
By RavenStarlight_

4.7K 294 108

"Hello? Is anyone here? Someone, answer me!" "There is no one here, Marinette." "There is only you... And us... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

198 13 9
By RavenStarlight_

Marinette woke up to thousands of text messages and missed calls from Alya. She quickly went through most of the messages before she registered the fact that she was late for school... again.

Marinette quickly jumped down from her bed and ran into the washroom. One quick shower later, Marinette climbed up the steps to school while running her hairbrush through her messy bed head.

"Well, look who it is! My favourite person, Marinette Dupain Cheng. I mean, seriously? Why even show up at school if you're going to be late?" Laughed Chloé with Sabrina tailing her.

"Because some of us don't have servants at every beck and call." Grumbled Marinette tying her hair in her pigtails.

Usually, Marinette would slip into class, unnoticed but this time, it was different. One, because she had woken up when the others were halfway through the first period and two, the class was conducted by Miss Mendeleiev.

"Marinette! Late again, I see. Straight to the principal's office!" Ordered Miss Mendeleiev pointing her marker towards the door.

"Marinette sighed while Chloé snickered. Marinette backed out of the classroom and closed the door behind her as she walked along the hallway to Mr Damocles's office.

"We really got to work on getting you early to school." Sighed Tikki popping her head out of the side bag.

"What can I do, Tikki? Last night's patrol took way longer than necessary and Chat didn't show up because he was sick. We were lucky that we did not have an Akuma attack last night."

Adrien had actually been sick last night. But to be precise, it was his heart that was sick. He didn't show up at school either, too scared to face Marinette. But he knew that he could not stay at home in the midst of an Akuma attack. So, he was prepared for the worst.

He had all the things necessary if he had to sneak out of his house under his bed. And by that, Adrien only had a few body pillows and Mr Banana's banana costume.

"Adrien... You really need to upgrade your skills." Sighed Plagg settling on top of Adrien's computer.

"Oh? And you have better skills?" Asked Adrien folding his arms.

"Allow me to introduce Adrien's sneak-out masterplan 3000!" Cried Plagg throwing his arms in the air.

"You were waiting for me to ask you that, right?" Questioned Adrien facepalming himself.

"It's much more effective, efficient and foolproof! It also makes you look less like an idiot!" Shouted Plagg completely ignoring what Adrien had said.

"Oh, yeah? And what is it?"

"You just have to drag your pitiful butt back to school and act like a real gentleman instead of a scaredy alley cat!"

Adrien sat on his bed completely shocked. He had never heard Plagg utter anything close to a helpful suggestion and now, Plagg was ordering Adrien to get back to school.

"Now this is why I don't share my wisdom with anyone." Muttered Plagg taking a closer look at Adrien's shocked face.

"Adrien?" Asked Plagg now concerned for the boy. 

But he did not receive a response from the boy that sat on the bed.

"Oh, look! It's Marinette!" Shouted Plagg.

"What?! Where?! Do I look okay? No! I'm a mess! Plagg!" Wailed Adrien falling for Plagg's trick.

When Adrien realised that Plagg had been joking, he snatched the kwami out of the air and poked the little black kitten in the stomach.

"But you're right. I should get back to school." Sighed Adrien shouldering his bag and heading out of the Agreste manor after informing Natalie.

Adrien got down at school and walked across the courtyard just as Marinette walked out of the classroom. Adrien noticed that she was stressed by her body posture and she seemed to be talking to herself. 

"Hey, Marinette!" Shouted Adrien in hopes of catching the girl's attention.

Marinette's head snapped up as she tried to locate the source of the voice she very well knew and loved.

"Chat...?" Whispered Marinette searching back and forth.

"Down here!" Called the same voice again and Marinette looked down onto the courtyard only to find Adrien looking up at her.

The disappointment in her eyes was very clear as she had expected her kitty to be waiting for her.

"Oh. Hey, Adrien." Waved Marinette still not sure why she had confused Adrien with Chat Noir.

"Where are you going?" Asked Adrien jogging up the steps to join Marinette.

Adrien stopped right in front of the girl and the blush that now coated his cheeks was very well evident. 

"I was late for class and Miss Mendeleiev asked me to go to the principal's office. Not much of a surprise there." Sighed Marinette adjusting her bangs.

"W-well... I'm late too. So why don't we skip class till the lunch break?" Asked Adrien nervously not knowing where he was getting the idea from.


"Come on! It'll be fun. Besides, who would like to get stuck in detention for the rest of the morning?" Asked Adrien still wondering whether this was a good idea.

"But I still have to visit the principal." Sighed Marinette.

She knew that she would get in trouble later on if she didn't do as Miss Mendeleiev had asked her to and she knew that she couldn't say no to Adrien. He was her friend after all.

"You know what? Okay. But I'm going to meet Mr Damocles first." Concluded Marinette smiling at Adrien.

Adrien beamed and vigorously nodded, pushing Marinette towards Mr Damocles's office.

"I'm going! I'm going!" Giggled Marinette seeing Adrien's enthusiasm.

After one whole lecture on why punctuality is important, Marinette joined Adrien in the hallway.

"Ready?" He asked grabbing his bag and standing up.

"Are you sure about this? Won't you get in trouble with your father?" Asked Marinette still worried on Adrien's behalf.

"Not if we don't get caught." Smirked Adrien.

"Please! You're the most famous model here in Paris. Who wouldn't notice you walking around in the streets at this time of day?" Shuddered Marinette thinking of all the fans chasing them around.

"Not if we ask Gorilla to give us a ride." Winked Adrien.

Marinette watched as Adrien took his phone out and called his bodyguard. She knew that Adrien wasn't the type to lie but he was basically telling his driver that he had a competition with his friend.

"What?" Asked Marinette as Adrien placed his phone in his bag.

"I told him that we had a competition but I didn't tell him where or what kind of competition it was."

Marinette shook her head but a small smile played on her lips.

"Come on! We have to go before the lunch break starts!" Smiled Adrien taking Marinette's hand in his and guiding her to the entrance of the school. 

Adrien looked back at Marinette who was smiling as she jogged to match Adrien's speed. Her tied hair was tousling with the wind, begging to be released. Adrien felt his cheeks heat up as Marinette smiled at him, her eyes closing while Adrien dragged her to the car that was waiting outside.

Adrien halted at the back door of the car and opened the door for Marinette.

"Why thank you, kind sir." Giggled Marinette as she took Adrien's hand to climb into the car.

Adrien chuckled and closed the door after Marinette.

"Just like a Princess." Smiled Adrien walking to his side of the car.

The driver frowned as Adrien got into the car.

"Can you please take us to the Seine?" Asked Adrien smiling at the driver from the backseat.

Gorilla sighed and nodded. He constantly looked at the two high schoolers from the rear-view mirror. He saw the love-struck expression on Adrien's face and how he constantly glanced at Marinette, his cheeks flushing every time. Gorilla smiled and drove to the Seine.

The driver parked right near the bridge and Adrien got down from the car. He ran to the other side before Marinette got down. Holding his hand out for Marinette to take, Adrien helped her down even though the vehicle was a car and not a pumpkin transformed into a carriage.

"We'll meet you back here in an hour." Said Adrien to the driver who nodded and drove off.

"So? What's the competition?" Asked Marinette looking around.

"An ice-cream eating competition. I heard from a little birdie that André is here."

"The Sweetheart's Ice Cream man? Really?" Questioned Marinette running up the bridge.

Adrien chuckled and followed the bluenette who was already ordering her ice cream.

"Marinette? Ah! I see. Peach pink like his lips and mint, like his eyes. But sometimes, your heart finds someone who's just like the other." Smiled André handing Marinette her ice-cream.

Marinette took her ice-cream and sat down on one of the benches thinking about what André had just said. He had said the same lines when her crush was Adrien but now that she was over him, why was André still talking about Adrien? Marinette was sure that she was over the blonde model boy but... was she really?

"Adrien! Strawberry with black chocolate chip! Blackberries for her hair, and blueberry ice-cream just like her sky blue stare! Your heart too has found a new target, I see." Smiled André.

Adrien just stood there not knowing what to do or say. He had come to the conclusion that he no longer loved Ladybug and that he was over the spotted heroine. Adrien knew that his heart belonged to Marinette but why was André still going on about his past lover?

"You know, Adrien. Sometimes, it's the opposites that attract." Added André pointing to Marinette with his chin.

Adrien smiled at the ice-cream man and took a seat beside Marinette. Adrien turned around to look at Marinette who was bent over with the uneaten ice cream still in her hands. She seemed to be thinking about something or someone but Adrien didn't forget to look at the way her pigtails blew in the light breeze, the way her bangs shone in the morning sun, and the way her lips puckered in concentration. 

Adrien chuckled and walked over to Marinette to take a seat beside her. She seemed to be deep in thought as her eyebrows were furrowed and her tongue was slightly sticking out of her mouth. She seemed too focused on whatever was going on through her head that she hadn't realised that she was biting her tongue instead of her lower lip.

Adrien smirked and scooped up a spoonful of ice cream and brought it to Marinette's tongue letting her lips feel the soothing yet burning chill of the ice cream.

"Ahhh!" Marinette shouted popping her tongue back into her mouth and puffing out her cheeks in anger. 

Her cheeks were reddened and she wore an expression of annoyance on her face. But her eyes betrayed her. Her eyes sparkled like clear ocean water shimmering in the light of the first ray of the sun.

"You're cute when you pretend to be angry." Smirked Adrien.

"Why, you!" Muttered Marinette taking a giant spoonful of her own ice cream and stuffing it in Adrien's mouth.

"Hey!" Cried Adrien his mouth full of ice cream and cheeks reddened because of the cold dessert that was biting at the inside of his mouth.

"That's what you get." Beamed Marinette, sticking her tongue out just a little to tease Adrien.

Adrien swallowed the ice cream in his mouth after experiencing a brain freeze and inhaled the rest of his ice cream.

"A second serving?" Asked Adrien.

Marinette nodded and pulled out her wallet to pay.

"It's on me." Said Adrien pushing Marinette's hand slightly away from him when she pulled out a few notes.

"But th-" Started Marinette.

"No buts. I'm paying." Argued Adrien.

"Fine! Then we split the money! End of discussion!" Announced Marinette, folding her arms and staring at Adrien stubbornly.

"Fine... Man! Is chivalry dead or something?" Sighed Adrien shaking his head.

Adrien's eyes widened as he heard Marinette's laugh beside him before she slapped her hands on her mouth.

"Sorry." Smiled Marinette sheepishly.

Adrien smiled and walked over to the ice-cream cart to get some more ice cream. The two enjoyed their time together till Adrien's driver showed up letting him know that it was almost lunch at school. Adrien took Marinette's hand and guided her to the car. Marinette no longer felt nervous around him and didn't get flustered as he took her hand in his. However, she did turn red in the face when she remembered someone else who would hold her hand just as delicately as Adrien.

Bidding farewell to the Sweetheart's Ice Cream man, they got into the car and drove off with André in the background looking at the two teenagers.

"They are made for each other..." He sighed.

But little did they know. Luka too was watching them from afar, his eyes burning with rage and fists balled ready to punch anything near him. He slammed his fist against the tree that he was hiding behind hoping to let go of his anger. He couldn't afford to get Akumatised. Not again. He knew that if he got Akumatised this time, he'd go after Marinette. Despite all the feelings bubbling inside him, Luka didn't want to hurt Marinette. What he wanted to do to Adrien was another story.

He had been out on a ride when he had decided to visit the ice-cream man just to see what flavours he had for Marinette. Luka had always been supportive of Marinette when she'd gush about Adrien Agreste. He'd conceal his emotions letting Marinette see only his hard exterior. Yet, Marinette would never notice his feelings for her. The feelings that he tried so hard to hide when he was around her. 

"I was a fool..." Whispered Luka sliding down along the tree, onto the ground.

He knew that Adrien was oblivious to Marinette's feelings and that Alya always joked about how Marinette could not talk to him while Nino stood on the sidelines observing everything. So, he had thought that he'd be the one to console Marinette, to be the one she'd come rushing to when she didn't know what to do, to be the one to steal her heart. 

But all his efforts were in vain. All because of... Adrien.

Gabriel Agreste could practically sense Luka's rage all the way from the Agreste manor. His Miraculous lit up as it sensed the boy's anger that only seemed to heighten by the second. But he knew better than to Akumatise Luka. Most of all, Gabriel could sense that the boy wanted to wait until the perfect moment to strike. Gabriel liked the way the boy thought. Luka plotted all the ways on how he would take his revenge on Adrien. Gabriel halted as the new wave of emotions hit him but Gabriel could sense that it was aimed at his son, Adrien. 

Gabriel, being the father of Paris's famous model boy, Adrien Agreste, was more focused on letting his villains do his bidding and finally getting his hands on Ladybug's and Chat Noir's Miraculous rather than being a good father to Adrien. He knew that if he ever Akumatised Luka, Adrien would be the one getting the short end of the stick. But what was more important to Gabriel was getting his wife back. Of course, there would be no Adrien today without Emilie but instead of being satisfied with what he has for a family, he wants to be the villain in the city of love.

He sighed and turned around going back to designing the newest fashion line for the upcoming fashion week, completely tuning out Luka's fit of anger.

Luka lay huddled on the ground, his fists balled up in his hair. Hot tears of anger were streaming down his face as he constantly tried to muffle the screams that threatened to escape his mouth. His guitar lay next to him, broken and forgotten. Luka in his temper tantrum had taken out most of his anger on his beloved guitar. Every song that he had written for Marinette, now mere memories that added hay to the already raging fire that was burning holes in his heart.

Luka had, of course, loved Marinette all along although she had been blinded by Adrien's perfection to even notice all the loving stares Luka was sending her way. He had wanted to be the one to touch her heart with declarations of love. 

But not anymore...

Luka got up and stomped to his bicycle. Picking it up from where it lay discarded on the ground, Luka cycled to Marinette's school in search of answers and something else that might also be known as revenge.

In the meantime, Marinette and Adrien were enjoying lunch with their friends. They had managed to sneak back into school just before the bell. None of them had to answer any questions since they had been sitting on a bench waiting for the rest of the class. Luka pulled up at the school just as the bell rang. He banged his fist on his thigh, unhappy that he had missed the perfect opportunity to crush Adrien.

Still determined to find a way to get his revenge without any help from Hawk Moth, Luka snuck into the school. Seeing no other option but hiding in the washroom, Luka crept into the boys' locker room and hid inside one of the washroom stalls.

School dragged on and Luka finally came out into the courtyard. Luka hid in one of the many empty classes awaiting the arrival of Marinette's class. Going through Marinette's schedule on his phone, Luka realised that she had an art class till the evening. Marinette would always talk about the art class with Luka since it gave her new inspiration for her designs. She'd also talk about how she'd get to see Adrien in fencing after the art class. So, Luka knew that that was the perfect time to spy on Marinette.

Upstairs, Marinette and her friends were in the art class, enjoying themselves.  Usually, Marinette would work on her designs but lately, her head had been filled with Chat Noir. She found herself doodling the black cat on her sketchbook. Her hand moved on its own drawing his green eyes, shading in the mask and colouring his suit.

Meanwhile, Adrien was in the courtyard fencing with Kagami. Luka spied on him recreating scenarios where he'd get to prove that he was better than Adrien. But he could see that the perfect model boy wasn't as perfect as Marinette portrayed him to be. Kagami beat him every single time and Adrien ended up on the ground, panting while Kagami pointed her sabre at Adrien's chest.

And that was the exact time the bell rang letting the students out of the art class. Hearing Marinette's voice, Adrien jumped to his feet and held his sabre out in front of Kagami.

"En garde!" Adrien cried standing in a fighting stance.

Marinette looked down at the courtyard hearing the clashing of swords. Marinette immediately recognised Kagami and knew that her opponent was Adrien. Marinette leaned against the railing to watch the match eager to see who would emerge champion.

Unfortunately, Luka saw this little exchange. Even though he was still in the classroom, he had a very good view of the entire courtyard through the glass of the door. Adrien parried and fenced with Kagami like he was fighting to the death. Constantly glancing at Marinette through his mask, Adrien fought to impress her. He was glad that she had stopped to look at him fence like she usually did.

 Adrien delivered his final blow knocking Kagami off her feet. She grunted as she collapsed onto the ground. Adrien took off his mask and offered his hand for Kagami to take. Marinette clapped and Adrien turned towards her, winking and smiling at her. Luka was furious but decided to keep it in as he didn't want to get Akumatised. At least, not yet.

"Good fight, Adrien." Said Kagami shaking the boy's hand and leaving to get changed.

Adrien looked up at Marinette and saw her climbing down the stairs, ready to leave.

"Marinette!" Called Adrien running towards the bluenette.

Marinette turned to see Adrien running towards her.

"Adrien?" Marinette asked tilting her head to the side.

"C-Could you w-wait for me? I'll be quick." Asked Adrien red from the fighting and seeing Marinette's confused face.

"Uh... Sure." Smiled Marinette walking over to a bench and taking a seat.

Luka was in the classroom right behind where Marinette was sitting and he practically wanted to grab the girl by her shoulders and shake some sense into her. He knew that it wasn't right but it hurt. Luka felt pieces of his heart falling every time Marinette glanced at the boys' locker room waiting for Adrien.

Finally, Adrien came out into the open courtyard, his hair dripping from the fresh shower he had just taken. His hair still tousled gave off Chat Noir vibes as it shifted with the wind. Adrien sat down beside Marinette while Luka was trying his best to not detach the doorknob from the door.

"Is everything alright, Adrien? Did your father find out that you skipped school?" Asked Marinette with a worried expression on her face.

Adrien remained silent and hunched placing his elbows on his knees. He sighed and decided to come clean.

 "So... I was wondering if you'd want to go ice-skating with me. I mean! I-i-i-it's because I don't want to go alone. A-and I need a partner to skate with. If that's al-"

"Of course, Adrien. I'd love to be your partner." Smiled Marinette.

Adrien beamed and hugged Marinette.

"Thank you, Marinette." Said Adrien giving Marinette a tight yet warm squeeze.

Adrien had wanted to break the ice between Marinette and himself and where else to break the ice than the ice-rink? He hadn't intended it to be sort of an ice-skating lesson but that's what had come out of his mouth. He wanted to properly ask her if she'd go out with him but his nerves had taken over. Just looking at Marinette made Adrien lose his concentration and he ended up making a fool of himself.

Inside the classroom, Luka was tearing apart all the posters that hung on the walls. He knew what Adrien's intention was and there was no way he was going to let the blonde boy go through with it. He watched Adrien release Marinette from the hug, trying his best to control the fire raging inside him.

"You'll pay for this... Just wait and see." Muttered Luka through gritted teeth.

Marinette got up and left as Adrien smiled at her retreating figure.

But they were going to have to be careful because someone had a few tricks up his sleeve.

Word Count: 3807  {Excluding this}


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