Night Disease

By kipekipe

20.7K 1.2K 132

UNDERGOING EDITS/COMPLETED A day can change your life in an instant, just like one decision can change the pa... More

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's note

Chapter 55

137 10 0
By kipekipe

Laughter echoes around us as we chat with one another. Enya sits beside Diana picking up the small greens poking up through the dirt. Jackets litter the truck bed the owners hard at work under the rising sun. Working with my group once again is a great relief that adds more distraction to my thoughts. With my seventeenth birthday coming up I can't help but remember that my family won't be here for my birthday, they won't be here to watch me become a legal adult next year. I won't get to see my sister get married, have a family, or grow old. My parents won't get to see their grandchildren, I won't get to see their faces again as they age and I don't. I try so hard to push the thoughts back for Enya she can't see me break, I can't break again.

Watching Enya I can't help but smile, she looks happy the happiest I have seen her since I found her in the woods ready to take her life. It's concerning if you think about it I was fairly happy when we met, I didn't have the loss of my family or friends weighing me down as deeply then as I do now. The change is so similar to what happened two years ago back when I was a new vampling just learning the ropes. The little girl's lifeless eyes flash in my mind. Stiffing at the sudden memory my movements turn robotic as I fight off the unwanted feelings.

"Kaindra are you okay?" Enya calls her voice shaking slightly. I feel their presence move closer as I continue to move stiffly.

Diana crouches to my level her blue eyes shining in my peripheral. "Kain are you okay?" She whispers as I continue my task unable to hear them.

Diana's hand lands on mine shocking me "what is it Diana is there danger?"

Her head tilts moving the braid on her shoulder "you were out of for a little there."

Raising an eyebrow I continue my work as they sit beside me "sorry if I worried you just got stuck in my thoughts that's all." Enya shrugs accepting my answer Diana eyes me for a second longer before going to a new patch and continuing our work. The wall cracks leaving some open gaps open. Breathing deeply I shake my head pushing myself into the here and now.

Laughing at a joke Dustin made I slide into the seat beside Enya holding a bag of greens on my lap. She bounces in her seat talking to Catty and Kate in the seat in front of us. The bus growls lurching to a start. Dylan sighs on my left "we need to start on those horse-drawn trailers and solar-powered cars soon the gas won't last us another week."

Nodding I watch as the truck in front of us stutters for a second before continuing "or less by the looks of it. They did start on those they are just finalizing the last truck hopefully they get that done soon."

Dylan nods attempting to rest back as the bus stutters. Enya pulls at my sleeve "is he the tech person?" She points at Dylan I nod she smiles waving at Dylan he waves back before reclining again. Enya is still somewhat shy around everyone but she has talked to all of the people in my group over our week back with them.

Damon meets up with me on my way to our training room after dinner. "Indra I have some very urgent news."

Looking up to him I wait for him to continue with no luck. "And no hi Indra how was your day or hi Indra I have some very important information that is yada yada yada just Indra I have some very urgent news. Did Lucifer teach you how to talk or something what is the urgent news?"

Damon rubs the back of his neck his ears turning red. " news is aaa Ummm."

Sighing I push him down onto the mat once I close the door to our training room. "Come on buddy cats got your tong."

His ears get even redder "well I overheard that the witch is...planning an a-atta-attack on your friends." His head drops as his face gets red.

I freeze, the witch has been quiet after her last attempts at getting me to join her all ending the same her pissed dragging her two minions away before they could murder me. Why has she decided now to strike she has had so many chances ever since I started training with another again. The only person left almost fully out of my protection is Enya. My vision goes red if she wanted to send a message that would be the way.

Clenching my fists I take deep breaths attempting to calm down "do you know when they plan to make the hit?" Damon flinches at my pinched tone leaning away from me ever so slightly.

"No, I just heard it was soon one of my old friends told me I wouldn't trust his word fully so sooner rather than later." His eyes look up watching me carefully.

Nodding stiffly I go to one of the punching bags. I begin to swing my hits getting harder and harder at the thought of Enya scared out of her mind as one of the witch's minions is over her ready for the death blow. My fist clenched blood leaking out from my palm. I hear Eric walk in but ignore him as I continue my assault on the bag. The chain snaps under my force the bag hits the floor the filling scattering around my feet.

Eric walks up to my side observing the torn bag now laying at my feet. "Feel better now?" I shake my head turning away from the bag. The incisions on my hands seal all signs of my torn hands gone. "Want to talk about it?"

I laugh "do I want to talk about it let's see there's a threat over the girl's head that I took in because I took her in. And for all, I know the rest of my friends could be killed all because they are my friends so no Eric I don't want to talk about it." I snarl pacing around the room. The best time to go after Enya would be when I am not there the only time I am not with her is when she is in class, and she is in class tomorrow. "Shit" I move to hurry out of the room.

Eric steps in my way his arms crossed over his chest "Where do you think you are going?" Damon steps behind him arms also crossed.

Eyeing the two I lock gazes with Damon for the first time "Dam please can you move I need to go." His eyes widen as I plead with him.

He shakes his head before looking at me again "sorry Indra I can't do that till Eric moves."

Grumbling I look to Eric accidentally locking gazes with him. His eyes don't widen like most but he stiffens "caster."

Startled I forget my initial reason for looking at him "what," I breathe.

He shakes his head checking my eyes again "you're a caster. But how can that be they are all dead."

Narrowing my eyes I poke his chest "I could ask how you know I never told you."

His mouth opens and closes at a loss for words "I read about them in one of Lucifer's books I just never thought I would ever meet one. How many of you are left?"

"Excuse me what is a caster?" Damon calls wavering for our attention forgetting he is behind Eric's big frame.

"I am the last one that still has their powers but that's because I am dead a vampire remember."

"Excuse me what are you two talking about?" Damon calls moving to stand beside Eric now.

Continuing to ignore Damon Eric continues his questioning "how did you get your powers did you always have them? What happened to the rest?"

"That explanation would take too long maybe another time." He nods relaxing his shoulders.

"What can you tell me? How many-"

"EXCUSE ME WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Damon's shout jars us out of our conversation.

"Casters," Eric says nonchalantly.

"What are those?"

"Kaindra is one did you not know like me?" Eric asks.

Damon sighs "no I thought she was just a hybrid witch or something."

I laugh "witches can't be hybrids the balance doesn't allow that mix." Damon grumbles pouting like a child "it's okay Damon not many people now a day's know what a caster is or even that they existed. I will explain it to you guys another day now back to the initial reason we are standing here move."

Eric shakes his head as Damon continues to stand beside him completely confused. "No Kaindra you can't just go storming off we need a plan. Do the angles and other witches know about them wanting you?"

Dropping my eyes I fidget "no." Eric opens his mouth to lecture me no doubt. "But they don't need to this does not concern them and if they need to know I will tell them."

Eric sighs not up to fight "fine this is up to you as you started it but you can't just go out for a fight without a plan first then you can go, deal."

Sighing my shoulders deflate "deal."

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