❤️Love isn't a Deal ( an amou...

By Shweta2704

2.7K 77 63

"i will give up everything for you , let's leave all this and start a new life ,only you and me " (All right... More

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❤️Cast ❤️
1 .my life is different.
3.The unluckiest person ever
4. the caged Bird
5. A Fashion crime
6.I want to quit
7. Buy 1 get 1 free

2.you will pay for it .

257 10 6
By Shweta2704

Serena's POV

I let out a small sigh out of tiredness. Walking and walking ,i hear a sound of vehicle beside me , A car heading in a fast speed.before I process in my mind what is going on ,I look down at my favourite pink dress now stained due to mud ,possibly due to the stupid car which was going in a such fast speed as if the person inside the car was missing his train .

I let out a an annoyed groan as I angrily walk towards the car which was parked at the edge of the road.I see a young boy possibly of my age step out of the car door. He had messy Raven hair , hazel eyes ,tanned skin ,and was tall and well built ."he seems the driver" ,I say to particularly no one .I angrily walk towards him. "Excuse me"I say sounding as calm as I can but I get no answer ,I again try to get the attention of the guy who was now speaking on phone "Excuse me "i say this time a little louder,still no response ."EXCUSE ME MR ARROGANT I AM TALKING TO YOU"i say ,no practically yell at him. He turns to look at me ,he places his phone down from his ears.

"I am sorry miss but I don't have time to sign autographs"he says in an arrogant tone. I immediately get angry by his statement. "Oh hello !!Nobody wants your autograph here , Apologise to me now "I said trying keeping myself calm. "And why would I exactly apologise to you miss ?"he questions me raising his one eyebrow. "Dont act innocent,you ruined my dress by driving your stupid car at super speed "I say ."Ohh I see, you know what miss ,I think it's your fault you should have walked properly "he says smirking. Ahh he is starting to get on my nerves now ,Ahh I have an idea, I smirk.

"Hey you driver,don't try to mess up with me I-I work a-at Ketchum estates".As soon as those words escape my mouth I see his expression turning into horror ,yes my plan is working I think jumping from joy in my mind. "I am sorry miss ,I am really sorry please forgive me mam , please"he says with a sad expression. I guess I overreacted ,I should forgive him hmm"It's ok now I have to go to my inte-I mean my job .I say as I leave the place and start walking , fastening my pace as I wasted a lot of time here .

Ash's POV

What does she even think about her stupid self ,she dares to call me stupid and driver ." you will pay for it miss ,you messed up with a wrong person "I say smirking at Myself as I watch her leave .


Serena's POV

"Yes !I am finally here" .I sigh with relief. I am currently standing in front of Ketchum estates ,one of the biggest fashion companies .god please let me get this job I really really need this please ,I pray to god one last time before entering the building.

As soon as I entered the building my jaw dropped in awe as I see around .The office is really systematic ,crimson-biege walls and white ceiling ,with various decorative tube lights ,neatly arranged desks and neatly dressed employees, everything about this office is perfect . Suddenly a feeling of nervousness arose in my body as I look around the office .No worries Serena you can do this ,I assure myself and proceed to walk towards the reception .

"Hello" I greet her "Yes how may I help you Miss?"She asks me .I smile at her "I am here for job interview if you could help me with that "I reply ."Ohh yes yes Boss is taking interview by himself today ,you can go to 2nd floor from staircase and turn Right and walk straight "she replies ."Thankyou so much" I say as I make my way to the staircase .

"Ohh what about this stained dress "I sigh what to do now,going to an interview with a stained dress will make a bad impression,I think to myself But soon get an idea .I remove the scarf from my neck and tie it around my waist neatly in order to hide the stains .And the scarf seems to do it's job perfectly .I smile as I proceed to the second floor


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"I don't want this job "I say pissed of at my luck ."Ohh are you really sure Miss Serena Yvnone that you don't need this job?"he asks smirking .



Haa finally done ,this is the longest chapter I have written until now with 790 words .if you like the story so far then please vote and comment 😊.
And also forgive me for any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Thankyou for reading ❤️

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