Hope - Jasper Hale

Por TheEmmysShow

191K 4.8K 223

Violet is kidnapped by the Volturi and used for an evil experiment that they are sure will ruin the Cullens... Mais

Hope - Jasper Hale
Hope - Chapter 1
Hope - Chapter 2
Hope - Chapter 3
Hope - Chapter 5
Hope - Chapter 6
Hope - Chapter 7
Hope - Chapter 8
Hope - Chapter 9
Hope - Chapter 10
Hope - Chapter 11
Hope - Chapter 12
Hope - Chapter 13
Hope - Chapter 14
Hope - Chapter 15
Hope - Chapter 16
Hope - Chapter 17
Hope - Chapter 18
Hope - Chapter 19
Hope - Chapter 20
Hope - Chapter 21
Hope - Chapter 22

Hope - Chapter 4

9.3K 244 13
Por TheEmmysShow


I must be going insane. A man with platinum blond hair, chalky skin and golden eyes walks into the room. The same guy that was a vampire doctor in my dream that followed the... dream about a variant of Edward. Why was this happening to me now? 

I didn’t say anything, but internally I was freaking out. I looked around the room to see if anyone had noticed that I was on edge. I caught Edward and Jasper looking at each other, but I think they were oblivious like Bella, Emmett, Rosalie and Carlisle appeared to be. 

I manage to contain my internal screams, What is happening to me? Why can I see these things? Maybe I really am dead and I am living in purgatory. That had to be it. There was no natural explanation for this... whatever it was. 

“Carlisle, this is Bella’s step-sister, Violet,” Edward says taking me out of my thoughts. 

I remove my gaze from the window and look over to the man that was in my ‘dream’. “Hello, Carlisle,” I respond softly. 

“It’s nice to meet you,” He smiles, he doesn’t attempt to shake my hand, and I am fine with that. I would have a break down if I had one more ‘dream’ today.

“Violet is like Alice,” Emmett announces from the couch. “Not only is she weird, but-”

I glare at him and want to growl at him like a dog, but I know that would be creepy so I try to kill him with my stare. 

“She can’t remember anything before her accident-”

“Actually,” I correct Bella. “I don’t even recall the accident. I remember waking up and nurses and doctors told me stuff, but I’m not certain of a lot of things.” 

“Have they tried to trigger your memory?” Carlisle asks. 

“They have, but nothing seems to work that well.” 

“Maybe I could try a few things, if you guys want to come upstairs to my office, I can try a few things,” He suggests. 

I follow him, Edward and Bella up the stairs passing my doors before reaching one at the end of the hall. The door opened, silently and we followed Carlisle into his office. There were paintings everywhere. Once the door closed, a picture near the door caught my eye. It was Carlisle and three men. “It’s funny,” I muse.

“What?” Bella asks. 

“It’s weird, but I could swear I’ve seen these faces before. Who are they?” 

I notice that Bella and Edward look to Carlisle as if they do not have a clue. Carlisle sighs, “They are old friends, we don’t really see much of them.” 

I nod, “I’m sorry if I’m being weird. Just a moment ago, I said they same thing to Jasper and I think I’ve seen you before, but I suppose it really doesn’t mean much.”

“It’s perfectly fine. After traumatic accidents, sometimes these things happens and it gets better. Surely, it will, once you start to remember,” He replies calmly. 

After an hour of sitting in Carlisle’s office, we can’t find anything to trigger my memory. “Thanks anyway,” I sigh. 

We go back downstairs to see Jasper and Emmett playing chess. Rosalie is lying on the couch watching the news with Esme, but Alice is still nowhere in sight. 

“Is Alice still not here?” Edward asks as if reading my mind. 

Jasper shakes his head, half listening and half concentrating on the game, “I’m starting to get worried.” 

“I’m sure Alice is fine, she can take care of herself, but she should have at least told us where she was headed,” Esme sits up and turns her attention away from the television. 

Everyone becomes silent as a news reporter explains the numbers of missing people and or bodies found in Seattle are rising and believes there is a serial-killer on the loose. 

“Bella, maybe you should cancel that shopping trip...” Edward suggests. 

Bella nods looking at the screen with wide eyes, “I don’t think Charlie would really approve either. I’ll be lucky to get out of the house to just go into town now.” 

“Do you guys really think it is a serial killer?” I ask. 

Everyone in the room turns there attention to me. 

“What else could it be?” Rosalie asks. 

I shrug, “Zombies?”

Emmett laughs, “That’s not for another few years!” 

“I just don’t really think a person could single handedly or even a group could cause this much destruction,” I explain. 

“Edward, it’s getting late maybe you should take Bella and Violet home. You can take my car, maybe Alice will be back when you return,” Carlisle suggests as he descends down the stairs.

At home, I spend half an hour freaking out and then writing before joining Bella and Charlie for dinner. 


Holy fudge balls! Do I have something to tell you! So I met my step-sister’s boyfriend’s family. Something was strange. They are all adopted yet they all look so similar - I mean the paleness and the golden eyes despite their different hair tones. I guess it isn’t that weird. But I think I might be going insane. HELP ME! Meeting Edward’s sister, Alice, this morning. She touched my shoulder and I had this weird... dream. I saw this boy and I later was introduced to him as Edward’s brother, Jasper. Freaky! Then, Edward’s brother, Emmett, hugged me and I had this weird ‘dream’  of him and Rosalie, Edward’s sister. And remember that vampire doctor dream? Well I meet the doctor... except he is Doctor Carlisle Cullen, Edward’s adoptive father. AM I GOING INSANE? Seeing people before I meet them! Gah! It gets worse. There was a picture in his office with a picture of him and his friends and I thought I recognized the faces of three of the men in the picture. What is happening? 


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