tummy rumblin' โ˜˜๏ธŽ๏ธŽ rodrick...

By halfgrlhalfrnt

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not a chapter But,..,.
โ—Œ q+a โ—Œ


4.6K 175 969
By halfgrlhalfrnt

almost 8k words baby :p


"sorry i couldn't join you guys last night!" amanda immediately apologized the second she walked up to us.

"it's cool" rodrick reassured softly, gaining a small but grateful smile from her.

.... fuck that's kinda cute.

ben thought otherwise as he cringed at the two of them, immediately walking away to lead us towards rodrick's van like always.

"so what'd you guys do?" amanda asked. her hand slowly rose to hold onto rodrick's arm as they both began to walk closely together. very closely.

i can't pin point the emotion i'm feeling right now but it's definitely there.

"well we WERE supposed to get high at the drive-in, but SOMEONE forgot to bring the weed-" dana aggressively started, making me giggle as she glared at ben.


"-but we still went in rodrick's van and watched the conjuring"

"aw i wish i went" amanda gushed.

what and make ben and i 5th and 6th wheel? hell no.

just kidding. the night would've probably ended up with us throwing popcorn at the two couples and in all honesty that sounded splendid.

"i wish you went too" i genuinely said. dana pursed her lips, knowing she wouldn't have given a single fuck whether she came or not.

yea amanda's been shady as fuck lately, but she was still my friend and she's pretty much rodrick's girlfriend now so. i guess.

"okay so guess what" rodrick smirked, leaning on his van. well shit, no need to turn the sexy on at 11 in the damn morning.

"what" we all said in unison.

"so you know how i get the house to myself-"

"and greg" i interjected. rodrick stuck up his middle finger at me before continuing.

"...ANYWAYS, i was thinking..."

"that's a first" ben quietly mumbled from beside me, making me slap my hand over my mouth.

lol got his ass.

"...why not throw a party?"

oop! just kidding.

ben and i immediately stopped giggling, both of us perking our heads up in interest. everyone looked at each other with the same mischievous smile, without a doubt on board with his plan.

"yea???" rodrick chuckled, knowing it was a pretty damn good idea.

"hell yea man" ben beamed, giving him a handshake as we all praised rodrick like a teenage god.

𝟽:𝟹𝟾 𝙿𝙼

roddy rich
Party at my place. Rodrick.

girl wht,,, ik

u litrly told us this morning

its a mass text smh 😔

whts w the capital letters n

who r u mass texting??? congress???

y do u feel the need 2 come after me

coz i love u

sounds fake but okay

"what do i wear tomorrow?" i turned to face dana, who was on my bed eating a bag of doritos.

"well that depends...are you tryna sexy it up?" she asked, raising her eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"maybe..." i shrugged shyly.

"oh? for who though? lemme guess... for

"shut up! i'm not dressing for anyone you weirdo, i just wanna-ooh actually you know what, maybe i can get laid" i gasped jokingly, raising my eyebrows at her.

"see i know you're joking but i think you actually should"

"now what in the fuck is that supposed to mean"

"maybe if you get peepee, your rodrick simp levels would go down"

"first of all, don't ever say peepee around me ever again, and second, stop bringing up rodrick! how many times do i have to tell you it's not like that"

"uh more than you currently do because
its mj and rodrick til the day i die"

"dana..." i whined, throwing my head back in frustration.

"actually better idea, why don't you just fuck rodrick at the party?"


she threw herself back on the bed laughing at the raging stress she directly caused me, making me shake my head.


the thought of actually having sex with rodrick had me all types of fucked up. it's not like i Haven't thought about it before. it was literally the first thing that went through my mind when i first laid eyes on him.

but like i say everyday, almost like a mantra to be honest, it's completely different now. i know he doesn't see me that way and i'd say i'm at the same level too... to a certain extent.

"okay no seriously wear that one silky brown top thing you have, it makes your boobs look phenomenal" dana said out of nowhere, sitting back up to grab the bag of chips again.

"i'm almost done...." i mumbled, trying to finish my eyeliner as quickly as possible while the boys continued to blow up mine and dana's phones, probably asking where we were.

"okay so you know my uncle ian yea?"

putting down my liner for a quick second, i turned to look at dana.

"the one that looks like michael cera?"

"yea that one"

"what about him?"

"i babysat his 5 year old daughter 2 days ago and he said that if i ever needed the hook up to just hit him up..... so......" she elaborated, already smirking as my smile grew excitedly.

booze time. booze time. booze time.

"oh yea" i scoffed in agreement, not needing to hear any more.

after quickly turning back to finish the last bit of my eyeliner, i leaned back and took in my reflection. hm not bad not bad. immediately gaining confidence from how good i actually looked, dana hurriedly slid in next to me, posing in front of the mirror as well.

"quite seggsy innit?" i said in a british accent, giggling at our avant-garde poses.

dana was wearing a black lace corset top that made her boobs look quite immaculate as well with a pair of black hand gloves, a denim pleated skirt, and some black platforms while i took her advice and wore the sleeveless brown silk top with a short black skirt and nearly knee high platform boots.

"let's go?" she suggested.

"yessum" i said, putting on my extra accessories before heading down.

"thanks uncle ian!" dana waved, the both of us struggling as we lifted the two packs of beer and 3 huge bottles of other alcohol into the trunk.

i gave him a hurried but grateful wave as well before hopping back into dana's passenger seat so we could start our 4 minute journey to rodrick's without getting pulled over. i smiled in excitement as i started thinking about my first party here in plainview, all thanks to the totally awesome rodrick.

"so you never answered my question" dana said, glancing at me with a smile.

"what question"

"why don't you fuck rod-"

throwing my head back dramatically, i replied with the only logical thing going through my head, incoherent yelling.





"oh word?"




sighing, i looked out the window with my heart slowly raising in tempo.

i turned my view back towards dana to see her head tilted in my direction with her eyebrows raised all the way to fucking mars.

"oh... don't look at me like that" i shook my head in disbelief.

with a huff, she braked aggressively, immediately making me hit my head against the sun visor.

"OW FUCK" i whined, rubbing my forehead lightly. i did a double take as i realized we were in my neighborhood again, but parked at a distance from mine and rodrick's houses due to all the cars here for, what else, the party.

"so i was gonna wait for the boys but... we deserve this" dana smirked, pulling out a joint from her compartment.

"i was wondering why it smelled so loud in here" i chuckled, feeling 100% ready to get absolutely fucked up.

"ah shit i guess the little tree i bought this morning didn't work" she grumbled, snatching the scented tree off of her rear view mirror while handing me the joint.

"you got it?" i asked dana, who was carrying the two packs of beer.

"mhmyea" she mustered, using all her willpower to carry the boxes.

i opened the front door for her and was immediately met by loud music and a surprisingly large amount of people. damn i didn't even know rodrick knew people like that.

the 3 boys spotted us walking in and immediately ran over.

"OH SHIT" ben and rodrick simultaneously yelled, noticing all the booze while chris helped his struggling girlfriend.

i set the bottles i had on top of the kitchen counter and pulled out the red solo cups we had picked up on the way as well. rodrick dramatically started to wrap his arms around dana and me, squeezing us into a tight hug. we both giggled in our now buzzed state and patted his back in return.

"you guys..... are the fucking best... how did you even manage to get all this?" he laughed, ben and chris already pouring a couple drinks.

"remember my uncle ian?"

"michael cera?"



i giggled at their interaction as ben handed me a cup filled with some whiskey. and almost at perfect timing, i felt the joint from earlier hitting me like a truck. i looked over at dana with a stupid smile, and she slowly reciprocated it as her eyes became bloodshot, completely exposing her high.

we both bursted out laughing and grabbed onto each other, beginning to stumble around like a bunch of weirdos.

the three boys looked at us amused, laughing along even though they didn't know what was going on.

"ah you bitches got high without us!" ben realized, playfully hitting us. chris and rodrick opened their mouths stupidly in realization as well, making dana and i burst out laughing again.

and just like that, time was starting to become nonexistent.

oh shit! i have whiskey! almost forgot about that.

beginning to sip from my cup mindlessly, i felt a hand grab onto mine and i automatically knew it was rodrick's. how i know? don't know. but i know. he led me to follow everyone else towards the hotspot of the party where the music was loudest and most of the people were gathered.

"NICE PARTY" i yelled, probably slurring.

"I KNOW" he boasted charmingly, shrugging as if he was already expecting it to be this awesome.

my eyes lingered on him for a bit longer than they probably should've, but i couldn't help it. he looked real good. he layered on something besides a flannel for once and he whipped out the holy eyeliner that i so dearly loved on him.

"WHERE'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND?-WAIT WHERE'S GREG???" i suddenly remembered.

"GREG'S IN THE BASEMENT" he casually said.

the basement??????





heffley boys........bless susan's poor soul.

i shook my head as we both took a sip out of our drinks, kill the dj by green day starting to play in the background. a small smile formed on my face. rodrick definitely picked out some of these songs.

"oh and amanda's outside with a couple of her friends" he continued. i glanced out the backyard window to in fact see amanda outside talking to her friends and looking oddly... more like...me than usual.

hm.... why are we matching? if dana's right and she's jacking my style, how did she know what i was gonna wear tonight?

eh whatever.

wait... rodrick didn't deny she was his girlfriend.

"uh wanna dance?" i innocently asked with a smile, not knowing what to do with myself now.

"of course" he smiled back, taking a sip from his drink.

k that was kinda hot.

wait no.


we started to sway to the beat at a safe, platonic distance. well it was more so Him swaying and me probably looking stupid , but i don't know, i can't even tell if my eyes are open right now. shit i could even be doing the worm right now and i wouldn't even know.

OH FUCK who turned the lights off???

oh wait my eyes really are just closed. haha.

rodrick giggled at my one second state of panic and grabbed my hand in his, raising it as high as my arm could let me, which was just head level to him, and twirled me like a ballerina. it totally wasn't matching the song but it still made us both laugh.

"you look good!" he yelled over the music before chugging the rest of drink. a blush quickly rose to my cheeks and i mentally slapped myself.

what the fuck is wrong with you??? keep it together.

"thanks you do too! how are you feeling?" i laughed, referring to the alcohol he just downed.

"not gonna lie, i'm pretty fucked already" he said comedically, now using my shoulder to rest his arm on to stop himself from stumbling everywhere.

"oh word?? me too!" i gasped. the different moving colorful lights around the house were currently tripping me the fuck out right now, but they were cascading onto rodrick's skin so nicely and making him look absolutely immaculate, i began to feel like i was in a trance.

how does someone just look like THAT?

his arm rest turned into a full side hug as he suddenly engulfed me from his left, leaning his head to lay on top of mine.

"youu...you'r-re my best friend mary, i literally love you with a capital...... uhh.... W"

"W??" i chuckled, swallowing the lump in my throat as my heart began to discern a sinking feeling.

best friend.

he loves me. only as his best friend. and i wouldn't have it any other way. right? i literally say the same thing all the time too.

so why do i feel so... sad..?

woah Woah. what the fuck am i saying???? no one's sad. everything's fine. you're just an emotional drunk mary.

"i love you too roddy" i smiled softly, completely leaning into his hug now.

he looked down at me with the kindest eyes i've ever seen and boy oh boy was it making my high self feel so special .... it almost makes me wanna kiss hi-HOLD UP WAIT AMINUTE. NO. No.nono.


"I UH I GOTTA GO TO THE.... BATHROOM... BYE" i frantically pulled away from his hold, chugging the rest of my drink as i sped walked to the guest bathroom.

please don't be occupied please don't be occupied-

oh thank jesus.

i hurriedly closed the door and locked it behind me, immediately leaning over the sink with wide eyes.

what the fuck is happening to me?

this can't be happening now. maybe this would've been fine a couple months ago when i first moved here and we would playfully flirt with each other and shit. when it was all harmless and cute. not now when he's fucking taken. and he said it himself you dumb bitch, you're his best friend and Only his best friend.

so why am i feeling such heavy feelings for him right now?

it's the weed. it's gotta be the weed. dana always has some crazy shit.

fuck me i'm going through a fucking crisis.

do i really know myself as much as i think i do? have i been lying to myself? i can't have a small crush on him, i just can't. but if i don't like him, then why do i wanna kiss him?

and now that i think about it, every emotion and feeling i've experienced with him has always been felt at such a deep level. like when we went to get vegan hot dogs together last week and he used his thumb to wipe away ketchup from my cheek and i genuinely thought i was going into cardiac arrest.

fuck... do i...?

a scream left my mouth as someone started to abruptly knock on the door.

holy fuck my heart fell out of my ass.

realizing how stupid i looked, i chuckled to myself before gathering my composure and fixing my makeup real quick. guess i should get out now anyways, wouldn't want someone catching a uti just cause i'm spiraling.

i quickly opened the door and awkwardly apologized to the girl waiting before walking away in a rush.

do i go back to rodrick or do i find someone else to hang with?

going towards the living room in a beeline, a small body ran into mine and i looked down confused.

"ROWLEY???" i yelled.

"o-oh hi mary jane, you look pretty" he beamed. aw.

"thanks kiddo, now what in the hell are you doing here?" i chuckled, trying not to slur my words.

oh that's right, greg.

before he could speak, a tall frame stood next to me and lowly chuckled, making my eyes widened and my heart stop.

"hey rowley... whatcha doin?" rodrick asked with a conniving smirk.

i gulped as he looked down at me with the same expression.

fuckfuck mmfuckohmfuckdon't fucking look at me.

"see ya around rowley!" i quickly waved at him before speed walking away.

i figured the kitchen was a good place to rest as i leaned myself against the counter away from everybody. this is good. for personal health reasons, i put my hand up to chest to see if my heart was still working properly.


"hey there" a voice spoke, making me look up.

"oh hey tate... what are ya... doin here?" i asked confused. don't him and rodrick have like beef or something?

"a party's a party...." he shrugged, holding up his drink for us to cheer. i sprung up as i remembered i no longer had a drink on me, immediately grabbing a new cup to pour some hennesy in it.

"cheers" we both said half assed before clinking our red cups together and taking big swigs.

"so what's up with you" i asked him. a conversation with tate didn't seem bad right now.

"nothing much, just living my life... single and all..."

i rolled my eyes at what he was trying to insinuate.

"sorry to hear that" i laughed, taking another sip from my drink.

"you know we're at a party... a place where stupid drunk teenagers like us like to get together and do stupid shit like... shoot i don't know... kiss and what not..."

i raised my eyebrows at him.

"you're cute and all tate but..."

"i know i know, i'm fuckin around with ya" he rolled his eyes teasingly at me this time, lightly shoving my shoulder with his.


everyone in the house did exactly that as complete silence filled the air.

what in the FUCK is going on?

i peeked past the kitchen entrance to see rodrick almost perfectly as he walked painfully slow to the ringing telephone across the room while simultaneously telling everyone to shut up.

an amused smile formed on my face as he picked up the phone and greeted his mom, trying so very hard to sound as normal and sober as possible. his face completely read the opposite though as he looked like he was about to go into cardiac arrest and i couldn't help but quietly snicker to myself.

what a dumbass. i love him.

woah don't use The L-word right now, bad timing. very bad timing.

he quickly walked to where the basement door was located and surprisingly all of us remained dead silent, only for the obvious reason of not wanting the party to end early.

gotta love teenagers.

after what felt like an eternity of suspense, the music came back on and everyone went back to what they were doing without an ounce of hesitation.

okay then.

"hi tate" a pretty girl walked up to us, putting her hand on tate's arm in a slightly seductive way as she completely ignored my presence. well fuck me right.

i raised my drink awkwardly at tate with a wink before heading off to the living room again to give the pair some privacy.

it felt like i was walking normally, but something about the hennesy sloshing everywhere inside my cup like a damn white water rafting expedition was telling me otherwise.

aw man i'm alone again.

where are my friends? i miss them.

immediately spotting dana and ben embarrassingly dancing to the great escape by boys like girls in the crowd, i didn't hesitate one second to join them.

"MJ!" they both yelled, wrapping their arms around me while bouncing all over the place.

"ahh i missed you guys" i gushed, beginning to dance along with them as everyone drunkenly belted out the lyrics like their lives depended on it.


golly gee what a banger.

"I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN LIKE 20 MINUTES WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU???" dana yelled over the music.

suddenly remembering exactly why i was gone for so long, i took a fat swig of my drink. once the cup disappeared from my line of sight again, i sighed in realization as the room began to wobble, but in the best way possible.

ya i'm most definitely fucked.

"UHHHH WELL INTERESTING STORY, QUITE FUNNY ACTUALLY-" i started, knowing damn well once i start talking there's nothing that could filter the thoughts coming out of my mouth. out of the corner of my eye, rodrick caught my attention as he casually stood in front of the fireplace holding his drink next to chris, looking absolutely hot as he seemed to enjoy himself.

before i could even process anything, his eyes landed on me as well, instantly making me tense up, but not enough to look away. neither one of us changed expressions or did anything to indicate what was on our minds, only individually talking to our friends while our eyes rested on each other.

"and then i ran to the bathroom..." i mumbled, still staring at him. he was now done talking to chris, but his gaze still lingered on me as he mindlessly brought his cup to his lips, completely unaware of how detrimentally irresistible he currently looked.

well fuck.

after looking back at dana and ben for a brief moment, i glanced back at rodrick to see that he was gone now. i immediately stopped talking, only wondering where he went as my eyes scanned all over the house for him.

did this motherfucker just teleport or something?

"hello??? earth to mj???" ben slurred, waving his hand in front of my face while dana gave me an antsy look, very much looking like she was about to force me to speak herself if i don't tell the rest of my story. i opened my mouth to continue, but nothing came out as my focus remained set on searching for him again.

where the fuck-


my chest tightened as i spotted him in the kitchen with amanda.

making out.

it was getting pretty heated as he pulled her closer to him, if that was even possible, and rested his hands on her hips while hers cupped his face and all of a sudden i couldn't look anymore.

oh man this isn't just a small and sudden crush...

"oh fuck i'm in love with rodrick" i realized out loud.

dana and ben looked at each other with their eyes bulging out of their sockets before grabbing each other's hands and screaming.

"LET'S fUcKinG GOoOOo"

softly shaking my head, i looked over at rodrick and amanda again to see them still very much going at it, and just like that my mood declined even more.

ben and dana probably caught onto this as well
since we were all now looking at the same thing, looking like a bunch of creeps as we were nosily watching their make out session get progressively more and more heated. my chest was slowly tightening even more and all of a sudden i felt my eyes prickle up in tears.

and there it is ladies and gentlemen and sexy non-conforming people:

my cue to chug the rest of this cup.

"oh what a bitch" dana mumbled as i winced at the burning feeling in my throat, the alcohol indirectly made my tears suck back into my body.

wait why was i about to cry again?

"who" i asked genuinely confused.

"the both of them... and you"


"uh YA you, 'It'S Not LiKE THaT We'RE juSt beStFRienDs' face ass....."

"hey l-let's not get hasty no-ow..ww.." i slurred, knowing damn well enough i couldn't argue with that.

"what's up???" chris stumbled to us, using dana and ben as arm rests.

"this one finally admitted she's in love with rodrick" dana boasted with a smirk. chris' eyebrows raised to the roof and he put on a wide smile, nodding impressively before giving me a fist bump. i rolled my eyes as everyone's night seemed to get exponentially better now that i confessed my fucking love for my best friend.

and almost as if some crazy ass vibe transfer shit just happened, i started to cheer up too as everyone's happiness began to rub off on me.

or maybe i'm just way too influenced right now to hold onto one emotion for more than 10 seconds.

every person in the living room was pretty much white girl wasted as we all continued to bump to kesha, courtesy of chris' 'party anthem playlist', and take sip after sip after sip. it's really a surprise to me that no one's thrown up on susan's carpet yet.

wait i don't wanna accidentally manifest that for rodrick and greg.

i was just fucking around i'm sorry universe.

ah shit.

"HEYYYyyY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE WHAT'S GOIN ON????" his blaring voice rang, walking towards us absolutely fucked up with an also blasted amanda.

normally i'd celebrate the fact that we were all
a bunch of shit faced motherfuckers at this glorious moment, but the only thing i can genuinely pay attention to right now is the way rodrick has his arm around her. forcing myself to peel my eyes away from them, i did a double take as i took note of ben's mischievous expression.

you better not do some stupid shit ben i swear to god.

almost as if he heard me and took it as a challenge, he began to yell while simultaneously going for his drink.


out of natural born human instinct, my hand flew to karate chop him in the throat.

it might've been a little too hard of a hit as he choked and alcohol shot out of his mouth like a water gun, resulting in amanda getting completely jetted by whiskey.

my hand shot up to my mouth in shock, and i really didn't mean to, but i bursted out laughing.

in my defense i cannot control Anything right now.

i could physically feel the guilt start to wash over me until rodrick and dana bursted out laughing twice as hard, chris going for a snicker while ben continued to apologize over and over again.

"i'm so s..s-sorry that was partially my
fff-fault" i apologized as well, trying my best to speak normally.

for a split second, my gaze landed on that One necklace she always wears now and a slight sense of resentment came over me.

i worked hard to make my necklace and paint all the little details and shit and she's just gonna jack it from me like that????? shit maybe she deserved that spray down.

stop no. no. no she didn't. you're emotional.

rodrick's laughter was finally dying down, the incident being the most funny to him for whatever reason, and with my brain using its last half of a cell to realize it, he was now pointing at me with his mouth open ready to say something.

i actually can't fully tell if he's pointing at me or not since his finger keeps waving in every direction probably due to his wonky vision now, but i still tensed up.

"w-wha..what did mary janey tell you guys?" he slurred, totally catching me off guard that he remembered what ben was trying to say earlier considering how i certainly wouldn't have until he mentioned it again.

"n-nothing" i peeped out. mentally slapping myself, i cringed at the fact that i stuttered solely because i was nervous around him now. god damn it.

"cmon mary" he tried to convince me, nudging me with his elbow as he started to move closer.

i 100% just beat my own record tonight as my heart rate was racing at a speed i didn't even know could be reached. my mouth was open and ready to tell him some white lie, but i physically couldn't muster up a word. i was frozen.

rodrick tilted his head in confusion as i just continued to stare at him like a deer caught in headlights.

bitch say something!

"i...uh..." i slowly started to speak, but out of the corner of my eye, i swear i saw a whole ass kid walk past us. greg??? all of a sudden another kid passed by too, followed by another one. i felt all 5 pairs of my friends' eyes on me, without a doubt wondering what i was looking at, and that's when i remembered my encounter with rowley earlier.

oh my fucking god??? it's the fucking boys???

without any hesitation, i began to head towards them, fully ready to beat joey's ass for being at a high school party at-

wait where's the nearest clock?

-10:39 PM.

oh yea he's getting his ass beat.

"JOEY WHAT THE HELL" i yelled, grabbing onto his shoulder to turn him around but immediately felt like i got whiplash from the way he spun to face me.

shit i'm still drunk... or high... wait no both.

"hey big sis cool party hu-"

"what the hell are you guys doing here???" i exclaimed.

"i live here" greg quipped, instantly gaining a look from me.

"it's late! just... go upstairs or something" i told the boys, mainly joey.


all the confusion and older sibling anger i had in my body completely dissipated as i suddenly became nervous around rodrick's presence again. and almost like he was purposely trying to tease me, he glanced down and shot me a charming smile.

"why are you doing this to me you hot asshole...." i thought to myself.


or i THOUGHT i thought to myself.

"nothing! nothing at all-just-joey, for christ's sake, just don't touch... anything... please..." i said giving up, feeling way too unstable to try to even control the little turd right now.

"yea yea whatever let's go guys, i don't wanna be seen with my older sister, it'll make the ladies not want to talk to us" joey rolled his eyes as he started leading greg and rowley away, making my jaw drop to the floor.

what an asswipe....

i looked over to see rodrick shaking from how hard he was trying not to laugh and i glared at him half jokingly.

"haha so funny... what about you? what happened on the phone that forced you to let three middle schoolers run around at your party huh???"

his smile immediately fell as he pursed his lips at me.

"got ya ass bitch" i pointed at him, smiling teasingly.

shaking his head with a defeated smirk, he ambushed me and next thing i knew, i was locked in a chokehold once again.

"DAMMIT RODRICK" i whined while trying to slap his arm off of me.

"nope, this was long overdue, it's been more than 24 hours"

eh he makes a point.

"uhhh hey man, some couple just walked into your parents' bedroom... i don't know if you wanna like check that out..." some dude i didn't know awkwardly informed rodrick.

in a blink of an eye, i was free from his grasp as he frantically ran to the direction of his parents' room without a word.

"that dude's a real one for letting him know"

i turned to my left to see tate standing beside me with his famous smile.

"yea true-wait what happened to the girl you were with?" i asked, remembering the really cute girl that came up to us-or him.

what was her name?

oh yea vanessa. fucking vanessa.

i could hear the sound of banging on a door coming from the hallway followed by a "OH MY GOD GROSS GET THE FUCK OUT" and i looked down with a stupid smile, finding it kind of endearing that rodrick was so cautious when it came to his parents.

"oh i told her i wasn't interested the second you left, thanks for that by the way you loser, i was trying to continue our nice conversation" tate said lightheartedly.

"my bad... are you still drunk?" i chuckled.


"okay cool me too"

"wanna go in the back and smoke?"

hm. of course i wanna smoke. but what about rodrick?

my eyes quickly searched for him the 50th time tonight and alarming almost, i found him right away. he was reunited with amanda as they danced closely together to mr. brightside by the killers.

aw man.

it hurts to see somebody live out your dreams.

shit it's not even just because of rodrick, i just wanna dance to mr. brightside with somebody like that.


"yea for sure" i shrugged to tate, instantly gaining an adorable smile from him.

we started to walk towards the backyard and out of habit i wrapped my arm around his like how i would with rodrick whenever we would go through crowded areas. i'd say it was never meant to be anything more than just a platonic comfort thing between us, but considering how tonight's been going, i might be severely wrong.

"shit sorry" i apologized even though i was still very much holding onto him.

"i totally don't mind" he said, a slight blush forming on his cheeks while a cool breeze hit the both of us as we found a nice spot against the wall to stay idle.

he reached into one of his pockets and gently pulled out a fresh pre-roll along with a lighter, but something fell out in the process.

picking it up for him, i noticed it was a cassette player.

"really? you couldn't have gotten anymore cliche tate" i teased.

"what? cassettes are cool-look i even got nirvana inside all ready and shit" he chuckled, grabbing the player to pop it open and show me the nevermind tape inside before putting it back in his pocket.

"shit that is kinda cool..." i said defeated.

putting the joint in between his lips with a wink, he flicked the lighter on while using his free hand to cover the flame.

why....is that....hot.....

he handed the joint to me and i sucked in a breath. round 2.

"please say sike" i begged.

"what??? i just haven't gotten around to actually watch it... and plus it doesn't look that interesting..." he nonchalantly said.

"you sir have worms for brains"

how do you look exactly like tate langdon, have the same name as him, have the same interests as him, but haven't seen murder house at least once??? make it make sense.

"shit... you mean it?" he tilted his head charmingly.

a laugh escaped from my mouth as i slapped his chest lightly, the high fully settling into my damn bones.

"stop..." i sighed as my laugh died down.

"and what if i don't...?" he challenged.

my eyebrows raised in surprise.

oh word?

i don't know if it's the weed or if i was just horny-or both-who knows-but tate seemed really appealing at the moment. not to get it twisted, he always is, but he was really hitting different at the moment.

...or maybe he's just a distraction from rodrick right now.

wait woah who said that? me? whatever.

glancing towards the window near us to check up on the gang and see how they're doing, the first thing i spotted was chris and dana getting frisky in some corner. lol gross.

ben was actually pretty close to the window as i saw him handing greg and joey a beer bottle-

"HEY!" i banged on the window, scaring the shit out of him as he jumped and almost dropped the drink.


he raised his arms in frustration and put the beer bottle away.




"I'M 12!...AND NO!" he yelled as he whipped back around to storm away with greg and rowley before i could say another word.

"you little shi-"

"holy fuck that's your little brother huh??" tate laughed hysterically.

"that obvious?" i sulked.

"one hundred percent"


"i liked your intestine threat, very creative"


"yea, it was actually kinda sexy almost" he chuckled sarcastically.

i copied his head tilt and bit my lip from smiling too hard at his funny comments.

wow i'm... really enjoying this a little Too much huh.

our eyes remained glued to each other, and almost like that day rodrick and i almost....kissed...i think....the tension in the air shifted somehow even though we were outside, and suddenly my back was fully pressed against the wall now as tate's hands rested on my waist. the space between us was slowly getting smaller as we both started to lean in, and in an equally cloudy haze, my hands reached to cup his face as we both pulled each other in to attach our lips together.

i sighed as the kiss deepened and we started to make out heavily. my fingers began to slowly run through his hair, and all of a sudden, the beginning riff of accidentally in love started to play in the background.

the image of rodrick and i holding hands at the roller rink and skating together yesterday popped up in my head and i quickly pulled away from the kiss as i felt a small pang in my chest.

after catching our breaths in a slow daze, we started to freak out at the same time as we frantically stepped away from each other.

"oh my god i-im so sorry i shouldn't-"
"shit i'm sorry mj i know you like rodrick and it was super wrong-"
"-and i know you like me and i don't wanna lead you on like that-"
"-don't want you to think that i'm tryna get you now that crazy face amanda and rodrick are togeth-"
"-aHh and i feel bad i'm sorry"
"no no don't be! i'm sorry too"

we both remained silent for a second before bursting out laughing.

"tate...!" i whined, not knowing what do with myself anymore since i still felt very much guilty and hurt simultaneously, both for separate reasons obviously.

"it's cool! i swear! no hard feelings mj" he reassured me with a dimpled smile, his hand sticking out for me to shake in comradery.

i pushed his hand away as i went for a hug instead, feeling so so so grateful that he wasn't being an ass about the whole thing.

"plus... you made out with me willingly, how can i complain about that?" he spoke again. i shook my head laughing before pulling away from our hug.

"let's get back inside you nerd it's cold" i suggested, walking inside the house again with him beside me.

"i can't wait to see the look on heffley's face once he finds out" he continued again, shaking his head in amusement.

'i like him' my ass.

"he's not gonna care..." i said, chuckling to hide that the fact that it hurt me real badly to know that.

well i mean he's gonna care, since he's my best friend and all and isn't exactly too fond of tate, but not in the way i'd prefer it to be.

i groaned as tate took my words as a challenge, a cocky smile forming on his face the second we finally approached rodrick and amanda talking in the kitchen.

amanda's eyes widened as she noticed tate's presence, her nervous gulp not going unnoticed by me. what in the hell.....

"heyyYy" i said in a high pitched voice, feeling very anxious from being around rodrick and tate at the same time. i don't think i've ever seen them stand so close to each other before.

i'm not complaining though. they're both hot.

"heyyy....what's going...on...tate...?" rodrick greeted back suspiciously, squinting while his eyes flicked between tate and me.

ah fuck here we go.

"oh nothing much, totally killer party by the way-"


"-yup no problem bud, i was just uh actually about to head out now since it's starting to get real cold outside..."

"oh yea man i hear you" rodrick said half assed, his tone still making me feel a certain way.

i put my hand over my mouth nervously as tate put on a shit eating grin.

"right? like mj and i were just out there making out and all of a sudden a huge breeze came in!" he enthusiastically said while throwing his arms up in an exaggerated way.

jesus christ tate.

rodrick's head shot forward as his eyes bulged out of their sockets and his lips tighten together tensely.

"babe the cup's gonna..." amanda quickly tried to say before the red solo cup in rodrick's hand broke, the remaining amount of his vodka spilling on the floor.



"well like i said, totally killer party! have a safe rest of your night you crazy kids" tate fake laughed while patting rodrick on the back and tousling my hair before leaving.

i closed my eyes and dropped my head down to the floor in exasperation.

i said this once and i'll say it again.

i hate men.

"so uh, heheh, how's your guys' night going???" i said in the most enthusiastic way possible. rodrick could see straight through me though. all nerves all over the damn place.

"there you guys are!" dana yelled as her, ben, and chris walked up to us.

"good, you guys are here, i gotta talk to mary real quick" rodrick said in one breath.


"huh what wh-aHh" my question got cut off as he grabbed my wrist to bring me upstairs.

"rodrick!" i groaned.

walking up into his bedroom, i flopped my butt down on his bed and looked up at him nervously.

my god we're alone.

"YOU MADE OUT WITH TATE???" he whined.

"w-well i mean yea, but it pretty much ended as quick as it started!"

he groaned loudly and walked directly up to me, now completely towering over my sitting self and looking at me with a gaze that made me want to melt.

no. no. back on topic.

"what's the big deal dude???"

"uH the big deal iS THAT-"

i squinted my eyes, expecting him to continue only to still be met by silence as he kept his mouth shut and looked away.

my heart started to go off its fucking rocker again when he decided to plop down next to me with his face a foot away from mine.


"uh yes rodrick"

"this isn't good timing at all but uh..." he started, looking directly up now as if he was trying to avoid eye contact.

"i-i-im uh...i'm...in-"

"are you guys okay?" amanda's voice came from the bottom of the stairs, the sound of her walking up the steps following soon after.

rodrick quickly scooted away from me, quietly groaning to himself while getting up off the bed to meet his girlfriend halfway. his hand reached up to touch her arm, a very small gesture, but nonetheless it was enough to make my body droop.

annoyance washed over me as they just continued to quietly talk to each other across the room. it's not like i want their full attention or anything, i completely respect their privacy, it was just getting real awkward for me now.

yea i'm gonna go.

without making any eye contact with either one of them, i walked toward the stairs and shot them a quick "i'll meet you guys downstairs" before heading back down.

"dude this party's dying-look, the girls aren't into it! they wanna dance! if i don't ask them to dance, they're gonna leave, then you'll just be known as that guy who threw that lame party with no girls!" ben preached to me out of nowhere.

good god someone get this man a glass of water.

"nice logic headass, let's start getting hydrated yea?" i suggested, forgetting about the kids as i grabbed onto his shoulders to lead him into the kitchen.

"aw i love hydrangeas" he gushed.

"hydrang-? never mind let's go" i gave up again, rolling my eyes. as we were about to pass the staircase, i saw rodrick and amanda finally coming down, amanda giving him a quick peck once they reached the bottom before walking off to her friends.

rodrick and i made eye contact and he looked like didn't know what to do with himself.

"c'mon lover boy, let's get you hydrated too" i called him over. ben looked back at me with raised eyebrows, silently teasing me.

"you flirty bitch, might as well suck his dick in front of everyone damn" he whisper-yelled, making my spit go down the wrong pipe as i began to cough like crazy.

"i hate you, you know that? and plus, didn't we just see him and amanda swallow each other's tongues like not too long ago?" i scoffed, attempting to not dwell on that visual for too long.

"bro fuck amanda! she's always rude as hell to you and dana, and rodrick just thinks it's like impossible to get you so he settled for the dollar tree version of mj!"



"i said probably!"

"no the fuck you didn't!"

"w-well i mean to say probably"

oh. okay. well glad to know that ben thinks so highly of me and that he believes rodrick actually feels the same way about me. haha. ha. aha.

rodrick finally caught up to us with a soft smile and held onto my shoulders as well, unintentionally turning us into a small conga line.

no conga for us though. omly water.

"why's the chubby one looking at us like that" rodrick asked suspiciously. i followed his squinting eyes and spotted rowley looking at us like a little kid on christmas.

"wait for real why is he-"



HELLO HELLO. I'M SORRY 4 THE DELAY. i unfortunately had the biggest writers block for like 3 weeks n i kept rewriting this damn chapter bc i hated every draft i was doing so eheheheh mb <3 yall b funny asf in tha comments doe frfr i luv it ,,,, hope yall enjoyed dis 1

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