The Lost Gods - middle name AU

By ShadowFox1346

118K 3.8K 2.2K

This story is set in a world where power depends on a name. A name you're not given by your parents, a name t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 17

3.7K 128 117
By ShadowFox1346


- KingofDarkness has sent their location-

- 1 online -



It's probably some prank from Kuroiro


Heavy panting filled the air, deep flickering purple lighting up the dark alleyway.

Izuku lay on the ground, hood pushed back, body frozen, paralysed, on the dirty ground.

"Not bad, kid, but not good enough." Came the hero killer: Stain's voice.

Izuku gritted his teeth, one of the only things he could move, his mouth.
He was in a tight spot.

Stain stalked the still downed Tenya Iida while Izuku's mind ran.

He was stuck. He hadn't had time to create a sentient being from the shadow, yet it called to him, filling him with power he couldn't use. Because the hero killer had experience, something he had little of, and knew what he was doing.
Izuku, however, was running on emotion and instinct alone. He was alone and it would be a long time before many of the guild grouped up and noticed his absence.

He felt powerless. And he hated it.

It reminded him of middle school, of not being able to stand up, for himself and others, for being that emotionless, mindless doll. Yet it suffocated him in its grasp.

Powerless against powerlessness, what a joke.

But as his mind began to slip back into the dark part of his mind, a space of negativity and difficult escape he was all too familiar with, Stain went flying across the alleyway.

The hard thump and the skid of his body on the ground filled the silent alley, a silhouette moved forward, closer to the two boys after kicking the hero killer away from his target. Turquoise eyes shined, the little light filtering in from the street illuminating the tall figure.

The emerald shine returned to his eyes, that violet, powerful tint, showing through. He recognised the silhouette.

"Nugget?" He asked, his voice almost a whisper.

The man grunted.

"I wish you would lose the nickname but yeah, doofus, it's me."

A grin broke out across the greenie's face, no longer being dragged down by that dreadful feeling. He had people he could rely on now. He needed to remember that.

Blue flame lit up the alleyway, flickering, entrancing the four others in the street.

"Hey hey hey! I used to admire you, Stain, but now this is disappointing. You don't attack my friend, hero killer: Stain, and get away with it." The rough voice of the semi-stranger echoed.

Izuku and Iida were forced to duck as bright blue, hot, flames shot down the alley to the swift and deadly villain.

"The names Dabi, remember it. You don't attack that hero there, without endangering a future of peace."

The finger he pointed at the downed, powerful green haired teen flung towards the singed hero killer, lighting up the street once more with that intense blue flame.

Stain growled at the new comer.

"Dabi? Aren't you that new vigilante?"

"Glad the infamous Stendhal knows who I am."

Red eyed widened as bloodlust flashes within their cores.

"I am no longer Stendhal. I am Stain. And you will die with these children and that fake hero."

Dabi grinned, manic turquoise eyes flashing with the same intent of the villain in front of him.

"Bring it."


"He looks dead." Izuku deadpanned.

Dabi sighed as he picked up the tired teen.

"He's not dead."

"You burnt him to a crisp."

"Only a little."

Dark green eyes stared into that deep turquoise only to find stubbornness to match his own.

"He's not dead." Dabi repeated.

He grabbed the rope attached to the unconscious hero killer and dragged him unceremoniously out of the alley and into the wide street. The hero Native and hero in training, Iida Tenya, just looked after the odd trio with surprise. An unconscious villain, a powerful vigilante who had defended a villainous hero in training, and the villainous hero in training himself. A very odd bunch indeed.

Maybe evil had common interests.

But that was not what was running through Iida Tenya's head.

A vigilante and the boy who had left his class due to his name, had saved him, him who had thrown Tensei's wishes out the door.
He was determined to reform himself.

The five had only been waiting on the street for a minute before heroes ran towards them. It seems that Shoto warned his father about the possibility of his friend in danger, but was sent to help rescue efforts as Nomus plagued the city. Endeavor was in the lead.

Dabi immediately set his young friend down at the sight of more heroes. He was a vigilante after all, they would arrest him.

"Take off." Came Izuku's worn voice.

Turquoise met emerald before a subtle nod was passed and with a steady stream of scorching blue flame, he blasted up to the rooftops before running off.

Endeavor roared at the sight of losing a catch, but had to turn his attention to the defeated hero killer, one he had been hoping to defeat, yet some high schoolers, some low rank hero and a vigilante got to first.

Izuku glared at the man who had tormented two of his friends to their breaking points.

However, that glare was cut off as he was jolted up by his arms, a nomu now carrying him, a pained cry leaving his lips. He could only watch as the heroes on the ground tried to get him down, but to no avail.

But Izuku wasn't scared of where the nomu was taking him.

After what felt like a few mere, painful, minutes, Izuku was dropped on a rooftop.

"What a way to carry me, Shigaraki. Can't those things be more gentle." Izuku groaned, rolling his shoulders.

Shigaraki just grunted.

"What were you doing against Stain?"

"He attacked my peer."

"But he doesn't even like you."

"Well I think I changed that."

Shigaraki was silent.

"You're playing a curious game."

Izuku grinned.

"A war. And no set back will make me waver from my goal."

"But who is your enemy?"

"The world."


A puff of mist formed, a heavy sigh leaving the lips of the boy standing on the balcony. Stiff, cold hands gripped the railing as cold shivers crept down his spine. The night sky glittered above him but those emerald eyes were turned down, dull.

A calloused hand placed itself over the boy's own stiff one, an unidentified warmth flooding him as those downcast emerald green eyes met creased violet.

"Hey..." whispered the violet eyed teen's rough voice.

Darkened emerald turned away from that soft and concerned violet.

A sigh puffed out of the taller, sliding the fluffy blanket he had brought with him around the smaller's shoulders. The green eyed teen didn't respond.

Shinso Hitoshi rubbed his boyfriend's shoulder, having the dulled emerald spheres returning to his own violet, an unspoken question shining through. The green haired, green eyed boy, nodded.

Shinso engulfed Izuku in a warm hug, that had his inner turmoil crumbling. Shinso felt the smaller's tense body relax into his, leaning onto him heavily yet comfortably.

"What's going on baby?"

Izuku felt his worries melt to the back of his mind at the pet name as he basked in the boy's warmth.

He felt honesty slip past his lips and before he could even think, he felt his worries spilling out for Shinso to hear.

"It's just that sometimes I feel like this is unreal, that everyone will leave me. That I'll be alone again... I'm scared that this is all a dream, and everything will go back to the way it was... and then Shigaraki too, I don't want him to get hurt, and all the people I can't save yet... I'm just... I'm scared Hitoshi."

The grip tightened slightly, surrounding him with a warmth that he didn't know he craved.

"And you have every right to be. But know that I love you and I would never leave you. I am real. You're doing so well. The class is accepting and you are building a Utopia for people to not go through what you went through, what we went through. You don't need to save everyone yet, because everyone can be saved. You are doing so much without knowing. Be proud. Shigaraki can handle himself. For now, let's focus on you."

Izuku smiled, letting his eyes fall closed in the other's embrace.

"Thank you, Hitoshi."

-??? POV-

I began to tremble as that crazy man loomed over me. Those red eyes, those blood red eyes. The ones I knew as much as I knew my own.

A manic grin covered his face and I pushed myself further into the wall, wishing I could just disappear.

But that wasn't what my name let me do, no matter how much I had a different one.

The Grim Reaper.

The damn Grim Reaper.

But before another disgusting and deprecating could leave his mouth, a darkly dressed figure dropped in from the rooftops.

I stared in awe at the guy.

Was he a vigilante? A hero?

He engaged with the man that refused to call himself my father almost immediately.

I watched as the unknown character used shadows to bind that man. He's quick and powerful.

"Hey, you ok?" Came the figure's voice.


"Fair enough."

I saw the figure turn, his voice giving him away as male and young. He slid back a dark hood to reveal glowing purple eyes and green hair.

"Sorry, I'm not that good at talking to people, but I promise to keep you safe."


To keep me safe?

I've never heard someone say that to me...

It's... nice

He sat down beside me, his purple eyes still trained on the now passed out captive within his shadows.

"We have to wait for my sensei to actually get this guy arrested and you checked over and to your mother. He let us use our powers for this stuff."

I looked across to the boy settled beside me. He looked only a few years older than me, in high school while I was in my second year of middle school. Wait... this is the Hades kid, from the sports festival!

"You're the Hades guy who won the sports festival?"

"That's right. Wanna tell me more about yourself? I've got nothing to do right now."

"U-umm, well, do you mind if I just vent for a bit?"

"Not at all, I might be able to help."

I try to steady my breathing, taking a few breaths before I dive head first into this mess.

"I... my school life isn't the best. My classmates don't like me because of my name and I've just had enough. I... I just want to scream. I want out, but I can't, because my parents refuse to move me, not that they would listen to me anyway..."

I turned to see those piercing emerald eyes with surprise.

"... what's your name?"


"You don't have to tell me, but know that what anyone else tells you, isn't true. No matter if it's villainous, monstrous, dangerous or people are just afraid of your power. Your name is yours and you cannot change it. I went years denying my name and now look at me. I accepted my name and I plan to change the world."

"It's... Grim Reaper."

The soft smile upon the other's face was not what I expected.

"Hey... I'm building a clan. You'll be able to live in a city full of people like us, people who understand, an entirely new society. Would you join?"


This started off as a crappy night, getting beaten down and attacked by a man after an exhausting and sinful day at school. But this guy, someone who had made a declaration to rebuild society, was now offering a new home for me. A clan filled with people who would understand me.

There was no way I was refusing.

"So, what's your answer Grim Reaper? Wanna be the first member of The Fallen?"

"Hell yeah." I whispered.

He held out his hand. I took it.

I felt tingles spread through my body, seeming to tug at my heart and soul.

Soon he withdrew and I turned my right wrist to reveal the mark.

It was a pair of black angel wings encircled by what looked like Greek letters. I wonder what they spelt.

It was tattooed into my skin and could only be broken if I left the clan.

But I didn't want to, and I knew I would never want to.

I had a new family.

I looked up to the smiling hero in training, my new clan leader.

The mark flared with warmth.

"Welcome to The Fallen, Grim Reaper."

A/N: ey! Weekly updates may become the normal for now because I just don't write during the week.
Oh well.
Well, hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took a lot of effort to write it.

Comment, No hate, Thank you

- Shadow-san

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