𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 | bellamy...


363K 10.1K 6.4K

your hands are scarred from murder, and yet i trust them completely. Xem Thêm

↬ | chapter one
↬ | chapter two
↬ | chapter three
↬ | chapter four
↬ | chapter five
↬ | chapter six
↬ | chapter seven
↬ | chapter eight
↬ | chapter nine
↬ | chapter ten
↬ | chapter eleven
↬ | chapter twelve
↬ | chapter thirteen
↬ | chapter fourteen
↬ | chapter fifteen
↬ | chapter sixteen
↬ | chapter seventeen
↬ | chapter eighteen
↬ | chapter nineteen
↬ | chapter twenty
↬ | chapter twenty-one
↬ | chapter twenty-two
↬ | chapter one
↬ | chapter two.
↬ | chapter three
↬ | chapter four
↬ | chapter six
↬ | chapter seven
↬ | chapter eight
↬ | chapter nine
↬ | chapter ten
↬ | chapter eleven
↬ | chapter twelve
↬ | chapter thirteen
↬ | chapter fourteen
↬ | chapter fifteen
↬ | chapter sixteen
↬ | chapter seventeen
↬ | chapter eighteen
↬ | chapter nineteen
↬ | chapter twenty
↬ | chapter twenty one
↬ | chapter twenty two
↬ | chapter twenty-three
↬ | chapter twenty-four
↬ | chapter twenty-five
↬ | chapter twenty-six
↬ | chapter twenty-seven

↬ | chapter five

4.3K 149 20


━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━

     Days passed, and still, there was not a single word spoken about Clarke amongst the entire establishment. 

     Maggie and Jasper had taken more trips in hopes of seeing their close friend than they could possibly count. Any time that they could, they were asking to talk to her, see her through a tiny window— anything. But in return, all they received was monotone head shakes and the repetitive explanation the medical professionals had mastered: she needs to heal on her own.

     That was bullshit, as far as Magnolia was concerned.  

     However, the girl only went along with it— it only strengthened and backed up her original thought more; Clarke wasn't even there to begin with. However, she accompanied the Jordan boy every single time, for it made him feel more comfortable and at ease. If he was content, at least there was that.

     One morning though, the two of them woke up to notes at the foots of their beds. Dante wanted to meet, yet again. But this time, with the two of them together.

     Naturally, it wasn't a big mystery. When Jasper and Magnolia shuffled up to one another to inform the other with their notes in hand, it was self-exclamatory. Most likely, the president was informed on their prodding, and he wanted to do one of his famous check-ins. Lovely.

     Two guards joined them down the elevator, even though the brown-eyed girl insisted she knew her way. But, they told her it was safety precautions. Made sense, she supposed. 

     Just like usual, the device beeped in his office, alerting Dante that someone was in his presence. "Thank you two for coming," he set aside his paperwork at hand. "I've been told you visit medical three or four times a day asking about Clarke."

     An innocent smile was painted onto Gray's face. Simple, but enough to get the point across. It worked every other time, so she didn't even second guess if it would or not that go-around. "She's one of us. Obviously, you could understand why we're worried."

     "Yeah," Jasper traced his finger along one of the victorian-style chairs. "No one will let us see her."

     Wallace's fancy shoes plodded against the flooring as he made his way around the dark wood desk. "Well, that's because she's no longer here," he commented, and Magnolia's eyes widened. She pretended to act surprised, even if she fully wasn't. "Clarke ran away."

     Ran away was shitty terminology, Maggie couldn't help but think. Yeah, she ran away. If that's what you consider leaving a murderous mountain to muster up a plan to save her people.

     Then yeah, she ran away. He underestimated the act and deemed it as something it wasn't; what it was, was heroic. 

     As her eyes met Jasper's, she saw the tears lining at the bottom of his eyes. Comfortingly, she wrapped the teenager in a side-hug, but it didn't take the tears away. 

     "I tried to convince her she was safe here. But she couldn't stop looking for enemies when she was among friends," the president persisted, making the young boy in front of him shake his head, as if it would make what he said disappear. 

     "I'm sorry— I don't mean to be disrespectful, but— Clarke wouldn't just abandon us," Jasper piped up, a wave of determination striking through him. Beside him stood the girl that had been right all along, and he was just coming to realize that.

     Those who lived in the mountain, including the elderly man that stood in front of them, had proven themselves to be liars already. And that was on their own.

     Well, with Maya's help too.

     Maya was informed that Clarke was in a psych ward, safe. Now Maggie was never in such a scenario, but she assumed that there wouldn't be any possible ways to get out of that room if the person living in it was presumed to be kooky. It'd defeat the purpose, right?

     So, they had been lied to. Both of the delinquents in the office knew that, clear as day.

     "I wish it wasn't the case," Dante replied, but he showed no signs of negative emotion.

     "Well, are you looking for her?" Jasper faltered after a moment of dead silence from the three of them.

     "I can't risk the lives of my people to bring back someone who doesn't want to be here," Dante denied, now standing only about a foot or two away from the children. "I hope you two can understand that."

     "Yeah," they both looked down at the floor at the same time, knowing deep-down, he was right. To be fair, she acted nothing but ungrateful; Maggie wouldn't send a search team out for Clarke if she was in Dante's position either. 

     "What I can do is let you go after her yourself," he proposed the idea, and it took everything in the Gray girl to not let out a cheer of success.

     Never in a million years did she think the opportunity would open up for her from the president of the goddamn place himself. But, knowing she was too close to screw up the opportunity, Maggie simply bit her lip, acting as if she were contemplating the decision. "Can we come back?" she questioned, wanting to seem like the girl she was portraying inside of the mountain.

     "Of course you can. Maggie, Jasper— this is your home now. You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like," he placed a hand on each of their shoulders, and his generous words were enough to put bright, genuine smiles on each of their faces. Wallace made his way to the entrance to his office, gesturing for someone to open the heavy, see-through doors for them. "Let me know what you decide."

     "President Wallace?" her voice came out as a faint whisper. Jasper had left the room, and now it was just the two of them.

     Jasper going was not a part of her plan. Absolutely not. It was bad enough that she was putting herself in this position. No way— he was happy there. For the time being, it was safest for him to be there. With Maya, with Monty, with all of their friends. Hell, the girl didn't even know what she was going to find out there. For all she knew, all of the sky people could've been dead— nothing but charred bones. 

     "Yes, Maggie?" his eyebrow raised, the two making their way back into the depths of his office.

     "I think I need to do this," she insisted, never more sure of something in her entire life. Not only was it a real Magnolia Gray thing, but it was now a Mount Weather Magnolia Gray thing too.

     "You don't need to do anything if you don't feel comfortable with it. It's alright to put yourself first every once in a while, Miss Gray."

     "Jasper wants to go— but he can't bring himself to. He'll believe me. I can go out on my own," Maggie assured the man, hoping he wouldn't take back the offer if only she was interested in doing so. "When may I?"

     "Soon, give it a day or two." he replied. "I will alert some guards and get together some items to take along with you. Medical supplies, water, some food for the time being. Even a radio so you can contact me. That way, upon your return, you can notify us and say that you've returned."

     How perfect.


     "What do you mean you're leaving?" Miller paced around the bedroom two mornings later, back and forth as one of his best friends shared the news. Magnolia was given numerous things that would surely come in handy. A small first aid kit that contained bandages, ointment, gauze, sutures, and any other basic things to treat an injury. Small snack bars and berries had been packaged as well, along with a few pouches of drinking water.

     To be fair, it was more than Jaha had given her. All he gave her was a metal bracelet with needles that poked into her skin and a possible clean slate next to her name.

     That reminded her— the Ark. During the war, they had seen it come down from the sky. Someone had to be alive from there— right?

     Many components of it had split off and exploded in the air before they even touched the ground. But there was one part, and the eighteen-year-old was vaguely aware of the general direction it had landed. Depending on if it didn't burn.

     Most of the camp had been destroyed via the ring of fire— unless it had been built back, there was no shot anyone was there. Especially after Murphy burnt a hole through the second level, it served no purpose whatsoever as a viable shelter.

     Going in the direction of the Ark seemed to be the best option, she settled on. Worth a shot. 

     "It means, I'm leaving," the signature Maggie Gray grin returned, and it had been the first time since the war that Nate had seen it. No matter how he felt, her facial expression was enough to make him chuckle along with her as she stuffed the supplies into a small bag. "Gonna find our friends— Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Monroe, Finn. All of 'em. And then, the hundred will be back up and running. Like one of those— boy bands. You know, from the early 2000s?"

     Perhaps that could be considered a stretch. It wouldn't go back to the way it used to be; not with her friends stuck inside the mountain for god-only-knows-what-reason.

     "You're not gonna forget about me?" Miller pouted dramatically, even though her departure did upset him just a tad. With that, she pulled him in tightly.

     "Don't ask questions— trust me. I'm getting you all out of here. Just give me some time," she spoke into his ear as they embraced one another. After pulling away, his brows pinched together, making sure he had heard the girl correctly. He did. To let him know, she sent him a nod. "Don't snitch. Before you know it, Griller will be reunited once again."

     "Griller— is that—"

     "Our last names put together?" Gray finished his sentence for him. "You bet."

     "Come on, you need to say goodbye to the others."

     "Miller—" she grabbed his forearm before they ventured into the mess hall with everyone else. "Keep the people in mind. Always keep that big picture. We will meet again, don't you forget it."

     "Never in a million years," the fellow gunner squeezed her hand in affirmation. Maybe he didn't fully get it all, but he was going to obey and do just as she implied; not ask questions.

     She'd be back there— she knew it. Whether it was on her own after finding nothing but a huge pile of rubble, or with a well thought-out plan that had all the kinks worked out, there was no way she wouldn't.

     Her friends all sat at the mess hall table, as per usual, eating their breakfast and chatting amongst themselves. Jasper's head snapped towards the girl; the last time he had some kind of meaningful interaction with her was back in Dante's office. He had no clue as to why she stayed back. Not that he had thought too hard about it anyway.

     "Here, come eat," Monty slid his plate over— nothing had been touched.

     Maggie hadn't said much to any of them regarding her mission that she planned on embarking on— it was easier that way.

     "Don't have time," her head shook, and just by those three words, it caused Jasper's eyes to widen and him to stand out of his chair. With disbelief in his eyes, he searched Maggie's expression to see if she was lying. "You stay here, Jas. Be with Maya, and Monty—"

     "And me," Miller intervened, causing the group to laugh at his bluntness.

     "And Miller," her eyes rolled, but she was serious. "Now, I know that—"

     Before any more words could come out, the goggle boy had engulfed the Gray girl into what she presumed to be the tightest hug she had possibly ever felt. He was thankful; thankful that she stepped up the plate when he really couldn't bring himself to.

     It reminded them all of why Maggie had been chosen to lead in the first place. No matter what, her friends came first; before the Grounders, before the mountain men, and before her own self.

     Many people couldn't safely say they'd endanger themselves if it meant the possibility of helping someone else. Selfishness wasn't the word to describe it; it was just fear. That's all.

     But Magnolia Gray wasn't among one of them. As cheesy as it sounded in her brain, her friends were what turned her life back onto the right side. No longer was she sitting, bored out of her mind and awaiting a meaning to her existence. The reasoning for her existence was to lead.

     Okay, maybe that was a tad dramatic. But the thing was, without those people in the world, there was no point of her living anyway. Truthfully, she'd sacrifice herself any day of the week if it meant someone else living. As long as they lived happily.

     "Remind me what exactly what you're looking for," Maya chimed in, speaking out from the group.

     "I'll know when I find it," she answered with a stern nod. "Now, if you find out I'm back, you better get your ass on down to medical, cause that's probably where I'll be."

     "Copy that," Maya giggled, heeding her words. "Don't get yourself killed— I don't want you to die just yet."

     "Thanks," Gray muttered, taking it as a— compliment?

     Sure, whatever the hell she wanted.

     "I will meet you all again," her tone became more optimistic, but it sounded a bit too optimistic to where it sounded fake.

     With one last look at her friends who stared at her, she hurried out of the mess hall, making her way to President Wallace's office, where he had guards in hazmat suits, ready to escort her out of the mountain.

     Much easier than she thought.


okay guys— believe me, i know that in the show dante knew jasper wouldn't take up the offer, which is why he offered it in the first place. but this'll all come back together, just trust the process. anyway, thank you guys for 15k reads on this book :))

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