything!! D-Dummy.."

There's so much mess in my head right now.. I can't handle it, but.. what can I even do..?

~ 3:30 PM ~

It's time to go to the roof. Osana and I exchange worried glances at one another, as we make our way to one of the air vents.

"A-Anyway.. Osana, this is about your.. phone call.. earlier today, isn't it? It sounded really concerning.. something's wrong, isn't it?"

"W-Well.. yeah, it is. But.. I'm not really sure if you'd be able to help me.."

"Please.. tell me what's up. I'll listen!"

"W-Well then.. here goes nothing. A few days ago, in Shisuta Town, this weird guy.. approached me and started flirting with me.. He was really creepy and gross, and I wasn't interested in him at all! It took forever.. to make him leave me alone.."

Ugh.. a creep.

"T-The next day, I started to get text messages.. from him! E-Even though.. I never gave him my number.. and.. he sends me photos.. of me. He's just.. following me around, snapping photos of ME all day!" She continued.

Oh.. oh fuck.. I need to speak up.

"You've got a stalker?! Oh my god.. that's horrible! You need to tell the police before he does somehting bad, Osana!"

"N-No.. I can't do that! He told me that.. if I go to the police.. he.. he'll.."

"Oh.. oh my fucking god.. he'll what?!"

"I don't wanna tell you, but calling the police isn't an option!"

"Is he.. is he blackmailing you?! I knew it! Oh my god.. I.. Osana.. I try to avoid talking about this.. but I'm strong enough to stop them, I'm sure of it! Tell me, who's doing this to you? I will stop them."

"Wh.. Raibaru, no! I don't want you to get involved, you might be in danger, too! Just.. let me deal with this myself.."

"..If you say so. But.. I'm really, really worried.."

I can feel myself starting to cry. That's really what's happening.. I can't help but want to protect Osana; she doesn't deserve this!

I know she told me to not get involved, but.. from now on, I'm going to follow her. Not in a creepy way, but.. to keep her safe.

~ 11:47 PM ~

I can barely sleep. There's way too much on my mind. My feelings for Osana, Osana's stalker, and knowing that Osana won't ever return my feelings. Most importantly.. if Osana wil be safe.

I'm not sure if I'll be able to get any sleep tonight. Maybe I'll just use those medicines the doctor prescribed..

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