Elvish Lyrics

By Argilrien

21.2K 400 19

Elvish Lyrics in the languages by the great J.R.R. Tolkien. Songs, poems and text translations. More

Altáriello nainië Lóriëndessë
Aerlinn in Edhil o Imladris
Líre Lassion
Aistalë Elrondo
Aerlinn Elendil
The Passing of the Elves
Hîr i Chorvath
Elven Hymn to Elentári Tintallë
The Ents
The Oath of the Feanorians
The Destruction of the Ring
Aragorn's Coronation
Faramir's Love
Breath of Life
The Prophecy
Lament for Gandalf
Lament of the Rohirrim
Song of Lúthiën
Líre Tinúvielo
Earo-On the Sea
Like the very gods

I dhant Gil-galad

365 15 1
By Argilrien

The Fall of Gil-galad, The Lord of the Rings, A knife in the dark, p. 185.

Translated by Helmut W. Pesch, Sindarin.

Be Gil-galad Eledharan
linnar i naergon telegain,
medui i ardh îm main a lhain
im Belegaer a Hithaeglir.

Megil dîn ann ar eth dîm maeg.
Palan i thôl dîs silivren
tinnant, thand dîn en-thiliant
in elenath arnediad.

Dan anann io o-norant,
ar ú-ben ista i mbar dîn.
An elen dîn 'ni fuin dant
vi Mordor, innas guruthos.

Gil-galad was an Elven-king.

Of him the harpers sadly sing:

the last whose realm was fair and free

between the Mountains and the Sea.

His sword was long, his lance was keen,

his shining helm afar was seen;

the countless stars of heaven's field

were mirrored in his silver shield.

But long ago he rode away,

and where he dwelleth none can say;

for into darkness fell his star

in Mordor where the shadows are.

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