Ethereal | !

By lildickglrl666

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By lildickglrl666



i opened the door and walked outside and to my surprise jahseh was sitting on one of the chairs that was on the porch , i sat next to him with out saying nothing

"no hey , hello how are you today jah" he said grabbing my face to look at him , i rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone getting on instagram

"why you ignoring me" he said grabbing my hand , his dumbass must of thought i forgot bout that shit he pulled yesterday

"im not ignoring i just dont feel like talking right now" i said turning to face him he tilted his head and i just know he was confused

"you is a dumbass bitch" i said shaking my head and closing my phone

"why i gotta be the dumb bitch" he said looking at me

ugh he lucky he sexy asfuck

i heard a door open and we both turned our head and it was jahseh dumb ass friends coming out his house

"WHO TRYANA GET FOOD" i heard ski yelled as he ran to the car , he was so loud it feels like the whole world done heard this man

"come on lets go" jah said pulling me off my seat, i pulled away and sat back down he had me fucked up i dont know who he think he pulling

"aint nobody said i was fucking with yall right now , im not going out with any of y'all

"bitch come on lets go" jahseh said and i aint never been so shocked "dont talk to me like that" at this point they were all on the porch watching

"i dont know why the fuck you so angry"

"you wont fucking listen to me when im tryana talk to you" he said walking closer to me

he touched my face and i quickly moved not really wanting to be by him at the moment , he called me out my name

" that still dont give you the right to call me a bitch when i aint did shit to your hoe ass" i said pushing past him a little

i dont know why he acting like this or is he playing cause im not up for this shit at all , its to fucking early

"jah lets go" stokeley said pulling him , they just now speaking and not saying shit after he called me a bitch

"yous a cunt" i said before i enter the house and slammed the door and locked it

"yo who the fuck she talking to" i heard jahseh said behind the door following with him knocking on the front door

i quickly ran to my room and locking it before i started laughing , i dont know why but something was fucking funny

this man get mad so easily and anything triggers him , i went back downstairs and sat by the door "bro open the fucking door"

"you a grown ass man shut up"

i heard nothing and decided to go sit down on the couch for while

then i heard the door unlocked i ain't never looked back so fast , i seen Jahseh walked in and i sat with my legs crossed

"you gon stop playing wit me" he said walking towards me , i sat still as i watch him walk towards me

"go find something safe to do jahseh"

"nigga im not playing around" he stood in front of me looking down at me , he swear he got height

"nigga go bout your day" i said waving him off , i felt his hand go around my throat  as he looked into my eyes

he didn't break eye contact not once making me a little nervous

"yeah stop fucking playing with me" he said as he walked out the door  closing it behind him

at-least he closed the door... right?


I rolled of the bed and landed on the floor and I sigh as I laid my head on the floor and close my eyes

I have a Habit of laying on the floor i grab my phone as I started playing IMVU and went to a chat room so I could make some friends

me and jah usually plays together but he acting like a butch right now

but i miss him..

i grab my phone as i called jahseh to come over and he instantly picked up "you miss me"


not even a min later i heard a knock on the door and i went and open it

"C'mere" he said picking me up I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck

he started walking up the stairs with me till we got to my room he laid me down on the bed and he lay between my legs with his head on my chest

"You smell good" he said I smiled he was so sweet and nice he always seem to make me smile a lot "thank you , so do you" I said rubbing his back

he slowly started to kiss on my neck as i grab my phone  "stop"

"why should i" he said as he bit down on my neck , not to hard

My phone started ringing I picked it up only because it was jayla "hey boo" I said

"Hey , can I come over?" she asked "yes but jahseh over "'I replied she ended the call and I continued playing my game until she got to my house

I heard a knock on the front door I got up to go answer it , I let jayla in and closed the door "hey" I said hugging her she hugged me back

"Okay come on bitch because I got some tea" she said pulling me to my room

rewritten 2024

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