SALVATION | Killua Zoldyck

By odysseiarose

229K 7.9K 9.5K

ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɪꜱᴏʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ, ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴀᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴄʀᴇᴛᴇ ᴡᴀʟʟꜱ, ꜱʜᴇ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ʀᴇʟɪᴇꜰ ɪɴ ʟᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀ ᴀᴍᴇᴛʜʏꜱᴛ ᴇʏᴇꜱ ᴄᴏᴍ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Holiday Special
Trance [Side Story]
Tranquility [Side Story]
Dauntless [Side Story]
Wanderlust [END]

Chapter 22

3.8K 143 141
By odysseiarose

Hisoka's hands weren't in any shape to throw, nonetheless even hold a ball without the help of his Bungee Gum. Gon had burned through a massive amount of his Nen and Killua was the worst of all. They had taken a time out as Aurora immediately ran over to the two boys. "Give me your hands Killua." Aurora demanded.

They all looked at the boy firmly who had tried to play it off cool with his hands shoved into his pockets. Killua couldn't put any protective Nen on his hands. The power of Gon's punch must have ravaged it. If Killua had formed a protective coat over his hands, it would have countered the power of Gon's punch and cushioned it instead.

'You barbaric idiots.'

The boy stayed silent as Biscuit pulled his right arm out of his pocket, revealing his blackened and blistered hands. The damage was more severe than any of them had thought. "Aurora." Biscuit called for her as she grabbed his hands shakily. Gon looked at her with a frown. "Are you mad at us?" Gon asked the girl.

He also knew that Killua's hands would get damaged. She stared up at him with dull eyes. "Livid. I'll save that after you win this." She said before looking back down at Killua's hands, indulging them in her ice cold Nen, even further decreasing the temperature. At this point she could still feel the residual heat from the friction of the ball when Gon had sent it flying.

There was no need to worry about frostbite. If she could numb Killua's hand enough to the point that it could minimize the pain, that was what she was going to do. The two boys looked at her in surprise. Despite her monotone, her choice of words proved to them enough that Aurora had the confidence that they could win.

"I'm sorry Tsezguerra, Aurora. I can't move outside. I need Killua to hold the ball. He's the only one that can do it! If Bisky or Hisoka held the ball, I won't be able to use my full strength. The only reason why I can focus wholly on hitting the ball is because Killua's holding it for me." Gon said with a smile.

"What are you sorry for you idiot. We already knew this." Aurora kicked him since she couldn't use her hands. "Are you almost done, Aurora?" Killua asked the girl as she sent him a sharp glare that said volumes.

"You're the one who damaged your hands, have some patience! There was so much friction from the ball that it practically burned your hands to the point where I can freeze it and there won't even be any frostbite! You're in pain right now and i'm trying to numb it, so sit down for one more minute!" Aurora barked at him as he flinched at her tone, as did Gon who sweated beads.

The girl was always the scariest when she was mad at them.

By the time she was done, the girl twirled the ball in her hands, returning back to her original position outside the court. "Honestly, that throw from earlier hurt my hands and I'd like to get just a teeny bit of payback." Aurora called out to Razor, tossing the ball up into the air before catching it again, reeling her arm back. "Ugh. This wouldn't even be half as strong as Killua's throw." The girl said to herself as she swung her arm forward, sending it toward Razor and swerving to his #2, knocking it out of the ring.

A loud pop of her arm was heard in the process. She was able to leave the ring with only Razor standing inside of it as he faced the three males with a grin.

"Ow!" Killua's cries of pain echoed throughout the gym. Aurora had to pop back in place all of his messed up fingers and clean them up. Usually these things weren't too painful for him .. had he injured them in his own way. It was over and Gon had won with the help of Hisoka and Killua. He was over in the distance having a discussion with Razor while Aurora wrapped the boy's hands. Extremely tight. "Honestly, you were so reckless! Your hands are a total mess! Hey, are you listening?!" Biscuit shouted at him.

"Sit still before I freeze your arse!" Aurora barked at him, causing him to stiffen as he saluted at her with his already bandaged right hand. She wasn't kidding when she said back at Heaven's Arena that Killua would get it worse than Gon.

The two boys sat on their knees as Aurora's ferocious figure stood towering above them. They stared to the ground, avoiding her fiery gaze. "What do you two have to say?" Biscuit asked with a chuckle. They were scared. Very, very scared. The girl's aura reflected her mood, ice cold yet its fiery burned through the oxygen in the air.

"We're sorry ..." The two boys moped in unison. A hand fan appeared in the girl's hand as she smacked the two boys over the head harshly with no remorse. "Ouch." They mumbled.

Expecting to get hit again, they didn't. Instead, a hand made its way on top of their heads as Aurora fell in the middle of the two boys, hugging them tightly. "Aurora ..." Killua began. They were confused. This wasn't how they expected it to turn out as they returned her hug. Biscuit stared at the trio warmly.

"We're really sorry." They apologized again. The touching moment was short lived as she began strangling them. They tapped her arm, signalling her to let go, but she was still furious. "Can't ... Breathe!"

She released both of them as she stood up again. "Seriously. You two always have me worried and for what? If you're going to make a plan, do one that has the least amount of injuries! I'm pretty sure you two have already broken every single bone in your body already! What makes you two so reckless?

You have one body and one only! Not all of your bones end up being cleanly broken and not all of them heal back stronger. This is why im convinced that you two will die before fifty like a bunch of morons!" Aurora kept going on and on but stopped as Killua pulled her into a hug. 

Gon laughed as he placed a hand on her head. "We'll be more careful." Gon assured, but she didn't know how much she could trust that considering he had broken one of their promises already. "Yeah. If we aren't, Aurora might just end up crying the next time. We have to be extra careful Gon." Killua said jokingly as he tightened his grip on the girl.

"No fair ... You two realize that i'm not going to forgive you right?" She moped at them. The two boys looked at each other with a soft grin. "We know." They chorused.

As they obtained Patch of the Shore, Hisoka made his leave as Killua suggested for him to join them in which he replied : "I'm not interested in collecting cards. Should anything come up, use Contact to reach me. I'll use Accompany or Magnetic Force to come at once." Aurora thought that was pretty nice until Killua shouted.

"That liar! We haven't used Magnetic Force once since Hisoka joined right?" He asked the two as they nodded. "That means that he already knew about spell cards before running into us!" The girl cocked her head at him. "You didn't know?"

"Hisoka isn't a fool. He wouldn't have entered the game without learning how to play it. He's not going to let himself get killed right off the bat and so easily at that. We've been in this game for months. He's definitely been doing something, learning how the game works is probably one of the things." Aurora said with a shrug. It was simple Hisoka-like common sense.

"Remember Killua, there are liars who only lie when there is a reason to and there are liars who lie without a reason. He is the latter, we are the former. You won't get anywhere fretting over it." Biscuit said wisely.

They stopped walking and were startled by the dinging noise of Tszaguerra's book. "Another player has used Contact to contact you." The voice rung out before another deeper voice deluded it.

"It's been a while."

"Genthru?! What do you want?" Tszaguerra was on the hostile, especially after having his cards stolen by the man. "First, I'd like to congratulate you." He had said out of the blue, much to their surprise. Ignoring the conversation, Aurora looked around. She knew they were being watched somewhere but these three were rather good at cloaking their presences.

"I promise to spare your lives, in return, give us Patch of the Shore." They could practically hear his grin from the other end of the line. "They're far away, watching us." Aurora whispered quietly as Killua and Biscuit nodded. At such a distance, even Aurora wouldn't be able to attack, nonetheless Killua.

Aurora's neck nearly snapped to the side as she listened to Gon challenge Genthru. It was a selfish move on his part, fueled by his own self righteousness that would be the death of him one day. Killua was still injured, Gon himself had a Nen drain. Tszuguerra was injured as well. He had absolutely no right to challenge Genthru in their position.

Theoretically speaking, Tzsuguerra and Goreinu would only be able to buy the four of them a maximum time of three weeks and a minimum of one. So a rough estimate would be two weeks. That was the time they had to perfect Gon's abilities. Even in that time frame despite Killua's speedy regeneration, his hands still wouldn't have healed all the way.

Genthru himself had glasses, thus Aurora's conjuring abilities didn't work on him. He seemed like a sharp man and if he got his hands on her, she was done for. In terms of combat, Gon would be more suited for this since he was an enhancer.

It had been days, ten to be exact, and Gon still hadn't made any progress due to the fact that Biscuit had jumped from level two of enhancer training straight to level five. Gon was still stuck on shooting aura out of the palm of his hand. Although he had been stuck at a consistent elevation of two inches.

"Any progress on the plan?" Aurora asked, as she sat on a rock beside Killua who was drawing in the sand with a stick blankly, thinking deeply. She glanced down at what he was drawing. There were three arrows in the sand, each going different directions and many, many, scribbles, showing his failed plans.

"No. His ability is annoying to deal with." Killua grumbled, referring to Genthru's little flower that could blow someone up the moment he touched them.

"You'll figure it out. After all, you're Killua. Not Killua Zoldyck, the boy who had his future planned out by his parents, but Killua, our best friend. Even if you don't come up with a plan, we'll probably think of one last minute as we fight. It always works out doesn't it?" She pressed a finger against his forehead, a white light emitting from it.

He looked at her in surprise before chuckling. It scared her for a moment. She was afraid he had gone mental. "Killua?" She called out to him. "It was funny how you were shouting at us almost a few weeks ago about how stupid we were and now you're basically encouraging it, saying that it usually works out in the end." He pat her head, placing a kiss to her cheek as a thank you.

She blinked, registering her thoughts. "Eh? You've really grown up Killua!" Aurora stared at him in amusement as he became confused. "You never hugged me back for a while because you were so embarrassed. Now look at you." She cooed as he bat his head in the other direction, avoiding her teasing gaze.

"Shut up, idiot." He hissed grumpily. "Never." She grinned at him, grabbing the stick from his hand. "Okay, let's do this together, starting from square one." Aurora said as she dusted the ground, giving them a new and clean board to draw on.

"What are the issues we have at hand?"

Killua threw out his fingers as he began lifting them up one by one. "He can explode things and people. He's skilled in Nen and presumably hand to hand combat as well. We don't know much about him, and we can't let him touch Gon too many times. It'll  be impossible for him to not touch Gon at all."

Aurora dusted her shorts as she stood up.

He looked at her in curiosity. "If he can explode things with his hands, that means that it's flammable too right?" Aurora asked with a tilt of her head. Killua dully nodded, not sure as to what she was getting at. "Sheesh, you're not an amnesiac Killua. Remember that big pirate guy? You practically turned him into a bonfire." Aurora said as she drew the small image of a bottle and a head that seemingly looked like Genthru.

It was like a light bulb had shone above his head as his face grew bright. "See? You think too hard about things and run through too many useless probabilities, statistics and facts. You completely skip the basic knowledge when you're under pressure. You think that since it's your plan, it'll also be your responsibility if Gon gets severely injured." Aurora hit the nail on the head.

"But it's not. You know no one is going to blame you because everyone knows that it's not your fault regardless. Gon decided to challenge Genthru himself. Besides, if you still insist on blaming yourself after that, then blame me too since I just helped you." She grinned.

Killua sighed in surrender. "You win. Sheesh, always pulling the guilt trip card, huh?" The alabaster haired boy said as he leaned backward lazily. "I only use it because I know that you'll be fooled by it." She stuck her tongue out at him childishly. He snorted in dismay. This girl was practically his revolving world without her realization.

Aurora had dug a pitfall, layering it over with a solid layer of dirt that would allow Gon to break through it with his punch. She stayed in the surrounding area, doing an early scouting just in case as she hid herself in the trees. Genthru's group was too busy chasing Gon, Killua and Biscuit that they wouldn't bother wasting a Magnetic Force or Accompany card on her.

The girl blew a low whistle, "Milluki really outclassed himself this time. A super alloy yo-yo. Judging from the weight and centrifugal force, it packed quite a punch." Aurora peacefully and lazily watched from the trees, only finding it needful to step in if the boy was on death's door. Gon's request was that she let him fight Genthru alone.

Aurora was a person of her word, as well as a rather honest and loyal one. Most of the time at least. Just this once, she'd let Gon let loose and fight until he was on death's door but not to death himself. She was confident that the boy could defeat Genthru and obtain Angel's breath.

A thundering boom was heard as Killua and Aurora looked off into the distance and saw smoke. "Must be Gon." Killua said nonchalantly as he tossed the unconscious Sub over his shoulder. "By the time we get there, he'll be done with his fight. Looks like everything went according to plan." Aurora said with a yawn, tired after doing nothing.

The girl crouched over the three bombers, starting from Bara whom was Bicuit's unlucky opponent. "Hmm ...A broken nose, fractured cheek bone and upper jaw I think?" She couldn't heal broken things properly, just minor fractures at best. Moving onto Genthru, she couldn't even diagnose him. There were just too many things to list out.

"Sub .. Definitely a linear or depressed fractured skull. Potential brain bleeding and or concussion. And Gon .. You're worse than Genthru." Aurora sighed. She had no intentions of becoming a doctor when she grew up although she had the brief diagnostic capabilities to become one despite being thirteen. She would most likely curse her patients out.

"I don't approve of this. If you plan to use Angel's Breath to heal these murderers, the trade is off!" Goreinu said with an unpleasant frown on his face. "You okay with using it on me?" Killua asked suddenly. Goreinu wasted no time and or hesitation in responding. "Of course!"

"I'm an assassin. I've killed more people than these guys. Each player in this game risks their lives in one way or another. That doesn't make it okay to kill others. But all the people that I've killed weren't nearly prepared to die. I'm worse than these guys." Killua opened up as he stared Goreinu straight in the eye.

The man however shook his head. "No, you aren't like them! I like you but I hate their guts." He shouted, unreasonably. "That isn't a valid reason!" Killua retaliated.

"That's just being biased, no? We're murderers.  That's the stone cold truth. We have blood stained on our hands and death lingering in our memories. If you hadn't met us before and we were in a position like theirs, and told you this information, would you have given us Angel's Breath?" Aurora asked casually.

He flinched. "I don't need a reason. What counts is my own opinion." He fired back as she sighed. "But that doesn't make it right. You'll just be sinking down to their level by leaving them to die." Biscuit explained. "Just because we heal them doesn't mean that we forgave them for all they've done. They can turn themselves in after this and spend their rest of their lives in jail." Gon said as he pulled out an Angel's Breath card.

In the end, Goreinu gave in and gave the group the card, allowing them to have a spare to heal Killua's hands completely. He had also given them the rest of the restricted slot cards, thus allowing them to finish Greed Island after a long few months.

The three of them watched as Gon walked into the castle to meet more creators of the game and potentially his father while he was at it. "I wonder if Gon'll be okay ..." The teacher trailed off causing her two students to look at her in confusion. "Why wouldn't he be?" Killua asked curiously.

"Well that boy might see his father in there." She said softly. Killua seemed to stare off into the distance where Gon had left as a soft smile overtook his lax features. "I wonder where our next adventure is going to take us." Aurora said as she reached up to the sky.

Anywhere together, they would be fine.

The four of them were driven through a large crowd in a parade. There were too many people for comfort as Aurora curled into her own little shell while Biscuit waved toward everyone. Gon smiled in delight and Killua kept his usual poker face.

They had a large feast and ate to their heart's content. There was singing, dancing, fireworks and much laughter. By the end of it all, they were prepared to finally move on from their Greed Island chapter and begin a new one to wherever the next one was going to take them. It had been a fun experience.

Now, the four of them sat in a bedroom trying to decide which cards four cards they were going to take with them. "Once I've chosen the four cards, I'm supposed to go to the port." Gon explained as they all contemplated their options. While choosing, Biscuit had asked, "Did they tell you about your father?"

The boy nodded. "Yeah, but they don't know where he is right now."

The three sighed. "Oh. I guess the game didn't have any clues then." Biscuit said exasperatedly, pitying the boy. "Well that was what the starting message said." Killua said, not too bothered about it while Gon nodded.

The game was a fun learning experience, although Ging Freccss was the most irresponsible father, he certainly planned things through for his son whom he abandoned.

"So, what are you three going to pick for the four cards?" The woman asked. "We're each picking one right?" Aurora asked as she looked through her book. Immediately, the blonde had pulled out a card that she had been adorning for quite some time. "Then I want Blue Planet! This is still the best one! I can't wait to see it in person!"

"Which one did you three pick?"

Aurora hummed for a moment before pulling out a card from her book. "Probably this one." She smiled. They leaned closer to read the card. "Oh! You're taking the Miniature Dragon?" Gon said excitedly as she nodded. "That'll be pretty useful." Killua said as he pondered all the things it could do.

The Miniature dragon was the 51st card and an S-Ranked one. Like it's name suggested, it was relatively small, fitting in the palm of your hand and not growing any bigger than it. Although it had more strength and speed than expected for its size and was a very quick method for communication and spying. It was also capable of learning how to talk and was able to follow any of her commands and orders as long as it was raised with love and care.

When Gon was asked which card he was going to take, he pointed at Paladin's necklace much to their surprise. "I get it ... Since we can only take restricted slot cards!" Killua snapped his finger as he summoned his book; grabbing an accompany card out of it.

Proves to show that sometimes Gon could actually use his brain as they transformed the Accompany card into a random restricted slot one. With that, they were going to use Paladin's necklace to cancel out the transformed one, thus allowing them to take the Accompany card with them to the outside world and teleport to Gon's dad.

The three of them waited on the top of a tower as Gon had appeared last, following behind them. There was really no difference from the 'real world' and the game since they both took place in reality anyway. "Hurry up! Take out your book!" At this point, Bisky was jumping up and down giddily.


Bisky's Blue Planet card had ended up being the size of her eye. It was a stunning cerulean blue that was the color of the sky. She'll admit, it was pretty but she preferred the darker sapphire color of Killua's eyes.

The woman screamed, hugging the gem tightly as it sparkled in her eyes, causing her three students to look at her as though she was a mad woman. Gon had transformed the card with the Paladin's Necklace as he now held an Accompany card in his hand. Gon had explained that when he first entered the game, waiting for them, he had looked in his contact list.

On the list was a name under 'Nigg' which was an anagram for Ging. Gon presumed that he had been to Greed Island before as a baby when his father was still creating it. So they were going to use the card to teleport to his father.

"Gosh. Your dedication is really something." Aurora playfully ruffled his head as Killua smiled in triumph. "So? What will you do when you meet your dad?" Biscuit asked curiously. The boy smiled in return. "Naturally, i'll introduce him to Killua, my best friend in the world, and Aurora!"

The girl wasn't even upset that she wasn't included with the title of the 'best friend in the world' but then again that title could only belong to one person and she didn't mind. The two boys had a stronger relationship than trust could ever scale but the three of them altogether had one that was thicker than that.

"Stupid! Cut that out!" Killua shouted, embarrassed. "Look Gon, he still gets embarrassed when he's complimented." Aurora teased, nudging Gon as he chuckled.

"Really .. Stop that!" Biscuit hiccuped as her eyes had tears flowing down them like a waterfall as her lips curled. She blew her nose with a handkerchief. "I can't take this!" The blonde said, turning away. Aurora laughed. "Look! You two made our teacher cry!" She said as she embraced the woman in a hug, thanking her for all she's done.

"It must be age! It takes a lot to make me cry!"

Gon smiled at her. "Hey, do you want to come with us to see Ging?" The boy asked curiously. With a shaky inhale, she regained her composure. "No, I think I'll pass. I'm not interested in men who already have kids." She stared off into the distance.

Her three students stared at her with thanks. "Well, take care Bisky!" Gon bid. The woman finally turned around. "Yeah .. You three too. Aurora, you're excellent with your new ability, i'm proud of you. And Killua .. Remember what I said." The woman flicked his forehead before taking a step back, bidding them a final farewell.


"Accompany on! Nigg!"

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