Random about me

By Fangirling4ever15

331 11 0

This will (hopefully) have a daily update of a random fact about me! I do accept questions and prompts but I... More

Fact 1
Fact 2
Fact 3
Fact 4
Fact 5
Fact 6
Fact 7
Fact 8
Fact 9
Fact 10
Fact 11
Fact 12
Fact 13
Fact 14
Fact 15
Fact 16
Fact 17
Fact 18
Fact whatever it is now
Fact 20
Fact 21
Fact 22
Fact something or other
Random thought
Random Human Logic
Fact 26 i think?
Fact 27
Fact 28ish

Random writing Prompt??

1 0 0
By Fangirling4ever15

February 17, 2021

The Grim Reaper is tired of people thinking they carry around a sythe. They carry a goalie stick.

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