Stop it (Bunny short story)

By getting_realpetty

5.5K 77 52

This story focus on Kenny and Butters how they go threw secrets and problems together for love (short story) More

I'm Mysterion Dude {3}
What.The.Actual.Fuck {4}
Wondering {5}

Aw biscuit... {2}

1.1K 17 22
By getting_realpetty

Butters pov


Ah another day, I sighed and got up to put on the clothes I always wear, a white shirt then my blue hoodless coat, I then fixed up my hair and looked at the mirror.

That scar on my eye that Kenny gave me on accident was still there, I actually got that shuriken or ninja star others like to say.

I call it a battle scar, I smile having confidence in my self.

I walked out my bedroom grabbing my backpack as I do so "hey mom, hey dad!" I smiled at them "hey dear, go ahead and get on to school" I nodded.

She didn't look at me, she was to busy watching tv, whelp anyway I should get going though.

I walked off to the bus stop I go to and waited, finally she came and I got on to hear screaming kids already "SIT DOWNN!" she yelled, I gulped "y-y yes ma'am!" I said back and sat at the back like always by myself.

6 minutes later, The boys bus stop.

I was slowly falling asleep until another pack up kids came in, already knowing the voices who were fighting like always.

Kyle and Cartman.

I annoyed them I don't feel like it today I felt someone sit next to me.

"Hmmm hm hm hmm? (Butters are you okay?)" I turned to see Kenny of course I smiled and nodded I was fine.

He nodded back and just listened to what the two was fighting about with Stan.

At the school

I was last to get off the bus, I looked around and sighed, right I don't really have no one to hang with and talk before class, anyway I like to get there early so no one will think I'm not there or something.

Unless Eric wants me to do something for him.

I went into the small elementary school I went to my locker and got my notebook that's all.

I close the small blue door and went to class and sat in my seat waiting for everyone else with my head down bored.

A few minutes later

Everyone started to come I quickly waise my head to get this day over with cause I want to play super heros. Vs. villians.

"Well hello class let's get started shall we-"

Time skip

"Now don't be asses to everyone in town, your dismissed to go home" our last teacher of the day said, waving everyone off.

I ran out of class I want to get home fast and do all my homework and chores to play with everyone else.

I walked into the house to hear yelling from my mom and dad, I wonder what's wrong now...

"Hey dad and mom!" I said trying to cheer up the mood "shut up Butters!" I jumped at my dad voice, he looked mad "don't tell him to shut up" my mom yelled at my dad, I sighed and went up stairs to do my homework in my room.

I want to fight with Mysterion some more.

After getting done with chores and homework

Whoop I'm done!

I went to the closet and took my custom out and put it on "here comes Professor Chaos!" 








"It's me the Coon!" Oh no the Coon, he is very strong, I smiled chuckled as I stranded far from him in a large area "do you really think you can defeat me, the most evil-" "uh gay" The Coon coughed gay ".....Most evil Villian ever to liv-" "gay" he is doing that on purpose now!

"Stop it Coon!" I yelled mad "yeah yeah we all know you will lose this battle" he said smirking "no your wrong I will win" I am proud of  myself today I think I could do this.

But then Msterion came from behind Coon "aw biscuit"

"yeah I got fuckin Msterion bitch!" He yelled, ugh he is so full of his self it's annoying.

"lets just fight!" I said smiling, Coon did to us making eye contact.

Time later {what I don't feel like making a whole fight scene}

I groaned as I hold my nose from a nose bleed again, The Coon was cheating that's not fair at all.

he have gave me nose bleed and kick me in the leg how am I'm gonna walk home.

"That's not fair your cheating!" I yelled "No I'm not right Msterion?" he asked "yeah your cheating the rules were no kicking at legs nor arms, just punching" Msterion said pissed off a little, why would he care much.

"whatever I need to get home anyway see yah" The Coon said running off somewhere, I sighed and struggled to stand up.

"I'll help you home" I looked at Msterion, and took his hand, and he hold me bridal style (( ‵▽′)ψ) 

I blushed so many shades of red "ah M-M don't have to hold me like this" I said getting shy "well you can't walk of course and I don't want to put you on my back because I'm gonna have to keep adjusting you around, anyway overall Bridal style lets me see your adorable face" he said smirking.

I started to blush hard, making my nose bleed heavier, "augh sorry" he gave me some tissues out his underwear....well anything's better then getting his and my clothes dirty.

He then started running to get me to my house, wait how did he know the right way to my mom and dad house, I'm not gonna even ask I'm just grateful I have a free way to get home.

At Butters house

He climbed up to my room window and open it, then put me in my bed.

"get some rest okay" he had a soft smile...I blushed again "okay, thank you" he nodded and went out my window, I smiled and took all my clothes off leaving my boxers on, my nose bleed has stopped and my leg still kind of hurt but I'll be fine.

I got under the covers.

I don't have a crush on Msterion, I have a crush on Kenny, I felt my eyes lids lower and fell asleep.

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