
By kyngsisland

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When Luz finally leaves the Boiling Isles, Amity's newfound loneliness drives her to make a drastic and poten... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

7.1K 147 152
By kyngsisland

The tree was beautiful this time of year.

The leaves, which were usually a delicate, pale pink, were fading to a faint lavender as autumn approached the Boiling Isles, and as Amity watched their frail outlines, a few detached themselves from their branch and spiraled slowly to the ground. The grass around the bottom of the trunk was already littered with the purple leaves, and the dusk sunlight caught them through the branches of the tree and made the color even more radiant.

The whole thing was very romantic, Amity thought. That is, if she had anyone to be romantic here with.

But I never told her. And now it's too late.

She could still see the portal in her mind's eye. No, not just the portal- she could see Luz too, and the strangely regretful yet relieved expression Luz had worn as she'd disappeared behind the wall of blinding white light. She could see Eda and Lilith out of her peripheral vision, both surprisingly wiping tears out of their eyes. Willow and Gus had been there too, both barely keeping their composure. Even Amity's siblings had joined in the goodbyes, and even they had seemed sad.

But Amity knew none of them were even close to being as devastated as she was.

In a burst of annoyance, she distractedly kicked a tree branch that lay at her feet. "Now she's gonna go back to being a normal human, and she'll forget all about me," she muttered to herself. "She'll probably find another girl who's prettier than I am that she'll like more than she could have ever liked me. 'Amity Blight? Who's Amity Blight? Never heard of her,'" she mimicked.

She let out a long exhale and felt her shoulders slump. She couldn't force herself to be mad at Luz. Luz had done what Luz had needed to do.

She's got a life outside of me.

But for five months, Luz had been Amity's world.

After Emperor Belos had destroyed the portal to the human realm, Luz had broken the news to Amity that her return home was delayed indefinitely. It had been hard for Amity to not be overjoyed. She knew she shouldn't have been- that Luz had a life, a family, back home- but the prospect of spending possibly forever with the girl she might have been crushing on just a little bit made her so happy she thought her excitement would blow a hole through the roof. She began daydreaming up ways to confess her feelings for Luz- it wouldn't be so pointless if Luz wasn't going to leave.

But Luz's magic grew stronger as she spent more time training. Even Eda and Lillith quickly got the hang of their new way of doing magic, and soon they were as powerful as they'd been before the Petrification. With more strength, however, came new discoveries, and with new discoveries came new magic, and that had all culminated the day Eda had found a way to create a portal to Luz's realm by herself.

The three days after that discovery had flown by fast as a griffon. None of it had felt real- Luz? Leaving? Nah, this is just some weird dream- so Amity had gone about her business as normal, ignoring the packed bags that began to pile up in Luz's room whenever she visited. She went about things as normal, that is, until just an hour ago, when she'd been forced to say goodbye and the reality of it all hit her like some sort of freakishly strong spell. Luz was going away, and she was not coming back.

And now Amity was here.

She didn't know why she'd chosen to come here. Any other place would probably have hurt less. Of course, it wasn't like there was a single location on the Boiling Isles that didn't remind her of Luz, but the Grom tree was probably the worst of all, since she and Luz had created it together. Regardless, as soon as she'd left the Owl House, she found her steps taking her through the woods, up the cliff, and down memory lane. Maybe a corner of her subconscious couldn't handle the memory of Luz's departure, so she wanted to surround herself with good memories instead of bad.

Maybe if she didn't have these memories, she wouldn't be hurting as much.

Inhaling shakily and trying to keep the lump in her throat under control, Amity took a step towards the tree and rested one hand on the trunk. The bark felt strangely smooth, and when Amity clenched her fist and pressed her forehead against the tree she finally let her tears fall.


She didn't know why she was talking. Luz couldn't hear her.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

A sob escaped her throat.

"I'm sorry I never got to tell you the truth."

And another.

"Please don't forget about me."

She dug her fingernails into the tree bark and let herself quietly cry until she was totally drained. She could hear the dusk wind whistling through the branches of the tree, the only sound that accompanied her tears. She knew she wasn't a pretty crier. She was glad that Luz had never really seen her cry, unless she counted the Covention disaster, but she'd been careful there to not show the human her true emotions. But then again, Luz- selfless, steadfast, affectionate Luz- probably wouldn't have cared anyway. If anything, she wouldn't have left Amity's side until Amity felt better, speaking in soft tones and giving her gentle hugs until her witch friend had recovered.

The idea only made the tears come harder.

Only when her chest was heaving for breath and her eyes were sore did Amity step away from the tree.

"I knew I wouldn't gain anything by coming here," she whispered. Again she wondered who she thought was listening. It certainly wasn't Luz, and... if it wasn't Luz, what did it really matter? The clifftop was empty anyway. Amity was the only one in sight.

A cold breeze wafted across the back of Amity's neck.

Oh, Amity. I'm always listening.

At the sound of the familiar voice, goosebumps erupted all over Amity's skin and she stumbled backwards, nearly tripping over another long twig. "Who's there?" she snapped hoarsely. Were her ears playing tricks on her, or...

You poor, poor thing. The voice seemed to be coming from everywhere at once, and it echoed eerily around her. You really miss me so much, don't you? To see you in such a state is just... heartbreaking.

"Wait." Another chill wreathed around Amity's legs and she shuddered again. "Me...?"

That's right, the voice replied.


I am.

Then something shifted. The huge roots of the tree began to shake. The ground around the tree cracked and split, and a thick black mist emanated all around it. The wind picked up and Amity found herself frantic.

"What's going on?" she shouted, though she couldn't hear herself over the increasingly raging wind. "I don't understand! Luz?"

The ground split between Amity's feet and she leapt backwards to avoid being swallowed up by the chasm. Her heart beat faster as she watched branches and leaves spiral into the darkness. "Luz, where are you?"

I'm right here.

The storm stopped just as quickly as it had started. The ground ceased its shaking, the wind stopped blowing, and silence once again enveloped the clifftop. The only sign of damage to the tree was the fault that extended a few yards from the trunk which Amity had narrowly escaped.

As she watched, the same dark mist rose from the crack and began to shape itself into something- no, someone- familiar. "You're not Luz," Amity said shakily as the mist creature took a step towards her. The outline of the creature was recognizable- the tufty hair, the thin frame, the way it held itself... but it was just so off.

Wish hard enough and anything can happen, it said.

"I know you," whispered Amity. Horror was beginning to dawn on her. She didn't have anyone to defend her this time- and this creature had returned. It was on the loose and Luz wasn't there to be her fearless champion. "You're Grometheus. You're the Fear Bringer."

Ah, but not as you last saw me. The Fear Bringer's wide white eyes glimmered- with what, Amity couldn't tell. It wasn't malice. It wasn't revenge. Its expression was almost... nostalgic? Bored? Whatever it was, it was a strange look to see on a nightmare monster. As she examined it further, she could see subtle differences in the way this Grom stood as compared to her previous confrontation. Its outline was fainter, its movement less deliberate. Was it... weakened?

Perhaps it was trying to fool her. "I don't want to fight you," Amity said bravely.

I am not here to fight.

Amity snorted. "What? Like you'd be here to do anything else?"

I am not strong enough to fight, Grom insisted. But I sensed that you are in terror. It gave me enough strength to break free of that... wooden prison. But I cannot harm you in this state.

"Then what do you want from me?"

Fear. Yours, especially. The creature leaned forward slightly as if to absorb the terror that Amity was sure had to be radiating from her body. There is so much of it. It could make me stronger. I could break free before the year is up. All the Isles could be mine. A faint, shadowy smile formed on its face. All thanks to that strange little being you call Luz. After all, you think she'll forget you. You're terrified that she'll forget you.

Amity opened her mouth to rebuke the creature, but she found herself unable to lie.

Struck a chord, I see. Grom's smile grew wider.

"No. No." Amity shook her head. "I- I can't be responsible for this. I won't be responsible for this. I would never let myself unleash a creature like you onto my home." She pointed at the chasm as if she were talking to a disobedient dog. "Go away. You don't need anything from the Isles."

Well, it's not like you just stop being scared, Grom pointed out. Unless you have Luz back, you will always be terrified that she will forget. Unless you forget her, too.

As if she had been physically struck, Amity flinched back. "I would never forget Luz."

Another fear, I see. And... is that a third I sense, buried underneath all the others? A fear of... me? Of what I'll do to you?

"Stop that." Still, she couldn't bring herself to lie.

Grom pretended to muse for a moment. Well, now that I think about it, I suppose there is something you could do to get Luz back. It would certainly be entertaining to watch you try, anyway. And if you fail... perhaps then your terror for the future would be enough to allow me to break free. I like the odds.

Amity didn't. But the prospect of getting Luz back was enticing. Knowing that she'd do anything for Luz scared her even more. Was her devotion a good thing, or a bad thing?

What do you think, Amity Blight?

"I don't understand what you're asking me," Amity said bluntly. "Is this some kind of trade with the Titan type thing? With a climactic handshake and then the reveal that you were just trying to kill me all along and that I just signed my life away?"

I can't tell you now, Grom replied. But if you agree, I'll help you return to Luz. And if you don't return to Luz... the Isles are as good as mine. Is that a chance you're willing to take? An arm for an arm? A friend for an end?

Amity hesitated. She spent a long moment considering the creature's proposal.

Luz or lose.

Then she remembered her goodbye. The devastation that tore through her chest as she watched Luz disappear. The regret that nearly choked her with the tempting aura of lost chances.

Her dance with Luz that had contained this monster until Amity's fear set it free.

She'd gotten herself into this mess. She knew it was her job to get her- and Luz- out.

She lifted her chin determinedly. "I'll do it."

Perfect, the monster hissed. Almost immediately it began to disintegrate into mist, flowing back into the chasm it had created. As it disappeared, it whispered one last strange thing to Amity.

Check your pockets.

As the earth beneath her magically closed up again, Amity reached into the pocket of her cloak and pulled out a shiny golden key.

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