All I Ever Wanted (Available...

By Hwhardy

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Forced to marry a man she doesn't know; Abbie has no choice but to move on the secluded ranch and into a ran... More

Disclaimer (Please Read)
The Evolution of Wyatt and Abbie
Chapter One.(Edited)
Chapter Two.(Edited)
Chapter Three (Edited)
Chapter Four (Edited)
Chapter Five (Edited)
Chapter Six (Edited)
Wyatt and Abbie's Trailer❤
Chapter Seven (Edited)
Chapter Eight (Edited)
Chapter Ten (Edited)
Wyatt and Abbie's Trailer❤ PART 2
Chapter Eleven (Edited)
Chapter Twelve. (Edited)
Wyatt and Abbie's Trailer❤ PART 3
Chapter Thirteen (Edited)
Chapter Fourteen (Edited)
Chapter Fifteen(Edited)
Chapter Sixteen (Edited)
Chapter Seventeen(Edited)
Chapter Eighteen( Edited)
Chapter Nineteen (Edited)
Chapter Twenty (Edited)
Wyatt's and Abbie's Trailer❤ PART 4
Chapter Twenty-One (Edited)
Chapter Twenty-Two (Edited)
Chapter Twenty-Three(Edited)
Chapter Twenty-Four (Edited)
Chapter Twenty-Five (Edited)
Soundtrack Per Request❤
Quotes From Within
Comments From Readers That Have Warmed My Heart!

Chapter Nine (Edited)

297 31 55
By Hwhardy

 Warning this Chapter describes acts of violence as well as sexual content. Please be advised.

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act.

The rest is merely tenacity."

– Amelia Earhart


Sitting in the old worn armchair, a whimper pulls me from my concentration from across the room. Peeling my eyes from the pages, I look up to notice Liv reaching across the kitchen bar to grab her overnight tote. It's been a week since her attack, and her entire body is still spotted in yellow as her deep purple bruises take time to heal. Her busted lip was no longer bloody and scabbed over, the black around her eyes were easy to conceal with makeup but her arms and other joints were stiff and extending them still hurt like hell. Luckily, other than the cuts and bruises, she only sustained a few defensive wounds: a fractured elbow and two broken knuckles. I hope she broke that piece of shit's nose.

Getting the girls to move out of the trashed apartment was far from easy. They were headstrong at first, especially Alivia. But after Weston and I pretty much begged them to break the lease and offered to pay the damn penalty fee, they agreed. A measly 500 bucks doesn't matter to me if it can't keep them safe. Keep Abbie Safe. I hate seeing the girls so scared and skittish, Alivia's perky spirit broken. Who the fuck, beats a woman anyway? 

Placing the book on the end table, I shift in my seat to dig out the phone from my back pocket, scrolling to my recent call log,

"Detective Upton please, this is Wyatt Pectin."

"Sure, one moment."

An outdated static filled country song buzzes through the speaker as I sit on hold.

"Hello Wyatt? Listen I'm glad you called! Do you think Ms. Alivia would be willing to look at a line up? We have a few suspects meeting her description on the attacker. Our results on the fingerprints we lifted are still being tested in the lab. But if we can speed up the investigation with a line up, we can keep him in holding until the Trial. Frankly, the sooner we can pick up this guy the better."

"Can I be with her for the lineup?" I ask, turning my head away from the speaker as I shout for Alivia from the neighboring room she ran off to.

"-And how soon?"

"Today, I'm looking at three of the dip shits right now. And yea, of course, the more support she has the better."

"One sec" I drop my phone to my chest, shifting my attention to her,

"How do you feel about going down to the station to look at a few suspects? I'd like to come with you- if that's alright. I know you'd probably rather Abbie or Weston but-"

"Are you kidding? When? Let's get this son of a bitch." Not the reaction I was expecting.

"Hey, uh-" but Detective Upton cuts me off with a chuckle,

"I heard her, hell of a spirit. You should definitely come with her. It's completely different when victims see their attackers for the first time after an assault. It can really tear them down. Anyways, I'll go ahead and bring a few others in, see you guys around 3."

As we sit behind the window of the the interrogation room, Upton briefly gives us a rundown on how a line up works, and makes sure Liv is comfortable before we start. Shaking her head, she agrees to start.

"Alright then". he says with a smile, making Liv blush instantly.

"Bring in suspect one."

As he turns to face her, Alivia shakes her head, already a bit frustrated, "too short."

"Alright, rotate out suspect two, please officer McCall."

Folding her arms, "No! no, the guy who attacked me wasn't messy- He was neatly groomed, his hair was gelled back." Her cheeks turn red as she looks down, rubbing her arm as she fidgets with her sleeve. "I can still smell him." she says in a low tone, disgusted from the memory.

"Would you like to take a break Ms. Young? Could I get you a coffee- or water?"

She looks at Upton with a quick smile. Careful to not take her frustration out on him and nods.

"I'm Fine, thanks. Let's keep going."

"As you wish ma'am. Number Three please Officer."

When he walks in, my eyes narrow and my jaw clenches, seeing only red. As Liv is forming her sentence, "That's hi-." I've already yanked the door open, pushing through the hall. Officer McCall grabs my shirt, pulling me back, but the adrenaline pumping in my core allows me to jerk free. Lunging forward, I take a handful of his neatly tucked collared shirt, there is no hesitation in my actions. My fist smashes into his face, causing his skin to rip along his cheek bone, blood splatters against my face as I continue to assault him the way he assaulted Livi. Muffled voices shout my name from the hall, but I can't stop. I can't look away. It takes three officers to pull me from this worthless man.

"They aren't here to save you this time!" I growl as I spit in his bloody face. "Fuck you, dad."

"Book Scott Carr for assault and battery against Ms. Young" Upton shouts over the commotion I stirred up.


"Upton! Wait!" I yell as the officers take me to what I assume is a holding cell in the opposite direction "That's not Scott, that's Jason Pectin!" McCall stops, shifting me to face Upton.

"No?" he says in a question, quickly flipping open the crisp manilla folder.

"You're mistaken, his I.D. says Scott M. Carr. Resides in Albany, Louisiana."

"It's wrong, I know my father's face, Scott is dead- and that worthless man," I gesture as best I can with my hands cuffed, lifting an elbow, "is my fucking father."

Thankfully, Detective Upton, was pretty understanding of my outburst at the precinct, but decided to hold me for an hour for safety measures. Abbie would be here soon anyways to pick me up, Alivia wasn't expecting to get stuck here, while they debated on filing paper work on me for pushing a cop. She had a shift at the Cafe so I let her use my car. I stand and press my head to the cell bars when I hear multiple sets of footsteps and murmurs rounding the corner.

"Well, don't you look hot behind bars." Abbie teases.

"Abbie!" a shuttle of relief sweeps over me as Upton unlocks the cell door. "Thanks for coming."

"I'll take this one off your hands Detective." tossing me a wink, followed by a bursting giggle as I lift her up, bringing her face even to mine. Greeting her with a peck.

"Sure, thing ma'am" he chuckles. "I'll give you two a second. But stop by my office before you leave. I've been looking into Jason's file and I was hoping you both could fill in some gaps." Keeping his word, he turns on his heel walking back to his office to give us a minute.

"Jason? here? He did this?" Concern washes over Abbie's once cheery face as her eyes franticly search mine for answers. "So, this is my fault? Liv was assaulted because of me?"

"What, no!" I reach for Abbie, pulling her head to my chest. As she buries her face in my shirt, tucking her hands under my shoulder. It's low but I hear her whisper. "It was supposed to be me." with a sniffle.

There printed on the frosted glass of the framed oak door reads: Detective Sean Upton. We knock before entering, but Sean is already lifting from his leather chair, greeting us to take a seat. But we both option to stand.

"Uh, Right, I'll get right to it, Jason is in holding and expected to be transported as soon as tomorrow." He goes silent as he flips through the open file before resuming. "Would you have any idea why your father would want to harm Ms. Young?"

"He came for me." Abs speaks up, taking a step forward before continuing. "He murdered my dad, Scott, almost two years ago, and somehow he must of followed me here to do the same to me."

Upton removes his glasses, shifting in his seat. "Murder?" he clears his throat, almost hesitant to say more.

"Ms. Carr, Scott isn't dead. Jason used his old I.D. We're holding him for assault- attempted murder at best for Ms. Young and Identify Theft for Scott. I ran his date of birth in our database, shows he renewed his license in Arkansas six months ago." He ruffles through the papers, pulling a printed copy of his license.

"Take a look."

Scott M. Carr, Camden, Arkansas, 71701. Issued April 25th, 2020. His hair was styled in a longer cut than I remember, the once dark brown curls now painted with subtle salt and pepper streaks. His cheeks look fuller, proof that he must be eating well. and the crow's feet near his smiling brown eyes show he is happy and sober. It's him. Alive.

Both sitting now, the room is hushed as we gape into his file. Finally managing to focus back to Detective Upton, we answer some questions and fill in the gaps for Sean's timeline. He informs us that once he is complete with Alivia's case, he would be reaching out to Scott for a statement about his stolen I.D. and asked Abbie if it were alright to give him her contact information.

"Would you mind telling Ms. Young, Alivia, not to worry and the rest easy. I'm not leaving until Jason is transported. An-and to call me if she needs anything."

Need anything?

The bone chilly wind whisks through the alleyways on nearby business closing shop for the evening as we walk to the car parked across the now empty street. Getting into the cold car, I quickly turn on the ignition and open the vents, blasting the heat, before turning to face Abs.

"I think Sean likes Livi!"

 But her piercing eyes shock me, as if burning for me. Full of desire. She bites her bottom lip, before crawling over the console in one swift motion. Resting her hips on my growing denim jeans, her mid-length waves fall against my face as she leans in and begins to nibble at my ear before planting a kiss to my lips. My tongue slips into her mouth and she lets out a heavy breath laced with gentle, barely audible moan. Holy fuck. That noise. She pulls back, removing her shirt and jacket, revealing her smooth and radiant skin. My eyes following her every movement in a trance, watching as her hair cascades down framing her gorgeous bust. How the lighting from the dim ally illuminates the organic lines and curves of her shoulders, collar bones, and hips. How could someone as perfect as she, want anything to do a short-tempered man like me? She leans to her right with a smile, crouching near the driver door. What the hell is she doing? And my body tenses as the seat falls back, nearly laying me flat. She grips my shirt, falling into me with laughter before rolling the seat back and lowering her body to the floorboard, leaving a trail of deep kisses and soft nibbles down my abdomen.

She breaks movement looking into my eyes as if begging me to watch, as she tugs at my jeans. Holy fuck. But how could I ever look away. She licks the length of my erection, before placing her hot mouth along the tip. My head falls back, and my eyes flutter closed, as I grab her hair firm yet, with mercy from the roots. As she bobs her head, I feel myself lifting from the seat, until a peace takes over my body. Holy Fuck. She quickly covers me with her shirt, soaking the fabric with each pulse. She moves back to the passenger seat, zipping up her jacket with a satisfied grin.

Buckling her seatbelt, "Let's go home."


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