Son of All Might

By BrandonWilliamson691

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A different take on the MHA universe. What if Izuku Midoriya actually had a quirk? What if that quirk was sim... More

Chapter 1: You Have a Quirk
Power Stack: The Quirk of Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 2: Get Buff to Be Tough
Chapter 3: When You Meet Your Idol
Fight Training MVPS
Chapter 4: Last days of Middle School
Character Bios: Hayate Zokyo
Chapter 5: The Truth Revealed
Young Toshinko
Chapter 6: The Training Begins
Chapter 7: Izuku's Special
Venting Session (Discord)
Chapter 8: Roaring Muscles
Kenshi Jotaro
Update: Toshinko Fillers
Toshinko Filler 1
Chapter 9: A Journey Begins
Chapter 10: Class Reps and Conversations
Toshinko Date
Toru Hagakure
Chapter 11: Fight Training
One's Justice 2 Photo Mode Fun
Burning Rivalry! Izuku vs Katsuki!
Chapter 13: Making Friends
Chapter 14: Villain Attack!
Deku vs Hayate!
Chapter 15: Battle for The USJ
Chapter 16: All Might's Triumph/Ochako's Brave Confession
Chapter 17: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes
Ken x Momo moment
Toshinko Filler Chapter 2
Arcade Man in Jump Force
Power Stack: OFA Enhanced
Bonus Chapter 1
Jotaro vs Monoma!
Chapter 18: Moving Into The Dorms
Chapter 19: Moving Into The Dorms Part 2
Chapter 20: Sports Festival
Chapter 21: The Festival Begins
Chapter 22: Rock On 1-A! Rock and Roll Sports Show!
Chapter 23: The Fighting Rounds
New character
Chapter 24: The Rounds Continue
Toshinko Filler Chapter 3
Chapter 25: Fight For Your Dream!
Chapter 26: Midoriya vs Todoroki! Winds of Change!
Chapter 27: The Fated Finale! Deku vs Bakugou!
Q&A 1: Kenshi Jotaro
Bonus Chapter 2
When Inko Isnt Home
Chapter 28: Internships and Fighting Styles
Leo Sonders: Red Lion
Chapter 29: One with the Wind
Nearing 10k views!!!
Chapter 30: An "All Mighty" Session
Chapter 31: Training to be better
Kenmomo Selfie
Chapter 32: The Hero Killer and The Girl with Scars
Chapter 33: Returning Home
Power Stack Update
Chapter 34: Eri
Bonus Chapter 4: Eri Meets Class 1-A!
Chapter 35: Exam Prep Part 1
Chapter 36: Exam Prep Part 2
Chapter 37: Exams and Dinners
Chapter 38: Let'ss Get Physical
More One's Justice 2 fun
The Phantom Hero: Joker
Toshinko Filler Chapter 4
Chapter 39: A Friendly Warning
Update of an Update
Chapter 40: To I-Island!
Bonus Bakucamie Chapter
41: Lights, Camera, Action!
Power Stack+: Shoot Style!
Chapter 42: A Discovery
Chapter 43: Debut
Uravity to the rescue!
Tale 1: Kenshi and Momo
Tale 2: Logan
Tale 3: Kyouka
Tale 4: Mina
Tale 5: Izuku
Chapter 45: The Party (is over)
Chapter 46: Race to The Top!
Chapter 47: The Big Reveal
Chapter 48: Wolfram's Wrath
Bonus Chapter 5
Lineart dump
Chapter 49: The Summer Begins
Chapter 50: Training Camp Day 2
Chapter 51: Intense Ground
Dad Might and Mama Midoriya
Chapter 52: Dawn of Chaos
Chapter 53: Go Beyond!
Chapter 54: Ravalry in the Dark
Chapter 55: Betrayals and Reveals
Chapter 56: Exile's Plot!
The Symbol of Equality: Exile
Chapter 57: The Rescue Plan
Chapter 58: To The Rescue
Chapter 59: Battle of Kamino!
Omega Nomu
Chapter 60: One For All and All For One
Extra #1: Logan Hill Origins
Origins: Kenshi Jotaro
Creati's new costume
Leo Sonders: Origin

Chapter 44: The Preview

401 7 0
By BrandonWilliamson691

Chapter 44: The Preview

Izuku and Kenshi were headed to Melissa's lab, via her request. As It was located within the I-Academy campus. Melissa was giving them a tour of the campus. "This is where I spend a lot of my time," she explained. They stopped at a room. "And this is my laboratory."

She opened the door and, Izuku and Kenshi were looking at what could be considered as a scientist's paradise. Kenshi took a look around the area. "Wow, it looks professional," Kenshi stated while still looking around.

"You must be pretty lucky to study in a place like this," Izuku commented. He saw some trophies. "And you must be really smart," Izuku said.

"Well, I gotta be if I want my grades to be in top condition," Melissa said, "Plus it never hurts to hit the books."

"That's what Momo said when she helped me prepare for the final exam," Kenshi stated. As he remembered how Momo took him to the library after the sports festival and helped him to find new ways to use his quirk. He was really grateful for that day.

"If studying hard is the best way I can be a good hero, then study hard I shall," Melissa stated smiling. "You mean like a pro?" Izuku asked.

"No cause, I was diagnosed quirkless," Melissa said, "Mom and dad were pretty shocked about it, but I didn't worry. If I couldn't be a pro hero, I could be a hero another way; Through the work of science." Izuku smiled.

"I also have another dream, provided we create the teleportation equipment soon," Melissa said looking out into the sky, "I wanna share my inventions with other schools in Japan, like U.A." Izuku was surprised about that. "Really?" he asked. Melissa nodded.

"What's the point of having all this gear if there's nobody to share it with?" she asked, "I want my work to mean something and to matter to others. I mean, I have a few friends who take interest in my work, but they don't have the career like you do." She looked down to the floor.

"But at the same time, I don't wanna disappoint my parents by leaving them," Melissa said, "I just don't know what I should do, or what I should choose."

Kenshi approached her. "When I was growing up, my mother gave me the best advice ever," he said, "Be true to yourself. Wait for the right moment, but at the same time, don't throw away your shot. Eventually, your time will come, and you'll know what to do." Melissa smiled. "Oh yeah, I have some things for you two," she said, "Mei, follow me." "Got iiiiiiiit!" Hatsume said as she followed her.

The two went into what looked like a closet and returned a few minutes later, both holding a box. Melissa gave the yellow box to Kenshi while Izuku got the green one.

"Uhhh, what are these?" Izuku asked.

"These are support items, the yellow box has what we like to call the 'Thunder Gauntlets' while the green box has the 'Full Boots', they were made for you two of you specifically." Melissa explains.

"The Full Boots are activated by placing them on your shoes, they form a protective covering over them and allow for stronger kicks, we originally planned to make gauntlets for you as well but we thought that the boots might fit your new shoot style well. They increase your power output by reducing the energy lost when you use full cowling and almost doubles to strength." Mei explains as she attaches the 2 small devices near Izuku's ankles and presses a button on them. The devices expand and slowly start to cover Izuku's shins and feet in red and green armor.

"When we first met, I noticed the scars you had on your arms, and at the attraction, I noticed you were limiting yourself on purpose," Melissa explained, "So I thought your quirk is a bit too strong to handle." Izuku was surprised. "She figured it out," he said to himself.

"I made the boots very durable," she told him, "It should be able to handle the full power of your quirk up to 3 times.

"This is amazing, I don't know how to thank both of you." Izuku says.

"No need to thank us, just use the items and tell the world about our babies, simple right?." Mei tells the green-haired boy.

"Now the thunder gauntlet has a similar function but I based it off of the game I gave you earlier, Jojo."

"Oh yeah, Spellbreak!" Kenshi said, "That game was a blast haha."

"Anyway, the gauntlets are programmed to release thunder whenever a punch connects or can be used to deliver simple punches that can rival Uncle Might's punches. You can also use the gauntlets in sync with your quirk so spells from the game, the attacks and all that stuff can also be done. The activation is the same as the Full Boots and pressing the power button twice opens a holographic menu that you can use to switch between strength mode, thunderer mode and spell casting mode." Melissa explains, "There's a 4th mode that hasn't been tested yet so I advise not using it just yet."

"So what do you think of them!" Mei asked all excitedly.

Kenshi tried it on. "You really outdone yourself with this," Kenshi said.

"Well this baby was my idea," Hatsume said. Melissa pulled out something else for Kenshi.

"Oh and Kenshi, I noticed that your costume was getting a bit old after a lot of use, so I took it upon myself to make you a costume, so here you go. ArcadeMan 2.0."

Outside in the hall, Davis was secretly taking a few pics. "Once his girlfriend sees these, she'll have to dump him," he said, smirking.

Kenshi smiled. "Thank you, Melissa and Hatsume. I don't know what to say."

"Oh, there's no need to say anything to us, the design was all Momo. She came to us a few days ago and asked us to help you with your costume. We just made the design a reality. So if you want to thank anyone, thank her." Melissa tells the gamer hero.

The doors opened. "I am here!" All Might said, "Just checking on my niece like a professional hero." Melissa turned to look at him. "Perfect timing Uncle Might," Melissa said, "I was just showing Izuku and Jojo some new support items I developed."

"Support items eh?" All Might asked.

Izuku nodded. "It's something that can help me out with my Shoot Style technique," he explained, "This object is supposed to stop me from giving myself serious injuries." All Might smirked. "Believe it or not Izuku, I actually tried a support item for myself at one point," he explained. Izuku was surprised. "You used a support item?!" Izuku asked, "How the hell did I not know that?!"

All Might chuckled. "The gear was made so I could fight at 20-30% of my maximum power," All Might explained, "The main problem was it was too bulky and hard to move in. Had it been for mid to long-ranged fights, I probably would've been ok, but since I'm more of a close-ranged fighter, I ended up breaking it." He did a flex.

"And so I got rid of the tech and carried on with nothing more than my own strapping body!" he said, "While it is nice to reinforce yourself with support items, try not to rely on them too much. I've seen many heroes become unable to use their abilities if they lose their equipment." Izuku nodded. He then turned to All Might. "What do you say we have a sparring match for old times sake to test this gear out?" he asked.

All Might nodded. "Of course. It's been a minute since we last...." he managed to say before poofing back to his skinny form. "Oh shit....." Izuku said. "It's ok Izuku, I sort of knew about what happened with Uncle Might," Melissa said, "As to how, I'm not sure, but I know it was pretty serious."

Meanwhile, Kenshi was rushing to Momo's hotel room to show her the new gadgets he received. "Momo's gonna be amazed when she sees all of this," he said to himself. He made it to Momo's door and was about to knock. The door opened revealing Davis Barterman.

"Well, if it isn't the role thief," he said. Kenshi started to get concerned. "Where's Momo?" He asked. Davis just grinned at him, menacingly. "Why don't you come on in so we can discuss.... Your wrongdoings."

Later he was looking at a few photos of him with Melissa. Davis had a huge smirk on his face. "Wha.... Where the hell did you get these?!" he asked.

"Honestly I never would've suspected that you could perform these feats because you had a quirk," Davis said, "But that's not the only surprise I managed to find." He showed Momo a picture of Melissa kissing Kenshi. Momo was infuriated.

"Momo this isn't what it..." Kenshi began to say but was interrupted.

"What kind of loyal boyfriend keeps secrets from the woman he loves?" Davis asked. "Where did you even get all these photos from?" Kenshi asked, "It's super creepy and a complete...."

Davis socked him in the jaw and he fell. "Don't you go hypocritical on me!" he said, "Especially since you did me wrong by stealing MY spotlight as Jojo."

He went to Momo and put a 'comforting' arm around her. "As for you darling, you have my condolences, I know it's a lot to take in, seeing your boyfriend cheating on you with another woman, a woman from America no less," he said, "The show biz is tough."

Kenshi was worried about what would happen next. "Even someone like Kenshi Jotaro can't help himself," Davis said, "You think he's trustworthy until he cheats the first chance he gets." Momo smiled as she took Davis' arm. "Momo...." Kenshi said, heartbroken.

She then turned around and flipped him over, throwing him on his back. "For an actor, you're pretty pathetic," she said.

She took the photos and ripped them into pieces. "I can't believe you'd stoop so low just because I turned down your autograph," she said. Davis was shocked by this.

"And are you really bothered by the fact that Kenshi has a moment to shine in your so-called debut?" Momo asked keeping a calm and collective tone, "You're a talented actor and yet you're also insecure. That's why I think you're pathetic."

Davis stuck to his little lie. "Wait a second!" he snapped, "You're gonna ignore obvious proof that your boyfriend's a cheater?!"

"It's not proof because he's not a cheater!" Momo said as she helped Kenshi stand up, "I'm sure there's a good reason why Melissa was kissing him." "There sure is, Momo," Kenshi said. Kenshi smiled knowing that Momo was still on his side.

"Now if you're done, then will you please get out of my hotel room?" Momo politely asked.

"I'm gonna tell the whole world that you were using your quirk unauthorized!" Davis said, "Once they hear about it, you'll never get your shot at being a pro..."

Kenshi, finally having enough, stood up to Davis. "You should realize that I was given a special pass to use my quirk. Now look, even after what happened today, I'll always admire you for your acting career," he said, "But you'd best get outta here before I'm forced to pummel you to a face." "Listen buster, I tell you what to do," Davis said, "Not the other way...." Kenshi pushed Davis to a wall and raised his fist ready to pummel him.

"Not the face!" he said. "Now for the last time Barterman, get the (bleep) out!" Kenshi said. Davis leaves the room, pissed off at the couple.

Later, Kenshi was resting his head on Momo's lap, tired from the events that happened. "Now, Mr. Kenshi, would you mind explaining the photos? I know you didn't cheat on me but I'm just curious."

"Oh, you remember the car chase from earlier, er..... well, Deku missed a missile and it hit a building and some debris hit Melissa who apparently, was following us in a Jetpack and I jumped in to save her so later on during the car ride she kissed me as a "reward"." Kenshi explained as he got more and more nervous.

Momo started to laugh as she pulled Kenshi into a hug. "Relax Kenshi, Melissa already told me about it and it's alright." Kenshi sighed in relief.

Meanwhile, Davis was outside raging at his failure. "I don't care if you're a student at a good hero school or the Prime Minister of Japan," Davis said, "You DON'T disrespect me! I'm better than you, I'm rich, and I'm famous, and people like you should be on their knees kissing my ass!" Hayate, who overheard Davis' ranting appeared behind him.

"I'll show him what happens when you cross the line against a Class-A actor," he shouted. "Perhaps I could be of assistance," Hayate said. Davis looked behind him and saw a man with blond hair and red eyes. "I can help you get your role back, if you do as I say," Hayate continued, "We're short on some hands for a heist, and someone as like you just might fit the bill on what kind of hired help we need." Davis smirked. "Just tell me what you need."

Uh oh, looks like Hayate is cooking up some trouble! What dastardly deeds is he plotting? And who's his boss? Tune in and find out! Meanwhile, I have some new support items to share!

First off, we have the Full Boots, which were made specifically for Izuku. When Izuku discovers that Power Stack not only enhances his speed when channeled to his legs, but also his strength, he decides to use this to his advantage. After seeing him in action during the villain attraction, Melissa decides to team up with Mei Hatsume and create a support item to help him harness and control the output of Power Stack+. This also prevents Izuku from damaging his legs swhen using powerful attacks. Even though they look heavy, they are made light so Izuku can still run at his usual fast speeds. With these bad boys on, he should be able to handle the full power of Power Stack and OFA combined for a total of 3 times.

Next we have the Thunder Gauntlets which were made for Kenshi. Based on the gauntlets from Spellbreak, this gauntlet allows Kenshi to shoot projectiles of thunder to keep opponents on their toes. This is also useful for melee attacks and can also throw punches similar to a All Might. There is also a fourth mode which was untested, so Melissa advised not using it yet. With this item equipped, Kenshi will bring the thunder!


(Sorry for the constant uploading and deleting. I was having some difficulty with the images and stuff)

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