-THE STUDY ROOM- tæ.gī ✔

By shookyoongi_09

824 44 11

Sometimes, things happen which are completely unexpected and magical... And nobody can give the answer about... More

The Unexpected..
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Somethings Never Change

200 12 5
By shookyoongi_09

A/N-to avoid any confusion I've used [taehyung] for young  version of Taehyung's name and taehyung for older version of Taehyung's name...

"this is not gonna happen. This doesn't even make any sense" yoongi said as he rolled his eyes." do you have any better idea? Yoongi, we cannot leave him here, can we?" namjoon said and yoongi shook his head. "yes, what if I steal anything?" taehyung teased and yoongi glared at him. "Do whatever you wanna do! I don't care. Let's just leave soon" yoongi said picking his bag and left without any further word. "let's go. You are coming with us. You don't have a problem with this. Do you?" jin asked and taehyung shook his head, signaling he was okay with going with them. And with this they exited the dorm.

In the car taehyung sat in the last seat beside jungkook. And yoongi and [taehyung] sitting in front of them. In the whole journey, yoongi avoided him and [taehyung] too. He didn't say any single word to him since the morning, not even a taunt or criticism. Taehyung was so confused about what happened suddenly , yesterday night yoongi was okay with his presence . He even talk to him normally but when they woke up, everything suddenly changed. Yoongi started ignoring taehyung, he wasn't even answering his question. He would just avoid him completely or simply ignore him, whenever taehyung directly asked something from yoongi.

Taehyung's eyes were stuck to both of them sitting in front of him, who were acting awkward around each other. They don't even talk with each other directly, and they act so strange and weird whenever there is any physical contact between both of them. Taehyung was getting so frustrated by watching these two, he now realize why did he and yoongi  took so long to get to realize each other's feeling.

Suddenly he felt something heavy on his shoulder. He looked at his shoulder to find the reason for the heaviness. An amused smile escaped his lips as he saw jungkook sleeping beside him, while his head was laying on Taehyung's shoulder. He patted his head, before he tilted his own head laying over jungkook's head. He really can't believe this tiny boy is gonna be that muscle bunny in future. How this shy boy is gonna be 'international playboy' in future. Taehyung shook his head on this thought. But he was soon distracted when he heard a soft whisper, making his attention back to yoongi and [taehyung]. "you sound upset today hyung. Is there anything bothering you?" [taehyung] asked slowly and yoongi looked at him, tearing his gaze away from the window. Yoongi shook his head aggressively, saying "it's nothing". His cheeks tinted pink And he looked  at the backseat, at taehyung, who just smirked back at him. After that yoongi quickly turned his head back to the window to avoid any unnecessary comment.

Soon the car stopped in front of bighit building. And yoongi opened the door and raced towards the entry of the building ,leaving everyone behind. Taehyung along with the members got out of the car. But, when he was about to enter the building, the security guard stopped him and asked for his identity card. His hand reached to his jacket, searching for his i'd card but then he realized that he doesn't have his ID card with him. 'HOW can I forget, they aren't gonna let me enter without ID card? What do I do now? and my world's most handsome face is not enough to get access inside the company in this era.' he thought to himself before looking around him, trying to find any member who can help him. But there was no one around him. He sigh defeatedly, now realising that he has nothing to do now. He turned around with a pout , ready to leave but a hand suddenly held on his wrist. "he is with me!" he heard yoongi saying quickly before he was dragged inside the building. "thankyou~,yoongi-ah~ i knew my hero would come to save me~" taehyung teased with a cheeky smile. "shut up" yoongi said before he left his wrist and pushed it away.

"Ah! Thank god, you guys are here. I am really sorry, I forgot about you" namjoon apologized as they entered the practice room. "it's okay. you dont have to worry about me, as long as yoongi is with me~" taehyung said with a teasing smile. "sure sure. 'yoongi' really cares for 'you'" jimin said and the room was filled with laughter. "come on guys! Let's get to the practice" the choreographer announced before they took their position groaning in annoyance. And taehyung sat on the floor in the corner of the room, looking at them. It was 'no more dream'  dance practice. This dance was really special to him as this was the first time he performed on the stage. It was just weird to sit there and see the members, including 'himself' practice in front of him. He still remember, how he was upset because There was no direct contact of him and yoongi in the dance and he could see that sadness reflecting from [taehyung] too. When [taehyung] turned his head suddenly to remove the glasses, the glasses hit taehyung and he picked it up wearing it himself. Now, he was getting bored as the practice went on for three hours continuously.

After few more hours the practice was over and all members fall on the floor, hyperventilating. Yoongi's limp body fell beside him and taehyung took the napkin, and started tapping it slowly on Yoongi's sweat covered face. "it's okay. You did well yoongi-ah! I am proud of you ba-" he was about to complete but he stopped himself from saying the nickname, knowing well it would be weird. The choreography of this dance was not that tough but considering the fact that they are dancing for the first time, it was hard for them. Soon Yoongi's uneven breathing regulated. "it doesn't matter even if I don't. Anyway, I am gonna be a producer in future not dancer" yoongi said taking the tissue from his hand. "well. We will see about that" taehyung said before laughing, remembering how they ended up being the number one dancing group in the world.

"I am bored! I want to go out! Let's go yoongi. Let's visit the city" taehyung offered and yoongi glared at him. "what. why me?" yoongi asked annoyed. "because I want you to~" taehyung said and yoongi rolled his eyes, saying "I don't care. Just ask anyone else". Taehyung looked at everyone one by one, but everyone ignored him. "yoongi? You really want them to go? Look at them aren't they younger than you? do you really want them to go?" taehyung asked and yoongi shook his head, looking at them. "And isn't jin hyung older than you? Do you want 'him' to go?" taehyung said and yoongi shook his head, without even realizing. "wait! Why the fuck is jin hyung 'hyung' but 'yoongi hyung' is  yoongi?" he heard someone asked and he turned around to find the askee. And he saw [taehyung] looking at him annoyed. He rose his eyebrows amused and said "because I want to. You can call him anything too if you want. For example ba-" but he was stopped when a hand slapped over his lips. "BECAUSE HE IS LOGICALLY OLDER THAN ME. I-I AM 20 NOW BUT HIS AGE IS 23!! LET'S GO!" yoongi said pulling taehyung out of the room.

"it's been a while since I visited here. Because our new office is far from this area" taehyung informed and yoongi just nodded. "what happened to you? You sound off" taehyung asked. "where are we going?" yoongi asked ignoring his question. "I don't know. Woah! That ice-cream parlour is still here? Let's go there!" taehyung said pulling yoongi along with him. "two strawberry ice-Creams please!" taehyung ordered. "why did you order two? I don't like ice cream" yoongi said with a disgusted face and taehyung scoffed. "didn't I tell you. There is no meaning to lie to me. I already know everything about you. And you should just enjoy this place's ice cream until it stays, because its gonna close soon. And then you will regret not enjoying it enough" taehyung said wiping his fake tears. "I am not gonna regret anything" yoongi said before two ice creams were places in front of them.

"their music taste is so awful. I miss my time. You know in my time every corner is filled with our songs. Like we really are everywhere. TV, newspapers, YouTube, malls, cafes, stations literally everywhere!" taehyung told him excited. "don't you think you are bragging a bit too much?" yoongi said, giving him as judging eyes. "bragging? No. I am telling you the truth yoongi. In the beginning, even I couldnot believe it but then I got used to it. Even before  I was teleported here, our song was trending worldwide . I don't know about now" taehyung tried hard to make him understand but yoongi just finished the ice-cream and paid for them.

They got out of the shop and continued walking ,noone of them spoke even a single word in the way. It made taehyung realise he still is his younger self,he pushed his hands in his jeans pocket while shaking his head. "WAIT!" he said suddenly and yoongi turned around and looked at him confused . "My phone was is my pocket all the way? I didn't even realise . Let's go!" he said before taking Yoongi's hand and dragging him along, ignoring his questions and protests.

After a few minutes walk, they were standing in front of a highclass mall. "what are we doing here?" yoongi asked. "shopping!" taehyung simply said, as of the most common thing for him, but it was not for yoongi. Because he has never been in such big mall and these expansive places gave him social anxiety. But, was he gonna show or tell taehyung that he was uncomfortable? No, of course not. Because to him showing his Weakness, meant giving others a chance to laugh at him, and yoongi was not stupid to do that. So he just nodded, as if it was a normal thing for him too.

As they entered the mall, Yoongi's self consciousness started kicking in and his fingers slowly gripped on Taehyung's shirt sleeve. So many people were there, it felt like he was not meant to be here. It felt like all eyes were staring at yoongi and judging him for coming here, looking like this. Everyone were busy in their work yet to Yoongi's consciousness they were here to just look at him with disgusted eyes, like he was some plague. Yoongi didn't even realise when his legs stopped and now he was standing in the middle of that grand building. He had no idea where to go, he looked around to find taehyung, but there was no sign of him. He started looking around him, to spot taehyung by some chance. But no there was no sign of taehyung , he called Taehyung's name for a few times but it looked like it was impossible for anyone to hear him, in this crowd. And in just a second it felt like the place became more crowded and more noisy. Everyone there, looked like they were shouting purposely , so that taehyung could not find yoongi.

Yoongi's body started shaking and his heartbeat picked up, sweat spread all over his body and his knees became weak telling him either fall unconscious here or to run away from this living hell. But he knew he couldnot do any of them. Because leaving taehyung in this unknown city is the most inhumane thing he could do because he might bicker with him always but he didn't hate him to do such a bad thing to him. And anyway taehyung took him here, it was not even his mistake that yoongi was lost. And talking about fainting there, yoongi was not gonna do it in millions of years, he have no interest in making himself a center of attention, specially when people are already staring at him as he was some circus animal. He was praying for taehyung to somehow realise that yoongi was not with him, and he come to get him quickly as now he was not liking how everyone looking at the person standing like a mannequin in the centre of the mall.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and his head snapped in that direction, thinking it was taehyung, but his smile disappeared when he saw an old Man standing there."Do you need any help, gentleman?" the man offered, it was supposed to make him happy but it did the opposite. As his senses stopped working, all he could think of right now was throwing up. Even though, the man wore a polite smile, which was representing his welcoming aura but yoongi still preferred to stand here whole day waiting for taehyung, other than taking help from an unknown person . Yoongi shook his head before his legs gave up and his knee loudly hit the floor, attracting attention of many people around him. And soon yoongi was surrounded by even bigger crowd and everyone was asking him questions and were giving him suggestions. This situation was not helping him, it made his condition worse, it felt like his lungs were ripped apart and he could not breathe anymore. His fists tighten to that extent that his knuckles turned white , trying hard to control himself and his body was shaking and hyperventilating, screaming for help. Soon every noise started blocking, it felt like he was in space. No voice was there and his surrounding was silent, too silent. His lungs were now slowly, stopping the screaming and was slowly becoming silent. His fists were loosing his grip and his knees were ready to refuse to lift his body weight any more . He couldn't feel his body anymore, no questions, no suggestions, no screaming, no calling, nothing his head was just blank. He was ready to sleep, sleep peacefully.

But a hand held his shoulder and jerked his body aggressively, making his body a bit alert. And the faint noises the screaming started to become audible eventually. He felt something strange being splashed on his face, but he couldnot feel anything till now, but in the next moment he was conscious enough to determine that his face was cold. "yoongi!" he could hear 'someone's' faint calling for his name repeatedly , he tried to open his eyes but his eyelids felt too heavy to lift. His lips parted a bit and His lungs started taking small portion of air, as a voice fell on his ears which was reminding him to breath. 'Someone' , 'someone' was patting his chest slowly, reminding him to breath. 'Someone' was massaging his neck to relax him, as Yoongi's back was laying against 'someone'. It looked like this 'someone' was reliable. Yoongi's hand slowly made his way to the person's hand and soon a bunch and cold, shaking fingers wrapped around his own tightly.

The noise around him gradually started growing louder and now he could recognize that 'some one's' voice, that was the same voice he was longing to listen for last thirty minutes. "I am right here baby. Just breath okay? It's gonna be fine. I am here" these words were continuously being chanted in his ears. Which somehow actually managed to set him on ease. His breathing slowly became more regular and in rhythm. He slowly opened his eyes after he was feeling almost stable and looked at the most angelic face in front of him. "taehyung?" yoongi whisper asked, looking at him and he nodded aggressively and a tear dropped from his long lashes. "y-yes i am! Here, right here with you" he said before kissing Yoongi's warm forehead before engulfing his tiny body with his own, getting some nasty glances from a few people but Noone of them was in a mood to care about those jackass people.

"I am sorry for leaving you alone. Yoongi-ah" taehyung said but his voice came out muffled because his face was pressed in the soft fabric of Yoongi's shirt. "it is not your mistake that I am a coward" yoongi said, shaking his head. Taehyung pulled his face out and looked at yoongi with frowned eyebrows. "you are not a coward yoongi but the strongest person of this world. And it's not some bragging, but the fact. You have been strongest person for me, since the beginning" taehyung agreed and Yoongi's cheeks turned red, representing how unexpected that statement was for him. "Now enough of talking! Let's go" taehyung announced and yoongi gave him a confused look. "go, where?" yoongi asked, as they got on their feet. "to shopping, or where! That's why we are here. Remember?" taehyung said poking Yoongi's forehead teasingly. For a splitseconds Yoongi's face discoloured but then became normal, when Taehyung's long fingers laced with his own, taking his small hand in his own ." let's go! "he said dragging yoongi with him.

This time Taehyung made sure that yoongi stayed by his side, as his grip on Yoongi's hand didn't loosen for a second. After browsing for few minutes they stood in front of a jewellery showroom." are you crazy! Don't tell me you are planning to go there? I don't have money anymore, and I have no interest in humiliating myself here" yoongi warned before being unwillingly dragged inside the showroom. Taehyung started looking at some jewellery and occasionally asking yoongi 'how they were' . But yoongi was not interested in these because he knew very well how they gonna be embarrassed in the end,so he just tagged along without doing anything.

"woah! Isn't it preety yoongi-ah?" taehyung said holding a beautiful necklace in front of Yoongi's face and yoongi just nodded. "I think we should buy it. It will look good on you" taehyung said looking at yoongi and yoongi gave him a wierd look, trying hard to remind him they don't have money with them and his overacting is gonna get both of them in trouble. "yes. I know but, don't you think this is a bit 'too' expensive taehyung?" yoongi said, emphasizing on the too word and taehyung just smirked before wrapping that tiny sparkling material around Yoongi's neck. And yoongi glared at him, telling him not to involve him in this stupid game. But he sighed defeatedly when they made their way to the counter, now preparing himself for the humiliation. "what would you like to buy sir?" the counter person asked looking at yoongi with a polite smile. "we want this necklace" taehyung answer from being yoongi pointing at his neck and he nodded. yoongi closed his eyes, trying to not listen to the price. "it would be twelve thousand dollars sir. Would you like to pay with cash or card sir? " the cashier asked and Yoongi's eyes widen on hearing the price of necklace, threatening to fall from the socket any time soon. His head turned to taehyung, watching his next action." net banking? Actually I don't have my card with me" taehyung said taking out his phone, making yoongi super confused. "that's totally fine sir" the counter person said before taehyung proceeded to pay.

"who are you?" yoongi asked as they got out of that shop and taehyung raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything . "how do you have this much money?" he asked again. "yoongi, listen here. I have already told you everything and now I am gonna repeat it. Me? I am taehyung. I came from future and in future we are gonna rich. You are gonna rich yoongi. These problems, these fears they are not going to last long. You just have to work hard" taehyung said but Yoongi's facial expressions didn't bulge,it looked like he just didn't want to believe taehyung. But Noone said anything further and made their way back, silently.

It was midnight when taehyung woke up and found the spot beside him was empty. He slowly and silently made his way outside the room, to find yoongi. The dorm was not so big, so it was easy for him to spot the silhouette in that dark hall. He could easily tell it was yoongi, just by his body language but there was one more thing proving that person was yoongi, the smoke surrounding him. Taehyung made his way to yoongi, while waving his hand in the air to remove that awful smell of cigarette.

Yoongi's head snapped in his direction alarmed, when he sensed that someone was near him. "what are you doing here?" yoongi asked looking back at the window. "nothing,just cant sleep. You?" taehyung replied looking at the window too. Yoongi threw the cancer stick on the floor before stepping on it,but he didn't answer Taehyung's question, just continued to look outside. But that didn't make taehyung upset but a amused smile spread on his lips, knowing how yoongi was not going to show it but he was the exact reason for yoongi trying to change himself a bit. "I don't know. I am just confused" yoongi said after a long pause and taehyung looked at his face. Which was not visible in this dark room but he could still see the necklace twinkling on his neck. "why?" taehyung asked and yoongi took a deep breath. "Because of your stupid story. I don't wanna believe it, yet my foolish heart is creating an unnecessary dilemma" yoongi said annoyed. "And why you don't wanna believe me?" taehyung asked. "because it's stupid taehyung. I don't know, but i know whatever you are saying is all a lie. It can't happen. There's no way we are gonna famous, or even our group to exist" he said pulling his hair and finally turned his body to taehyung and sighed. "look. I don't know if you know this or not but I am planning to leave this group soon. And there  is no way I am gonna stay in this hell anymore. And if you are really from the future you should have known this, that Min Yoongi is not gonna be a part of BTS. So, how can we be famous together? " taehyung jaw dropped as he listened the last part of Yoongi's statement.

He was in utter shock, he could not even imaging BTS without yoongi. How can it be possible and the big thing is, that he is living for so long with yoongi but he doesn't know anything about Yoongi's decision of leaving the group. Yes, hoseok was once planning to leave the group and even namjoon got an offer to become solo artist but yoongi? He never thought yoongi also had doubt about leaving the group in his initial days. And if yoongi had planned to leave the group then why did he stay? Why was yoongi still a part of BTS after ten years? He had no idea about it but now he was sure that there were many unspoken secret about yoongi that he didn't know. "why? Why are you planning to leave the group?" taehyung asked slowly, trying to read Yoongi. Noone said anything for few minutes, maybe yoongi was debating about whether he should answer or not and taehyung giving yoongi proper time to be comfortable around him." because - I don't belong here. This world, these people they are too much for me to handle. I just wanted to write songs, which I still want. But, performing on stage in front of so many people? It's too overwhelming for me to even think about it. I mean how can a person who cannot act normally in a simple mall, is gonna perform in front of so many people. These expectation is killing me, it feels like someone put a big stone on my shoulders. which I cannot handle, I am too weak for this. Too weak"yoongi finished and looked away putting his hand on his cheek. Taehyung removed his hand from his face and turned it towards him, before he wiped the single drop of tear from Yoongi's cheek. "No one is telling you to do anything, yoongi. There is no restriction, you are allowed to perform bad, you are allowed to fail, you are even allowed to be a loser in their eyes. But for me you are always my superhero. There is just one condition, your happiness and satisfaction. When you fall you can take as much time as you want to getup, just remember at the end of the day I'll be there waiting for you. I know things can look fake and complicated to you now but trust me, after several years when you will look back you will laugh at these fears. You know what 'yoongi' say? He says 'in the end some of your greatest pains become your greatest strength '. I don't know which pain he talks about but I am sure you do" taehyung finished breathlessly. And Yoongi's face became emotionless.

"Can I hug you?" taehyung suddenly asked, catching yoongi off guard. He opened his mouth to answer but until then two arms already wrapped around his body. Yoongi's hands were still on his sides, body stiff, but taehyung knew his eyes were close and his head was laying on Taehyung's chest. He knew yoongi was not comfortable with skinship , so this small gesture from yoongi  was enough to make him smile contently.

"Ah! I forgot to return this necklace to you"yoongi said suddenly as they parted from the hug. And his hands reached to the necklace, ready to remove it but before that taehyung smacked his hand away." why~? "he whined and yoongi rolled his eyes." because I can't take it. You bought it, so it belongs to you" yoongi reasoned. "so what? I bought it for you and anyway I want you to remember me after I leave. So it will help you remembering me" taehyung said. "Do you think, I will be able to forget you?" yoongi said and taehyung shook his head, a blissful smile decorating their features.

Soon both of them was laying on the bed with Taehyung's hand wrapping securely around yoongi. Taehyung's brain full of memories, how he lost his favorite teadybear because of yoongi and yoongi ultimately agreeing to be his cuddle buddy, or new teady bear. With this he lastly looked at [taehyung], before smiling. Thinking how this boy is so unknown about how his life was going to change completely soon, and he is so unaware of it. And he closed his eyes.


A/N-I wonder if i could meet my younger self?? Thank god I can't.... Otherwise I am gonna kill her for her wrong decision.... 😑😑

thankyou for reading.

words count_4.6k

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