Wizard Imposters ( A Percy Ja...

By lostxii_

2.4K 53 76

After the Giant War, the demigods are planning their futures together and recovering from war, that is until... More

AN/ I forgot about Rachel.


131 2 2
By lostxii_

AN/I do not own any characters except my OCs. 

Calypso pov ( requested by RBtheGreat)

When Calypso had been rescued from her island, she had readied herself for a world very different from the ancient times. Let's say she got more than she bargained for. For example, her reaction to television, 'Arghh, Leo, there are tiny people inside that thing.' She had then proceeded to punch the television screen, shattering the glass and cutting herself in the process, It had taken them a few hours to pick the glass shards off the floor and clean her wrist. Now Leo would never let her live it down. And now, as if taking in the modern world wasn't enough, she's getting sucked into a magical world.

When Techna opened the magical wall, Calypso's eyes widened in surprise. The streets were bustling with activity. People scurried from shop to shop. Children stared wide-eyed in amazement at the window displays.

"Amazing, isn't it?" said Techna starry-eyed, "No matter how many times I come here, I'm always amazed."

The demigods nodded in agreement.

Techna beckoned them to follow her. Techna led them through the herds of people. She step-sided the crowds with ease. Calypso, on the other hand, stumbled as she tried to keep up.

They stopped in front of a tiny shop.

"This is Ollivanders, the famous wand shop" for a famous place, it was pretty dusty, "We'll meet up here in half an hour, in that time you guys can explore and pick up the things on your list."

"There may be a slight problem," Piper interjected, "We've all got dyslexia" Techna smirked, "I've got it too you know. there's a reason why I have the lists in Ancient Greek." Techna laughed at their shocked faces, "Always got to be prepared, but anyways, you won't have to worry about getting everything on the list. Chiron and I bought your cloaks, telescopes, phials, and cauldrons beforehand in bulk. So all you need to get is your wands and books,"

Techna handed the lists to them, she also handed the satchels full of coins. Everyone stood there doing nothing. Techna put a hand on her hip and cocked it out, "Fly, you fools," she shooed them away. Calypso checked her list. She didn't need the Ancient Greek translation due to her lack of dyslexia, but she found it convenient, Ancient Greek was her first language.

"Calypso," Techna called. Calypso turned around,


"Chiron asked me to help you since you're getting used to not being on Ogygia, do need me or do you think you would be fine,"

Calypso smiled, "Yeah, I would like that,"

Calypso watched the people around her in awe. Most were wearing a strange get up of pointy hats and flowing cloaks. Others were dressed as ordinary people or "Muggles" as Techna had said.

"Why did you have us come to buy our books, when you could have bought them with the cloaks and other stuff?" asked Calypso abruptly.

Techna smiled like she had been expecting this question, "It's so you can get used to the wizarding world. If we had just thrown you into Hogwarts with no clue, you guys would be a lost cause,"

Calypso nodded in acknowledgment,

"Here we are!" Techna exclaimed.

It was a quaint shop with a single-window. The outside was dusty, as most of the stores in Diagon Alley. Seas of pointed hats left and entered the open doors. Hushed whispers and loud shouts of 'get out of my way' or 'get your bloody arse out of my way' could be heard as mobs of people tried to shove themselves through the single door.

Calypso covered her ears and closed her eyes, the noise had become unbearable. This was the most noise and people she had heard in thousands of years after being stuck on an isolated island.

Calypso felt a hand on her shoulder, she opened her eyes to see Techna. She had a pair of tan earplugs in her other hand. Techna smiled and motioned Calypso to take them. Calypso gladly obliged and set them in her ears. The result was imminent, she no longer heard the tumultuous crowd, but she could still hear somethings. These were not normal earplugs.

"Are these enchanted?" Calypso asked.

"Yeah, they are," Techna replied.

The one thing Calypso was looking forward to was the magic aspect of this quest, she had done her fair share of magic over the thousands of years on her island.

"C'mon let's go!" Techna said, dragging Calypso into the shop.

Books were in every nook and cranny of the store. They towered over them, floor to ceiling as Calypso and Techna searched the store for her required books.

"Here they are!" Techna exclaimed over her shoulder, Calypso stopped skimming the spines of books and looked over to Techna, whose arms were full of books. Techna spilled the books onto the wooden counter where the shop lady was.

The white-haired lady looked over her glasses while examining the books, "6th year of Hogwarts,?"

Calypso nodded. The lady looked at Calypso expectantly, Calypso just stared at her. Then she realized the lady was waiting for her to pay, she fumbled with the drawstrings on the bag before handing the lady coins. She placed all the books into a brown paper bag waved goodbye.

Techna led Calypso out of the store, "Where to next?" Calypso asked

Techna grinned, "We're getting your wand!"

Hi guys/gals/non-binary pals, I hope you liked that chapter, also i keep seeing my views at like 380!!!!!!!!!! AND I DONT KNOW HOW THATS POSSIBLE!!!! i also have no idea who's reading this crap except the people who comment/vote so could u peeps comment so i know whos reading my trash? Thanks! (950 words including ANs)

Don't forget to stay safe, wear masks, and social distance!



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