Criticalness! ~~ Nature to my...

By Xeonflame

14 0 0

Criticalness! ~~ Nature to my Slaughterous Musing Criticalness! ~~ Nature to my Slaughterous Musing Criticaln... More

new carethact'rs
the most wondrous pt.1

The aft'rburn

5 0 0
By Xeonflame

       did dedicate to all mine own cater-cousins who is't did inspire me to maketh this

Tis fine h're is how t all happeneth the w'rld is did drive into nuclear war and all the nukes falleth and people starteth getting zombifiy'd t wast the year 3030 and th're wast 4 people thi'r names and role art 1. Callum that gent is a inventeth'r/brute that gent wears big rampallian pow'r armeth'r is is six foot seven that gent strikes feareth into his foe's eyes 2. Chloe the lady is the most stealthyst mistress ev'r the lady moves festinate'r than a jet can flyeth 3. Ryan that gent is a combat engine'r 4. Jack that gent is a soldi'r so h're's how t starts those gents has't a f'rt not yond far from new y'rk thi'r art carrions attacking and callum is smashing thi'r skulls off and the oth'rs art in the f'rt except f'r jack beldams wast being did surround, chloe did notice and ranneth to saveth that gent but tripped, callum hath killed the carrions but t wast to late jack did get did bite those gents behold at his injuries shall that gent beest tis fine??? to beest hath continued

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