Fatal Attractions - A TVD Fan...

By arrow_to_the_heart

45.7K 1.1K 200

In which a girl with a marred past moves in with her cousins and finds out just what Mystic Falls is really a... More

1. My New Home
2. Too Much Attention
3. An Uninvited Nuisance
5. Breaking Free
6. Overprotective
7. A Second Chance
8. One Wild Night
9. A Whole New World
10. Help All Around
11. Dangerous Territory
12. Hush, Hush
13. The Growing Threat
14. Unusual Oddities
15. Real or Not Real?
16. Discomfort
17. Troubles
18. Sleepwalker
19. The Only Way
20. Ready or Not, Here It Comes

4. Hypnotized

2.6K 53 2
By arrow_to_the_heart

4. Hypnotized

            All I can say is that the first week living in Mystic Falls was definitely more bad than good, mainly thanks to two boys who invaded my dreams on day two of staying with Elena and Jeremy. I wasn't the only one annoyed with Damon though; Jeremy shared the same boat as me. He definitely didn't want me near Damon, and I had no problem in trying to keep that going. I wanted no part of him whatsoever.

            Just because I didn't see Trevor or Damon again for a while didn't mean that they stopped coming into my dreams. Sadly, I couldn't control that. Sometimes it was just Trevor, and sometimes it was just Damon. When I had both of them in my dreams...ugh—those were the worst to endure. Those were the dreams that I wanted to wake up from so desperately, but it took too long to get away from them.

            Elena tried to get me out more, but she had to fight me. She knew I was paranoid about either Trevor or Damon showing up randomly. But Elena was just as stubborn as I was. Eventually, by the end of August, she took me shopping even though neither of us was going to school this year. I had to admit, shopping with Elena and not seeing Trevor or Damon felt nice. That was the day my morale had been at its highest since arriving at Mystic Falls.

            We were into the first few days of September. The weather still felt like summer, but that would change in a few weeks' time. Fall was approaching, and with fall came change. The leaves would change, temperatures would drop. I was a bit excited about fall coming to Mystic Falls. I had seen what fall looked like in Maryland, the view here would most likely be a little different.

            It was around noon. Elena and I went to the Grill, though I did so reluctantly.

            "I wish you would calm down already," Elena whined at me as I drove my car to the Grill. "I know you haven't seen either of the boys for a few weeks, so you can stop acting like if we step outside the house a cow is going to fall on us or something."

            "You watch, one is bound to find me the moment I step foot in that place," I muttered under my breath.

            "You don't know that, and you definitely won't until we get there."

            Once I pulled up to the Grill, I sighed as she and I clambered out of the car. I tucked my car keys in my front pocket. The moment I stepped in, I found Caroline's wavy blonde hair sitting with Bonnie. I felt happy now. No Damon. No Trevor. This was going to be a peaceful visit.

            "Hey," Caroline said to me, blue eyes twinkling. "We haven't seen you for a while. What's been going on? Has Elena been hogging you all to herself?"

            "Far from it," I admitted. Like last time, Elena sat next to Bonnie while I sat next to Caroline.

            "I feel like I haven't really gotten to know you," Caroline sighed. "Like, I've only met you once—well, twice if you count today. We haven't actually gotten to really talk, you know?"

            "Yeah," Bonnie agreed. "It's nice, just us girls."

            "Oh! That gives me an idea!" Caroline chirped, bouncing in her seat. "We should have a sleepover!"

            "Are you sure about that?" I asked.

            "Yeah. We haven't done one in forever, and we'll be able to know you more if we do it!" Caroline seemed to be in love with her sleepover idea. I got the feeling her motion would be seconded.

            "Hmm, that's not a bad idea," Elena admitted. "What do you say, Faith?"

            "I guess it could be fun," I piped, messing with my fingers. "It would be nice to know a few other people here."

            "Great!" Caroline hugged me from her seat. She squeezed me a little too hard.

            "Can't—breathe," I gasped.

            "Oops!" Caroline released me. I sucked in a large, much needed breath. "Sorry. I didn't break anything, did I?"

            "Nope, you're good." I tested my ribs gingerly to make sure Caroline didn't crack any of my bones or bruise my organs.

            "So, who's willing to offer up their place?" Bonnie asked, looking at all of us.

            "We can do it at my place," Elena offered.

            "I like that idea," I said immediately. Bonnie muffled a laugh behind her hand; I didn't see what was so funny about my quick response.

            "It's settled, then," Caroline said happily. The happy expression on her face left as quick as it came. We all noticed.

            "What?" Bonnie asked. I saw Caroline's hands clench on the table. My eyes bulged a bit. What was getting her so upset? Bonnie was trying to search for the reason for Caroline's distress.

            "Don't look!" Caroline hissed.

            "Caroline," Elena whispered, dipping her head in towards the table, "what is it?"

            "Remember Mr. Stealth, Faith?" Caroline muttered out of the corner of her mouth. I knew who she meant immediately.

            "Trevor? Yeah," I said. My heart thudded. "Why?"

            "He's back. No, don't go looking for him! You and Bonnie need to learn to not do that." Caroline sighed. "He's at the bar. I don't think he's noticed us yet."

            "Or Faith to be more exact," Bonnie murmured. She looked to be resisting the urge to turn around and search for Trevor. I myself was trying not to look up and scan the bar for him.

            "Just don't look, like Caroline said," Elena mumbled. "Maybe he won't notice us and leave."

            "Please, he knows what we look like," Caroline said glumly. "The moment he sees us he'll walk right over. I'll tell him off for you, Faith, if you want me to."

            "I can handle him, but thanks," I said. I was grateful that even though I didn't know Caroline well, she had my back. I guess that was due to me being Elena's cousin.

            A whistle made me instinctively look up. I ducked my head back down. Damn. I locked eyes with Trevor. I hesitated to look up again.

            "You looked, didn't you?" Caroline snarled at me.

            "Sorry." I flushed.

            "You better go see what he wants, because if he comes over here, it won't be pretty."

            I looked at Elena, worried.

            "I'll keep watch on you, don't worry," she assured me, grabbing my hands. I was so glad that the cut had healed nicely, but there was a pink scar on my palm. "If the situation gets bad, I'll rescue you, okay?"

            A little shaky, I walked over to the bar. Naturally, there was a wet spot and I slipped, falling forward. I caught myself with the bar, Trevor chuckled at my clumsiness.

            "Walk much?" he snickered.

            "Funny," I growled, sitting on the stool next to him. "What are you doing? Stalking me?"

            "Nah, you just happen to be here every time I am."

            "I don't buy that for a second. What do you want?"

            "I can't really talk to you since your guard dog over there will take my head off."

            "Excuse me, but she has a name," I snapped. "She's just looking out for me, like any friend would."

            "What happened to your hand?" He bobbed his head towards the pink scar on my palm.

            "Oh. That. I accidentally cut myself. I shouldn't handle sharp objects." I laughed dryly. The laughter faded quickly. "Why do you want to talk to me?"

            "You...fascinate me."

            "Oh God, here we go," I moaned.


            "Where are you getting your pickup lines from, hmm? Sappy vampire romance books or chick flicks?"

            "You really are high-strung, aren't you?"

            "Sorry, I just don't trust people easily."

            "So I've noticed." Trevor looked away, probably at the table I was just at, before looking back to me. I gulped. His eyes were surprisingly beautiful. Why was it so hard to look away from him, like it had been with Damon a few weeks ago? "What?"

            "N-nothing," I stammered, looking down at my feet.

            "Do you ever get told you look cute when you stammer and blush like you are now?" Trevor messed with a stray strand of my hair. I didn't know why, but I didn't tell him off or slap his hand away from me.

            It took me a second to realize Trevor was flirting with me. I hadn't had my luck with guys, so talking to one was a shock. Having the guy flirt with me was even more shocking. If Trevor did any more to surprise me, I'd be stunned speechless.

            I didn't know what to do in a situation like this. Keep calm, don't be nervous. Act normal, I told myself simply.

            "Not very often," I stammered, answering his question.

            "Well, listen, I've got to go, but...if you ever want to talk, you know where to find me."

            I looked into Trevor's eyes again—so captivating. He gave me a sexy smirk that made my insides melt. He left me smiling stupidly at the bar, watching him leave. I couldn't believe myself. I got lost in his eyes, and in those eyes, my anger towards him vanished.

Who knew a pair of eyes had such power?

            "Faith," Bonnie said. She waved her hand in front of my face, I snapped out of my daze.

            "Hmm?" I looked at her.

            "What did he do to you? You looked like a dog staring at a treat."

            "I think you've got a stalker," Caroline groaned, helping me down from the stool. "I can't believe him, and I can't believe you, either."

            "Why?" I asked.

            "You stared after him. I wouldn't have been shocked if you drooled."


            "Caroline, please," Elena said wearily. "Look, let's forget about him, okay? Get Travis out of your head."

            "It's Trevor, Elena," I whimpered. "Not Travis, not Trent, not any other name that starts with a 'T.' Okay?"

            "My God, he's gotten to you!" Caroline gasped.

            "He has not."

 "You're being defensive, so it is! That's it. You definitely need the sleepover tonight."

            I got the sinking feeling that Caroline was going to make it a mission of hers to make me forget all about Trevor tonight.

*      *      *

            Once Jeremy found out we were having a sleepover, he wanted no part of it. He condemned himself to his room for the rest of the night. He thought it'd be a traditional sleepover: pillow fights, nail painting—you know, that sort of thing. But I knew that wouldn't be true—not the nail painting anyway. I couldn't say the same for the pillow fight. But I knew one thing was certain: tonight was a bonding night for Caroline, Bonnie, Elena, and I.

            We all stationed ourselves in the living room: Elena lounged on the couch like she had been for the past few weeks; Bonnie, Caroline, and I all sprawled along the floor around the couch. I had to admit, this was the best day I'd had here in Mystic Falls so far. The first day wasn't so fun, what with Jeremy and Elena telling me that Aunt Jenna was dead.

I somehow diverted the attention away from me spilling about my past and letting Caroline and Bonnie spill all of theirs.

            "So, wait, let me get this straight," I said slowly to Bonnie, "you and Jeremy dated?"

            "Yeah," she confessed, blushing.

            "It didn't feel awkward for you?"

            "A little bit at first, but it went away quickly."

            "That must've been fun for you and Elena."

            "It was definitely awkward." Bonnie shifted uncomfortably. Noticing her distress, I moved onto Caroline.

            "And you"—I looked at Caroline—"dated Elena's ex boyfriend and now have Tyler?"

            "Yup," Caroline piped. "See, with Matt and me, it was on and off. But with Tyler...that's a different matter. It's more...intense, with us."

            "Please don't go into details."

            "I wasn't planning on it. So, you've learned so much about us, but we know so little about you." Caroline crossed her legs. "So, what goes on in the life of Faith...?"

            "Zenia," I said. "That's my last name."

            "Right. What goes on in the life of Faith Zenia?"

            "Well, there's not much to tell, really," I started, leaning against the couch. Elena messed with my hair. "I've lived in Maryland for almost all my life until recently."

            "Why did you move here?" Bonnie asked curiously, combing through her hair with her fingers. "Bad home life?"

            "No, no, my home life was really great. It's just...when high school came around, things took a huge dip." My hands shook. I set them in my lap. "My freshman year was the toughest to go through. I came home off the bus one day to see police around my house, and a few news crews. I didn't know what to do or to say, but when I saw the ambulance and our door open, I—I knew something was wrong.

            "So I went to the house, they were just putting up caution tape around the house. I ducked under the tape, running into the house. I heard a cop or two run behind me to get me away from there, but by the time I got into the living room...they couldn't stop me. That's when I saw my parents...dead." I sobbed, putting my head in my hands.

            "Aw, come here," Bonnie crooned, crawling over to hug me. Caroline did the same. Elena gently hugged me around my neck. While I sobbed, the three girls didn't let go of me. I could understand why Elena was best friends with Bonnie and Caroline; they were so nice and supportive. "You didn't have to go into that much detail about your past. Easy now, shh, just relax."

            "Do you want me to get you something to drink?" Caroline asked softly, rubbing my leg. I sniffled, nodding. "Elena, what do you have?"

            "I'd give her something warm," Bonnie suggested. "Get her some hot chocolate. That might help."

            While Caroline went to make the hot chocolate for me, Bonnie and Elena held me until I cried no more.   Ten minutes later, Caroline came back with an extremely scalding mug of hot chocolate. She even put in marshmallows. I cracked a smile, blowing on the drink a bit before taking a miniscule sip. Caroline wiped my face clear of tears.

            "You both are sweet," I whispered, looking at them both. "No wonder you're Elena's best friends. Why can't everybody be like you guys?"

            "Everybody wishes they were us," Caroline boasted. I hiccupped a laugh.

            "So I'm guessing you moved down here to get away from Maryland?" Bonnie surmised.

I nodded. "I lived with my grandparents after the incident," I went on slowly, trying to push past the tightness in my throat. "Eventually, I wanted to get away. They felt that it would do me some good, so they mentioned Elena's name to me, and now here I am." I shrugged. "I felt bad leaving them, but they said they'd be okay without me there."

            "Wow. So you were really a wreck for a while," Caroline said sympathetically. "I can't imagine something like that. Did the police ever figure out who did it?"

            "No. All they told me was that it was a home invasion gone wrong. They even said I was lucky I wasn't there that day, or I would've been dead, too."

            "Maybe so," Elena murmured, running her fingers through my hair.

            A noise outside the house startled us. Elena slid off the couch, Bonnie held me tighter, and Caroline stood up to be near Elena.

            "What was that?" I whimpered.


            "Do you think it's just Jeremy upstairs?"

            "It sounded like it was outside the house. Bonnie, stay with Faith. Caroline, let's go," Elena ordered. With a bob of her blonde head, Caroline followed Elena.

 Bonnie put me on my feet and escorted me into the kitchen.

"They didn't go out armed," I realized. "They should've at least taken a flashlight or a baseball bat or something!"

"It'll be okay. It was probably a branch or an animal or something," Bonnie said. I could see worry in her brown eyes. If she couldn't convince herself, there was no way she had me convinced.

A louder noise made me yip. Bonnie held me, rubbing my back. Was someone outside the house? Was it just Caroline and Elena? Was someone around the house? Did Caroline and Elena find them?

The door squeaked open, making my heart race nervously. I went rigid in Bonnie's arms. Bonnie, getting protective, went to the knife holder and whipped out the first one she could find. She pushed me behind her with an arm, ready to attack the intruder—if it was one. It could easily be Caroline and Elena coming back from outside.

"It's all right, you guys," Elena called. "It's safe."

"We're in the kitchen," I squeaked hoarsely. Talk about a false alarm. My heart was in need of serious recovery time, it was sprinting a marathon in my chest.

"Oh, thank goodness," Caroline breathed, relieved. She and Elena looked unharmed, a good sign. Caroline's eyes widened at Bonnie. "Going homicidal, are we, Bonnie?"

"I wasn't sure who it was," Bonnie explained. "Wouldn't you do the same?"


"Wassomeone out there?" I pressed.

"I didn't see anyone," Elena confessed, folding her arms across her chest.

"Really? I did. I don't see how you missed him, he ran as slow as hell," Caroline snorted. Elena, Bonnie, and I all shot Caroline concerned and confused looks. She looked at each of us. "Someone was near the house."

"Was it Jeremy playing a trick or something?" I asked, hopeful.

"I wish."

"Well, who was it that you saw?" Bonnie quizzed as she went to go put the knife back.

"Faith will kill me for saying it."

"Who was it?" I pressed Caroline.

She sighed. "It was Trevor."


"Her stalker?" Bonnie gasped.

"He's not my stalker!" I whined.

"He is now if he was around the house."

"There's the key word: if. Are you sure that's who you saw, Caroline?" I asked her, still trying to digest what she just said. Why would Trevor lurk around the house? He seemed like a mysterious, sexy guy who made me feel many mixed emotions when around him. I didn't see him as a stalker of mine. That was more along the lines of Damon, but I had only seen him the one time when he was an uninvited guest at dinner a few weeks back.

"I'm positive," she said, nodding.

 I had to grip the counter. "I don't believe you."

"Of course you don't, you like him. You'll take his side."

"I do not like him!"

"Yes, you do, Faith. Don't lie to us." Caroline gave me a narrow-eyed look.

"He confuses me, okay? I'll hate him one minute, but then I'll look into his eyes and then...I lose my hatred for him." I shrugged.

"Well, if you saw him, Caroline," Elena butted in, "then it's safe to say that your protectiveness of Faith that day you all met was definitely necessary."

"So what does this mean?" Bonnie asked, standing at my side.

"It means that Trevor isn't someone to be trusted, or someone to fall for." Elena's eyes pierced through me. I knew the last half of her sentence was to me.

I couldn't help that I partially fell for the mysterious guy who I knew practically nothing about. She fell for Stefan when she didn't know him much, so really, Elena had no room to talk.

"Uh-oh, what are you going to do with me?" I asked hesitantly.

"We're keeping you away from him. You can't see him or talk to him. Nobody can. The rest of us are going to keep a close eye on him for a while," Caroline piped. Elena nodded in agreement. "Shady people like him can be dangerous, Faith. You're still new around here, and we don't want you to get hurt. You don't need more tragedy in your life right now."

"But nothing is gonna—"

"Don't bother arguing," Bonnie whispered to me. "Just let it drop. They'll go on all night about how much your safety means to them if you keep fighting."

I sighed, giving up.

"Well, I locked the door, so no one is going to get in," Elena said. "I think it's time we all went to bed."

"I like that idea," Bonnie said, yawning. Out of habit, I yawned five seconds after her. Yawning was contagious.

After flicking out all the lights we had on, we four settled in. I wasn't sure how easily the others were going to sleep, but I knew I wouldn't sleep easy. 

**A little suspicious, isn't it? Why was Trevor snooping around? Theories?**

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