Suga & Spice | MYG

Від mubassira55

141 21 9

He is an Idol She is an Idol She sees people's hardwork He has a tendency to discriminate people. They are fr... Більше

Him 2

Her: 1

36 5 3
Від mubassira55

Different languages will be in italic.

"I'll be back next time!" I waved goodbye and jumped down the stage. Behind the backdrop was a little crowded with staff people rushing around. The minute I handed my mic to the staff I heard my name being yelled.

"Girl that was totes amazing! But.." The high pitched voice exclaimed. Here we go again. I let out a sigh.

"I know you're worried and all but do you seriously mind not looking like some fashion criminal for once?" Zola made hand gesture to emphasise his words. "I have a fucking reputation to maintain sis! I can't be seen with you looking like this." I just rolled my eyes at his dramatic antics. This is his usual behaviour.

"Can you quite it down it a little? I'm exhausted and starving." It was true. I hadn't had anything since brunch. And after performing, I am totally spent. My throat is parched. "Let's go grab something to drink before we hit the road." I suggested.

"Also nothing is wrong with my outfit. This is very inconspicuous." I glanced down at my clothes. I was just wearing a simple black hoodie with cargo pants, which also was black. "Yeah nothing is wrong with that outfit, sure." Zola rolled his eyes dragging the words. He took out his car keys and kept spinning them.

Zola and I walked along to his mini cooper which was parked a block down, to avoid crowds. "What do you want?" I just shrugged. It really didn't matter what I got as long as it was sweet and cold. "Milktea it is then." He unlocked his car and I quickly got in, turning on the air conditioning. I was sweating a lot under the hoodie, even though it was only mid autumn.

Zola got in a few seconds later, typing on his phone with furrowed brows and biting his lips. This idiot did something. I just know it. I've been with this idiot since I was born and I know him like the back of my hand. "What did you do? No wait....what didn't you do?" I scowled. The uncountable amount of times he has gotten me in trouble is remarkable and unforgettable. "Nothing. Let's hurry before Woonie dies worrying." Switching off his phone, Zola started the car and drove out the parking lot.

I didn't believe his bullshit but I was tired, so I just closed my eyes and leaned back.

Woonie is actually my manager. His name is Jim Woon. And he worries too much about every single thing. He's too uptight and cautious about everything. I sometimes wonder how he still hasn't quit after working with me for the 5 years I've known him. Even after all the craps I pulled.

After getting a drink that cold and sweet, just what I love, Zola drove around a little. The car come to a stop in from a building I've been seeing for so long. Gosh I need a shower.

Zola pulls the keys off the ignition and turns to me with a look that says he did something he shouldn't have. And which is later going to get me in trouble. Again. "What?" I narrow my eyes at him. "What is it this time?"

"Accha listen, I know you told me not to let them know but I may have slipped up about your whereabouts while you were on stage." He lets out in one breath.

I just gape at him for a second and instantly punch him in the stomach. This idiot! I knew he was going to get me caught this time. I should have just bought Lee with me this time. "You told them?! You fubbing slime!" I exclaimed, annoyed. "You had one job. One hagging job!" I threw my hands up.

He avoided my eyes. "I'm sorry! I couldn't say no when they were being so cute and used their aegyo on me. Please don't hit me!" This guy. He would sell anyone out if there's someone cute. Asshole.

"You bitch. Next time I'm just going to take Lee with me. You can go suck a cactus." I am so done with his sorry excuse of an ass.

Suddenly I was falling. Then I realized I had been leaning on the car door and someone had yanked it open.

"Oh my GOODNESS! You're alive!" The person who ripped open the door exclaimed, catching me and hoisting me up before I fell. Woah fast reflexes.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were? Why are you and your idiot of a friend so careless?!" This would such a nice time to not have hearing ability.

Oh here comes the drama queen.

I pick up my empty cup, that fell while I stood up, and hurled it at the person in front of me. "Would you stop shouting so much? It's kinda late if you hadn't noticed." I close the car door and fold my arms across my chest.

The person just scoffs and picks up the empty cup and throws it at a nearby bin, I did not see before, in a perfect shot. It's gonna start. "I'm shouting? Oh sweetheart, I haven't even started. Stop changing the subject!"

Why is there so much shouting here?

"Where have you been? Woon hyung has been searching for you like crazy! We all have. Did you forget about your curfew?" Hiroshi does not get tired after speaking so much. "Girls shouldn't get out at late hour, without any protection." Okay I may have been a tad bit reckless about the time.

"I wasn't alone...Kartos (Zola)  was wit-" I lowly grumbled, only to be interrupted with a glare. "He is not considered a full male." Zola glared at him. Questioning his masculinity is like asking for a fight. But before he could open his mouth, Hiroshi started again.

"JaeKi hyung and Woon hyung would have killed us and then you for not keeping an eye on you!" I just rolled my eyes. He is so melodramatic, it hurts.

Bored and tired I just blink and yawn. It has been a hectic day and I just wanna take a hot bath and sleep in my cosy, fluffy bed. But apparently getting lectured about how reckless I was, is more important. "Are you done? How can you blabber so much?"

That got a reaction real quick. "I do not blabber!" Such a child. "You do."

Hiroshi isn't even that old. I'm just a year younger than him and yet he acts like an old ajusshi. I walk past him towards the big ass building, earphones plugged. Both the males following suit.

All I want to do now is rest. But I realised that's not gonna happen anytime soon. I raise my head just in time to see someone with stern eye watching me from the top of the stairs with hands on their hips. Damn it, I'm screwed today.

I take out one ear bud out and just give them an innocent smile. "Hi Oppa." I give a small wave which they doesn't returns. Only raise an eyebrow in question. "Where have you been?" Jaeki oppa asks very calmly. If he ever speaks this calmly, you just know that you're screwed. Which I kind of am.

"I was just went for a spin with Zola." I tried with a smile. He did not return it either. Ruck! He isn't even smiling back.

Jaeki Oppa glared, which is very terrifying. "You're grounded for the next two weeks." Fother mucker! I can't be grounded! It sucks!.

I had to escape. I took a step back. "Come back here Luneh! Or I will drag you by the collar!" I knew he meant it. He doesn't joke about these things.

I inched closer to the nearby walls and tried dodging Hiroshi and Zola who were caving on me from behind. Damn it that traitor!

Jaeki Oppa comes down the stairs hurriedly to catch me, while I duck under Hiroshi's arm and glare daggers at Zola, threatening him, if he tried anything I'll kill him. I run around the car and over, towards the back door of the buildings. I did a pretty sleek slide on the hood of Zola's car, damn I'm such a badass. Running as fast I can, I reach the back doors. If I could just get in and back in my room, they can't do anything. The doors are just a breath away from my grasp, just inches away from the handle. Hah!

My hope gets crushed when some tugs at my hood and I crash at their chest. I scream bloody murder and thrash in their hold. Seems dramatic, I know. "I told you I'll drag you by the collar." Jaeki Oppa huffs a breath. I am still screaming like a banshee because I do not want to go with him. This scenario is not unusual, me getting reprimanded for nonsense. I know, I did nothing wrong. Who knows how much he'll chew my ears off with his lectures.

"No! Let me go Oppa!" I try to wiggle myself out of his grip on my hood and wrist but the guy is like a python. "I'm sorry! Oppa I'm very sorry I won't do it again." I cry out. But it's no use because he is dragging back to the front entrance.

"Aish! This girl never listens! Zola thanks for bring her back safely man. We'll take her back in from here....(more like drag me) See you around." He gives Zola a small smile and turns on his heels and continues dragging me, quiet literally, by my collar.

Giving a slight wave of his hand, Zola turns to his car jogging. "Don't mention it." He is pretty soon driving away, like the coward he is to escape my death glares.

Soon we are in front of elevator and waiting for it. Suddenly someone appears and glances from me to Jaeki oppa and sighs very deeply. Rude. Not even helping me!

The door open and we all fill in. I am finally released from the grip of the python and straighten up and fix my clothes. "Are you a mobster or something? Who holds people up like that?" I give everyone the stink eye. They deserve it.

The other person just shakes their head and asks what I did. I retold what happened honestly, not really,  and said I went for a spin with Zola. Of course what they don't know won't hurt them. But I clearly forgot that Zola had ratted me out about going someplace totally different, then what was the need to ask me then? Everyone scowls at me. Okay yes I lied, so sue me.

I mumbled a quick 'sorry'.

''So am I off the hook with just being grounded?" I hoped that was all because I can't muster up anymore energy. I'm too damn tired to argue. "You are but we were asked to meet with Scott now. Heard he had something to discuss with you and wanted us to be there with you." Jaeki Oppa replied sighing again.

I paled. I did not want to get a lecture from Scott too now. He was our producing director and we were very close with him. But the man can be very scary when he wanted to be.

"I didn't do anything that bad, did I? I mean I only sneaked out for an hour or two!" I cried, thinking of all the other things I shouldn't have done but did them nonetheless.

"No, it has nothing to do with that...yet. He doesn't even know you sneaked out again. But I will be having a talk with him about it. Don't get your hopes up though." I got smug smiles from all three of them. Jerks.

The elevator door opens with a ding on the 12th floor. Infront of us was a worrying a raven beauty, pacing around biting her nails. Eww.

"Did you find that brat- oh! There you are, you fool! How dare you sneak out again without telling any of us? Do you have any idea how worried we were?!" I sighed and looked up praying for something.

Thankfully Taeha Oppa interjected and assure her I was fine and that she could scold me later, that I already had a punishment due. We walked in towards my doom, also know as the meeting room, where I'll be executed.

I swear I am not exaggerating.

Hiroshi opens the door widely enough for all of us and we step into the room where I will be taking my last breath  with my band members.

Why has this day been so chaotic with screaming and scolding from everywhere?

For those who don't know what Oppa is:

Oppa = 'an older brother' and it is only used when a girl is calling an older brother or older man, who she trusts.

Zolaoski kartosvko = Zola for short. Luneh basically calls him by his last name, so 'Kartos' if anyone was confused.

Accha = okay

Vote. Comment. Enjoy ;)

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