young forever // elite 3.

By MaryBravo200

53.9K 1.7K 182

In which a student of Las Encinas takes on love, friendships, betrayals and death for the last time. Netflix... More

// young forever //
// playlist //
// prologue //
// one //
// two //
// three //
// four //
// five //
// six //
// seven //
// eight //
// nine //
// ten //
// eleven //
// twelve //
// thirteen //
// fourteen //
// fifteen //
// seventeen //
// eighteen //
// nineteen //
// twenty //
// twenty-one //
// twenty-two //
// twenty-three //
// twenty-four //
// twenty-five //
// twenty-six //
// twenty-seven //
// twenty-eight //
// twenty-nine //
// thirty //
// thirty-one //
// thirty-two //
// thirty-three //
// thirty-four //
// thirty-five //
// epilogue //
// the end //

// sixteen //

1K 46 5
By MaryBravo200

•Who Do You Love•



V A L E N T I N E' S D A Y felt extremely and undoubtedly different. Reina tried to be positive, knowing it wasn't just her own fault she was a bitter lonely girl, without a pair to accompany her on such a romantic celebration.

The Ojeda female tried to tell herself that she was fine, that she didn't need a boyfriend to be happy, but it wasn't easy to see someone she truly loved be with someone else. Sure, Valerio hurt her, he cheated on her, knowing damn well this was what Reina would have a very difficult time forgetting, but she still loved him. Reina wanted to kiss him, for him to hold her as they'd do nothing but be with each other, comfortable and in love.

The truth was messier, though, and Reina couldn't forget Valerio's dismissal of her. Reina still couldn't believe he'd choose Cayetana and Polo over her, but it wasn't like Reina didn't push the guy away. She didn't want to be regretful, she had every right to be mad at Valerio, but seeing couples in every corner of Las Encinas did have its own affect on the redhead as she continued to walk towards the class.

Las Encinas took their celebrations seriously, heart shaped balloons on walls, red and pink with a bunch of other decorations that started to annoy Reina's eyes. She continued to walk, looking at couples, way closer to each other than during normal school days. Reina thought it was funny how one day of societal forced affection changed everyone, but love did hang in the air so whatever it was teenagers loved Valentine's Day.

Reina pouted as she continued to walk, seeing a guy raise a girl up as she yelped, trying to bring her lifted skirt back down as others laughed. The redhead scoffed under her breath, not looking where she has heading anymore until she bumped into someone, the person's cologne too familiar and tempting.

"Whoah," Polo mused in surprise when a certain redhead, who was usually keen on avoiding him, bumped straight into his chest, coming face to face. Reina felt her body boil, a touch with Polo overdriving her brain as he still held onto her arm, which he grabbed onto so she wouldn't make him fall.

Reina wanted to move, hell, she wanted to fly away, but maybe it was the damned love day and the sentiment of a human touch, which wouldn't let her move, her cheeks burning as she stared at Polo's blue eyes. "Sorry," Polo smiled unconsciously, reluctantly letting go of the redhead because Cayetana was right next to him, already aware of both of their reactions to Reina's doomed destiny.

The redhead continued to burn, for a small second forgetting she was supposed to avoid Polo and what she felt. She felt like life loved to laugh at her, why did it have to be Polo out of all people she bumped into? The more Reina wanted to ignore the guy, the closer life seemed to pull them together, and Reina hated it. "No, I'm sorry," Reina tried to ignore Polo's sparkling eyes, it's been a while she saw him look so genuine, and realizing it was his reaction to her didn't help her case.

Reina then walked away in a hurry, cursing inaudibly as Polo continued to watch her walk away quickly, Cayetana lingering her eyes on Polo, but his could only linger on the redhead.

The Ojeda female took another turn, hoping Valerio wouldn't show up all of a sudden as well, but to her luck she saw Guzman and Ander by their lockers, no people by their side since Guzman was single and Omar did not attend Las Encinas. "Oh, thank God!" Reina mused, placing her hands on each of their backs, smiling at them dully. "I'm suffocating. It's Valentine's Day and I'm single as a toothpick..."

Guzman grinned, closing a locker to face the redhead, who looked fed up with something, and yet her cheeks continued to blush immensely. "Ignore them," he advised as if it was this easy, not knowing what Reina already experienced with a person Guzman hated.

Ander chuckled and closed his locker as well, joining in Guzman's advise. "Yeah, you don't need no man," he sassed gently, Reina tilting her head to a side as Ander wrapped an arm around her shoulders, such move warming Reina. "Let's go to class."

Reina exhaled and nodded, but Guzman wasn't quick to let them go, turning to the ex-couple, now turned to best friends, still soulmates. "Ander," the blond mused before speaking. "I think... you should lay off Omar a bit."

The redhead didn't have to ask what happened to know Ander was probably pushing Omar away because of his leukemia, the girl frowning as Ander stiffed next to her, still listening to his best friend. "Why?" the guy asked curiously, Guzman smiling as Reina looked at the blond gently, realizing he truly changed during the past year.

"Do you know how lucky you are to have someone who's always there for you?" Guzman asked gently, Reina placing her head on Ander's shoulder to support the boy, but also she agreed with Guzman, knowing she blew her chance with Valerio, what to talk about Polo. "Don't blow it, dude."

Ander listened with a face before nodding so Reina moved to walk to class, the guy following as he still held his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "Since when is Guzman so sentimental?" she asked quietly, noticing Guzman talk with Lu. Ander didn't answer and mused, suddenly feeling pained. "Hey... You'll be fine."

Reina then unwrapped his arm, knowing his muscles were aching even if it was a simple position to hold onto. She fixed his jacket so Ander chuckled all of a sudden, not even upset anymore. "It's like nothing has changed."

The redhead blushed slightly, patting his cheek playfully. "I don't have a Valentine so sorry if I'm being clingy," she joked dryly and went to sit, Ander smiling and sitting next to her.

The lesson started, but Reina had a difficult time focusing, having to sit in the same class as Valerio. She tried to make sense of what was being said, but her mind traveled to different places, somewhere nicer and warmer, and after thinking about it Reina began to daydream.

Reina found herself in the countrysides of Italy, owning a farmhouse as she grew a huge garden, similar to what Mateo had in his backyard. She was happy there, had her family and friends, she had a man who loved her. Whether it was Valerio or someone else Reina didn't know, but the feeling lingered on someone nice and supportive.

It has been a while Reina had imagined her future like this, but it didn't mean it wasn't nice. On the contrary, Reina felt like she had found her old self again, but a better version. The girl smiled to herself gently, Ander confused as to what she was thinking about.

Suddenly, all of her positive thoughts got replaced with Azucena entering the class, apologizing to the teacher for interrupting. Her eyes landed on Rebeca, who sat in the front with Samuel, the woman holding a paper of some sort. "Rebeca, would you come, please?" the woman asked gently, Reina getting a bad feeling.

Rebeca seemed hesitant, but did stand up and followed the principal out of class, Reina watching and hearing since they didn't the close the door. "Whatever you have to say, you can say it here," Rebeca mused as Reina watched them through the window, curious and yet extremely worried since nothing good ever came out of these talks.

"The Parents Association has made things very difficult," Azucena began reluctantly, clearly disliking what she had to say. "The charges against your mom are serious, and the school's reputation is at risk."

"You're kicking me out, right?" Rebeca caught on pretty quickly, Reina overhearing as she glanced at Ander's worried face, the guy listening in as well.

Azucena frowned, noticing the sadness Rebeca possessed upon realizing what this talk was about. "We'll offer you the chance to drop out voluntarily. Your record won't be tarnished."

Rebeca snickered sarcastically, looking at Ander's mother in disdain. "Shit... How thoughtful!"

Azucena extended the paper, causing Rebeca to look at it as Reina stared at them through the window, thinking of ways she could help Rebeca, even calling her dad, who she's been ignoring after what she saw. "You just have to sign this document."

Rebeca took it as Reina cursed under her breath, wanting to help her friend, who looked extremely upset. Reina watched Rebe take the blank and read then close it and shake her head. "No. Kick me out," Rebeca sneered lowly, staring at Azucena's surprised face. "Let the whole fucking school know. Let everyone from here to China know that when a rich kid's dad went to jail, he didn't get kicked out!"

Samuel was quick to jump out of his seat the second Rebeca raised her voice, Reina listening to the usually calm brunette girl go off louder as she spoke about the unfairness their school possessed. Azucena tried to calm the girl down, but Rebeca had no boundaries when she was being treated unfairly. "What's going on?" Samuel asked so Azucena tried to bring him back to class.

"Let fucking everyone know that I'm getting kicked out!" Rebeca exclaimed, her tone mixing with anger and pain. "But if your moms fund a scholarship, you don't get expelled, even if you're a murderer!"

More and more people started to walk out, Azucena seeing her son and Reina in the hallway as well as they all listened, rallying to help Rebeca, who looked the angriest Reina had ever seen her. "You can't expel her," Samuel exclaimed, joining Rebeca's side as Azucena tried to control the whole situation.

Students continued to walk out, ready to be there with Rebeca, who looked like someone had taken away her most prized possession. "We're not. It's voluntary."

Samuel rounded Rebeca and stood next to her, saying something that made Reina agree 100%. "Then, I'm leaving too."


"If she leaves, I leave," Samuel repeated angrily, Rebeca having a hard time containing her tears.

"Me too," Guzman mused seriously.

"So am I," Reina was next, glancing at Rebeca gently so the female started to cry silently, touched to see people take her side over how messed up their system was. Reina knew Alejandro would have a hard time accepting this choice, but Reina didn't care. She wanted to be there for someone who's been there for her, even if it meant she'd have no future.

Ander joined in as well, Nadia, surprisingly, saying that she'd leave too before Valerio rushed out of the class, standing behind Rebeca with a confused face, but taking her side, nevertheless. "And me!" he exclaimed while raising his arm, Reina smiling despite everything. "What's going on?"

The army of students continued to stand in front of Azucena, who looked annoyed this didn't go as planned, but knowing how much everyone had each other's backs, she eventually retreated. "I'll try to talk to the steering committee. Okay?" she exclaimed impatiently, putting herself in more trouble but the students slowly backed down, having won this unfair fight. "Go back to class, please."

Everyone started to go back, Reina approaching a silently crying Rebeca. "My Belle," Reina mused gently, wrapping her arm around Rebeca to lead her back to class.

Rebeca was usually a tough cookie, able to take care of herself, but when she placed her head on Reina's shoulder, the redhead finally saw the soft side she always knew Rebeca secretly had. The girl smiled and the two best friends finally reentered the class, Reina hoping that everything would turn out to be okay.


The ticking of a clock was not appreciated, but this was the only thing Reina could hear as she sat at a kitchen table in front of her parents as they all had awkward dinner, the twins not involved since by Susana this was supposed to be a grown up dinner.

Reina hated every second of the eery silence, because she didn't want to start and they wouldn't either. Alejandro continued to look at his whiskey glass, Susana tapping her long nail on the table, both parents silent so Reina sighed, knowing she hated the ticking a little more than talking to her parents about the recent events. "We need to be quick. I have a party tonight," she began, knowing she still had to get ready for it.

"On a Valentine's Day?" Alejandro questioned curiously, Reina having a hard time looking at him, but when she finally allowed her eyes to settle on her father, the met eyes weren't so cold. If what, he looked regretful of what he was putting Reina through, sad too, because he saw Reina's coldness, something he had thought they already put behind them.

Susana smiled, glancing at her husband as Reina watched the interaction, not realizing she was clenching her fist. "Lucrecia Montesinos is throwing a party tonight, but I think it's nice. I much prefer Reina going out tonight than staying in since..."

"Since I'm single?" Reina cut Susana off, not meaning to be mean to her mother, but she was just so angry and betrayed they'd want to get back together when so little time has passed. Susana closed her mouth and sat straight, watching Reina smile bitterly. The parents saw she was slowly breaking and it was only a matter of time when she'd snap. "I'm going to the party because I want to drink. Maybe... Just maybe I won't be so single tonight, after all. Salvador tells me I should find someone else."

Alejandro scoffed dully, looking off to a side so Reina glanced at her father with a fake smile, suspicious as to why he'd react to that when Salvador had only nice things to say. "Whatever makes you happy," Alejandro then said, throwing Reina off with his still surprising answers.

Susana smiled slightly, Reina nerved, but instead of bursting her bubble, she breathed out and leaned back on the chair, not even touching her mom's made soup. None of them ate anything, clearly this whole dinner charade was just that - a ploy to get Reina to talk. Maybe even agree that it was time for them to get back together, but so far none of the adults knew how to start. "Why not start eating, huh?" Susana questioned so Reina watched both of them take their spoons and dig into the soup, Alejandro glancing at Susana from time to time.

Reina watched the exchange and chuckled breathlessly, shaking her head at how bad they were in this whole matter. "You told me nothing is going on between the two of you," Reina mused to her mother, whose spoon came into an abrupt stop before she could slurp the food. "And yet here we are, eating as a family, both of you scared to tell me what you want to tell me."

Alejandro lowered his cutlery down, facing his daughter's stony face. He knew why she'd react this way, but he truly had different intentions from what Reina thought. Alejandro knew it was his fault and nobody else's as to why Reina would be so against them getting back together. "I wasn't lying," Susana spoke, yet another glance exchange between her and Alejandro driving Reina into more madness. "Ale's here only because we want to clear the air. You're ignoring him, ignoring us when you shouldn't... darling."

Reina furrowed her eyebrows in distaste, like a judge glancing at what her dad would have to say. Alejandro looked uncomfortable by Susana's answer, because he thought it was a different case, but Reina knew them both better than they imagined. Clearly, she knew why this dinner was happening in the first place and it angered her far more than she wanted. "Yes, right," Alejandro agreed hesitantly, looking at Reina with calm eyes. The girl tried to smile, but she grimaced instead, her nerves far more vulnerable than they imagined. "We want to apologize for what you stumbled upon that evening. It wasn't my intention to be so direct, but... It happened and we saw how uncomfortable it made you be. Reina, I don't intend bad, you can still talk to me and trust me."

Reina frowned and looked down, feeling her hands shake slightly. She realized she wanted to leave this conversation as soon as possible, but Alejandro's words dimmed her doubts a little, she didn't finally think he was still manipulating them all. The nagging feeling was still there, nonetheless. "Thank you," she then mused, both parents smiling as if their fight was won when it was merely a brush of a victory. "I was uncomfortable, I am not going to lie. I finally thought I was in a good place, a place where all of us finally broke free from what we used to call a family."

Susana frowned, glancing at her husband, who could only stare at Reina, aware of the trauma he's caused everyone. "I thought I would never see you again and I was content, but your actions... It made me give you a second chance... No, it wasn't even a second chance, it was a hundredth or even more, but it was last, for sure," Reina continued dully, Alejandro not breaking eye contact as she continued to speak. "And here we are dining together, I am talking to you, because your changed actions made me forgive you. You were finally a father I have always wanted."

Alejandro smiled softly, still looking guilty of what he had done in the past. Reina breathed out, not quite done yet. "I was happy mom found a job, something you have forbidden her to do like some barbarian. Gabriela was finally herself and Maria got better or not, I don't know. You know why am I so against you two getting back together?"

Susana frowned even deeper as Alejandro exhaled deeply and nodded his head. "You think I'll manipulate you all again."

Reina had to pause for a moment, the memories of their past dark and still haunting even if Alejandro was a changed man now. The redhead realized that no matter the better tomorrow's, she knew that she would never get rid of the past. Even if she wouldn't hurt as much anymore, her darkest moments with Alejandro would lead her to her last minute on this planet. Alejandro knew so as well and Reina wished he'd regret it to his last day as well. She hoped he would never repeat the pain he had brought on someone of his own blood.

Alejandro frowned when Reina nodded, her eyes slightly glazed, but she held herself with poise, showing her parents that it would take much more to break her. "Yes, but that's not all," Reina commented, having more to add as her parents' falling faces proved Reina that they indeed wanted to get back together. "I'm scared our life will go down the drain again if you two get back together."

"Honey..." Susana trailed off with an uncomfortable chuckle, leaning closer to take Reina's hand, but the redhead took it off of the table, avoiding her parents' looks. "Wait? You think everything bad that happened to us was the fault of our family being together?"

Alejandro looked hurt. "No, I think she thinks everything bad that happened to us was my fault."

Reina raised her eyes up at her father, because it wasn't all just his fault. Sure, a big part, but not all. "No, dad... Yes, I do blame, well, blamed you for most of things, but it wasn't your fault Ander left me... Or Maria got sick, or Valerio cheated on me," she trailed off sadly, her parents quiet and yet hearing what she had to say. "When we were all together, we were all miserable, and I think that misery made us do a lot of bad things. We hurt each other, because we weren't happy. Only when you broke up, only then we changed, so I'm scared that by getting back together everything will fall back into its old mold."

Susana opened her mouth to speak, but Alejandro was quicker. "I understand what you mean," he said seriously, Reina glancing at him discretely. "But I can promise you that I don't intend to repeat my mistakes. You were right, we changed when we parted, a lot of awful things had to happen to me so I could finally realize what I forgot to cherish. Reina, but change is good, we changed for the better."

Susana suddenly took Alejandro's hand in hers, Reina staring at it, her eyes unblinking as the mother continued. "Yes, we changed for the better, and I believe that our family could be-"

"This is all an act, isn't it?" Reina suddenly cut off her mother, her tone angry so Susana grew silent, her hand slipping away from Alejandro's. "You wanted to talk to me to change my mind, because you two are getting back together, aren't you?"

Both people in front of Reina didn't say anything so the girl swallowed a bitter pill and just like that bursted her bubble. "This is stupid!" she raised her voice, feeling betrayed by her parents. "How long has it been since we left him, mom?! Two months at best?!"

Susana tried to speak, but Reina wouldn't let her, angry her mother didn't follow Reina's advise. "My wounds haven't started to heal and you think one smile from him is enough for you to push us back into this family?!" Reina yelled, not hiding her anger. She knew exactly how Rebeca must have felt that moment, anger consuming her whole. "Especially when I told you to do this for yourself and not us! But what I do hear? Family this, family that when the family doesn't even want that! Do you even want to get back with dad if it isn't for this family, mom? Did you talk to the twins, why aren't they are or are they bought so easily?"

"Reina..." Alejandro tried to intervene, but his daughter was his after all.

"No! No, I will not let you play me like some child!" Reina exclaimed, throwing her napkin on the table in frustration and standing up, Susana listening sadly. "Sorry to say this, but you two are idiots to believe I'd be okay with any of this! So little time has passed, I haven't forgiven you fully, dad, I don't even trust you as I should, because if you forgot, you did hurt me to the core. I was broken because of you. Even if you are changing, it's too soon to get back to the way things were. Mom..."

Susana raised her pained eyes up at Reina, the redhead trying not to cry. "If you thought this was best for the family... I'm sorry, it wasn't," Reina whispered as she shook her head. "Fine, get back together, but I will not play a family with you, guys. I once did and it brought me nothing, but pain."

Reina then left the kitchen, trying not to cry as she thought about what she said. The redhead felt a little regretful she was this harsh, she felt slightly selfish, but she was just mad. Mad her father couldn't wait until they'd all heal, mad her mother thought about others first, not putting herself first for once. Sad she herself still couldn't overcome her doubts or trauma.

The redhead headed towards her bedroom, noticing Gabriela and Nora in the twins' bedroom, hugging so Reina realized they must have mended from their recent fight. Reina smiled slightly, happy at least her sister was happy before heading to her bedroom and closing the door.

Reina rested her back against it, sighing as she thought about what was happening. The more she stood by herself, the lonelier she began to feel. She was still so angry inside, because of her parents, who just couldn't stop hurting her, but it didn't compare to having absolutely no one.

Reina thought about Valerio that second. He must have been just as lonely as her, Reina was aware his family disowned him. He was seeking love, that's all he ever wanted to compensate the lack of it from his parents, and Reina once gave it to him. Reina knew he loved her so much, but her mistakes, her secrets pushed him to do what eventually broke them up.

Reina knew it wasn't just her fault, but rather both of theirs. She rested her head on the wooden door, thinking about the guy until smiling. Now everything seemed so idiotic to her, their fights, the way he chased her.

Even if he hurt hurt her, Reina couldn't hate Valerio. She realized hate was a dark emotion to feel and it was what once took a person away from her.

So, realizing it was time for her to get ready for the party, Reina moved away from the door, knowing that even if Valerio gave up on her, she was going to be to take matters into her own hands.

After all, life was too short and she had to try.

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