NOT SHORT, but cringe stories

By EdibleSnek

2.8K 24 8

Sooooo These are not short but CRINGE stories about well uh anything Could be my oc's, could be a remake of a... More

Intro because i have to write one for the book to publish
Oh, Wise Impostor of the Vent.. (pt1)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, expect..
Ash, Brock and Misty save Bruno's Pokémon (Part 2)
Ash, Brock and Misty save Bruno's Pokémon (FINAL PART)
Oh, Wise Impostor of the Vent.. (pt2)
Game Freak's Office
UB-00: Virus
Ghetsis-Genesect AU thing
Hoenn Catastrophe
Pokémon Radio Show
The Girl and the Steelix
"Who Are You REALLY?" - Terraria
"The Hunt for Rayquaza"
wall of flesh being sassy for as long as this chapter lasts

Ash, Brock and Misty save Bruno's Pokémon (Part 1)

175 2 0
By EdibleSnek

Ok so this is kinda based on the anime episode "To Master the Onixpected"

Well, only the first 10 minutes anyways. That's literally the only part of I watched.

Anyways let's begin this is probably gonna be a long story..


Ash and Brock were sat watching the TV, as Elite 4 Bruno sent out his Hitmonchan. They cheered at the sight of it, until the TV suddenly turned off. "Hey what's the deal?" Ash asked. He turned to see Misty holding the remote. "Couch Potatoes. C'mon, get some exercise or something."

Brock raised his hand as if he had an objection and yelled "Hey! Listen! We were watching Bruno to see his skills in battle, so Ash could try learn his tactics!"
"Yeah!" Ash played along.
Misty hummed "Yeah right, now get outside I'm coming too."

They both sighed after a mission failed, and packed their bags and headed out.

They went up the mountains, when Ash suddenly asked "Misty, why here? There are so many places to go yet you choose here?"
"Stop whining, it helps you with exercise. Anyways there's a village up ahead so we can take a rest there."
"Thank Arceus." Said Brock, as they continued their little journey.

Misty was correct, there was a small village nearby. Luscious green grass swayed in the wind, waiting to get eaten by the many Tauros that inhabited the area.

They settled near an old shack, where an elderly lady was now living. She introduced the three to the area.

"Over the mountain is where lots and lots of massive Onix live. They may be large but they are gentle as can be."
Brock was fascinated, he'd never heard of massive Onix before but was excited to meet one, especially hearing how gentle they were.
"Wow, really?" Misty asked.
"Sounds boring, I wish I was back home watching Bruno."
Misty and Brock gave him a look. "Oh come on, you too Brock?"
"Bruno of the elite 4?" The lady asked.
"Yup, that's him."
"Oh, he trains two Onix you know. He is a fighting type trainer but since there isn't many fighting types in Kanto he's had to use Onix on his team instead. In fact, he used to train around this area."
Everyone gasped.
"Wait really?"
"That's so cool!" Ash exclaimed. Misty sighed.

"Hey, can we check out the massive Onix?" Brock asked.
"Of course! Just go to where you came from and carry on going up the path, you should find them."
"Thanks! We'll head there now!"
"Wait what-"
Before Misty could finish, Brock had grabbed both her and Ash by the necks and dragged them up the mountain with him.

"We're gonna go all the way up there?" Ash asked, sighing.
"Don't you wanna see massive Onix?"
"No, not really." Misty continued.
"Aw come on, I'm sure it'll be worth it."
"Ugh.." the two chanted.

Finally they got to the top, but not a single Onix in sight.
"'It'll be worth it' you said, 'massive Onix' you said.." Ash sighed. Brock gulped. "Maybe there isn't any Onix. Whoops."
"Hey what's THAT?" Misty asked. The two looked at where she was pointing and saw a massive trail, wide enough to fit 12 Tauros in! How long was it? It looked endless. They gasped. "What could have made it?" Brock asked.

They dropped down onto the trail and walked South a bit. They looked around, inspecting the area, seeing if they could find an answer.

Suddenly Misty heard something unusual. "What's that noise?" She asked.
"What noise? I don't hear anything." Ash said.
"Hey wait a second, I do." Brock continued.

It was a muffled sound, coming from behind a nearby rock. The three stared at it. "The hell?" Misty asked.
"Oi shut it, someone will hear you." A voice commanded.

The three stared at it even harder. "HEY!" Misty finally yelled.
"Misty stop it!"

The voice paused, but the muffling continued. Brock sent out his Onix to try take a peak behind the rock. That scared the guy, as he shoved something in a sack and ran off down a path.

Ash ran towards the rock but stopped as he would fall off the edge if he took another step.

They guy was wearing all black, expect for a few grey bits on him. Ash stared at him until he was out of sight.

"What was THAT?" Misty asked. Brock looked at Onix who was pulling a face of shock. "I think Onix knows."
Brock returned Onix to the pokeball, when suddenly the ground began to shake, as if an Earthquake had started. "What n-n-NOW?" Ash asked. In the distance, a massive Onix came charging.

The Onix got closer, as Ash yelled "BEHIND THE ROCK!"

They ducked behind just in time, as the Onix zoomed past, leaving a pile of dust everywhere. The three coughed a bit, and got back up.
"Gentle? Those things are anything but gentle! Anyways, We should get out of here before another one comes." Misty advised.
"Right." Brock and Ash chanted, as the three ran up the path and back to where they were.

Suddenly Ash's phone rang, as he picked it up and saw his Mother calling him. "Hello?" He asked.
"Ash honey, Dinner is ready. Tell Brock and Misty to come along if you can. See you in 10!"
"Oh, bye."
He put the phone down.
"Who was it?" Brock asked.
"My mum, she said Dinner's ready."
"Thank Arceus, I'm starving."

The three got back home, thinking long and hard of what they just witnessed. They sat down at the table and Delia asked "what's wrong with you three? You seem so dedicated to something."
"We just saw something really strange today." Brock answered.
"Yeah, and almost got trampled by a massive Onix." Misty added, sighing.

"Oh you three, you can get up to the wildest things in such a short period of time." Delia laughed, as she picked up Ash and Brock's empty plates and brought them too the kitchen.

"Hey Brock, wanna watch more of Bruno?" Ash asked, as Misty rolled her eyes.
"Hell yeah, come on!" Brock exclaimed, as the two headed inside.
"Honestly, boys.." Misty said to herself quietly.

Ash turned the TV on and was happy too see Bruno's face on screen, but he looked concerned. "Ladies and gents, I hate too say this, but I have bad news for you."
"Oh no! What happened?" Ash asked, as if he was talking to Bruno in person. Brock turned up the volume to hear what Bruno was saying better.

"Not only have I broken my leg, but my Hitmonchan has gone MISSING!"

The two gasped, and Misty rushed in from inside. "Did I just hear that?" She asked, a look of worry on her face.
"The fact that he broke his leg and that his Hitmonchan is missing? Yes, yes you did." Brock said. Misty did a small gasp.

"That happened quickly, we were only gone for half an hour or something." Ash added.
"You know, you have a point. It did happen all pretty quickly." Misty agreed.
Suddenly, Brock had a realisation. "Wait.. do you think.."
"What?" Misty and Ash said in union.
"..that the muffled noise, and thing the guy shoved in the bag, was Bruno's Hitmonchan?"

They stared at him in disbelief. " know that could be possible." Misty said.
"OH NO!" Ash yelled "we gotta find him QUICK! We can't let Bruno down like this!"

Suddenly Delia came in "what's all this noise about? What happened?"
"I'm sorry mum, we gotta go save Bruno's Pokemon!" Ash yelled.
"Sorry Mrs. Ketchum, we'll try be back as soon as possible." Misty apologised.
"It's fine, you can go look for them. Just stay safe, ok?"
"We will, Ash's Mum." Brock confirmed.
"Good, now I'll be in the kitchen whilst you pack." With that, she walked off to carry on cleaning the dishes.

10 minutes later, all packed up and ready, the trio were ready to leave.
"But wait." Misty said "we don't know if the guy had Hitmonchan, that's just what we're assuming. Maybe he doesn't."
"Well, Onix saw what happened. Maybe we could ask him to tell us." Brock advised.
"Oh, and how will we do THAT?" Misty asked, giving him a look. Brock started to sweat a bit "uhh..."

Suddenly, Officer Jenny drove by. "OFFICER WAIT!" Ash called. She stopped in his command, and turned her motorcycle around and headed towards the three. She stopped right in front of them. "What's wrong? I have to go help Bruno with his broken leg right now, is it ok if I help you later?" She asked.
"No Officer, we think we know where his Hitmonchan is." Brock said.
"Wait Bruno is here-" Ash asked silently.
"Oh, really? Tell me where and I'll have a look later."
"No Officer you don't understand, we'll have a look, but we need you to lend us a translator." Brock continued.
"Oh, sorry, I don't have one on me right now. But please, do tell me where he is soon, I'll be in the Pokemon Centre!"
She drove off.
"Come find me there!"

Ash sighed "where are we supposed to find a translator? Those things are expensive!"
Misty thought for a moment. "You know, I have an idea. Let me tell you the plan."


Team Rocket were in the bushes, plotting their next scheme. No, not a scheme to steal Pokemon. A scheme to get something to eat.

"Aye'm hungrey.." Meowth complained, patting his grumbling stomach.
"We all are, so that's why we're trying to find a way to get free food!" Jessie yelled.
"Sowwy, just sayin'"
Suddenly, James heard the noise of something other than his stomach and Jessie's voice.

The voice an electric mouse.

"Hey, the twerp's Pikachu is nearby!" He exclaimed, doing a small happy dance. Jessie stared at him in disbelief. "How do you know? You don't even have the Rocket Goggles on you!" She said. But suddenly, she heard Pikachu's voice and knew what James was on about.

"Ok, screw food, we have a little prize to claim."
"Aww, really? Aye was jus' thinkin' of playces to get food from!"
"Shut it, Meowth, I'm concentrating."

Ash and Pikachu were causing a distraction, since the translator they were after was Team Rocket's Meowth. Misty and Brock were below the tree the trio were in, waiting for them to get out.

Jessie grabbed Meowth and jumped out of the tree, James following close after. They ran towards the Pikachu until something caught Meowth and Jessie stopped in her tracks.

Misty had pinned Meowth too the floor, Jessie and James staring in disbelief. "What is this, Opposite Day? What's going on?" James asked.

Brock let his Onix out. "Listen, we aren't here to steal Meowth or anything. We just want him to translate something for us."

"An' why should Aye do dat?" Meowth said, trying to get out of Misty's wrath.
"Hey Misty don't go too far-" Ash said in the background.
Jessie and James still stared at their surroundings in utter confusion.

"Anyways, Onix tell Meowth what you saw."
Onix explained everything to Meowth, who was having to listen for the sake of his 9 lives not going down to 8.

Misty released pressure off Meowth so he could talk, but still pinned him down. "Alright, what did he say?"

"He says he saw a Hitmonchan bein' shoved into a bayg with somethin' whyte over it's mouth."
"So it WAS Bruno's Hitmonchan!" Ash exclaimed.

"Bruno's Hitmonchan? What?" Jessie asked. Misty let go of Meowth and rushed off with her friends "Not important!"


"That's horrible!" Officer Jenny exclaimed. "Do you think you could find him?"
"Of course, Officer, we'll do anything!" Ash confirmed.
"Thank you so much you three, please, take my number and call me if anything happens." She said as she passed Misty a sheet of paper with her phone number on.
"Of course Officer, I'll call you right away." Misty said.
"Thank you, and good luck from me and Bruno!"


They rushed off too where they were before, back at the rock, where they almost got trampled. But more importantly, where the kidnapping happened.

"We better move quick, I don't want to get run over by one of those massive Onix's." Misty said. "Well he went down the path behind the rock, so we may as well go there too." Brock suggested.
"Good idea, now come on, let's get Bruno's Hitmonchan back!"


Yo. I'm not even half way through the story yet. I am on 2085 words. Did you read all of this? Probably not. Enjoy anyways. Part 2 coming out like in half an hour or something I'm fucking addicted.

Ok see you in half an hour ig

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