Little Fighter (Clint x Read...

By Megalynnie

3.5K 115 41

Here's my first ever story(: This is part one of four, the rest may take a while to complete. Sorry school ha... More

Part One: The Newest Recruit

3.5K 115 41
By Megalynnie

The Little Fighter- Pt. 1
Clint Barton X Reader

She sped down the hallways of S.H.I.E.L.D HQ when suddenly a blond-haired man obstructed her path. The two collided causing the man to fall to the ground while the women stood above in horror.
"Jeez, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," she exclaimed. The woman extended her hand to the fallen man offering a look of apology. He took it and she hoisted him upright.
"Obviously," he said as his lips twitched into an aggravated grin. He now took in the woman's full appearance, looking her up and down. She wore standard black S.H.I.E.L.D uniform however she was no agent he'd ever seen. Although judging by her youthful looks he determined she must've been a new recruit. Her (h/c) fell loose around her (s/c) face. His eyes met hers and he noticed they were a soft (e/c), confirming his theory that she was a new recruit yet to be exposed to the hardships of agent life.
"(y/n)" She spoke interrupting the agent's thoughts. The woman once again extended her hand to him, this time in greeting. "Sorry about running into you, I'm a new and can't exactly find my way around." She explained as he took her hand, shaking it.
"Where were you trying to get to?" The man asked, releasing her hand.
"Director Fury's office," (y/n) stated. He nodded in recognition of the name and proceeded to point down the hallway in the direction she had come from.
"You must've passed it because it's right down this hallway," he said. "If you'd like I could show you the way, I was heading there myself." Her eyes lit up at this statement.
"That would be great! Thanks..." she said pausing for him to tell her his name.
"Agent Barton," he stated finishing her sentence.
"Agent? That's a pretty strange first name," (y/n) jested. Although to no avail as Agent Barton began walking down the corridor without even a chuckle. Flustered, (y/n) followed one behind mentally scolding herself. Yet even though he'd never admit it, her joke made him smile.


Barton walked through the large metallic door that encased Fury's office. Behind him, (y/n) trotted eagerly into the spacious workplace.
"You wanted to see us?" She questioned.
"Ah, yes, (y/n) I see you've already met Agent Barton," Fury said as he turned to look at the two S.H.I.E.L.D members. "I hope his friendly disposition didn't scare you away." He remarked sarcastically.
"What did you want us for?" Barton said crossing his arms. "(Y/n), from now on you train under Agent Barton," Fury said flatly.
"What?!" Barton retaliated.
"You heard what I said."
"Don't you think it's better for her to be trained by someone more qualified?"
"And what makes you unqualified?"
"I'm not a trainer, I wouldn't do any good."
"Barton we always need more agents like you so it makes sense to have you train some of the new recruits. Now I understand you may not be the best to explain techniques but (y/n) is a fast learner and will have no problem understanding." Fury explained.
"Do I get a choice?" He sighed. (Y/n) looked between the two cautiously, not wanting to interfere in the conflict, even if it was about her.
"Thought so," Barton then turned to look at (y/n). "Alright... we start tomorrow 6 a.m. sharp." And with that he dismissed himself and left.


(Y/n) burst through the doors of the training room to see Agent Barton sharpening the tip of an arrow as he sat on a bench.
"You're late," he said without looking up. (Y/n) shifted awkwardly in her place before speaking.
"Well you see my alarm didn't go off and so then-" She began.
"What can you do?" He asked standing up and walking towards her.
"What can you do? Why are you so special to Fury? Are you a mutant? Are you some freak of nature that Fury thinks he can add to the team?"
"N-no I'm just..."
"Then why the hell do I need to train you..." He said almost to himself as he turned away. Barton tried to figure out some reason for her to be such a top priority agent.
"Hey," she spoke. "I'm here because I'm useful." (Y/n) crossed her arms in frustration. Barton smirked turning to her.
"Fine, show me how 'useful' you are." He said tossing her the arrow he had sharpened. "Bows are over there," he pointed. (Y/n) nodded walking over to the rack that held the numerous bows. She plucked the closest one up and returned to her "instructor". He looked at her expectantly as his eyes darted between her and the targets. (Y/n) sighed taking her stance and aiming the arrow. She could feel eyes on her and knew he was judging her every move. Not allowing this to phase her, (y/n) released the arrow. And no matter how concentrated she was, she still missed the target by a long shot, not even making it on the board. Instead the arrow embedded itself into the white training room walls. She turned to Barton's disappointed gaze.
"Note: Archery, not your specialty" he said.
"How about firearms?" He questioned. (Y/n) felt more at ease with this suggestion having handled a gun before. However she was well aware of her lack of expertise. Pushing this thought aside she padded over to where the large arsenal was located separate from the rest of the gym in the interest of decreasing shooting accidents within the workplace. Pulling out a small hand gun she thought would suffice, (y/n) moved over to the designated shooting range. First putting on the protective gear, then bringing the gun up to eye level, she fired a shot. While it didn't go as poorly as archery she could not perform a proper head shot thus not pleasing her instructor.
"It's my first day?" She offered. Barton was not impressed. He suggested several more ideas, like throwing knives, duel-wielding, trap-making, all of which she performed mediocre at best. It was nearing the end of her session and she had yet to determine her specialty. Agent Barton grew irritated.
"What's your deal!? If Fury saw something in you I'd love for him to point it out to me." He spoke wrathfully sitting down on the bench he had been located in earlier.
"I..." She attempted to retaliate yet all the evidence stacked up against her. What did Fury call her here for? Barton began to mutter to himself and she couldn't help but feel sorry for herself.
"Good for nothing... wasting my time... can't believe..." The agent's heated comments began to get to (y/n). In attempt to prove herself she walked over to the wrestling ring in the centre of the room. There she disrobed her S.H.I.E.L.D uniform leaving her in a white tank top and a pair of black spanks. She leaned on the ropes calling to her mentor.
"Oi, Barton," he looked up not even realizing she had left amidst all his rage.
"What are you-"
"I wanna make a bet" The agent stood up from the bench, intrigued. "I prove to you that this is what I'm good at; you tell me your first name." Barton held back a smirk and stepped up to the ring. He ducked under the ropes climbing onto the platform. Here, he too removed his top layers leaving him in a white t-shirt however keeping his S.H.I.E.L.D pants. The two made eye-contact, beginning to circle each other. (Y/n) brought up her fists to block her face and abdomen, followed by Barton. They began to inch closer and it was a while before (y/n) struck the first low. Attempting a left jab, she forcefully brought her arm forth yet was blocked by Barton's quick reflexes. He took this opportunity to twist her arm round proceeding to push her to the ground. (Y/n) quickly sprung back to her feet puffing (h/c) strands out of her face. She attempted to strike Barton again and again yet he was always prepared with a quick defense. The two had been at it for a while and (y/n) was now sweaty and bruised. Her breathing was ragged and she began to lose form. Agent Barton still kept the same smirk on his face without even breaking a sweat. After her hundredth attempt Barton pushed her to the ground once more and followed her down, pinning her to the floor. She struggled to be free of his tight grasp, sweat mixing with involuntary tears of stress as she writhed beneath him.
"Give up," he stated.
"No," she grunted still pressing on.
"Why?" He questioned.
"I..." she panted. "I can do it." she scowled looking towards the floor, refusing to admit defeat. Barton released his tight grasp and backed away from her crumpled figure. She used the ropes to pull her self back up shakily raising her hands once more.
"Clint," he stated crossing his arms. (Y/n) looked at him in confusion.
"What?" she asked, lowering her arms causing her fighting stance to fade.
"Clint, Clint Barton. That's my name," he said as he began to exit the ring. He had ambled a good distance away before a voice called out to him.
"Hey! Those weren't the conditions!" (Y/n) shouted as she followed him with heavy breaths. "I... I didn't beat you. You didn't honor our bet." She scowled at him.
"Yes I did," Clint began as he smiled down at her. "You bet that you could prove that fighting was what you were good at, and you did." He stated before turning away.
"But I didn't win," she objected. At this Clint let out a slight chuckle, the first she had ever heard from him. He turned to face her and strode right up to her leaving minimal space between the two.
"Not that kind of fight, (y/n)," he then placed a large hand on her shoulder. "You fight with your heart not your hands" (Y/n) gave him a confused glance. He shook his head and continued on.
"You don't give up. Fury picked you because you have a heart that keeps on fighting. And with time," he said as he picked up her hand and placed it over her heart. "We'll get those hands to fight along side that heart of yours." Clint released his hold on her and began walking in the opposite direction. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he made his way across the floor.
"6 a.m. sharp," he shouted back to her. (Y/n) smiled still holding her hand over her heart.

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