The Snakes Princess (Draco Ma...

Por Jiminie_mochi1013

183K 4.3K 1.4K

(Y/n) Riddle, thought going to Hogwarts would be great, but it'll prove to be drama filling and dangerous. Wi... MΓ‘s

Welcome! Introductions!
First year | Malfoy Manor
First year | Hogwarts
First year | Classes and Chaos
First year | Saint Potter
First year | Valentines day
First year | Holy hades
End of first year
Summer | Coming Home
Second year | Diagon Alley fight
Second year | Drama
Second year | Terrible day, really
Second year | Slytherin
Second year | Rogue bludger
Second year | Christmas plan
Second year | Bloody Walls and Nightmares
End of Second Year
Summer | Training & Surprises
Third year | Train Ride of Unhapiness
Third year | Tea Leaves Of Doom
Third year | Real feelings
Third year | Invisible Snowball fight
Third year | Sirius Black
End of third year
Summer | Quidditch World Cup
Fourth year | Cold Welcome Back
Fourth Year | Visitors
Fourth year | Ferret
Fourth year | Yule ball
Fourth year | Death & Divination
End of Fourth Year
Summer | Old Friends
Fifth year | Trouble
Fifth year | Dumbledore's Army
Fifth year | Storm brewing
Fifth year | Department of Mysteries
End of Fifth Year
Summer | Different Perspectives
Sixth year | Secrets & Love
Sixth year | Potions
Sixth year | Almost
Sixth year | The Slug Club
Sixth year | Curse
End of Sixth Year
Summer | As The World Caves In
Seventh year | Escape & Apollo
Seventh Year | Radios & Gods
Seventh year | Cyclopes & Time
Seventh Year | Quest Takes a Turn
Battle of Hogwarts
Battle of Hogwarts II
Battle of Hogwarts | The Aftermath
Five years later | Return
Weddings & Reality
A Year later | Babies & Names
Authors note| IMPORTANT
Another Authors Note
Bonus Chapter | Arabella & Regulus
Bonus Chapter | Aaron & Harley
Bonus Chapter | Castor & Leo
Bonus Chapter | Scorpius & Arabella & Adrien
Sequel News

Fifth year | Frog lady

2K 57 22
Por Jiminie_mochi1013

Your POV ~

I hugged mother and father, leaving with Millicent and Blaise in front of me. They were looking around to make sure nothing dodgy happened. Like Harry, I wasn't allowed to go anywhere alone.

The ministry was already watching my family, but now that his real name has been revealed...I will get new enemies. We boarded the train and went to the compartment Draco was in. He looked at me with caution.

"I haven't seen you in weeks and this is my hello?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Just your safety getting on here is good news for me. Has the daily prophet asked your family anything?"

The daily prophet was a scam, but luckily they had their sights on Harry.

"No, but I'm not (Y/n) Riddle anymore. It's Roseore now, because Vargas is known by him, so we went with mothers name."

Draco kissed my knuckles, "I still think you could've gone with Malfoy."

I pushed him slightly, a smirk forming, "I don't know, Potter or Weasley sounds better to me. I mean, Fred and George have been pretty insistent."

He looked unhappy, bringing me close.

He held my chin so I'd look at him only, "Maybe I need to remind you why you're with me?"

I tried to keep a straight face, but I ended up laughing in his face. I covered my mouth as he looked at me unhappily.

"I'm sorry, you've just never been this—I'm usually the one who does this!" I bursted into a fit of laughter.

Millicent smirked, "Guess we know who the dominant one in the relationship is?"

Blaise gave Draco a smug look, "Not just the dominant one, bet ten galleons she's in charge in the bedroom as well."

We all sat down, talking about how things were going now that he was back. Draco was worried for me, I learned that when I had to see him for the Order.

We both missed each other greatly, but Lucius was determined to ruin things for us. Leo had found out more about the Greek side of our family when he left. Our family was still in Greece until the forties.

When they came, our grandfather's branch of the family, a woman who married into the family was from the Greek family Drakos.

Ironic, no?

Our last name was Greek, but it changed when the Roman Empire started gaining power to Rossi. To hide ourselves, but that didn't work well, huh? The only one who obeyed the rule to marry only other Greeks was my Aunt June, and she didn't even know he was Greek. Angelos should've been a sign.



Small time skip ~

Arriving, I got off the train with Blaise and Millicent. Draco was in front with Crabbe and Goyle. I saw Harry, he wasn't looking too good and seemed more agitated than usual.

"I'm surprised the Ministry's still letting you walk around free. Better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Draco aggravated Harry, who snapped.

He lunged towards Draco, being held back by Ron. Draco jumped back, a smug smile on his face. 

"What'd I tell you? Complete nutter." He walked off, I ran after Draco.

He never stops, he always has to provoke Harry in some way.

"Just stay away from me!" Harry shouted.

Walking to the carriages, I looked at the things pulling them along. Thestrals, those were the things that pulled them. Only those who have seen death can see them, and I've seen death now. Cedric's to be exact, the vision is the reason I see them. Taking us to the castle, we sat and listened to Dumbledore's annual speech.

"Good evening, children. Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank... who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures... while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher... Professor Dolores Umbridge. And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the professor good luck."

I looked at the table, the woman sitting there looked like a toad decked in pink. Mother had told me about her, she was an awful woman who didn't deserve the position she has.

"Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you..." Dumbledore stopped as Umbridge cleared her sickeningly sweet voice.

She stood up, a fake smile on her face, "Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright... happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

I rolled my eyes, that's likely.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered... the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster... has brought something new to this historic school... progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved... perfect what can be perfected... and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

She sat down, and there was awkward clapping all around. I looked at Draco, who had a half worried face and half intrigued. I don't need to think about what she was saying at all, because now the ministry is interfering at Hogwarts.

The feast started, we ate from the giant helpings on the table and drank pumpkin juice.
Draco and Parkinson lead the first years to the common room.

Going to the common rooms, I laid on my bed. My wand out, I tried to cast my patronus, but the most that would happen was a bit of white wisps coming out the end.

"Still unable to produce a full patronus?" Millicent smiled.

"Guess the memories aren't happy enough?"

I sat up, watching Millicent bring out a bag of apple chips. She sat on her bed eating them.

"Any idea as to what's going to happen as the war continues to brew?"

I shrugged, Mother and Father were only staying in place because I convinced them to. We haven't hid yet because I didn't want to leave Draco.

"Mills, you remember the vision I had from the spell?" She nodded, worried. "Cedric's death wasn't the only one I saw. I saw Draco, on the floor bleeding out. That's the only reason I'm still here and I know he has you looking out for me, but I'm worried."

She sat back, letting me explain what I saw. Imagining Draco near death made me want to start sobbing. After I told her, I ran out the door up to Draco's dorm. The founders were dumb for letting girls be able to go to the boys dorm.

Knocking on the door, it was opened abruptly by Draco. He looked half awake, his roommates looked at me through the door. I stood there awkwardly, but Draco immediately smiled.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

I messed with the necklace he gave me, "Well—I—I wanted to see you."

I could feel my face heat up a little bit, embarrassed that I had to do this in front of his roommates. With his eyes wide, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the stairs of the girls dormitory.

"Should I even try to climb the slide?"

I nodded, so he tried to climb the slippery slide leading up to the girls dormitory. It didn't work, so I ended up having to Levicorpus him up the stairs. Millicent looked surprised, but then deadpanned.

"I could've gotten him here for you, geez, kick me out of my own room."

Millicent left and I looked at Draco. I let him down, a bit more rough than I intended.

"Ow! Hurting your boyfriend now, are ya?!" He rubbed the back of his head, getting up from the floor with a slight laugh. "Not used to saying that."

He walked towards me. I looked up at his gray eyes, stepping back a bit, only to fall back onto my bed. He gave me a smug look, but this

"Trying to seduce me already? Well...too late." He jokingly smiled.

"If I wanted to, I wouldn't be wearing layers of clothing. I can guarantee that." I smiled.

He fell on top of me, I laughed as he put all his weight on me. He wouldn't let me get up.

"You're crushing me!"

"Gravity (Y/n), it's increased on me!" He laughed.

I pushed him off of me, looking beside me. His hair was messy and he seemed happier than he's ever been. That could go for both of us.

"You're too heavy!" I smacked his chest.

"Are you calling me fat?"

"If I was?"

He shoved a pillow in my face, and I threw it off the bed. Grabbing me, he started to tickle me. I kicked as I laughed, but he wouldn't stop.

He sat up on the bed, he pulled me onto his lap, spreading his legs so I could sit in between them. He held onto me as I recovered from his torture. His chin was on my shoulder, he smelled like mint and mahogany.

"Draco, I'm glad you're here."

He kissed my shoulder, "With you or in the world?"

"Both, because I'm glad our mothers are friends. We knew each other as babies, you were my first ever playmate, and my first boyfriend."

He hugged me tighter, "It's all because of you, you dealt with me when I was eleven. I was an arse to you, but here we are."

I turned my head to look back at him. Taking in his features and realizing, I am completely in love with this boy.

"Draco, I know we haven't said it yet but...I think I'm in love with you."

He raised his eyebrows, blinking slowly to process what I said, "You—you think?!"

"No, I know. I love you more than you can imagine." I gave him a small kiss and he blinked slowly still, realizing what I had said.

"I—uhm—I love you too, (Y/n)." He brought me back, giving me another kiss.

I felt him smile into the kiss, which made my heart beat faster.

"Maybe Malfoy wouldn't be such a bad last name?"

"Really now? Should I get you a ring then?"

He held my hand, looking at my ring finger. He was trying to figure out my ring size.

"Woah, fifteen, remember? Though...a ring wouldn't be so bad—I got you one too."

He looked at his hand with the ring I gave him for Christmas. I still haven't told him it's a shield, but only because it isn't needed yet. He took the ring off his thumb, the silver snake looking at us. He moved the ring to his ring finger.

"Guess It's only half official then."

I rolled my eyes, he stayed with me for a while. We ended up falling asleep on my bed, not hearing Millicent come in for bed as well.



Time skip to next day ~

I sat by Draco in class, we tried not to raise any suspicion about what happened last night. Millicent and his roommates are the only ones who know what happened. Now I looked around the room as Draco slept before class beside me. Padma and Parvati cast a spell on the paper, making it fly across the room like a bird.

Suddenly it burst into flames, vanishing, "Good morning, children."

Umbridge gave a sickly sweet smile, making me want to throw up. The chalk started writing on the board behind her.

"Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations. O-W-Ls. More commonly known as OWLs. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

She started passing out books, they were Ministry approved, which meant they're stupid. I woke Draco up, who seemed dazed.

"Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know, from now on... you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved... course of defensive magic. Yes?"

Hermione's hand was up, a confused look on her face. Skimming through the book, I saw why she was confused.

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells?" Hermione said.

"Using spells? Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

I furrowed my brows together, "Isn't that the whole point of a school that teaches magic?"

"We're not gonna use magic?"

"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way." She smiled.

I seriously wanted to punch her in the face.

"What use is that? If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free." Harry argued.

I agreed with glasses, this was a horrible idea.

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class. It is the view of the Ministry... that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient... to get you through your examinations... which, after all, is what school is all about."

I raised an eyebrow and decided to speak up, "That makes no sense. We should know how to defend ourselves without the ministry interfering, that's the point of this class."

"And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry had my back on this.

"There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?"

Harry looked over her bullshit, and so was I.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort."

I flinched at the name, but quickly recovered, seething at Umbridge.

"Now, let me make this quite plain. You have been told... that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie."

"It's not a lie. I saw him. I fought him."

Harry really would've been a great Slytherin, shame he bought into us being evil.

"Detention, Mr. Potter."

I kept my mouth shut, she didn't read as the type to be fair about her punishments. Harry doing detention alone tonight was good anyways. Then I can see if she's all bark and no bite.

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