Blood Trail

By Wolf_gang545

187 11 3

Izutoga VillanDeku and everything else you would ever need More

Quirk test part 1

187 11 3
By Wolf_gang545

??????:Why...........Why me...........I never did ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! to deserve this.

Narrator: *Flash back to 11 years ago*

Narrator:80% of the world had quirks it was very rare for someone to not manifest a quirk by the age of four tho some were late bloomers now we start with a boy named Izuku Midoriya who is on his way to quirk doctor with his mom(Inko Midoriya) in the car.

Izuku: Mom!! Mom!! Mom!! what quirk do you think i will get!!!!!.

Inko: Idk,but lets hope you get a strong one so you can be just like all might!.

Narrator: As soon as the car stopped Izuku rushed out of the car and ran into the hospital trying to find the doctor completely leaving Inko in the dust when Inko caught up with him they both sat down in the waiting room waiting to be called

Speaker:Inko Midoriya pls go to Mr.Goggles office for your appointment.

Narrator: *They both walk to Mr.Goggles office but on the way Izuku notices a cute girl around his age being scolded for her quirk.They both stared at each other for a moment and Izuku looks at her features she was wearing a tiny school uniform,golden eyes with cat like pupils,feline teeth,and two oddly shaped buns in her hair,but before he could think of anything else his arm was pulled by his mother and told him they had to hurry or they would miss their appointment when they finally got there the quirk doctor spoke to them.

Quirk doctor: alright so

Name:Izuku Midoriya


Blood type: O

Quirk:Blood Leak

Inko: Sir may you explain what his quirk does.

Quirk Doctor:Well basically he can drain someones blood from their body until they are unconscious or if he wanted too he could keep going until they die which would take him about 5 seconds and the more blood he drains the stronger he gets like his agility,strength,and his intelligence.The weird thing is his quirk doesn't have a drawback like other quirks so he could basically just kill us all if he wanted to.

Inko: wtf................OMG IZUKU YOUR GONNA BE A HERO I'M SO PROUD OF YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Izuku:Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm going to be just like All might!!!!!!!

Narrator:Time skip 1 day.Izuku is on his way to the park to meet his bestfriend kacchan (Katsuki Bakugo).

Izuku:Hey Kacchan!!!!!!

Bakugo: oi Deku i went to the quirk doctor and they said i had a awesome quirk it's called explosion bet yours ain't better than mine.

Izuku:yeah..................but my quirk is called blood trail *explains the abilities of his quirk*

Narrator:Izuku looked up after he was done explaining he expected to see eyes full of kindness and honor but to his disappoint he was talking to Bakugo so when he looked up the only thing he saw was eyes full of hatred,disgust,and fear.He was about to ask why kacchan looked up at him that way but was cut off by him saying this.


Narrator:All the people at the park turn their heads around to see what was going on.Izuku turned his head towards kacchan with a questioning look but before he could say anything rocks,food,and other things was thrown at him.He looked to see who was doing it but before he could say anything kacchan hit izuku with his quirk and izuku fell unconscious.

Narrator: Time skip 5 hours

Narrator: Izuku woke up on the pebbles of the playground with pain all over his body he looked at his body and saw bruises,cuts,and his bloody nose before he fainted. *Unbeknownst to him two yellow eyes was watching him from the bushes*.

635 words yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!! i will be uploading daily if i don't upload by tomorrow then i'm probably dead also i didn't create the art props to whoever did it good job(also the characters and stuff belongs to Kohei Horikoshi props to him if you didn't watch the anime before reading won't be able to understand none of this.

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