Zelkpvp oneshots

By Gaicya

14.8K 428 1.2K

Just zelkpvp oneshots that will make u tingly and say uwu or make u sad and cry. Also i only ship personas... More

Moving with Idots
Who and how
Twitter Reveal
Just wanted to show my drawings
Q&A answers
Zelkpvp head cannons
Skephalo head cannons
Discord :):
Q&A answers 2
Fluffy drabble
Random Special in Late January/Early Febuary
Quick title

Very Late Halloween Special

616 20 126
By Gaicya

Hiii, I am so sorry. I promised this for yesterday, but I got chemical poisoning yesterday; so, I wasn't able to post it.

Alcohol mention (very brief)
Sexual implication (brief)
Gory costumes (obviously just fx)
A6d and Jshatt

Skephalo (Skeppy x BBH )
Spifel/ Spifl (Spifey x Tapl)
Finn6d (Finn x A6d)
Dreamnotfound (Dream x George)
Karlnap (Karl x Sappy- I mean Sapnap)
Feret (Fundy x Eret)


"Finn, you ready?" A6d shouted in front of the bathroom of the mansion they now live in, (Moving in with idots, pt. 2 of the rooming with idots, is coming soon btw.) which is at the end of the hallway of the second floor.

A6d wore a cookie monster hoodie, reminiscent of his lover's favorite hoodie. He also wore denim ripped jeans and a floral headband made from fake forget-me-nots.

The bathroom door flung open revealing Finn's costume. Before the costume reveal, neither of them knew what the other was wearing. Coincidentally, they both thought of the same idea (they only share one brain cell after all).

Finn was wearing A6d's signature sweater (yes, she stole it and it was really big for her too) with a matching black skirt of hers. She also wore her hair up in a half-up, half-down hairstyle and wore black thigh-high high heel boots.

"How do I look?" Finn said walking over to her boyfriend. "Cute!" A6d said with a smile, feeling warm from the look of his adorable lover. Finn slung his arms around her boyfriend's neck and buried her face into A6d's chest.

A6d did the same thing, he slung his arms around his lover delicately, as he rested his chin on the top of her head. Both feeling warm from the hug.

What they didn't realize was that their 2 housemates saw came out of their room.

One of them wearing a Dracula costume with a green tie instead of red. His ears and tail sticking out. (Guess who this is)

The other one is wearing a ripped shirt, showing a small part of his left side and another tore on his right side, showing part of his stomach. He also wore ripped jeans to match the aesthetic and has green make upon. (Guess whoo)

The couple snickered as they found possible blackmail. You see the Finn6d couple likes to keep their affection for each other private (They did reveal that they were dating before this couple).

Mega took out his camera as Zelk snickers. The Finn6d couple snapped their heads at Zelk and Mega when they heard a camera come off. The 2 immediately bolt down the stairs as A6d curses at them, Finn holding him back to prevent the other couple from being killed by A6d.

Once they got down, they started laughing. "That was great" Zelk paused for a second to admire his boyfriend; his heartwarming to his boyfriend's soft laugh, it was like music to his ears. 'He is so beautiful, how did I get so damn lucky?' he thought. (Zelk a simp, confirmed?)

"Yo, furry, you okay?" Mega asked, snapping Zelk out of his trance. Instead of answering, Zelk cupped his boyfriend's left cheek with his hand and kissed his lover's right cheek.

Mega flustered, turned into a tomato. He pulls Zelk to their living room, where another couple is cuddling.

One of them is wearing a caveman outfit, on top of skin-colored tights and a shirt. His light blondish brown hair in a mess.

The second one was wearing a blueish white suit with the same colored shoes and a wilting flower crown. A bit of blood (makeup) stained his eyes.

The 2 were cuddling in a position where Tapl's head was buried into Spifey's shoulder and Spifey had his head sideways, taking in Tapl's scent.

Tapl adjusted his head to look at the guys. 'Hi.' Tapl mouthed out, looking extremely tired. Spifey looked tired too. He had dark circles around his eyes and his movements were limp.

The couple hadn't slept in a day since they were preparing for Halloween. If they did not arrive, Tapl and Spifey would have most likely fallen asleep.

"You guys look *yawns* great," Spifey said, yawning a bit then buried his head back to his boyfriend's head.

"I know right!!" Zelk chuckled as he sat down beside the cuddling couple. "Don't they look amazing?" Mega followed and sat beside Zelk, He instinctively clung onto Zelk and put his head on Zelk's shoulder. Zelk in return wrapped his arm around his boyfriend. (Can someone draw this? Please).

The 2 couples were chatting with Tapl nearly falling asleep. "You muffins ready?" Bad said, from the other room, holding Skeppy's free hand (note: that Skeppy was holding Sunny. Sunny is Skeppy's blob. I will explain what that is in a chapter.)

The couple was wearing matching duckie onesies (uwu). Bad's horns and tail are seen. Sunny was also wearing an outfit but for home. He is wearing the tiniest flower headband and a small dress (uwuwuwuwuuwuwuwuwu).

"Geppy put Sunny over there. The pets will be with him." Bad said, petting the blob softly. The blob looked at the 2 in curiosity. "We will be back in 3 hours." Skeppy said as he put down the blob on the dining table.

They didn't expect the blob to cry. The blob, when put down onto the dining table, immediately tried to be picked up again. Once neither of the 2 would pick it up, he (le blob) gave up and sat down crying.

"Bad, I think we have to take him with us." Skeppy looked at bad with a pleading look. "Geppy, you know we can't. There are too many people at the party." Bad said, looking at the crying blob.

"You know we have to." Skeppy said, picking up the blob. "Fine, but you sit in the back so that he doesn't get upset."

Back with the others, A6d and Finn came downstairs, A6d being pulled by Finn. A6d looks flustered or maybe embarrassed? Nobody understood A6d apart from Finn.

Once the Finn6d couple got down, they started the car ride, ultimately ending on them deciding on the sitting arrangements.

A6d and Finn choose first. A6d said he wanted the first seat and Finn said he wanted the seat behind it.

The Spifel couple said they would like to take the back seats as they would be more comfortable, so Zelk and Mega claimed the seats beside Finn.

Leaving Bad to the front (He was already supposed to drive) and Skeppy stuck with the Spifel couple in the back.

Without the Skephalo couple's consent, they decided on the seats. They went to the dining room to check if the 2 were okay with it. Once they entered they saw the 2 agree. They had the same agreement as to the others.

With that, they headed to the car. This is going to be a long 2-hour ride to Wilbur's house (that is where the party will be held).

Bad started the car. "Is every muffin ready?" Bad said, jokingly. Everyone nodded. Bad backed up to get out of their garage and started to drive on the street.

Mega, Zelk, A6d, and Finn were talking as Mega's voice started to fade. "Aww the mute is losing his voice," Zelk says, getting a smack from Mega. "Ouchh, that hurt." Zelk said, obviously faking it.

"Only a kiss could make me feel better." Zelk said, acting pretty on point. Mega huffed, then kissed Zelk's cheek and retreated to Finn's arms.

"Hey, I thought I was the boyfriend." Zelk said, obviously jelly. Finn and A6d chuckled at this. She (Finn) hugged Mega, despite grunts from Zelk, trying to comfort the embarrassed one. The Finn6d couple started to talk as Zelk went quiet and only stared out the window.

Going to the back seaters, Tapl gets comfortable in Spifey's lap as he falls asleep leaving the 2 others to converse.

"So this is Sunny's first time to go out," Spifey said, looking tiredly at the boy. "Yes, it is." Skeppy looked at Spifey, scanning the boy before continuing. "Don't u have to sleep, you look tired?"

"'I'm fine," Spifey said before yawning. Spifey at this point has circles under his eyes, his clothes are wrinkled and his flower crown is crooked.

"Okay, then dude" Skeppy said then looked back down to the blob. He tried to make the blob sleep (cause the blob didn't sleep in that afternoon) as it was a long ride there.

After 2 minutes, Skeppy hears 2 snore patterns beside him. He looked at the couple smiling at them then looked back down to the blob which looked up at him. "You need to rest," Skeppy said as he kissed the top of the blob's head.

Back to the middle seat and passenger seat seaters. Mega finally calmed and broke from the hug and looked at his silent boyfriend. From the break of contact, Finn leaned forward to come in contact with her boyfriend.

When they did come in contact, Finn kissed her boyfriend almost immediately. "I love you." A6d blushed as they were never really public about their affection. "I love you too." A6d kissed his lover's cheek back.

"Zelk, you okay?" Mega asked his normally talkative boyfriend. "I am okay, just jealous." Zelk said as he looked away from the window to look at his boyfriend.

'You know Finn is just a friend.' Mega signed making sure not to make a mistake. 'You know I will only love you, Idot.' Mega signed. When he finished, he lunged himself at his boyfriend.

Suddenly, there was turbulence and the car shook a little. They hit a road hump that Bad didn't see. Sobs coming from the back of the car started.

"Look in front, goddammit" Skeepy shouted, as he looked up from the blob to everyone else. "Don't make it worse." Everyone looked away as Skeppy tried to comfort the crying blob.

"It's Sunny's first time to ride a car, right?" Finn asked, as she leaned on the seat in front of him and buried his head on her boyfriend's seat. A6d leaned back and kissed his lover's head softly.

"Yeah, yeah it is." Skeppy said in a soft tone, as his voice tone stayed the same from when he tried to comfort the blob. The blob was not calming down it started crying even more.

About 37 minutes later, the blob was still crying. Skeppy was used to this as he had this blob for 2 months already. The Zelkpvp couple is now asleep cuddling together and Finn almost fell asleep as well.

He notes how long it has been crying as blobs get dehydrated too. "Bad, give me the water." (to make this clear, this is a code between the 2) Skeepy said, as he got a small piece of tissue and softly wiped the tiny blob's tears.

"A6d take the water bottle and with the help of Finn pour some water on the cap. Make sure to give it properly to Geppy." Bad instructed the 2 and made sure he didn't miss anything.

They did what they were asked and poured the water, trying not to spill any. Unfortunately, some spilled, getting a 'My car' from Bad.
Skeppy took the bottle cap full of water and raised it to the blob, which is now being held in his left palm.

After drinking water, Sunny started to calm down and fall asleep. Skeppy sighed and held the blob closer to his chest.

Once the blob fell asleep about 5 minutes later or about 55 minutes into their drive, he looked around at everyone. Almost everyone was asleep except for A6d and Bad.

Bad and A6d were talking in the front, Skeppy not understanding a thing. His vision starts to get blurry though as sleep overtakes him.

30 minutes later and about 1hr 25 mins in their trip and A6d fell asleep too. Leaving Bad in silence as everyone else rests. Bad opens the radio to prevent him from going insane because of the silence.

About 20 minutes pass and someone from the backseat wakes up. Bad doesn't notice though as he just moved his head outwards to away from his boyfriend's neck. His eyes adjust to see the blob and Skeppy snuggling each other for warmth.

He smiled at the sight as Spifey slowly woke up. Once fully aware, Spifey kissed his boyfriend's head. "Morning bubs." Spifey said, as his boyfriend sat up. Spifey smiled softly at his boyfriend then turned his head to the side.

His smile becomes wider as he sees the sleeping boy and his pet? Does Sunny count as a pet? Spifey thought as Zelk half woke up in front of him, looked at his boyfriend beside him, smiled then went back to sleep.

The Spifel couple started to debate whether Sunny was a pet or not then stretching to be blobs considered as pets. It was loud enough to wake up Sunny (it's a light sleeper). The blob looked up at the 2. The 2 noticed a presence watching them and immediately turned their head towards the blob.

The 2 immediately shut up to not shock the blob and cause it to cry. After 4 minutes, the blob started to fall asleep again. The 2 sighed in relief. Blobs usually share some personality with their owner, this one though had a very soft and sensitive personality like Bad (but Bad doesn't cry this much).

"Muffins, we arrive in 5 minutes if we don't have traffic." Bad announced it to everyone but most of them were asleep so he kinda announced it to himself. Skeppy woke up after 30 seconds and the first thing the boy said was "Are we there yet?" in a whiny voice. Sunny looked up at him funny.

Skeppy hugged the blob harder as there was another speed hump Bad didn't see. The blob this time didn't cry (he is probably tired of crying) instead it just tilted its head and stared at Skeppy. Skeppy sighed in relief as he patted the blob gently.

In the passenger seat, A6d woke up. He turned his head slightly to try and see Finn behind him. He smiled and kissed his lover's forehead as she shifted a bit. In about 2 minutes they were all awake.

Tapl, Spifey, and Skeppy were engaging talking about blobs and how to take care of them, Zelk, Mega and Finn were talking about who is the best in PVP out of the 3 of them. While Bad was pestering A6d about how to say Doctor Pepper in French.

In 3 minutes, Bad pulled up at the house, which sent most of them flying forward. Most of them were shocked but recovered quickly and the blob just made grunting noises (something he picked up from Skeppy).

"We are here muffin heads." Bad joyfully said. (forgot to mention that they are staying there for 2 days :/ ). Finn and Zelk open their car doors to get out, so the back seaters can leave too.

Once Zelk was out Mega followed after him and started dragging him to the house. When they entered they were Greeted by Wilbur and Niki.

Wilbur was wearing a white double buttoned-up long sleeves with a double buttoned-up shirt on top. While Niki was wearing a white off-shoulder, knee length, and white shoes. She was wearing a flower crown made of thorns and had blood coming down her forehead.

"Hi guys" Niki greeted softly. 'Hi Niki, Wilbur. How are you 2' Mega signed, forgetting that neither Niki nor Wilbur know hand signs. The 2 looked at him in confusion.

"He said Hi Niki and Wilbur, How are you both?" Zelk translated what his boyfriend signed to the 2. "Oh we are doing great, honestly." Wilbur replied, getting a nod from Niki.

"Do you guys have drinks?" Zelk asked, getting a nod from Wilbur. "You 2 wanna drink? We have vodka, wine, and beer" Niki said, worrying it might not be enough.

"Yes, please take us to th-" Zelk started to reply as Mega smacked him. 'No' Mega signed. 'No drinks for you, I wanna walk tmr' Mega signed, as he shrugged, recalling the last time he and Zelk got drunk.

"Come on, just one Mega." Zelk pleaded. 'Fine, just one' Mega succumbed to his boyfriend's wishes As they followed Niki and Wilbur to the alcohol cabinet.

Back to the others. Finn and A6d stayed while Bad got the middle seats out of the way so the others could get out.

The Spifel and Finn6d couple went inside the house as the Skephalo couple, along with their blob, stayed in the garden (because it was too loud for Sunny inside the house) where they found a secluded bench.

These 4 were greeted by George and Sapnap. George was wearing a very convincing Ravenclaw robe and Ravenclaw blue scarf to match. Sapnap was wearing the same thing, with the exception of it being Griffindor themed instead of Ravenclaw.

They were catching up as both guys have been busy. Dream and George are getting married in 3 months (January). Most of everything was already planned. While Sapnap and Karl have adopted a baby.

"Speaking of Dream, you guys wanna go to the food area?" George chuckled, as he looked over. "Dream is being a pig again, pretty sure he and Techno are related," George said bursting out in laughter. The others joined him as they made their way to the food area.

Karl, Fundy, and Eret were also there talking. Actually, no more like Karl is teasing the new couple. The couple was uncomfortable. "So Fundy is at the bottom?" Karl hummed as teased the 2.

The group separated. Finn and A6d stayed with Sapnap as he approached his poor husband. While Tapl and Spifey followed George to his fiance who was stuffing his face in the food area.

Sapnap, meanwhile, approached Karl from behind and back hugged him. Karl was also wearing a Harry Potter-themed costume, matching George and Sapnap. His thought is Hugglepuff themed instead of Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.

Sapnap laid his chin on the smaller boy's shoulder. "What are you doing?" he whispered seductively at his husband. "Just trying to pry info from them?" Karl said in a questioning matter.

The Feret couple quickly left while Sapnap distracted Karl. The Finn6d couple who was watching all of this go down shared a look then burst out laughing.

The Feret couple weren't lucky though, as Minx and Sylvee found them and started teasing them too.

Minx dyed her hair a dark shade of blue with a white headband for contrast. She was also wearing a yellow coat over a black shirt and dark grey jeans. It took Eret too long to realize she was dressed as Coraline.

Sylvee was wearing her normal casual outfit. Her pink crop top sweater, a pair of blue ripped jeans, and black vans rubber shoes. The only difference was she had a stab wound on her abdomen and stitches where her kidney was supposed to be; as well as part of her face was bleeding. (Her costume is the goriest and I love it).

About 30 minutes later, everyone who was invited, that confirmed their attendance, has arrived.

A certain ram (Jshatt) in his normal suit was drinking along with a pig vampire (Techno), Wilbur, and Niki. They were having a conversation about plans for the future and catching up on the events that have happened when they were separated.

The Skephalo couple, as mentioned, was outside on a secluded bench where 2 kiddos found them. One wearing a suit reminiscent of Jshatt's suit, his blond hair in a mess (Tommy); the other wearing a red and yellow striped sweater underneath a jumper with a bee pattern, accompanied by red shoes with the tongue of the shoe being yellow.

They were bugging the couple about the new 'thing' they had. Tommy was so loud that he scared the blob causing it to cry, getting a grunt from Skeppy and a sorry from Tommy. Bad poured some water for the blob as Tubbo started talking about bees.

Which leaves us to one couple, the Zelkpvp couple. After getting a drink, they were able to slip away from the group of drinkers and ended up outside. They were walking around the garden in comfortable silence. The only noise to be heard is the music coming from in the house and a shout from Tommy.

"Happy Halloween, my cute mute" Zelk said, stopping and hugging his boyfriend before kissing his forehead. Mega smiled at this and hugged the taller. "Happy Halloween indeed" Mega chuckled, burying his face into Zelk's chest.



I apologize again, this was so late and I didn't mean to delay it this much. I was just really busy and life was just dragging me around. I also got poisoning yesterday, chemical poisoning. So I apologize for not being able to post this yesterday.

Hopefully, I can make a bonus chapter.

Thank you for understanding.
I love y'all <3

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