Haikyuu!! One-Shots

By TeThyme

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Hi! This is just some one-shots that I have written. I'm not going to write anymore so thank you for reading... More

Hanahaki (KuroKen)
Please stay by my side...(Daisuga)


148 2 3
By TeThyme

A/N: Thank you for 230+ reads!! This is gonna be a Bokuaka fluff cause I'm still hurt from reading In Another Life ;-; This is gonna be based off a theory that has been circling around that Haikyuu is the "Another life" that Bokuto wanted to meet Akaashi in, where he wouldn't be sick. I kinda expanded on that idea which you will see in this fic. Enjoy!! Sorry for not getting this out on time (Once a week) lack of motivation ;-; Thank you for reading! <3

A/N (Again) This will contain spoilers of In Another life, but the spoilers are hard to understand if you haven't read it so-

6/2022 update: holy shit I forgot how like- hurt I was from in another life lol. What was with the Haikyuu fandom and making some of the most heart wrenching stories ever?

Akaashi's POV

"Akaashii!! Akaashii!!" Someone was shaking his shoulder, saying his name. Huh? Who's saying that?

"Akaashiiii!! Wake uppp pleasee...pleasee...Akaashi....." The voice got quieter, seeming to give up. The shaking on his shoulder slowed.

The voice started pleading..quietly, in almost a whisper, "Please..Akaashi..wake up..please." The voice started to break, struggling to keep a steady tone. By now, Akaashi was fully awake. He turned his body to face Bokuto, who was sitting up in the bed, his hands on his shoulder, tears dripping out of his eyes.

Akaashi quickly sat up and grabbed Bokuto's hand gently, "Bokuto, what's wrong?" He cupped Bokuto's cheek in his hand and rubbed small circles with his thumb.

"..Agaaashiii.....I had a nightmare..." 

Akaashi pulled Bokuto closer to him, "It's ok, the nightmare is over. Do you want to talk about what is was like?"

Bokuto grabbed the fabric of Akaashi's shirt, "Well....in-in the dream...I walking down a hallway, and I bumped into you...you just kinda ignored me...so I talked to you. I don't remember what the conversation was about but I ended up with your phone number by the time you walked away. I remember being really tired in the dream...like...REALLY REALLY tired..and then...I started seeing things....seeing things you weren't seeing....and then..sometimes..you would disappear too..and..there was snow...it was so pretty, but I remember I was crying...and you were just watching me...you seemed...at lost for words...I don't know why though. Then..then...at the end of the dream...you were sitting on your bed, alone, with the blue blanket around you, and you were crying, a lot and I tried to talk to you, but you couldn't hear me, you just kept crying...I stared screaming your name 'AKAASHI AKAASHI' but you wouldn't even turn your head towards me...you just kept crying....and then I started crying...cause...cause you were crying...and then I woke up..crying...and I wanted to see if you were ok...."

Akaashi stroked the white and black hair of the taller male, "Bokuto look at me." He looked up at Akaashi, his eyes all red from crying. Akaashi gave him a small smile and kissed him on the forehead, "I'm right here. And I won't disappear. I hear you. And I'm ok. You're ok. It was just a dream ok?" He grabbed a tissue from the beside and gave it to Bokuto so he could blow his nose.

Bokuto sniffed, "ok.."

"Do you want to go back to sleep now?" Bokuto nodded. "Ok." Akaashi laid back down, pulling Bokuto down with him. Bokuto nuzzled his head into Akaashi's neck and closed his eyes, falling back asleep in seconds. Akaashi rested his head on Bokuto's soft hair, and fell asleep moments later.


"Akaashi!!!! Wakkeeee uppppp!!!" Akaashi opened his eyes to see Bokuto standing beside the bed. He was wearing a grey T-shirt and had a towel around his neck. His hair was down, the black and white strands entangled. In his hands was a tray, with two plates of waffles on it. Holy shit. He looks H O T. Akaashi felt his face warm, seeing the sight in front of him.

"Goooooddd mooorrnniingg 'kaashi!! I made breakfast!" Bokuto sat down next to Akaashi and handed him one of the plates.

"T-thank..you...Bokuto.." He grabbed the plate from Bokuto's hands, their fingertips brushing ever so slightly.

"Woahhhh- someone's nervous eh? Something happen?" Akaashi continued to look at the beautiful sight in front of him. Omg. I can't take this. My boyfriend, in the bed next to me, handing me breakfast, that he made, looking like the prettiest person alive. What am I supposed to do????

"No...nothing happened. Thank you for the waffles." He took a bite out of the waffles from his plate. So soft and fluffy...

"Wow!! These are amazing Bokuto!! Who knew you knew how to cook so well?" Akaashi looked over at Bokuto and smiled, his eyes sparkling.

"I'm actually an amazing cook!! You just make food for the both of us all the time that I never can cook. I wanted to do something nice for you. You always work so hard. This is the least I could do." Bokuto flashed him a huge dorky smile. Gosh. He's literally flawless.

Akaashi looked back down at his plate, his ears and cheeks red, and continued eating. No conversation was exchanged between the two boys for the rest of the meal. Bokuto sat up, grabbing the two plates and getting out of the bed.

"Kōt...Bokuto, I can clean the dishes, since you made the breakfast." Akaashi stated, sitting up.

"NO!!!!" Bokuto pushed Akaashi down onto the bed by his shoulders, startling him.

"B-Bokuto!! What are you doing?"

"You aren't allowed to leave the bed!! Ok?!??!?!?" Bokuto touched his forehead against Akaashi's. "I'm going to take care of you today! Because you always take care of me! Ok?"

"o-ok." Akaashi stuttered.

"Great! Now, stay here, I'll be right back!" Bokuto gave Akaashi a small kiss on his lips, got off of the bed, and left the room in a hurry. Akaashi sat on the bed, in shock. Wha-what just happened? He slowly touched his fingers to his lips. Gosh, he's so ridiculous but I love him.

Akaashi got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. He quickly took a shower and walked back into the bedroom with a robe around him. He found Bokuto standing next to the bed laying out a blanket with snacks, popcorn, chips, pocky, you name it!

Akaashi's expression softened as he walked over to Bokuto and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Wahhhhhhh honey!! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Bokuto said in surprise. " Also I asked you to stay in bed! Oh well, you smell nice so I can't complain."

"mmm" Akaashi mumbled a replied while nuzzling into Bokuto's back. He smells like...cinnamon...home...

After a moment, Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's hands and turned around. He looked into Akaashi's eyes deeply and put his hands up to his lips, kissing them gently.

"Bo- what are you-" Bokuto put his finger up to Akaashi's lips before he could finish.

"Shhhhhhh. No questions. Let's watch the movie now." Bokuto lifted Akaashi up in bridal style and placed him carefully on the bed. He then grabbed the blue blanket and wrapped it around Akaashi. He got into bed next to Akaashi and turned on the TV.

"What movie are we watching?" Akaashi asked, leaning his head on Bokuto's shoulder.

"I said no questionnnnss!! But to answer, we are watching Cloud Atlas."

"Huh? I thought you didn't like drama movies."

"Yes yes I don't. Buuuttttt, it's a Sci-fi movie! And those are cool! Also, in the dream last night....you had this movie on your computer, and we, or more I, because you would always fall asleep, would watch it over and over again...I..." Bokuto looked away, blushing, "...I want to watch it with you, in this life, not in another life. And I don't want you to fall asleep!!"

Gosh he's too cute. Akaashi chuckled, "Don't worry I won't fall asleep." He kissed Bokuto on the cheek.

"Good! Now let's start!" Bokuto pressed play on the remote and wrapped his arm around Akaashi, pulling him closer. Akaashi rested his hands on Bokuto's chest and took a deep breath.

"Hey Bo?"


"Do you think....that dream meant something?"

"Well, I think that all dreams have meanings. And that the ones that you remember are the most important ones." Bokuto stated

Akaashi looked up at his boyfriend in shock. Bokuto looked at him and smiled, "But that doesn't matter right now!!! Be quiet and watch the moooviiieee!"

Akaashi laughed, "Ok ok I will."


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